a. From.
b. For.
c. After.
d. About, of.
e. Of, to.
f. On.
g. With; at, to, unto.
ذَهَبَ عَنَّا
a. He went away from us, he left us.
سَافَر عَن البَلَد
a. He journeyed from the country.
دَافَعَ عَنْهُ
a. He repelled from him: he defended him.
حَدَّثَ عَن فَلَان
a. He related what he had heard from so &
جَزَاكَ اللّٰه عَنِّي خَيْرًا
a. May God recompense thee
عَن قَلِيْل
a. After a little while.
سَألَ عَنْهُ
a. He asked about him.
سَمِعَ عَنْهُ
a. He heard of, about him.
عَاجِز عَن
a. He is incapable of, to.
جَلَسْتُ عَن يَمِيْنِهِ
a. I sat on his right.
عَن قَصْد
a. With purpose: intentionally.
عَن رِضًى
a. With good grace, readily, willingly.
مَاتَ عَن وَلَدٍ
a. He died (with) leaving a child, an heir.
مَاتَ عَن سِتِّيْن سَنَة
a. He died at the age of 60.
قُتِلُوْا عَن آخِرِهِم
a. They were slain (with), to, unto, even, the last man.
عَمَّا (a. for
عَن مَا ), About, respecting;
after; above.
عَمَّا يَسْأَلُوْن
a. About what they ask.
عَمَّا قَلِيْل
a. After a little while.
تَعَالَى اللّٰه عَمَّا
a. God is exalted above what they attribute to