2 تَبْصِيلٌ The act of stripping, or divesting; [like as when one strips an onion (بَصَلَة) of its coats;] (
K;) as also ↓ تَبَصُّلٌ. (
K.) You say, بَصَّلْتُ الرَّجُلَ عِنْ ثِيَابِهِ [and ↓ تَبَصَّلْتُهُ] I stripped the man of his clothes. (
TA.) 5 تبصّل It (a thing) was, or became, several fold, or many fold, like the coats of the بَصَل [or onion]. (
TA.) See also مُتَبّصِّلٌ.
A2: It is also
trans.: see 2, in two places.
b2: [Hence,] تَبَصَّلُوهُ (assumed
tropical:) They begged of him so much that all that he had became exhausted. (
K.) بَصَلٌ [The onion; allium cepa: or onions, collectively:] what it signifies is well known:
n. un. with ة. (
K.) Hence the
prov., أَكْسَى
مِنَ البَصَلِ [Having more coats, or coverings, than the onion]. (
b2: [Also Any kind of bulb, or bulbous plant.] بَصَلُ الزَّعْفَرَانِ [The bulb of the saffron], which is buried in the ground, is like the بَصَل [or onion] commonly known. (
Mgh.) بَصَل الفَأْرِ is the same as الإِسْقِيلُ and الإِسْقَالُ and العُنْصَلُ, (
K in art. سقل,) also written العُنْصُلُ, (
K in art. عصل,) or بَصَلُ العنصل, (
KL voce زيزٌ, [and so as written by Golius,]) [Scilla, or squill; particularly scilla maritima, or officinal squill; called by all these names, except, perhaps, السقال, in the present day;] also called زِيزٌ, and البَصَلُ البَرِّىُّ [the wild onion; but from what follows, it seems that there is a confusion here]. (
KL ubi suprà.) بَصَلُ الذِّئْبِ, and بصل الزير, (Golius on the authority of Zeyn El-Attár,) or بصل الرند, (so in the
TA in art. بلبس,)
i. q. بلبوس Bulbus esculentus, (Golius, from Zeyn El-Attár,) or البَلْبُوس, with fet-h, [thus generally written, though it would seem to be correctly بُلْبُوس,] the leaves of which resemble those of the سَذَاب [or rue]: (
TA in art. بلبس:) the بَلْبُوس is the wild onion (in
Pers\. پِيَازْ صَحْرَائِى). (
KL voce بلبوس. [This last assertion suggests that الزير and الرند may be mistranscriptions for الزِّيز; the زيز mentioned before.]) [بَصَلُ القىْءَ Bulbus vomitorius; mentioned by Golius; and by Dioscorides, (l. ii. c. 201,) as being emetic and diuretic.]
b3: Also, (
K,) or بَصَلَةٌ, (
M,) (
tropical:) A helmet (
K) of iron, (
K,) pointed in the middle; so called as being likened to what is first mentioned above. (
M.) Lebeed likens helmets to بَصَل. (
S.) مُتَبَصِّلٌ (
K) and ↓ ذُو تَبَصُّلٍ (
TA) A covering of any kind (قِشْرٌ) consisting of many coats; thick; (
K;) like the coats of the بَصَل [or onion]. (