1 غَفَرَهُ,
aor. ـِ (
inf. n. غَفْرٌ, (
Msb,) He covered, veiled, concealed, or hid, it; (
K;) i. e., anything. (
TA.) This is the primary signification. (
b2: [Hence]
غَفَر الشَّيْبَ بِالخِضَابِ He covered, or concealed, the white, or hoary, hair with dye; (
K;) as also ↓ أَغْفَرَهُ. (
b3: And غَفَرَ المَتَاعَ, (
K,) فِى
الوِعَآءِ, (
K,) He put the goods, or utensils, into the bag, or receptacle, and concealed them; (
K;) as also ↓ اغفرهُ. (
b4: [Hence also] غَفَرَ لَهُ ذَنْبَهُ, (
Msb, *
aor. ـِ (
inf. n. مَغْفَرِةٌ, (
K,) or this is a simple
subst., (
Msb,) and غُفْرَانٌ and غَفْرٌ (
K) and غُفُورٌ (
K) and غَفِيرٌ and غَفِيرةٌ, (
K,) He (God) covered, his sin, crime, or offence; (
K;) forgave it; pardoned it; (
K;) as also ذَنْبَهُ ↓ اغتفر, (
S,) or اغتفر لَهُ مَا صَنَعَ he forgave him what he had done: (
Msb:) or غُفْرَانٌ and مَغْفِرَةٌ, on the part of God, signify the preserving a man from being touched by punishment: and sometimes غَفَرَ لَهُ signifies [he forgave him, or pardoned him: and also] he forgave him, or pardoned him, apparently, but not really; and thus it is used in the
Kur xlv. 13,
accord. to the
B. (
As an
ex. of the last of the
inf. ns. mentioned above on the authority of the
K, the following saying, of a certain Arab, is cited: أَسْأَلُكَ الغَفِيرَهْ وَالنَّاقَةَ الغَزيِرَهْ وَالعِزَّ فِى العَشِيرَهْ فَإِنَّهَا عَلَيْكَ يَسِيرَهْ [I beg of Thee (O God) forgiveness, and a she-camel abounding in milk, and might among the kinsfolk, or in the tribe, for they are to Thee things easy]. (
TA.) [See also the paragraph commencing with غَفِيرَةٌ.]
b5: In the following saying of Zuheyr, the verb is used tropically: أَضَاعَتْ فَلَمْ تُغْفَرْ لَهَا غَفَلَاتُهَا meaning [She lost her young one, and] her acts of negligence with respect to her young one were not forgiven her, by the wild beasts, so they ate it. (
b6: ↓ غَفَرَ الأَمْرَ بِغُفْرَتِهِ, (
S, *
K,) and ↓ بِغَفِيرَتِهِ, (
aor. ـِ (
S,) [
lit. He covered the affair with its cover,] means (assumed
tropical:) he rectified the affair with that wherewith it was requisite that it should be rectified. (
K.) [And ↓ اغتفرهُ perhaps signifies the same: see مُرْتَأَبٌ, in art. رأب.]
A2: غَفِرَ,
aor. ـَ (
inf. n. غَفَرٌ, (
S,) It (a garment, or piece of cloth,) became villous; as also ↓ اغفارّ, (
inf. n. اِغْفِيرَارٌ. (
A3: غَفَرَ, (
aor. ـِ
inf. n. غَفْرٌ, (
S,) It (a wound) became recrudescent; or reverted to a bad, or corrupt, state; (
K;) as also غَفِرَ, [of which see another meaning in what follows,]
aor. ـَ
inf. n. غَفَرٌ. (
S.) And in like manner the former is said of a sick person: (
S:) [i. e.] غَفَرَ signifies likewise He (a sick person) relapsed into disease, after convalescence; as also غُفِرَ: (
TA:) and in like manner one says of a wounded person. (
TA.) and [hence,
app.,] it is also said of an excessive lover, meaning He experienced a return of his desire, (
TA,) after consolation. (
b2: غَفِرَ said of a wound signifies also It healed: thus having two
contr. meanings. (
A4: غَفَرَ الجَلَبُ السُّوقَ, (
aor. ـِ
inf. n. غَفْرٌ, (
TA,) meansرَخَّصَهَا [more correctly أَرْخَصَهَا i. e. The beasts, or other things, brought thither for sale, made the market cheap]. (
TA.) 2 غفّرهُ He said غَفَرَ اللّٰهُ لَهُ [May God cover his sins, &c.; may God forgive him, or pardon him]. (
TA, from a
trad.) 4 اغفر: see 1, in two places.
A2: أَغْفَرَتْ It (land) produced somewhat of غَفَر, meaning small herbage: (
TA:) [i. e.] it produced herbage like the nap of cloth. (
TA. *)
b2: And It (land) produced its مَغَافِير [
pl. of مُغْفُورٌ,
q. v.]. (
TA.) And اغفر It (the [species of tree, or shrub, called] رِمْث,
S, and the عُرْفُط, [&c.,]
TA) exuded, or produced, its مَغَافِير. (
A3: Also, i. e. اغفرت, [from غُفْرٌ,
q. v.,] She (a mountaingoat) had a young one, or young ones. (
A4: And اغفر النَّخْلُ The palm-tress had, upon their unripe dates, what resembled bark, or crust; (
TA;) which the people of El-Medeeneh term الغَفَا [or الغَفَى]. (
TA.) 5 تغفّر and ↓ تَمَغْفَرَ He gathered what is called مِغْفَر and مُغْفُور [see the latter of these two words]. (
K.) He who says مُغْفُور says ↓ خَرَجْنَا نَتَمَغْفَرُ, and he who says مِغْفَر says خرجنا نَتَغَفَّرُ, We went forth to gather مغفور, or مغفر, from its trees. (
S.) 6 تغافرا They two prayed for the covering of sins, &c., or for forgiveness, or pardon, each for the other. (
TA.) 8 إِغْتَفَرَ see the first paragraph, in two places.
10 استغفر اللّٰهَ, (
Msb,) and استغفر اللّٰه مِنْ ذَنْبِهِ, (
K,) and لِذَنْبِهِ, (
S,) and ذَنْبَهُ, (
K,) He begged of God forgiveness, or pardon; (
Msb;) he sought of God the covering, or forgiveness, or pardon, of his sin, crime, or offence, (
TA,) by word and by deed; for so God requires one to do; not with the tongue only. (
TA.) 11 إِغْفَاْرَّ see the first paragraph.
Q. Q.2 تَمَغْفَرَ: see 5, in two places.
غَفْرٌ: see غَفَرٌ, in two places.
A2: See also غُفْرٌ.
A3: Also The belly. (
A4: And A certain thing like the [sack called] جُوَالِق. (
A5: And الغَفْرُ is the name of The star λ] in the left foot of Virgo: (
Kzw in his Descr. of Virgo:) or three obscure stars, (
Kzw in his Descr. of the Mansions of the Moon,) or three small stars, (
K,) [most probably, I think, (not φ and ι and κ, as supposed by Freytag, who refers to Ideler's “ Untersuch. ”
pp. 169 and 288, but) ι and κ and λ of Virgo, though said to be] belonging to Libra: (
S:) one of the Mansions of the Moon, (
K,) namely, the Fifteenth. (
Kzw in his Descr. of the Mansions.) غُفْرٌ The young of the mountain-goat; (
K;) as also ↓ غَفْرٌ; but the former is the more common; (
K;) the latter, rare: (
pl. [of pauc.] أَغْفَارٌ and [of mult.] غِفَرَةٌ (
K) and غُفُورٌ: (
K:) the female is termed غُفْرَةٌ: and it is said that غُفْرٌ is an appellation of one and of a
pl. number: the phrase غُفْرٌ كَثِيرٌ is mentioned [as meaning many young ones of the mountain-goat]. (
TA.) غِفْرٌ The young of the cow [probably meaning of the bovine antelope called the wild cow]. (ElHejeree,
b2: And A certain دُوَيْبَّة [by which may be meant a small beast or creeping thing, or an insect]: (
K:) so, says
IDrd, they assert. (
O.) غَفَرٌ (
TA) and ↓ غَفْرٌ (
TA) and ↓ غُفَارٌ (
TA) Hair like down, such as is upon the shank of a woman, and upon the forehead, and the like thereof: (
TA:) or the hair of the neck, and of the jaws, and of the back of the neck; (
TA;) as also ↓ غَفِيرٌ
accord. to the copies of the
K, but
accord. to the
L and other lexicons غَفْرٌ: and the small, short, hairs of the body. (
b2: And غَفَرٌ signifies also The growth of hair in the place of the mane of a horse or similar beast. (
b3: And The nap, or villous substance, upon the surface of a garment, or piece of cloth, (
TA,) and the like thereof; (
TA;) and ↓ غَفْرٌ signifies the same: (
n. un. غَفْرَةٌ [and
app. غَفَرَةٌ]: and غَفَرٌ is also
expl. as signifying the هُدْب [
app. here meaning likewise nap, or pile, or perhaps the unwoven end,] of a garment, or piece of cloth, and [particularly] of the thin and soft sorts of what are termed خَمَائِص and قُطُف [pls. of خَمِيصَةٌ and قَطِيفَةٌ]; but not the extremities of أَرْدِيَة and مَلَاحِف [pls. of رِدَآءٌ and مِلْحَفَةٌ]. (
b4: And Small herbage; (
K:) [or] a sort of small, sprouting herbage, of the [season called]
رَبِيع, growing in plain, or soft, land, and upon the [eminences termed] آكام [
pl. of أَكَمَةٌ]; when green, resembling green passerine birds standing; and when it has dried up, resembling such as are red, not standing. (
TA. *) هُوَغَفِرُ القَفَا means He is one who has [hair such as is termed] غَفَر upon the back of his neck: and هِىَ غَفِرَةُ الوَجْهِ, she is one who has غَفَر upon her face. (
K, *
TA.) غُفْرَةٌ A cover; a thing with which another thing is covered. (
S.) [Hence] one says, غَفَرَ الأَمْرَ بِغُفْرَتِهِ (
K) and ↓ بِغَفِيرَتِهِ (
expl. above: see 1.
غِفْرَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ A good manner of covering, forgiving, or pardoning, sins, &c. (
K.) غُفَارٌ: see غَفَرٌ, first sentence.
غِفَارٌ A certain brand, or mark made with a hot iron, upon the cheek [
app. of a camel]. (
TA.) غَفُورٌ: see غَافِرٌ, in three places.
جَمَّآءُ غَفِيرٌ A helmet that encloses and embraces the whole head. (
AO says, in his “ Book on the Coat of Mail and the Helmet,” that بَيْضَةٌ is a general name for a helmet, which has plates like the bones of the skull, fastened together, edge to edge, by nails. (
b2: جَاؤُوا جَمَّآءَ غَفِيرًا, and الجَمَّآءَ الغَفِيرَ, (
K,) and جَمَّآءَ الغَفِيرِ, and جَمًّا غَفِيرًا, and الجَمَّ الغَفِيرَ, and جَمَّ الغَفِيرِ, and ↓ جَمَّآءَ الغَفِيرَى, and ↓ جَمَّآءَ غَفِيرَةً, and الجَمَّآءَ
↓ الغَفِيرَةَ, and ↓ جَمَّآءَ الغَفِيرَةِ, and ↓ جَمَّ الغَفِيرَةِ, and بِجَمَّآءِ الغَفِيرِ, and ↓ بِجَمَّآءِ الغَفِيرَةِ, (
K,) are phrases meaning They came all together, high and low, none of them remaining behind, and they being many: (
accord. to
Sb, (
K,) it (الجمّآء
S, which is the only form that he mentions,
TA, [or rather the former of these two words,]) is a
subst., (
K,) put in the place of an
inf. n., (
K,) i. e. put in the
accus. case like an
inf. n. of the same meaning, (
TA,) i. e., [as when you say]
مَرَرْتُ بِهِمْ جُمُومًا كَثِيرًا [I passed by them they being very many]: (
K:) it is not a verb, [by which is here meant, as in many other instances, an
inf. n.,] but is put in the
accus. case like an
inf. n. of the same meaning, as when you say جَاؤُونِى جَمِيعًا, and قَاطِبَةً, and طُرًّا, and كَافَّةً, [They came to me all together,] and the article ال is prefixed like as it is prefixed in the saying أَوْرَدَهَا العِرَاكَ, meaning أَوْرَدَهَا عِرَاكًا [He brought them (the camels) to the water all together]: (
Sb says that it is one of those denotatives of state which have the art. ال prefixed, and is
extr.; and that الغفير is an
epithet inseparable from الجمّآء; meaning that you do not say الجمّآء and then be silent: (
TA:) others hold it to be an
inf. n.:
IAmb allows it to be in the
nom. case, on the condition that هُم is understood [before it; i. e., the complete phrase being جَاؤُوا هُمُ الجَمَّآءُ الغَفِيرُ]: and
Ks says that the Arabs put الجمّاء الغفير in the
accus. case فِى التَّمَامِ [i. e. in the case of its occurring after a proposition rendered complete by the mention of the
agent. as when you say جَآءَ القَوْمُ الجَمَّآءَ الغَفِيرَ], and in the
nom. case فِى النُّقْصَانِ [i. e. in the case of its occurring when what precedes it is not a complete proposition, and is only rendered complete by it as the
agent, as when you say جَآءَ الجَمَّآءُ الغَفيِرُ]. (
b3: It is said in a
trad., that Mohammad, being asked by Aboo-Dharr, what was the number of the apostles, answered ثَلٰثُمِائَةٍ وَخَمْسَةَ عَشَرَ جَمَّ الغَفِيرِ, meaning, Three hundred and fifteen: a great number. (
A2: See also غَفَرٌ, first sentence.
غِفَارَةٌ: see مِغْفَرٌ, in three places.
b2: Also A piece of rag worn beneath the مِقْنَعَة [
q. v.], by which a woman preserves it from the oil or grease [on her head]: (
S: [accord to one of my copies of the
S, “preserves her head: ” ]) or a piece of rag by which a woman preserves her خِمَار [
q. v.] from the oil or grease: (
K:) or a piece of rag with which a woman covers the fore part and the hind part (but not the middle) of her head. (
b3: [And A cloth that is spread upon the camel-litter. (Freytag, from the Deewán of the Hudhalees.)]
b4: And A patch (رُقْعَة) that is put upon the notch, (
K,) or a piece of skin which is upon the head, (
TA,) upon which runs the string, of the bow. (
b5: And A cloud (
K) that is as though it were (
S) above another cloud. (
b6: And The head of a mountain. (
K.) غَفِيرَةٌ: see غُفْرَةٌ, and 1.
b2: مَا فِيهِمْ غَفِيرَةٌ [There is not in them any disposition to forgive;] meansthey do not forgive any one a sin, a crime, or an offence. (
K.) And مَاعِنْدَهُمْ عَذِيرَةٌ وَلَا غَفِيرَةٌ [They have not a disposition to excuse nor a disposition to forgive;] means they do not excuse nor do they forgive a sin, a crime, or an offence, of any one. (
TA.) The rájiz (Sakhr-el-Ghei,
L) said, (on seeing his companions, with whom he was journeying, fly from the Benu-l-Mustalik, whom they chanced to meet,
L,) يَا قَوْمِ لَيْسَتْ فِيهِمُ غَفِيرَهْ فَامْشُوا كَمَا تَمْشِى جِمَالُ الحِيرَهْ [O my people, there is not in them any disposition to forgive: therefore march ye as march the camels of El-Heereh]: (
L:) he mentioned particularly the camels of El-Heereh because they carry burdens; and meant, march ye heavily, and defend yourselves, and do not fly. (
A2: Also Abundance, and increase, in family and cattle or other property. (
TA, from a
A3: See also غَفِيرٌ, in five places.
غَفِيرَى: see غَفِيرٌ.
غَفَّارٌ: see the next paragraph.
غَافِرٌ (
TA) and ↓ غَفُورٌ (
TA) and ↓ غَفَّارٌ (
TA) are epithets applied to God. (
TA,) the second and third of which are intensive; (
TA;) meaning, [the first,] Covering and forgiving the sins, crimes, and offences, of his servants; [or simply forgiving; and the second and third, covering and forgiving much the sins, &c., of his servants; or very forgiving.] (
S, *
K, *
TA) The
pl. of ↓ غَفُورٌ is غُفُرٌ. (
S.) And ↓ غَفُورٌ is also applied to a woman, without ة. (
TA.) غَوْفَرٌ The autumnal بِطِّيخ [i. e. melon or water-melon]: (
K:) or a species thereof (
TA) It is said that the بِطِّيخ and the غَوْفَر are of those things in the cases of which the giving of the tithe is not incumbent. (
Mgh.) أَغْفَرُ [Having the quality of covering, or the like, in a greater, or in the greatest, degree]. One says اُصْبُغْ ثَوْبَكَ بالسَّوَادِ فَإِنَّهُ أَغْفَرُ لِوَسَخِهِ Dye thou thy garment, or piece of cloth, with black; for it has the quality of bearing and concealing its dirt in the greatest degree. (
S, *
TA.) مُغْفُرٌ: see مُغْفُورٌ, in two places.
مُغْفِرٌ, (
TA,) or مُغْفِرَةٌ, (
S,) or the latter also, (
TA,) A she-goat of the mountain having a young one or young ones: (
S, *
O, *
pl. مُغْفِرَاتٌ. (
TA.) مِغْفَرٌ What is worn beneath the helmet: (
Msb:) or a piece of mail, (زَرَدٌ,
S K,) woven (
S) from the دِرْع [or coat of mail], (
K,) according to the size of the head, (
S,) worn beneath the [kind of cap called] قَلَنْسُوَة; (
K;) as also ↓ مِغْفَرَةٌ and ↓ غِفَارَةٌ: (
K:) or the رَفْرَف [or pendent appertenance] of the helmet: (
TA:) or a piece of mail, (حَلَقٌ, or حِلَقٌ, as in different copies of the
K,) which an armed man, (
K,) or a man,
accord. to some lexicons, (
TA,) wears in the manner of a قِنَاع (يَتَقَنَّعُ بِهَا); as also ↓ مِغْفَرَةٌ and ↓ غِفَارَةٌ: (
accord. to
ISh, the مِغْفَر is a piece of mail (حَلَقٌ) which a man puts beneath the helmet, hanging down upon the neck: and sometimes, he says, it is like the قَلَنْسُوَة, except that it is more ample; a man throws it upon his head, and it reaches to the coat of mail; then the helmet is put on over it; and this مغفر hangs down upon the shoulders: sometimes, also, the مغفر is [a covering for the head] made of دِيبَاج [i. e. silk brocade], and of [the cloth called] خَزّ [
q. v.], beneath the helmet:
accord. to “ the Book of the Coat of Mail and the Helmet,” by
AO, مِغْفَرٌ and ↓ غِفَارَةٌ are names applied to a portion of mail [forming a headcovering], which is also called تَسْبِغَةٌ [
q. v.]; and sometimes the rings are exposed to view; and sometimes they line them within, and cover them externally, with دِيبَاج or خَزّ or [the kind of silk stuff called] بِزْيَوْن; and they stuff it with something (حشّوها بما كان); and sometimes they make above it a قَوْنَس [or tapering top] of silver &c.: (
TA:) the term مِغْفَر is also applied to the helmet itself. (
A2: See also مُغْفُورٌ, in three places.
مِغْفَرَةٌ: see مِغْفَرٌ, in two places.
مِغْفَارٌ: see the next paragraph, in two places.
مُغْفُورٌ (
K, &c.) and ↓ مِغْفَرٌ (
K) and ↓ مُغْفَرٌ and ↓ مِغْفَارٌ and ↓ مِغْفيرٌ (
i. q. مُغْثُورٌ; (
K;) [A kind of manna;] a produce of the [species of tree, or shrub, called] رِمْث and sometimes of the عُشَر and the عُرْفُط and the ثُمَام and the سَلَم and the طَلْح &c.; (
S;) the gum of the رمث and عرفط; (
T;) the gum that is found upon the رمث, which is sweet, and is eaten; (
AA;) a thing that flows, or exudes, from the ends of the twigs of the رمث, resembling دِبْس in its colour; (
ISh, in explanation of the
pl. مَغَافِيرُ;) a gum that flows, or exudes, from the عرفط, not of pleasant odour; (
IAth;) a gum resembling [the kind of sweetmeat called] نَاطِف, exuded by the عرفط, which is put into a piece of cloth, then sprinkled with water, and drunk:
accord. to
Lth, ↓ مِغْفَارٌ is applied to the gum of the إِجَّاصَة: and some say that ↓ مِغْفَرٌ is applied to gum of a round shape; صُعْرُورٌ to that which is in shape like a finger; and ذَوْبٌ to that which flows upon the ground: and ↓ مِغْفَرٌ is also applied to a twig of a gum-tree, from which [for بِهِ (with which), in the
TA, I read مِنْهُ,] is wiped a white fluid, whereof is made a sweet beverage: (
pl. [of مُغْفُورٌ and مِغْفَارٌ and مِغْفِيرٌ] مَغَافِيرُ, (
K,) and [of مِغْفَرٌ and مُغْفُرٌ] مَغَافِرُ: (
K:) it is also said that مَغَافِيرُ is applied to a kind of sweet honey, like رُبّ, except that it is white. (
TA.) [Hence the saying,] ↓ هٰذَا الجَنَى لَا أَْنْ يُكَدَّ المُغْفُرُ [This is gathering, not the scraping off مغفر]: a
prov. alluding to the preference of a thing; said to him who obtains much good. (
K.) [See also Freytag's Arab.
Prov., ii. 874.]
مِغْفِيرٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.
أَرْضٌ مَغْفُورَآءُ Land containing [trees producing]
مَغَافِير. (
K.) [See مُغْفُورٌ.]