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Al-Munāwī, al-Tawqīf ʿalā Muhimmāt al-Taʿārīf التوقيف على مهمات التعاريف للمناوي
Al-Tawqīf is a technical dictionary concerned with terms used in various areas of knowledge,
including, but not limited to, Islamic theology, jurisprudence, philosophy, Arabic grammar, logic, astronomy
and mysticism, with a focus on terminoloy used in Islamic mystical traditions, especially Sufism. Al-Munāwī (d. c.
1622 CE / 1031 AH) was
prolific Egyptian Shāfiʿī jurist, grammarian, scholar of hadith and interpreter of the Quran, considered by some the foremost
authority on Shāfiʿī jurisprudence during his time.
محتويات الكتاب