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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
649. جردق3 650. جردم7 651. جرذ16 652. جرذق3 653. جرذم4 654. جرز20655. جرس20 656. جرش14 657. جرض10 658. جرع16 659. جرف19 660. جرل10 661. جرم24 662. جرموق1 663. جرن20 664. جرو9 665. جرى7 666. جز5 667. جزأ12 668. جزر17 669. جزع18 670. جزف16 671. جزل15 672. جزم14 673. جزى8 674. جس4 675. جسأ8 676. جسد15 677. جسر16 678. جسم16 679. جسو6 680. جش5 681. جشأ13 682. جشب11 683. جشر15 684. جشع14 685. جشم15 686. جشن8 687. جص4 688. جظ3 689. جعب14 690. جعد15 691. جعر17 692. جعس10 693. جعف10 694. جعفد2 695. جعفر6 696. جعل17 697. جعمس4 698. جف5 699. جفأ12 700. جفر16 701. جفل14 702. جفن16 703. جفو11 704. جل5 705. جلب21 706. جلح17 707. جلد17 708. جلس15 709. جلسد4 710. جلف16 711. جلق9 712. جلم15 713. جلمح2 714. جلمد8 715. جلنار1 716. جله10 717. جلهق5 718. جلو11 719. جلى3 720. جم7 721. جمح17 722. جمد15 723. جمر19 724. جمز17 725. جمس18 726. جمش12 727. جمع21 728. جمل20 729. جمن12 730. جمهر15 731. جن6 732. جنأ10 733. جنب21 734. جنث7 735. جنح17 736. جند17 737. جندب4 738. جندر4 739. جندل8 740. جنز14 741. جنس16 742. جنف21 743. جنق5 744. جنك4 745. جنو3 746. جنى6 747. جهد17 748. جهر18 Prev. 100




1 جَرَزَهُ, (S, K, * TA,) aor. ـُ inf. n. جَرْزٌ, (S, Mgh, TA,) He cut it; or cut it off. (S, K, Mgh, TA.) You say also, جُرِزَتِ الأَرْضُ, meaning, The land had its herbage cut, or cut off: (A:) or became without herbage; its herbage having been consumed by the locusts or the sheep or goats or the camels or the like: (Fr, TA:) and جَرِزَتِ الأَرْضُ, aor. ـَ signifies [the same, or] the land became what is termed جُرُز; as also ↓ أَجْرَزَت. (TA.) b2: It (time, or fortune, الزَّمَانُ,) destroyed, exterminated, or extirpated, him or it. (A, TA.) b3: Also, (K,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,) He slew him. (K, * TA.) A2: Also جَرَزَ (K,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,) He ate quickly. (K, * TA.) b2: And جَرُزَ, (K,) inf. n. جَرَازَةٌ, (TA,) He ate much; was a great eater; (K, TA;) not leaving anything upon the table: (TA:) or (K and TA, but in the CK “ and ”) he ate quickly; was a quick eater. (K, TA.) 4 اجرزت الأَرْضُ: see 1. b2: اجرز القَوْمُ, from أَرْضٌ جُرُزٌ, (S,) is a phrase similar to جُرُز, (S, TA,) and signifies The people journeyed in a land such as is termed جُرُز: (TA in art. يبس:) also (TA) they were, or became, afflicted with dearth, scarcity, drought, sterility, or barrenness. (K, TA.) b3: [And hence, app.,] اجرزت النَّاقَةُ The she-camel became lean, or emaciated. (K.) جَرْزٌ: see جُرُزٌ; the former, in two places.

جُرْزٌ: see جُرُزٌ; the former, in two places.

جَرَزٌ: see جُرُزٌ. b2: Also سَنَةٌ جَرَزٌ A year of dearth, scarcity, drought, or sterility: (S, * K, * TA:) pl. أَجْرَازٌ. (S, TA.) أَرْضٌ جُرُزٌ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) and ↓ جُرْزٌ, and ↓ جَرَزٌ, and ↓ جَرْزٌ, (S, K,) and ↓ مَجْرُوزَةٌ, (K,) Land in which is no herbage; (Fr, S, Mgh;) as though the herbage or the rain were cut off from it: (S:) or from which the water is cut off, so that it is dried up and without herbage: (Msb, in explanation of the first:) or dried up, producing no herbage: (Jel in xviii. 7, in explanation of the first:) or of which the herbage has been cut: (Bd ibid., in explanation of the first; and A in explanation of the last:) or that produces no herbage: (K:) or of which the herbage has been eaten: (K: or this is the signification of the last [only] according to the S:) or not rained upon: (K:) or, accord. to some of the expositions of the Kur, by the first is meant the land of El-Yemen: and by the second, accord. to El-'Otbee, [land] that takes, or receives, much water, and does not dry it up: and as to ↓ جَرْزٌ, it may be an inf. n. used as an epithet, as though meaning ذَاتُ جَرْزٍ, i. e., of which the herbage has been eaten: also ↓ أَرْضٌ مَجْرُوزَةٌ is explained as signifying land of which the herbage has been consumed by the locusts or the sheep or goats or the camels or the like: (TA:) and ↓ مَفَازَةٌ مِجْرَازٌ a barren desert: (A, * K:) [see also جَارِزٌ:] the pl. of جُرْزٌ is جِرَزَةٌ, like as جِحَرَةٌ is pl. of جُحْرٌ; and that of جَرَزٌ is أَجْرَازٌ, like as أَسْبَابٌ is pl. of سَبَبٌ: (S:) and one says also أَرْضٌ أَجْرَازٌ, (K, TA,) as well as أَرَضُونَ أَجْرَازٌ. (TA.) جَرْزَةٌ, (S, A,) or ↓ جَرَزَةٌ, with fet-h to the ر, (K, TA,) Extirpation: (S, A:) or destruction. (K, TA.) Hence the saying, لَنْ تَرْضَى شَانِئَةٌ إِلَّا بِجَرْزَةٍ A female that hates, by reason of the vehemence of her hatred, will not be content save with extirpation [of the object of her hatred]: (S:) or لَمْ يَرْضَ شَانِئُهُ إِلَّا بِجَرْزَةٍ, (A,) or ↓ بَجَرَزَةٍ, (TA,) His hater was not content save with extirpation of him whom he hated. (A, TA.) Yousay also, ↓ رَمَاهُ اللّٰهُ بِشَرَزَةٍ وجَرَزَةٍ, [or بِشَرْزَةٍ وَجَرْزَةٍ, thus, only, the former word is written in the K and TA in art. شرز, and I think that the latter is correctly written in like manner, as in the S and A,] God smote him with destruction [and extirpation]. (TA.) جُرْزَةٌ A bundle of [the kind of trefoil called]

قَتّ (A, Mgh, Msb, K) or the like: (Mgh, Msb, K:) or a handful thereof: (Mgh, Msb:) pl. جُرَزٌ. (A, * Mgh, Msb.) جَرَزَةٌ: see جَرْزَةٌ, in three places.

جُرَازٌ, applied to a sword, (S, K,) Cutting, or sharp: (K:) or cutting much, or very sharp: (S:) or penetrating: or that cuts off utterly, or entirely. (TA.) b2: Hence you say of a she-camel, likening her to such a sword, إِنَّهَا لَجُرَازٌ لِلشَّجَرِ (assumed tropical:) Verily she is one that eats and breaks the trees. (TA.) See also جَرُوزٌ.

جَرُوزٌ (tropical:) That eats much; (A, K;) [when applied to a man,] that leaves nothing upon the table when he eats: (S, A:) or that eats quickly: (K:) applied to a man, and to a camel; (TA;) and to a woman; and to a she-camel, as also ↓ جُرَازٌ; (S;) or [any] female: (TA:) or, applied to a she-camel, that eats everything. (As, TA.) جَارِزٌ, applied [to land, and hence,] to (tropical:) a woman, Barren: (S, A, K:) the woman is likened to land that produces no herbage. (TA.) [See also جُرُزٌ.] b2: أَرْضٌ جَارِزَةٌ Dry and rugged land encompassed by sands or by a [level tract such as is called] قَاع: (S, K:) pl. جَوَارِزُ: (S, TA:) mostly applied to islands of the sea. (TA.) مُجْرِزَةٌ, applied to a she-camel, Lean, or emaciated. (K.) مِجْرَازٌ: see جُرُزٌ; the latter, in two places.

مَجْرُوزَةٌ: see جُرُزٌ; the latter, in two places.
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