1 أَجِلَ,
aor. ـَ (
inf. n. أَجَلٌ, (
Msb,) It (a thing,
Msb, [as, for instance, a thing purchased, and the price thereof, and a thing promised or threatened or foretold, and also payment for a thing purchased, and the fulfilment of a promise or threat or prediction, and any event,]) was, or became, delayed, postponed, kept back; [and therefore, future;]
syn. تَأَخَّرَ; (
K;) and أَجَلَ,
aor. ـُ
inf. n. أُجُولٌ, signifies the same. (
Msb.) [See آجِلٌ and أَجَلٌ. The primary signification seems to be, It had a term, or period, appointed for it, at which it should fall due, or come to
A2: أَجَلَهُ,
aor. ـِ (
inf. n. أَجُلٌ; (
TA;) and ↓ أجّلهُ, (
inf. n. تَأْجِيلٌ; (
TA;) and ↓ آجلهُ, (
inf. n. مُؤَاجَلَةٌ; (
TK;) He confined, restricted, restrained, withheld, debarred, hindered, or prevented, him. (
TA.) Hence the phrase, أَجَلُوا مَالَهُمْ They confined, restricted, &c., their cattle from the pasturage. (
A3: أَجَلَ عَلَيْهِمْ شَرًّا, (
Msb,) or الشَّرَّ, (
aor. ـُ (
K) and اَجِلَ, (
inf. n. أَجْلٌ, (
Msb,) He committed against them evil, (
K,) and drew it, or procured it, to them: (
Msb:) and (
S, in the
K “ or ”) he excited it, stirred it up, or provoked it, against them: (
K:) or,
accord. to
Az, أَجَلْتُ عَلَيْهِمٌ,
inf. n. as above, signifies I committed a crime against them: and
AA says that جَلَبْتُ عَلَيْهِمْ and جَرَرْتُ and أَجَلْتُ have one and the same signification. (
b2: And أَجَلَ لِأَهْلِهِ, (
inf. n. as above, (
TA,) He gained, acquired, or earned, and collected, and brought, or purveyed, and exercised skill in the management of affairs, for his family. (
K.) 2 أَجَّلَ الأَجَلَ, (
inf. n. تَأْجِيلٌ, (
TA,) He defined the term, or period; (
K, *
TA;) assigned, appointed, or specified, it. (
TA.) It is said in the
Kur [vi. 128], وَ بَلَغْنَا أَجَلَنَا الَّذِي
أَجَّلْتَ لَنَا [And we have reached our term which Thou hast assigned, or appointed, for us;] meaning, the day of resurrection; (
Bd, *
Jel;) or the term of death; or, as some say, the term of extreme old age. (
TA.) And أَجَّلْتُهُ,
inf. n. as above, signifies I assigned, or appointed, for him, or it, a term, or period. (
b2: أَجَّلَنِى He granted me a delay, or postponement. (
TA.) Yousay, فَأَجَّلَنِى أِلَي مُدَّةٍ ↓ اِسْتَأْجَلْتُهُ (
TA) I desired, asked, demanded, or requested, of him a term, or period, [of delay, or postponement,] and he granted me a delay, or postponement, to a certain term, or period. (
b3: See also 1.
3 آجلهُ,
inf. n. مُؤَاجَلَةٌ: see 1.
5 تأجّل
i. q. ↓ استأجل; (
TA;) i. e. He asked, or requested, that a term, or period, should be assigned, appointed, or specified, for him. (
TA.) It is said in a
trad. of Mek-hool, كُنَّا مَرَابِطِينَ بِا لسَّاحِلِ فَتَأَجَّلَ مُتَأَجِّلٌ [We were keeping post on the frontier of the enemy, in the tract on the sea-coast, and] a person asked, or requested, that a term, or period, should be assigned, or appointed, or specified, for him, and that permission should be granted him to return to his family. (
TA.) 10 إِسْتَاْجَلَ see 2 and 5.
أَجْلٌ is originally the
inf. n. of أَجَلَ شَرًّا “ he committed evil; ” and is used to indicate the causation of crimes; and afterwards, by extension of its application, to indicate any causation: (
Bd in
v. 35:) one says, فَعَلْتُهُ مِنْ أَجْلِكَ, and ↓ من إِجْلِكَ, (
K,) and فَعَلْتُهُ أَجْلَكَ, and ↓ إِجْلَكَ, (so in some copies of the
K,) and من أَجْلَالِكَ, and من إِجْلَالِكَ, (
K, [belonging to art. جلو, in which also they are mentioned,]) and من أَجْلالِكَ, and من إِجْلَالِكَ, (so in some copies of the
K and in the
TA, [belonging to art. جل,]) i. e. [I did it] مِنْ جَرَّاكَ, (
S,) which means [originally] in consequence of thy committing it: (
Bd ubi suprà:) [and then, by extension of its application, as shown above, because of thee, or of thine act &c.; on thine account; for thy sake; as also لِأَجْلِكَ, which is more common in the present day:] or منْ
جَلَلِــكَ: (
K:) and مِنْ أَجْلِهِ كَانَ كَذَا, i. e. بِسَبَبِهِ [Because of him, or it, it was thus, or such a thing was]. (
Msb.) An instance of its occurrence without مِنْ [or لِ] is presented by the saying of 'Adee Ibn-Zeyd, أَجْلَ أَنَّ اللّٰهَ قَدْ فَضَّلَكُمْ [Because that God hath made you to have excel-lence, or hath preferred you]. (
TA.) إِجْلٌ, whence فَعَلْتُهُ مِنْ إِجْلِكَ, and فَعَلْتُهُ إِجْلَكَ: see أَجْلٌ, in two places.
أَجَلٌ, (
K,) with the ل quiescent, (
Mughnee,) is written with kesr and with fet-h [to the medial letter, i. e. ↓ أَجِلْ as well as أَجَلْ] like نعم [which is written نَعِمٌ as well as نَعَمْ]: (
TA:) it is a
particle (
Mughnee) denoting a reply; like نَعَمْ; (
K;) importing acknowledgment of the truth of the speaker, to him who gives information; and the making a thing known, to him who asks information; and a promise, to him who seeks, or demands; (
Mughnee;) i. e. It is as thou sayest [in the first case; and yes, or yea, in the same, and in the other cases]; (
K voce بَسَلٌ;) therefore it occurs after such sayings as “ Zeyd stood ” and “ did Zeyd stand? ” and “ beat thou Zeyd: ” but ElMálakee restricts the information to that which is affirmative, and the saying expressive of seeking or demanding to that which is without prohibition: and it is said by some that it does not occur after an interrogation: (
Mughnee:) Er-Radee says, in the
Expos. of the
Káfiyeh, after
Z and others, that it is to denote acknowledgment of the truth of information, and does not occur after a saying in which is the meaning of seeking, or demanding: (
TA:) or,
accord. to
Z and Ibn-
Málik and others, it relates particularly to information: and
accord. to Ibn-Kharoof, it occurs mostly after information: (
Mughnee:) in the
Expos. of the Tes-heel, it is said to be for denoting acknowledgment of the truth of information, past or other, affirmative or negative, and not to occur after an interrogation: (
Akh says that it is better than نَعَمْ (
K *) after information, (
Mughnee,) in acknowledging the truth of what is said; (
K;) and نعم is better than it after an interrogation: (
K:) so that when one says, سَوْفَ تَذْهَبُ [Thou wilt, or shalt, go away], thou sayest أَجَلْ [Yes]; and it is better than نعم: but when one says, أَتَذْهَبُ [Wilt thou go away?], thou sayest نعم; and it is better than اجل. (
S.) أَجَلٌ The term, or period, of a thing: (
K:) its assigned, appointed, or specified, term or period: this is the primary signification: (
TA:) or the term, or period, and time of falling due, of a thing: (
pl. آجَالٌ. (
b2: Hence, The period of women's waiting, before they may marry again, after divorce: as in the
Kur ii. 231 and 232. (
b3: The period, or extremity of time, in which falls due a debt (
TA) and the like. (
TA.) You say, بَاعَهُ إِيَّاهُ إِلَي أَجَلٍ [He sold it to him for payment at an appointed period]: and سَلَّمَ الدَّارَاهِمَ فِى طَعَامٍ إِلَي أَجَلٍ [He delivered the money for wheat, or the like, to be given at an appointed period]. (
Msb in art. كلأ.)
b4: The term, or period, of death; (
K;) the time in which God has eternally decreed the end of life by slaughter or otherwise: or, as some say, the whole duration of life: and its end: a man's life being thus termed: and his death, by which it terminates: (
Kull p. 17:) the assigned, or appointed, duration of the life of a man. (
TA.) One says, دَنَا أَجَلُهُ, meaning His death drew near; originally, اسْتِيفَآءُ الأَجَلِ the completion of the duration of life. (
TA.) In the
Kur vi. 128, (see 2, above,) the meaning is, The term of death: or, as some say, the term of extreme old age: (
TA:) or the day of resurrection. (
Bd, *
Jel.) The words of the
Kur [vi. 2] ثُمَّ قَضَى أَجَلًا وَ أَجَلٌ مَسَمَّى عِنْدَهُ mean [Then He decreed a term,] the term of death, and [there is a term named with Him,] the term of the resurrection: or the period between the creation and death, and the period between death and the resurrection; for اجل is applied to the end of a space of time and to the whole thereof: (
Bd:) or the meaning is, the period of sleep, and the period of death: (
TA:) or the period of those who have passed away, and the period of those who remain and those who are to come: (
Bd:) or the period of remaining in this world, and the period of remaining in the world to come: or in both instances death is meant; [accidental, and natural;] for the اجل of some is by accidental means, as the sword, and drowning, and burning, and eating what disagrees, and other means of destruction; while some have their full periods granted to them and are preserved in health until they die a natural death: or the اجل of some is that of him who dies in a state of happiness and enjoyment; and of others, that of him who reaches a limit beyond which God has no? appointed, in the natural course of this world, any one to remain therein; and to both of these, reference is made in the
Kur [xvi. 72 and] xxii. 5. (
b5: Sometimes, also, it means Destruction: and thus it has been explained as occurring in the
Kur [vii. 184], where it is said, وَأَنْ عَسَى أَنْ يَكُونَ قَدِ ا قْتَرَبَ أَجَلُهُمْ [And that, may be, their destruction shall have drawn near]. (
TA.) أَجِلْ: see أَجَلٌ.
أَجِلٌ: see آجِلٌ.
أَجِيلٌ Having a delay, or postponement, granted to him, to a certain time;
i. q. إِلَى وَقْتٍ ↓ مُؤَجَّلٌ. (
b2: See also آجِلٌ.
آجِلٌ Delayed; postponed; kept back;
syn. مُتَأَخِّرٌ; [but in some copies of the
K, for آجِلٌ, we find ↓ أَجِلٌ;] as also ↓ أَجِيلٌ, of which the
pl. is أُجْلٌ: (
K:) and therefore, (
TA,) not present; future; to come;
contr. of عَاجِلٌ: (
TA:) and ↓ مُتَأَجِّلٌ, also, signifies delayed, deferred, or postponed, to the time of the end of a period; originally,
contr. of مُتَعَجِّلٌ. (
Mgh.) [See also أَجِيلٌ.]
b2: [Hence,] الآجِلَةُ The [future,] latter, ultimate, or last, dwelling, or abode, or life; the world to come;
syn. الآخِرَةُ; (
contr. of العَاجِلَةُ. (
A2: Committing a crime; or a committer of a crime. (
TA.) مُؤَجَّلٌ Determined, defined, or limited, as to time; applied to a writing: so in the
Kur iii. 139: (
TA:) and to a debt;
contr. of حَالٌّ,
q. v. (
Mgh in art. حل.)
b2: See also أَجِيلٌ.
مُتَأَجِّلٌ: see آجِلٌ.