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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
577. ثو1 578. ثوأ3 579. ثوب20 580. ثوخ7 581. ثور18 582. ثول17583. ثوم11 584. ثوى8 585. ثى1 586. ثيب7 587. ثيتل3 588. ثيخ2 589. ثيل8 590. ج19 591. جأ1 592. جأب7 593. جأر13 594. جأش9 595. جأل7 596. جأن4 597. جاثليق1 598. جام3 599. جاموس2 600. جاه2 601. جاورس2 602. جب7 603. جبأ11 604. جبت12 605. جبذ15 606. جبر21 607. جبرئيل1 608. جبس13 609. جبل21 610. جبن15 611. جبه20 612. جث6 613. جثل11 614. جثم20 615. جح3 616. جحر14 617. جحش16 618. جحظ12 619. جحف17 620. جحفل10 621. جد7 622. جدب14 623. جدث15 624. جدح13 625. جدر20 626. جدع15 627. جدف18 628. جدل20 629. جدو6 630. جدى3 631. جذ5 632. جذب16 633. جذر18 634. جذع18 635. جذف10 636. جذل15 637. جذم18 638. جذمر4 639. جذو11 640. جر7 641. جرأ11 642. جرب17 643. جرث7 644. جرثم11 645. جرح19 646. جرد17 647. جردب7 648. جردبيل1 649. جردق3 650. جردم7 651. جرذ16 652. جرذق3 653. جرذم4 654. جرز20 655. جرس20 656. جرش14 657. جرض10 658. جرع16 659. جرف19 660. جرل10 661. جرم24 662. جرموق1 663. جرن20 664. جرو9 665. جرى7 666. جز5 667. جزأ12 668. جزر17 669. جزع18 670. جزف16 671. جزل15 672. جزم14 673. جزى8 674. جس4 675. جسأ8 676. جسد15 Prev. 100




1 ثَالَ, (T, Sgh, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. ثَوْلٌ, (T,) He (a man, T) was, or became, stupid, foolish, or disordered in his intellect: (K:) or he was, or became, affected with incipient madness or demoniacal possession, not such as had become confirmed. (T, Sgh, K.) You say to a man, when you order him to be stupid and ignorant, ثُلْ ثُلْ. (IAar, Th, T.) b2: And ثَوِلَ, (T, M, Msb, K,) aor. ـْ (T,) inf. n. ثَوَلٌ, (T, M,) He (a man, and any animal,) was, or became, affected with confirmed madness or demoniacal possession: (T:) he (a sheep or goat) was, or became, affected with what is termed ثَوَلٌ, explained below; (M, Msb, K;) as also, accord. to Sb, ↓ اثول; (so in the TT, as from the M;) or ↓ اِثْوَلَّ, inf. n. اِثْوِلَالٌ. (K.) A2: ثال الوِعَآءَ, (Sgh, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. ثَوْلٌ, (TA,) He poured forth what was in the receptacle. (Sgh, K.) 4 أَثْوَلَ see 1.5 تثوّلت النَّحْلُ The bees collected themselves together, and became dense. (M, K.) See also 7. b2: تثوّل عَلَيْهِ He, (a man, TA,) or they, (a company of men, S, M,) assailed him, or overcame him, with reviling (S, M, K) and beating (S, M) and oppressive conduct; (M, K;) as also ↓ انثال. (M.) 7 انثال It poured forth: (K:) or it poured forth at once. (Msb.) انثال عَلَيْهِ التُّرَابُ The dust, or earth, poured forth upon him. (S.) b2: [Hence,] انثال عَلَيْهِ النَّاسُ مِنْ كُلِّ وَجْهٍ The people poured forth upon him, or against him, from every quarter: (S, TA:) or collected themselves together against him: (Msb:) [for] انثالوا also signifies they collected themselves together; and so ↓ تثوّلوا. (TA. [See also 7 in art. ثل.]) b3: See also 5. b4: انثال عَلَيْهِ القَوْلُ (assumed tropical:) Speech suggested itself to him uninterruptedly and abundantly, so that he knew not with what to begin. (M, K.) 9 إِثْوَلَّ see 1.

ثَوْلٌ A number, or collection, or swarm, of bees: (As, T, S, M, K:) or simply bees: (IAar, Th, T:) a word having no proper sing.; (As, T, S, M, K;) and of the fem. gender: (M:) or the male bee; (M, K;) thus Lth explains it; but the right explanation is the first, that of As. (T.) b2: And A company of men. (Ibn-'Abbád, TA.) b3: Also The kind of trees called حَمْض. (M, K.) ثُولٌ a dial. var. of ثِيلٌ, meaning The sheath of the penis of the camel. (Nh, TA.) ثَوَلٌ Madness, or demoniacal possession: (IAar, Th, T:) or madness, (S,) or an affection like madness, (Lth, T, M, K,) [i. e.] a certain disease resembling madness, (Msb,) that befalls a sheep or goat, (Lth, T, S, M, Msb, * K,) in consequence of which the animal will not follow the other sheep or goats, but turns, or goes, round in his place of pasturage: (S, M, K:) or a laxness in the limbs of a sheep or goat; (M, K;) a certain disease that attacks a sheep or goat, occasioning a laxness in the limbs. (IF, Msb.) ثُولُولٌ: see ثُؤْلُولٌ, in art. ثأل.

ثُوِيلة A company, or an assemblage, of men come from detached, or scattered, houses or tents; (S, K; * [in Har p. 261, written ثُوَيْلة; but in the TA, said to be like سَفِينَةٌ, as written in the S and K;]) and of boys, or children; and of camels or the like (مال): mentioned by Yaakoob, on the authority of Aboo-Sá'id. (S.) b2: Also A place in which fresh herbage is, or becomes, collected together. (Th, M, K.) ثَوَّالَةٌ A swarm, or large number, of locusts; (As, T, M, K;) a subst., like جَبَّانَةٌ (M, K) and جَمَّالَةٌ: (M:) or an assemblage of locusts, and of men. (IAar, Th, T.) أَثْوَلُ Mad, or possessed: and stupid, foolish, or disordered in intellect: (M, K:) and, applied to a ram (M, Msb) or he-goat, (S, Msb,) affected by what is termed ثَوَل, explained above; fem.

ثَوْلَآءُ, applied to a ewe (S, M, Msb) or she-goat; (S, Msb;) or this, applied to a ewe or she-goat

&c., signifies mad: (Mgh:) pl. ثُولٌ. (Msb.) b2: Also Slow in aiding, or in aiding against an enemy: and slow in doing good, and in acting: and slow in running: pl. as above. (K.) and ↓ أَثَاولَةٌ, applied to old men, Slow (K, TA) in doing good, or in acting, or in running. (TA.) أَثَاوِلَةٌ: see what next precedes.
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