زَبَّ(n. ac. زَبَب)
a. Was hairy.
b. Foamed, frothed at the mouth ( in speaking).
c.(n. ac. زَبّ), Filled (water-skin).
زَبَّبَأَزْبَبَa. Dried ( grapes, figs ).
تَزَبَّبَa. Became raisins (grapes).
b. see I (b)
a. Was filled.
أَزْبَبُa. Downy; hairy.
زَبَاْبa. Kind of rat.
زَبَاْبَةa. Fem. of
زَبِيْبa. Raisins; dried figs.
b. Foam, froth.
زَبِيْبَةa. Spot, pustule on the hand.
b. Foam, froth.
زَبِيْبِيّa. Raisinwine.