1 نَدَبَهُ لِلْأَمْرِ, (S,) or إِلَى الأَمْرِ, aor. ـُ (Msb, K,) inf. n. نَدْبٌ; (Msb, TA;) and ↓ انتدبه للامر; this latter verb being used transitively as well as intransitively; (Msb;) He, or it, called, summoned, or invited, him to the thing; (S, Msb, K;) and instigated, incited, or urged, him to it: (K.) i. e., to war, succour, &c. (TA.) b2: [You say,] مَا نَدَبَنِى إِلَى مَا فَعَلْتُ إِلَّا النُّصْحُ لَكَ (tropical:) Nothing incited me to do what I have done but sincerity towards thee. (TA.) b3: نَدَبَهُ إِلَى أَمْرٍ, [and لِأَمْرٍ; and ↓ ندّبهُ; (see مَنْدُوبٌ;)] He sent him to do a thing. (K.) b4: نَدَبَ المَيِّتَ, (aor.نَدُبَ, inf. n. نَدْبٌ, S,) (tropical:) He wailed for, wept for, or deplored the loss of, the dead man, and enumerated his good qualities and actions. (S, K.) نَدَبُتِ الميّب (tropical:) She (a wailing woman) called upon the dead man, praising him, and saying وَافُلَانَاهُ and وَاهَنَاهُ, Alas for such a one! and Alas for thee! (M) or she, as it were, called upon the dead man, enumerating his good qualities and actions, as though he heard her. (Msb.) It is said that the action is peculiarly that of women; and that the verb is derived from نَدَبَهُ, “he called him ” to do a thing; or from نَدَبٌ, “a scar,” because the wailer mentions the memorials of him who has gone; or perhaps from نَدْبٌ, “lightness, or activity. ” (MF.) A2: نَدِبَ, aor. ـَ (inf. n. نَدَبٌ, TA;) and ↓ اندب; It (a wound) had a hardened scar, such as is termed نَدَبَة. (K.) b2: نَدِبَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. نَدَبٌ [so accord. to the TA, agreeably with analogy; but in the CK and a MS. copy, نَدْبٌ; whence, and from the form of the latter of the two inf. ns. here following, it seems not improbable that the verb may be also written نَدَبَ;] and نُدُوبَةٌ and نُدُوبٌ, It (the back) had upon it scars, such as are termed نُدُوب. (K.) A3: نَدُبَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. نَدَابَةٌ, TA,) He was light, or active, (and quick, TA,) in the accomplishment of affairs, or wants: he was clever, ingenious, or acute in mind; excellent. (K.) 2 ندّب He took, got, or won, a bet, wager, or stake. (L.) b2: See 1.4 اندبهُ It (a wound) made, or left, a scar upon him. (K.) b2: He made a scar upon his skin. (TA.) b3: See بَدَبٌ. b4: اندب بِظَهْرِهِ, and فى ظهره, He, or it, left scars (نُدُوب) upon his back. (TA.) b5: أَنْدَبَتْهُ الحَاجَةُ إِنْدَابًا شَدِيدًا (tropical:) The thing, or want, made a severe impression upon him. (TA.) b6: اندب نَفْسَهُ, and بِنَفْسِهِ, He exposed himself to peril. (K.) A2: See 1.8 انتدب لَهُ He answered, or complied with, or obeyed, his call, summons, or invitation, (S,) and hastened to him, when called to war, succour, &c. (TA.) b2: انتدب اللّٰهُ لِمَنْ خَرَجَ فِى سَبِيلِهِ (occurring in a trad., TA,) God answereth his prayer for forgiveness [who goeth forth to fight for the sake of his religion]: or is surety, or guarantee, for him: or hasteneth to grant him a good recompense: or graciously maketh his completion of that [recompense] to him necessary and sure. (K.) b3: انتدبوا إِلَيْهِ They hastened to him, either at his call, or summons, or of their own accord. (TA.) b4: خُذْ مَا انتدب Take thou what is easily attainable; what offers itself without difficulty: (AA, K:) as also ما انتدم. (TA.) b5: See 1 A2: انتدب لَهُ He opposed him in his speech. (K.) A3: إِيَّاكُمْ وَرِضَاعَ السَّوْءِ فَإِنَّهُ لَا بُدَّ مِنْ أَنْ يَنْتَدِبَ Beware of giving your children to a bad nurse; for it [that is the evil consequence, or the bad qualities that will be acquired,] will inevitably appear some day. Said by 'Omar. (TA.) نَدْبٌ A man who is light, or active, (and quick, TA,) in the accomplishment of an affair, or a want; (S, K;) as also ↓ مِنْدَبَى (K) and ↓ مِنْدِبَى: (TA:) a man who, when he is sent to accomplish a great, or an important, affair, finds it light to him: (A:) clever, ingenious, or acute in mind; excellent: pl. نُدُوبٌ and نُدَبَاءُ: (K:) the former agreeable with analogy; the latter formed from the imaginary sing. نَدِيبٌ; like سُمَحَاءُ, pl. of سَمْحٌ. (TA.) b2: نَدْبٌ, as applied to a horse, Sharp-spirited; (Lth, S;) contr. of بَلِيدٌ (Lth) excellent. (TA.) b3: نَدْبٌ Lightness, or activity. (MF.) b4: أَرَاكَ نَدْبًا فِى الحَوَائِجِ [I see thee to be clever in accomplishing affairs, or wants. (A.) A2: See نَدَبٌ.
نَدَبٌ, (S, K,) and, by poetical licence, ↓ نَدْبٌ, (MF,) The scar, (S,) or scars, (K,) of a wound, (S, K,) not rising above the surrounding skin: (S:) accord. to the K, pl. نَدَبَةٌ [which is written in several MS. copies of the K نَدْبَةٌ; and so in the CK; but this, accord. to the TA, is incorrect;] but it is a coll. gen. n., of which the n. un. is نَدَبَةٌ, like as شَجَرَةٌ is that of شَجَرٌ: (MF:) pl. أَنْدَابٌ and نُدُوبٌ: (K:) the former of نَدَبٌ agreeably with analogy: the latter dev. with respect to analogy; or pl. of نَدْبٌ. (MF.) b2: نَدَبٌ is also applied, in a trad., to the (tropical:) Marks made by Moses' smiting the stone [from which, thereupon, water flowed forth]; these marks being thus likened to the scars of wounds. (TA.) b3: نَدَبٌ is also employed to signify (tropical:) Scars upon men's reputation. A poet says, قَوْمٌ سَأَتْرُكُ فِى أَعْرَاضِهِمْ نَدَبَا A people upon whose reputation I will leave scars, the effects of my satires. (TA.) A2: نَدَبٌ The direction in which one shoots an arrow or arrows: syn. رِشْقٌ. (So in the S and the CK and several MS. copies of the K: in other copies, رَشْقٌ The act of shooting an arrow or arrows. Both these readings are correct accord. to the TA. See below.) إِرْتَمَى نَدَبًا أَوْ نَدَبَيْنِ He shot an arrow or arrows in one direction or in two directions: syn. وَجْهًا أَوْ وَجْهَيْنِ. (TA.) b2: نَدَبُنَا يَوْمَ كَذَا (said by those who are to contend at a shooting-match, TA,) The day of our commencing shooting shall be such a day. (K.) This confirms the assertion in the TA, that نَدَبٌ is syn. with رَشْقٌ, as well as with رِشْقٌ. In the Turk. K, in the place of يَوْمَ ابْتِدَائِنَا, we find يوم انْتِدَابِنَا; and Freytag adopts the latter reading; but I find no other authority for it.]
b3: نَدَبٌ A bet, wager, stake, or thing wagered; what is staked at a shooting match, or a race, and taken by the winner: (S, * K, * L:) pl. أَنْدَابٌ. (Msb.) So in the following phrases. b4: بَيْنَهُمْ نَدَبٌ [Between them is a bet, or wager]. b5: أَقَامَ فُلَانٌ عَلَى نَدَبٍ [Such a one stood to a bet, wager, or stake]. (TA.) b6: 'Orweh says, أَيَهْلِكُ مُعْتَمٌّ وَزَيْدٌ وَلَمْ أُقِمْ عَلَى نَذَبٍ يَوْمًا وَلِى نَفْسُ مُخْطِرِ [Shall Moatemm and Zeyd perish, and I not stand to a stake, some day, when I have the soul of one who makes his life a stake to his adversary and sallies forth against him?] These two were his ancestors. (S.) Or, accord. to Az, who reads أَتَهْلِكُ, they were two tribes. (TA.) نَدِبٌ: see نَدِيبٌ.
نَدْبَةٌ [a fem. epithet] Any camel's foot, or hoof, [meaning any camel, or hoofed beast,] that does not remain in one state. (K.) نُدْبَةٌ, a subst., A call; a summons; an invitation to do a thing. (Msb.) b2: نُدْبَةٌ: a subst., (tropical:) The act of wailing for, weeping for, lamenting, or deploring the loss of, one who is dead, as described in the explanations of نَدَبَ الميّت, and بَدَبَتْه. (S, K, M, Msb.) b3: [هَآءُ النَّدْبَةِ The ه of lamentation].
A2: عَرَبِىٌّ نُدْبَةٌ An Arabian of chaste speech; (K;) eloquent. (TA.) نَدِيبٌ, (K,) or ↓ نَدِبٌ, (L,) A back having upon it scars, such as are termed نُدُوب: (L, K:) the former epithet is also applied in the same sense to a wound: and, so applied, is also explained by the word مَنْدُوبٌ: (TA:) [app. meaning that will be wailed for, or deplored; i. e., fatal].
نَادِبَةٌ (tropical:) A wailing woman; or one wailing for, weeping for, or deploring the loss of, one who is dead, as described in the explanations of نَدَبَ الميّت, and نَدَبَتْهُ: (M, Msb:) pl. نَوَادِبُ. (Msb.) النَّدَّابَتَانِ a name given to Two bad marks in horses. (TA.) مَنْدَبٌ A place to which one is called, summoned, or invited. Hence بَابُ المَنْدَبِ [The Strait Báb el-Mendeb, or The Strait of the Place of Summons:] so called because a certain king summoned a number of men to break through the mountain there, which originally opposed a barrier to the sea, in order to drown his enemy; and this they did, thus overwhelming with the waters many cities and towns with their inhabitants, and forming the sea which intervenes between El-Yemen and Abyssinia, and which extends to 'Eydháb and Kuseyr [&c.]. (Yaakoot.) This king was Alexander the Greek! (TA.) [It is probable that the appearance of the Strait gave rise to this story, and thus to its name: but it is also probable that the name may signify The Strait of the Place of Wailing for the Dead; as many perish who go forth from it.]
مَنْدَبَى and مِنْدِبَى: see نَدْبٌ.
مُنَدَّبٌ: see مَنْدُوبٌ.
مَنْدُوبٌ One sent to do a thing; a messenger; an envoy; an ambassador. (TA.) b2: فُلَانٌ مَنْدُوبٌ لِأَمْرٍ عَظِيمٍ, and لَهُ ↓ مُنَدَّبٌ, Such a one is sent to do a great thing; or to perform an important affair. (A.) b3: ↓ مُنَدَّبَةٌ an appellation, given by the people of Mekkeh to their Envoys, or ambassadors, to the palace of the Khaleefeh. (TA.) b4: مَنْدُوبٌ Desired; sought; sought after; as the name of a certain horse it is thus explained: from نَدَبٌ, as signifying “ a pledge that is given on the occasion of a race. ” (L.) b5: مَنْدُوبٌ: see نَدَبَ الميّت: A thing bewailed, [or complained of as painful,] with the exclamation of يَا or وَا. O! or Alas! (KT.) [The name of the thing thus bewailed, or complained of, has always an ا of prolongation and ه annexed to it, or the ا only.] b6: مَنْدُوبٌ, originally مَنْدُوبٌ إِلَيْهِ, A thing to the performance of which one is called, summoned, or invited: (Msb:) [hence,] approved: (K:) a signification verified by the doctors of practical law: (TA:) a thing the doing of which is more excellent than the leaving it undone, in the eye of the prescriber of the law, but which it is allowable to leave undone. (KT.) [Freytag, in quoting the original words, omits فِعْلُهُ before راجحًا.]