1 زَمَّهُ, (
aor. ـُ
inf. n. زَمٌّ, (
TA,) He tied, or bound, it: fastened it; or made it fast. (
b2: زَمَّ البَعِيرَ, (
K, &c.,)
aor. and
inf. n. as above, (
TA,) He attached, (
ISk,) or put, (
Mgh,) or tied, or fastened, (
Msb,) to the camel, (
Msb,) the زِمَام [
q. v.], (
Mgh,) or his زِمَام; (
Msb;) he put in the camel's بُرَة, or his خِزَام, [each meaning a nose-ring,] or his خِشَاشَة, [or خِشَاش, a wooden thing fixed in the bone of the nose,] the زِمَام, and tied it, or fastened it, in order to restrain him thereby; (
Har p. 329;)
i. q. خَطَمَهُ: (
K:) and ↓ زَمَّمَ الجِمَالَ [He attached أَزِمَّة (
pl. of زِمَام) to the camels], (
TA,) or الجِمَالُ ↓ زُمِّمَ [The camels had أَزِمّة attached to them]; (
S) with teshdeed because relating to several objects. (
b3: Hence, زَمَّ نَفْسَهُ (assumed
tropical:) He restrained, or withheld, himself. (
Mgh.) And زُمَّتِ الأَلْسِنَةُ (assumed
tropical:) The tongues were restrained, or withheld. (
Har p. 329.) and مَا أَتَكَلَّمَ بِكَلِمَةٍ حَتَّى أَخْطِمَهَا وَأَزُمَّهَا (assumed
tropical:) [I say not a saying until I qualify it to be used with cogency or efficiency]. (
b4: Hence also, (
Mgh,) زَمَّ النَّعْلَ, (
TA,) [
aor. and]
inf. n. as above, (
TA,) (
tropical:) He attached a زِمَام [
q. v.] to the sandal; (
TA;) as also النعل ↓ ازمّ. (
b5: [Hence likewise,] زَمَّ بِأَنْفِهِ, said of a camel, (assumed
tropical:) He raised [his nose, and consequently] his head, by reason of a pain in it. (
K.) And the same phrase, (
K,) said of a man, (
TA,) (assumed
tropical:) He elevated his nose, from pride; (
K;) or he magnified, or exalted, himself; or was proud; (
K; *) as also ↓ اِزْدَمَّ; (
K;) and ↓ زامّ,
inf. n. مُزَامَّةٌ. (
b6: And زَمَّ بِرَأْسِهِ (
tropical:) He raised his head; (
inf. n. as above: (
TA:) [and so زَمَّ رَأْسَهُ: for] you say, أَخَذَ الذِّئْبُ سَخْلَةً
رَأْسَهُ ↓ فَذَهَبَ بِهَا زَامًّا, i. e. (assumed
tropical:) [The wolf took a newborn lamb or kid, and went away with it] raising [his head], (
TA,) or ↓ زَمًّا i. e. raising with it his head: (
TA:) and you say of the wolf, زَمَّهَا and ↓ اِزْدَمَّهَا, both meaning the same, (
K,) i. e. He took it, namely, the new-born lamb or kid, raising his head, or its head, (
accord. to different copies of the
K,) with it. (
b7: زَمَّ القِرْبَةَ, (
inf. n. as above, (
TA,) (
tropical:) He filled the water-skin. (
A2: زَمَّتِ القِرْبَةُ, [
accord. to rule, زَمِّ,]
inf. n. زُمُومٌ, (
tropical:) The water-skin became full: thus the verb is
intrans. as well as
trans. (
b2: And زَمَّ said of a camel's tush, (assumed
tropical:) It rose. (
b3: And (assumed
tropical:) He went forward, or onward; or before, or ahead; (
TA;) as some say, (
TA,) in journeying: (
TA:) in this sense, the
inf. n. is زَمٌّ. (
A3: Also, (
inf. n. زَمٌّ,
TA,) He spoke, or talked. (
b2: One says also of the sparrow, يزمّ بِصَوْتٍ لَهُ ضَعِيفٍ [
app. يَزِمُّ, as it is
intrans., meaning The sparrow chirps with a feeble voice peculiar to it]: and thus do large hornets. (
TA.) 2 زَمَّّ see 1, second sentence, in two places.
3 زَاْمَّ see 1.
A2: You say also, خَرَجْتُ مَعَهُ أُزَامُّهُ, and أُخَازِمُهُ, i. e. أُعَارِضُهُ [meaning (assumed
tropical:) I went forth with him taking a different way from his until we both met in one place: see خَازَمَهُ]. (
TA.) 4 أَزْمَ3َ see 1, in the former half of the paragraph.
7 انزمّ It was, or became, tied, or bound; fastened; or made fast. (
K.) 8 إِزْتَمَ3َ see 1, in the latter half of the paragraph, in two places.
b2: One says also, ازدمّ الشَّىْءَ إِلَيْهِ, meaning (assumed
tropical:) He stretched forth the thing to him. (
Q. 1 زَمْزَمَةٌ [as
inf. n. of زَمْزَمَ, and also as a simple
subst.,] A distant sounding or sound, such as is confused and continued. (
K.) Yousay, of a thing, زَمْزَمَ, meaning It made a distant sound, confused and continued: and سَمِعْتُ زَمْزَمَةً
I heard a distant sound, confused and continued. (
b2: The sounding, or sound, of thunder: (
S:) or the consecutive reiteration of the sound of thunder; which is the best kind of sounding thereof, and the surest symptom of rain. (
K.) One says, الرَّعْدُ يُزَمْزِمُ The thunder sounds with consecutive reiteration. (
Accord. to
AHn, the زَمْزَمَة of thunder is [The sounding thereof] when it is not loud and clear. (
b3: The speaking, or speech, of the Magians, on the occasion of their eating, (
IAth,) with a low voice: (
IAth:) or the gibbering, or uttering gibberish or jargon, one to another, of the Persians, or other foreigners, (تَرَاطُنُ العُلُوجِ,) over their eating, while they are [in a manner] speechless, not making use of tongue nor of lip [so as to articulate]; it being a sound which they roll in their noses and their fauces, but such that they understand one another: (
K:) or زَمْزَمَ, said of a Magian, means He affected, or constrained himself, to speak, on the occasion of eating, while closing his mouth: whence the saying, وَانْهَوْهُمْ عَنِ الزَّمْزَمَةِ [And forbid ye them from the affecting, &c.]. (
b4: The crying [or roaring], or the cry [or roar], of the lion. (
K.) You say of him, زَمْزَمَ [He cried, or roared]. (
b5: It is also [The uttering, or utterance, of a sound, or of the voice,] from the chest, when it is not clear. (
b6: Also The crying [or whinnying or neighing], or the cry [or neigh], of the horse: [see مُزَمْزِمٌ:] so in the saying, حَوْلَ الصِّلِّيَانِ الزَّمْزَمَةُ [Around the صلّيان (a kind of plant, or herbage,) is whinnying or neighing]: (
Meyd:) this is a
prov., applied to a man who hovers round about a thing, and does not make apparent his desire: (
TA:) or to a man who is served for the sake of his wealth: (
Meyd:) the صلّيان is one of the most excellent kinds of pasture: and the
prov. means that the cries and clamour that one hears are for the desire of what is to be eaten and enjoyed:
Z says, (
TA,) the صلّيان is cut for the horses that do not quit the tribe; (
TA;) and they neigh, or whinny, (تُزَمْزِمُ, and تُحَمْحِمُ,) around it: (
TA:) some relate it otherwise, saying حَوْلَ الصُّلْبَانِ [around the crosses],
pl. of صَلِيبٌ; and الزَّمْزَمَةُ [they say] means the crying, or cry, of the worshipper thereof. (
A2: زَمْزَمَ also signifies He kept, guarded, or took care of, a thing. (
b2: And زَمْزَمْتُ المَالَ,
inf. n. زَمْزَمَةٌ, I collected together the cattle, or property, and drove back, or put back, the outer ones, or outer portions, of what had become scattered thereof. (
Q. 2 تَزَمْزَمَ, said of a camel, He brayed;
syn. هَدَرَ. (
K. [See also
Q. 1, which has nearly the same meaning.])
b2: تَزَمْزَمَتْ بِهِ شَفَتَاهُ His lips moved with it. (
TA.) زَمٌّ [an
inf. n. used in the sense of an
act. part. n.]: see زَامٌّ:
b2: and see also 1, in the latter half of the paragraph.
زَمَم is thought by
ISd to be used only as an adv.
n.: (
TA:) [but see what follows.] وَجْهِى زَمَمَ بَيْتِهِ means My face is towards his house. (
K.) An Arab of the desert said, لَا وَالَّذِى وَجْهِى زَمَمَ بَيْتِهِ مَا كَانَ كَذَا وَكَذَا, meaning [No, by Him] towards whose house [is my face, it was not thus and thus, or such and such things did not happen]. (
b2: One says also, دَارِى مِنْ دَارِهِ زَمَمٌ, (
S,) or دَارِى زَمَمَ دَارِهِ, (
TA, in the
CK زَمَمُ,) (
tropical:) My house is near to his house. (
b3: and أَمْرُهُمْ زَمَمٌ (assumed
tropical:) Their affair, or case, is conformable to the just mean; like أَمَمٌ: (
K:) or easy, not exceeding the due measure, bound, or limit. (
TA.) زِمَامٌ A thing with which one ties or binds, fastens, or makes fast: (
K:) meaning [the noserein of a camel; i. e.] the cord that is tied to the بُرَة [or خِزَام, each meaning nose-ring of a camel], or to the خِشَاش [or wooden thing fixed in the bone of the nose], and to which, (
TA,) i. e. to the end of which, (
TA,) is tied the مِقْوَد [or leading-rope]: (
TA:) and (afterwards,
Msb) also applied to the مِقَوْد (
TA) itself: (
pl. أَزِمَّةٌ. (
K.) [See also خِطَامٌ.] It is said in a
trad., لَا زِمَامَ وَلَا خِزَامَ فِى الإِسْلَامِ [There shall be no nose-rein nor nosering by which to lead a man in El-Islám]: meaning a practice of the devotees of the Children of Israel, who used to attach rings and reins to the noses, like as is done to the she-camel in order that she may be led thereby. (
b2: [Hence,] زِمَامُ الأَمْرِ (assumed
tropical:) That by means of which the thing, or affair, subsists, and is conducted, or managed, and ordered. (
TA.) And أَلْقَى فِى يَدِهِ زِمَامَ أَمْرِهِ (assumed
tropical:) [He put in his hand, or power, the means of conducting his affair, or the conduct of his affair]: and يُصَّرِفُ أَزِمَّةَ الأُمُورِ (assumed
tropical:) [He disposes as he pleases the various means of conducting the affairs]. (
TA.) And هُوَ عَلَى زِمَامٍ مِنْ أَمْرِهِ (assumed
tropical:) He is on the point of accomplishing his affair. (
TA.) and النَّاقَةُ زِمَامُ الإِبِلِ (assumed
tropical:) [The she-camel is the leader of the other camels]: said when she goes before them. (
TA.) And هُوَ زِمَامُ قَوْمِهِ (assumed
tropical:) [He is the leader of his people, or party]: and هُمْ أَزِمَّةٌ قَوْمِهِمْ (assumed
tropical:) [They are the leaders of their people, or party]. (
TA.) [See also De Sacy's Chrest. Arabe, sec. ed., i. 261 and 503; and see Quatremère's Hist. des Sultans Mamlouks, vol. i., sec. part, pp. 65 and 66.]
b3: زِمَامُ النَّعْلِ (assumed
tropical:) [The زمام of the sandal] is the thing to which the شِسْع is attached, or tied: (
S:) or the thong that is between the middle toe and that next to it, to which the شِسْع is attached, or tied: [but for the latter of these explanations, it seems that we should read the thong that is between the middle toe and that next to it: or the thong to which the شِسْع is attached, or tied: the شِسْع being the thong that passes through the sole, and between two of the toes, and to which the شِرَاك is attached: for it appears that the term زِمَام is applied by some to the thong called by others the شِرَاك, extending between the leg and the toes: and by some, to what is called by others the شِسْع, or قِبَال: to the latter as being likened to the cord that is tied to the camel's nose-ring; and to the former as being likened to the leading-rope which is tied to that cord: it being] a
metaphorical term, from the زِمَام of the camel: (
Mgh:) it is [said to be] the thong lies upon the back [meaning upper side] of the foot, [extending] from, or [consisting] of, the fore part of the شِرَاك, lengthwise: [for the term شِرَاك (
q. v.) is sometimes used in a larger sense than that above assigned to it:] or it is like the قِبَال, [which is
expl. in the same manner as the شِسْع, i. e., as] being between the middle toe and that next to it: (
Har p. 539:) [and thus it is
expl. by
J and
Mtr and
F in another art.;] the قِبَال of the sandal is its زِمَام, (
S, and
Mgh and
K in art. قبل,) i. e. its thong which is (
Mgh in that art.) between the middle toe and next to it. (
S and
Mgh and
K in that art.) زَمَّمٌ or زَمَّمُ: see زَمْزَمٌ.
زُمَّامٌ Tall herbs, (
K,) rising above such as are termed لُعَاع. (
TA.) زَمْزَمٌ Copious, or abundant, water; as also ↓ زُمَازِمٌ: (
K:) [or] the latter, (
TA,) [and
app. the former also,] and ↓ زُمَزِمٌ, (IKh,
TA,) and ↓ زَمْزَامٌ, (
TA,) brackish water; i. e. such as is between salt and sweet. (IKh,
b2: Also, (
accord. to some copies of the
S and
K,) or زَمْزَمُ, (
accord. to other copies of the same, and
accord. to the
Msb,) imperfectly
decl., because of the
fem. gender and a proper name, (
Msb,) the name of The well of Mekkeh, (so in a copy of the
S and in the
Msb,) or a certain [celebrated] well in Mekkeh, (so in another copy of the
S,) [i. e.] a certain well adjacent to the Kaabeh; (
K;) so called [because its water is somewhat brackish, or] because of the copiousness of its water; (
JM;) as also ↓ زُمَزِم [i. e. زُمَزِمٌ or زُمَزِمُ], (
TA,) and ↓ زُمَازِمٌ [or زُمَازِمُ], and ↓ زَمَّمٌ or زَمَّمُ, (
accord. to different copies of the
K,) the last (زَمَّم) on the authority of
IAar. (
TA.) The names of this well, collected from trads. and lexicons, have been found to amount to more than sixty. (
b3: زَمْزَم [with or without tenween] is also the name of A celebrated well at El-Medeeneh, which is regarded as a means of obtaining a blessing, and the water of which is drunk and transported [like that of the more celebrated well of the same name at Mekkeh]. (
A2: زَمْزَمٌ or زَمْزَمُ (
accord. to different copies of the
S, [used by a poet with tenween, but probably by poetic license, for it is
app. a
fem. proper name, and therefore imperfectly
decl.,]) is also A name of, or for, a she-camel, like عَيْطَل. (
S.) زِمْزِمٌ: see زِمْزِمَةٌ, in two places.
زُمَزِمٌ or زُمَزِمُ: see زَمْزَمٌ, in two places.
زَمْزَمَةٌ [
inf. n. of
Q. 1 (
q. v. passim); and also used as a simple
subst., of which the
pl. is زَمَازِمُ]. You say رَعْدٌ ذُو زَمَازِمَ and هَدَاهِدَ [Thunder having confused and continued, or murmuring, sounds, heard from a distance]. (
TA.) And زَمَازِمُ النَّارِ The sounds of the blazing of fire. (
TA.) زِمْزِمَةٌ A company, or collection, (
K,) of men, (
TA,) whatever it be: (
TA:) or any collection; as also زمزوم [i. e. ↓ زُمْزُومٌ]: (
Ham p. 233:) or fifty, (
K,) and thereabout, (
TA,) of camels, and of men; (
K;) as also ضِمْضِمَةٌ; (
TA;) neither of which words is formed by substitution from the other: (
pl. زمازم [i. e.
زَمَازِمُ], (
Ham ubi suprà,) and [
coll. gen. n.] ↓ زِمْزِمٌ, (
S, *
TA,) occurring in the saying of a rájiz, (
S,) Aboo-Mohammad El-Fak'asee, (
TA,) إِذَا تَدَانِى زِمْزِمٌ مِنْ زِمْزِمِ [When companies draw near to companies]. (
TA.) Also A distinct number of jinn, or genii: or of beasts of prey. (
K.) And A herd of camels among which are no young ones, or little ones; and so ↓ زِمْزِيمٌ: (
K:) or,
accord. to EshSheybánee, ↓ زِمْزِمٌ and ↓ زِمْزِيمٌ signify large, big, or bulky, camels. (
S.) سَحَابٌ زَمْزَامٌ Clouds thundering, but not loudly and clearly. (
TA.) [
Accord. to one passage in the
TA, زَمْزَامٌ seems to be
expl. by IKh as meaning Thundering much: but the passage appears to be incorrectly transcribed.]
b2: See also زَمْزَمٌ.
زُمْزُومٌ The best, or excellent, or choice, of camels: or a hundred thereof. (
K.) And The best of a people; (
TA;) the choice, best, or most excellent, portion thereof: in one copy of the
K, [and so in the
CK,] شَرُّهُمْ is put in the place of سِرُّهُمْ. (
b2: See also زِمْزِمَةٌ.
زِمْزِيمٌ: see زِمْزِمَةٌ, last sentence, in two places.
زُمَازِمٌ or زُمَازِمُ: see زَمْزَمٌ, in two places.
زَامٌّ [
act. part. n. of زَمَّ]. زَأَمَّهَا [meaning Attaching a زِمَام to her] occurs used by poetic license for زَامَّهَا, because of the concurrence of two quiescent letters; like اِسْوَأَدَّتْ for اِسْوَادَّتْ. (
b2: (assumed
tropical:) Magnifying, or exalting, himself; or elevating his nose, from pride: (
TA:) [and in like manner ↓ زَمٌّ:] one says, زَأَيْتُهُ زَمًّا (assumed
tropical:) I saw him magnifying, or exalting, himself, &c., not speaking: (
pl. of the former زُمَّمٌ. (
b3: See also 1, in the latter half of the paragraph.
b4: Also,
accord. to El-Harbee, applied to a man, (assumed
tropical:) Fearing, or afraid;
syn. فَزِعٌ. (
TA.) زِيزَمٌ: see what next follows.
زِيزِيمٌ a word imitative of The low, or faint, sound of the jinn, or genii, that is heard by night in the deserts; (
TA in this art. and in art. زيم;) and so ↓ زِيزَمٌ: (
K * and
TA in art. زيم:) Ru-beh says, تَسْمَعُ لِلْجِنِّ بِهِ زِيزِيمَا [Thou hearest therein a low, or faint, sound of the jinn by night]. (
TA.) الإِزْمِيمُ One of the nights called لَيَالِى المُحَاقِ [meaning the last three nights of the lunar month]. (
b2: And The decrescent moon in the last part of the [lunar] month, (
K,) when it becomes slender and bow-shaped: Dhu-r-Rummeh uses it in this sense without the article ال: and
Th says that إِزْمِيمٌ is one of the names of the [moon when it is termed] هِلَال. (
TA.) إِبِلٌ مُزَمَّمَةٌ: see what next follows.
بَعِيرٌ مَزْمُومٌ A camel having a زِمَام attached to him;
syn. مَخْطُومٌ: and ↓ إِبِلٌ مُزَمَّمَةٌ camels having أَزِمَّة attached to them;
syn. مُخَطَّمَةٌ. (
TA.) فَرَسٌ مُزَمْزِمٌ فِى صَوْتِهِ A horse quavering, or trilling, his voice, [or whinnying or neighing,] and prolonging it. (