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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1757. زعف12 1758. زعفر10 1759. زعق13 1760. زعل11 1761. زعم18 1762. زغب161763. زغبر7 1764. زغرد6 1765. زغل11 1766. زف5 1767. زفت17 1768. زفر15 1769. زفل9 1770. زفن15 1771. زق3 1772. زقب9 1773. زقم15 1774. زكأ8 1775. زكر13 1776. زكم16 1777. زكو11 1778. زكى3 1779. زل5 1780. زلج12 1781. زلخ10 1782. زلعب4 1783. زلغب5 1784. زلف24 1785. زلق18 1786. زلقم4 1787. زلم18 1788. زلى2 1789. زم4 1790. زماورد1 1791. زمت13 1792. زمخ8 1793. زمر18 1794. زمرد4 1795. زمرذ7 1796. زمع18 1797. زمك10 1798. زمل20 1799. زملق5 1800. زمن15 1801. زمهر11 1802. زن4 1803. زنأ13 1804. زنبر9 1805. زنبق6 1806. زنبل5 1807. زنج12 1808. زنجبيل4 1809. زنجر9 1810. زنجفر2 1811. زنخ9 1812. زند17 1813. زندق12 1814. زنر11 1815. زنق15 1816. زنم20 1817. زنو4 1818. زنى5 1819. زهد19 1820. زهر18 1821. زهق18 1822. زهم13 1823. زهو11 1824. زو1 1825. زوج18 1826. زود14 1827. زور21 1828. زوغ10 1829. زوق16 1830. زول16 1831. زون13 1832. زوى6 1833. زى1 1834. زيب9 1835. زيت16 1836. زيج6 1837. زيح11 1838. زيد18 1839. زير11 1840. زيزفون2 1841. زيغ16 1842. زيف16 1843. زيق9 1844. زيل16 1845. زين16 1846. س7 1847. سأب6 1848. سأد6 1849. سأر12 1850. سأسم2 1851. سأل14 1852. سأم15 1853. سأو5 1854. سا1 1855. ساذج1 1856. سب3 Prev. 100




1 زَغِبَ, aor. ـَ (Msb, K,) inf. n. زَغَبٌ; (Msb;) and ↓ زغّب, (JK, S, A, K,) inf. n. تَزْغِيبٌ; (S;) and ↓ ازغابّ; (K;) It, or he, was, or became, downy; or had upon it, or him, what is termed زَغَبٌ meaning as expl. below; (JK, S, K;) in any of its senses: (TA:) said of a young bird, (JK, S, A, Msb,) meaning [as above, or] its زَغَب [or down] grew forth: (A:) or its feathers were small: and, said of a boy, or a young child, his زَغَب [or downy hair] grew forth: (Msb:) and ↓ اِزْلَغَبَّ is also said of a young bird [in the same sense as the verbs above: (see art. زلغب:) or] as meaning its feathers came forth. (S.) b2: [Hence,] بَحْرٌ يَزْغَبُ (assumed tropical:) A sea, or great river, that becomes [foaming, or] in a state of commotion, and full. (JK.) 2 زَغَّبَ see the preceding paragraph: b2: and that here following.4 ازغب, said of a grape-vine, (S, K,) i. e., app., accord. to [J and] F, like أَكْرَمَ, but accord. to others of the leading lexicologists it seems to be [↓ ازغبّ,] like اِحْمَرَّ; as also ↓ ازغابّ; It produced what resembled زَغَب [or down], at the knots of the shoots, whence the bunches of grapes would grow: (TA:) this it does when the sap flows in it, (S, K, TA,) and it begins to produce leaves. (K, TA.) b2: A'Obeyd, in applying to the truffles termed بَنَاتُ أَوْبَرَ the epithet مزغبة, [written in art. وبر in copies of the K ↓ مُزْغِبَةٌ, and in the T and S and M ↓ مُزَغِّبَةٌ, but in the present art. in the TA it seems to be indicated that it is probably ↓ مُزْغِبَّةٌ,] signifying having زَغَب [i. e. down], assigns to it a verb [which may be أَزْغَبَتْ or ↓ زَغَّبَتْ or ↓ اِزْغَبَّتْ, meaning They had, or produced, a kind of downy substance]. (TA.) 8 ازدغب مَا عَلَى الخِوَانِ He took away, or swept away, [or devoured,] the whole of what was on the table of food: like ازدغف. (TA.) [See also 8 in art. زعب.]9 إِزْغَبَّ see 4, in two places.11 إِزْغَاْبَّ see 1: b2: and see also 4.

Q. Q. 4 اِزْلَغَبَّ: see 1; and see also art. زلغب.

زَغَبٌ [Down:] or the yellow [down resembling] small hairs upon the feathers of the young bird: (S:) or small and soft hair and feathers: or each of these when first coming forth: (A, K:) i. e. (TA) the small and soft hair when it first appears, of a young child, (Msb, TA,) and of a colt [or foal]; (JK, * TA;) and likewise of an old man, when his hair becomes thin and weak; (Msb;) and the feathers when they first appear, (Msb, TA,) of the young bird: (TA:) and small feathers that do not become long nor good: (JK, Msb:) n. un. with ة: (TA:) and what remains upon the head of an old man when his hair has become thin. (K.) b2: [Hence,] أَخَذَهُ بِزَغَبِهِ (assumed tropical:) He took it at its commencement, or in its first and fresh state. (JK, K.) And أَخَذَهُ بِزَغَبِ رَقَبَتِهِ [lit. He took him by the down of his neck;] meaning (assumed tropical:) he overtook him. (JK.) زَغِبٌ: see أَزْغَبُ, in three places.

زُغَبٌ: see أَزْغَبُ.

زُغَابَةٌ and ↓ زُغَابَى The smallest of زَغَب [or down]: (JK, K:) or something less in quantity than زَغَب: or something smaller than زَغَب. (TA.) One says, مَا أَصَبْتُ مِنْهُ زُغَابَةً (JK, A, K, TA) i. e. (assumed tropical:) [I obtained not from him, or it,] as much as what is termed زغابة: (L, TA:) or (tropical:) the least thing: (A:) or (assumed tropical:) anything. (K.) زُغَابَى: see the next preceding paragraph.

أَزْغَبُ [Downy;] having upon it, or him, what is termed زَغَب; as also ↓ زَغِبٌ: fem. of the former زَغْبَآءُ; and pl. زُغْبٌ. (TA.) You say فَرْخٌ

أَزْغَبُ [A downy young bird]: (A:) and فِرَاخٌ زُغْبٌ [downy young birds]. (S.) And رَجُلٌ

↓ زَغِبٌ [A downy man]: (JK:) or ↓ رَجُلٌ زَغِبُ الشَّعَرِ [a man having downy hair]. (Msb, TA.) And رَقَبَةٌ زَغْبَآءُ [A downy neck]. (JK, A, Msb.) And قِثَّآءُ أَزْغَبُ (AHn, A, TA) (tropical:) [A species of cucumber] having upon it what resembles the زَغَب [or down] of fur, which falls off by degrees when they become large, leaving them smooth. (AHn, TA.) [For another epithet of similar meaning, see 4, in three places.] b2: Also (assumed tropical:) A species of fig, (AHn, K,) larger than the وَحْشِىّ [or wild], upon which is زَغَب [or down]: when stripped of this, it comes forth black: it is large, thick, and sweet: but it is a worthless sort of fig. (AHn, TA.) b3: Applied to a horse, Black and white; or white in the hind legs as high as the thighs; syn. أَبْلَقُ. (K.) And [in like manner] applied to a mountain, Of which the whiteness is intermixed with its blackness; as also ↓ زُغَبٌ. (JK, K, TA. [In some of the copies of the K, for مِنَ الجِبَالِ, we find من الحِبَالِ: that the former is the right reading, contr. to the assertion of Freytag app. based on the explanation in the TK, appears from its being added that the fem.] الزَّغْبَآءُ is the name of a certain mountain in El-Kibleeyeh; (K, TA;) in some copies of the K, El-Kabaleeyeh. (TA.) مُزْغِبَةٌ, or مُزَغِّبَةٌ, or مُزْغِبَّةٌ: see 4.
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