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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2089. سوع15 2090. سوغ19 2091. سوف16 2092. سوق19 2093. سوك14 2094. سول152095. سوم17 2096. سون3 2097. سوى4 2098. سى2 2099. سيأ8 2100. سيب18 2101. سيج9 2102. سيح17 2103. سيخ8 2104. سيد7 2105. سير18 2106. سيرج1 2107. سيع10 2108. سيغ7 2109. سيف16 2110. سيل14 2111. سيم6 2112. سين9 2113. سيو1 2114. ش5 2115. شأب7 2116. شأت5 2117. شأف11 2118. شأن12 2119. شأو8 2120. شاهبلوط1 2121. شاهين2 2122. شب7 2123. شبت6 2124. شبث15 2125. شبح17 2126. شبر17 2127. شبط11 2128. شبع15 2129. شبق15 2130. شبك14 2131. شبل16 2132. شبم14 2133. شبه19 2134. شبو9 2135. شت6 2136. شتر18 2137. شتم17 2138. شتو10 2139. شث5 2140. شج3 2141. شجب17 2142. شجر20 2143. شجع17 2144. شجن16 2145. شجو10 2146. شح5 2147. شحب11 2148. شحج11 2149. شحذ14 2150. شحط16 2151. شحم16 2152. شحن16 2153. شحو7 2154. شحى3 2155. شخب14 2156. شخت10 2157. شخر10 2158. شخس10 2159. شخص19 2160. شد6 2161. شدخ12 2162. شدق16 2163. شدن12 2164. شده11 2165. شدو9 2166. شذ5 2167. شذب15 2168. شذر15 2169. شذو8 2170. شر6 2171. شرب24 2172. شرج17 2173. شرح19 2174. شرخ14 2175. شرد16 2176. شردم4 2177. شرذم11 2178. شرس18 2179. شرسف8 2180. شرط19 2181. شرع20 2182. شرف19 2183. شرق18 2184. شرقرق3 2185. شرك16 2186. شرم17 2187. شرنف5 2188. شره13 Prev. 100




1 سَالَ, aor. ـَ (Akh, and S, M, Msb, K, all in art. سأل,) like خَافَ, aor. ـَ (Msb and K ibid.,) first Pers\. pret. سِلْتُ, [like خِفْتُ,] (Sb, M in the present art., [in the K in this art., erroneously, سَلْتُ,]) and aor. ـَ (Sb, M and K in this art.,) imperative سَلْ, (S, Msb, K, TA, all in art. سأل,) dual سَلَا, and pl. سَلُوا, these two being irregular, (Msb in that art.,) inf. n. سُوَالٌ, (M and K in the present art.,) mentioned by Sb and by Th, (M ibid.,) and سِوَالٌ, (M and K ibid.,) mentioned by Th, (M ibid.,) i. q. سَأَلَ [He asked, &c.], (Akh, and S, M, Msb, K, all in art. سأل,) and سَأَلْتُ; a dial. var. of the verb with أ, (Sb, M and K in the present art.,) the medial radical being originally و, (M and K ibid.,) not a substitute for أ, (M ibid.) as is shown by the phrase هُمَايَتَسَاوَلَانِ, (M and K ibid.,) mentioned by Az: (M ibid.:) it is of the dial. of Hudheyl. (TA in art. سأل.) [For the pass. (سِيلَ &c.), see سَأَلَ.] A certain elegant scholar says, سَالَتْ هَذَيْلٌ رَسُولَ اللّٰهِ فَاحِشَةً

i. e. [Hudheyl] asked of the Apostle of God as a thing wished for [something beyond measure evil]: it is not from سَأَلَ, [i. e. it is originally سَوِلَ, not formed from سَأَلَ by the substitution of ا for أ,] as many of the elegant scholars say. (Er-Rághib, TA.) A2: سَوِلَ, (M, K,) [aor. ـْ inf. n. سَوَلٌ, (M,) He, or it, was, or became, lax, flaccid, or uncompact; or it hung down loosely; was, or became, pendent, or pendulous: (M, K:) [or, said of a man, he was, or became, flaccid, or pendulous, in the belly, or in the part of the belly below the navel; as appears from an explanation of أَسْوَلُ and from what here follows:] سَوَلٌ, (S, TA,) in the K, erroneously, ↓ سَوْلَة, (TA,) signifies flaccidity, or uncompactness, or pendulousness, (S, K, TA,) of the belly, (K,) and so ↓ تَسَوُّلٌ and تَسَوُّنٌ, (TA,) or of the part of the belly below the navel; (S, TA;) and of other things, (K, TA,) as, for instance, (TA,) of a cloud also. (S, TA.) 2 سَوَّلَتْ لَهُ نَفْسُهُ أَمْرًا, (S,) or كَذَا, (M, K,) or الشَّىْءَ, (Msb,) inf. n. تَسْوِيلٌ, (TA,) His soul embellished [or commended] to him (S, M, Msb, * K) a thing, or an affair, (S,) or such a thing, (M, K,) or the thing: (Msb:) or made it [to appear] easy to him, and a light matter in his eyes; from سَوَلٌ signifying “ laxness ” or the like: (Bd in xii. 18:) the inf. n. signifies the embellishing, a thing, and making it to be loved or approved, in order that one may do it or say it: (TA:) or the soul's embellishing a thing that is eagerly desired, and picturing what is foul thereof as goodly: (Er-Rághib, TA:) and it is said to be from سُولٌ signifying “ an object of a man's desire, which embellishes to the seeker thereof that which is false, or vain, and other things of the deceptions of the present world. ” (TA.) b2: You say also, يُسَوَّلُ إِلَىَّ كَذَا Such a thing is imaged in the mind to me; is an object of fancy to me; or seems to me. (L in art. هد.) b3: And سوّل لَهُ said of the Devil, He led him into error; or made him to err: (M, K:) or facilitated to him the commission of great sins; from سَوَلٌ meaning as expl. above in this paragraph: or incited him to indulgence in appetences, or lusts; from السُّولُ meaning [by implication] التَّمَنِّى: (Bd in xlvii. 27:) or [as though meaning] let down his rope [to him to aid in the accomplishment of his desire]. (Ham p. 748.) 5 تَسَوَّلَ see 5 in art. سأل: A2: and 1, last sentence, in the present art. 6 هُمَايَتَسَاوَلَانِ [They two ask, or beg, each other; i. q. يَتَسَآءَلَانِ, q. v.]: (M, K:) a phrase mentioned by Az. (M.) سُولٌ i. q. مَسْأَلَةٌ [as signifying A petition; or a request; meaning a thing that is, or has been, asked, or begged; see سُؤْلٌ]; (TA;) as also ↓ سُولَةٌ; (K, TA;) each, (TA,) a dial. var. of the word with ء: (K, TA: [but it is also said in the latter that سُؤْلٌ is the original of سُولٌ because the readers of the Kur-án read the word with ء in chap. xx. verse 36:]) or an object of desire or wish (أُمْنِيَّةٌ), which one asks; (TA:) or an object of want, which the soul eagerly desires: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or an object of a man's desire (أُمْنِيَّةٌ), which embellishes to the seeker thereof that which is false, or vain, and other things of the deceptions of the present world: but there is a difference between سُولٌ and ↓ سُولَةٌ on the one hand and أُمْنِيَّةٌ on the other hand, in that the former relate to what is sought, or demanded, and امنيّة relates to what is meditated (قُدِّرَ); (TA;) [for] this last primarily signifies “ a thing that a man meditates (يُقَدِّرُهُ) in his mind,” from مَنَى signifying قَدَّرَ; (Bd in ii. 73;) so that the ↓ سُولَة seems to be after the أُمْنِيَّة: (TA:) سُولٌ may be from سَوَّلَتْ لَهُ نَفْسُهُ كَذَا in the first of the senses assigned to it above, and [from] سَوَّلَ said of the Devil in the last of the senses assigned to it above. (Ham p. 748.) [See also سُوَالٌ, below.]

سَوْلَةٌ: see 1, last sentence.

سُولَةٌ: see سُولٌ, in three places.

سُوَلَةٌ, (M, K,) applied to a man, (M,) One who asks, or begs, much; (K;) i. q. [سُؤَلَةٌ and]

سَؤُولٌ. (M.) سُوَالٌ an inf. n. of سَالَ as syn. with سَأَلَ: (Sb, Th, M, K:) [and used as a simple subst., like سُولٌ and سُولَةٌ, for] IJ mentions أَسْوِلَةٌ as its pl. (M, TA.) سَوِيلٌ An equal. (M, K.) So in the saying, أَنَا سَوِيلُكَ فِى هٰذَا الأَمْرِ [I am thy equal in this affair]. (M.) أَسْوَلُ Lax, flaccid, or uncompact; or hanging down loosely; or pendent, or pendulous; in the lower part: (M, K:) or a man flaccid, or pendulous, in the part of the belly below the navel: fem. سَوْلَآءُ: and pl. سُولٌ. (S.) And سَحَابٌ أَسْوَلُ Clouds that are uncompact, (S, TA,) their skirts, or fringes, hanging down; and in like manner, سَحَائِبُ سُولٌ; sing. سَحَابَةٌ سَولَآءُ. (TA.) and دَلْوٌ سَوْلَآءُ A large bucket. (M, K. *)
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