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Lane's Lexicon

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2047. سمهر9 2048. سمو10 2049. سن4 2050. سنبق3 2051. سنبك9 2052. سنبل112053. سنت11 2054. سنج12 2055. سنجاب1 2056. سنح16 2057. سنخ13 2058. سند15 2059. سندر12 2060. سندس11 2061. سندق4 2062. سندل6 2063. سنر11 2064. سنط15 2065. سنف14 2066. سنق9 2067. سنم21 2068. سنه14 2069. سه3 2070. سهب14 2071. سهج9 2072. سهد13 2073. سهر17 2074. سهك11 2075. سهل17 2076. سهم20 2077. سهو10 2078. سو1 2079. سوأ16 2080. سوب5 2081. سوج14 2082. سوح13 2083. سوخ13 2084. سود25 2085. سور18 2086. سوس16 2087. سوسن3 2088. سوط17 2089. سوع15 2090. سوغ19 2091. سوف16 2092. سوق19 2093. سوك14 2094. سول15 2095. سوم17 2096. سون3 2097. سوى4 2098. سى2 2099. سيأ8 2100. سيب18 2101. سيج9 2102. سيح17 2103. سيخ8 2104. سيد7 2105. سير18 2106. سيرج1 2107. سيع10 2108. سيغ7 2109. سيف16 2110. سيل14 2111. سيم6 2112. سين9 2113. سيو1 2114. ش5 2115. شأب7 2116. شأت5 2117. شأف11 2118. شأن12 2119. شأو8 2120. شاهبلوط1 2121. شاهين2 2122. شب7 2123. شبت6 2124. شبث15 2125. شبح17 2126. شبر17 2127. شبط11 2128. شبع15 2129. شبق15 2130. شبك14 2131. شبل16 2132. شبم14 2133. شبه19 2134. شبو9 2135. شت6 2136. شتر18 2137. شتم17 2138. شتو10 2139. شث5 2140. شج3 2141. شجب17 2142. شجر20 2143. شجع17 2144. شجن16 2145. شجو10 2146. شح5 Prev. 100




Q. 1 سَنْبَلَ الزَّرْعُ The seed-produce put forth its سُنْبُل [or ears]; (M, K;) as also أَسْبَلَ [q. v.]: the former of the dial. of Temeem, and the latter of that of El-Hijáz. (TA.) A2: سَنْبَلَ ثَوْبَهُ, (K,) inf. n. سَنْبَلَةٌ, (TA,) He (a man) dragged a shirt of his garment behind him; so says Khálid Ibn-Jembeh: (TA:) or he dragged his garment behind him or before him. (K.) سُنْبُلٌ [Ears of corn: n. un. with ة: pl. سَنَابِلُ and سُنْبُلَاتٌ, the latter pl. occurring in the Kur xii. 43 and 46: it is said in the M, in art. سنبل, that سُنْبُلَةٌ signifies one of the سُنْبُل of زَرْع; in the K, in this art., that it signifies one of the سَنَابِل of زَرْع: see سَبَلٌ]. السُّنْبُلَةُ is also the name of A certain sign of the Zodiac [i.e. Virgo]; (K, TA;) the sixth sign; the third of the summer signs: (TA:) [or Spica Virginis;] a certain star in Virgo. (Kzw.) [See, again, سَبَلٌ.] b2: Also A certain perfume; (M;) a certain plant of sweet odour, also called سُنْبُلُ العَصَافِيرِ, (K,) and الرّيْحَانُ الهِنْدِىُّ; (TA;) [spikenard, called in the present day السُّنْبُلُ الهِنْدِىُّ;] the best whereof is the سُورِىّ, (K,) what is brought from سُور [or سُورَى?], a town, or district, of El-'Irák; (TA;) and the weakest is the هِنْدِىّ: it is an aperient; a discutient of flatulences; (K, * TA;) strengthening to the brain and the spleen and the kidneys and the bowels; and diuretic; and has the property of arresting the excessive flow of blood from the womb. (K, TA. [Mentioned also voce سَبَلٌ, as called سُنْبُلُ الطِّيبِ.]) السُّنْبُلُ الرُّمِىُّ [also signifies Spikenard, or perhaps a variety thereof;] i. q. النَّارِدِينُ.(K.) سَنْبَلَةٌ The [kind of trees called] عِضَاه [q. v.]. (Fr, K.) [It is said in the TA that the ن in this word is augmentative: but the same is held by some to be the case in other words mentioned in this art.]

قَمِيصٌ سُنْبُلَانِىٌّ A shirt ample in length, or reaching to, or towards, the ground: or so called in relation to a town, or district, in the Greek Empire. ('Abd-El-Wahháb El-Ghana wee, K, TA.)
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