1 حَاشَ الصَّيْدَ, (S, A, K,) aor. ـُ (S,) inf. n. حَوْشٌ and حِيَاشٌ, (TA,) He came around the chase, or game, to turn it towards the snare; (S, A, K;) as also ↓ أَحَاشَهُ, and ↓ أَحْوَشَهُ, (S, K,) inf. n. إِحَاشَةٌ and إِحْوَاشٌ. (TA.) b2: حُشْتُ عَلَيْهِ الصَّيْدَ I aided him to hunt, or catch, the chase, or game; as also عليه ↓ أَحَشْتُهُ, and ↓ أَحْوَشْتُهُ عليه, and أَحْوَشْتُهُ إِيَّاهُ, on the authority of Th: (TA:) and حَاشَ عَلَيْهِ الصَّيْدَ He scared the chase, or game, towards him, and drove and collected it to him; as also ↓ احاشهُ. (TA.) b3: حَاشَ الذِّئْبُ الغَنَمَ The wolf drove along the sheep or goats. (TA.) b4: حَاشَ الإِبِلَ He collected together, and drove, the camels. (S, K.) b5: حَاشَهُ, inf. n. حَوْشٌ, also signifies [simply] He collected it; drew it together. (TA.) [See also 2.] b6: هُوَ يَحُوشُ الطَّعَامَ, (A,) inf. n. حَوْشٌ, (K,) He eats from the sides of the food so as to consume it: (A, K:) from IF. (TA.) A2: [See also 7.]2 حوّش, (TA,) inf. n. تَحْوِيشٌ, (K,) He collected several things: or collected much. (K, * TA.) [See also 1.]3 حاوش البَرْقَ He turned aside from the place of the rain of the lightning, whichever way it turned. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) b2: Hence, (TA,) حَاوَشَهُ, (A,) inf. n. مُحَاوَشَةٌ, (TA,) He circumvented him: or he endeavoured to induce him to turn, or incline, or decline; or endeavoured to turn him by deceit, or guile: syn. دَاوَرَهُ: (A, TA: *) in war, and in litigation or contention [&c.]. (TA.) You say, ظَلِتُ أُحَاوِشُهُ وَأُحَاوِتُهُ حَتَّى فَعَلَ [I continued during the day to circumvent him, or to endeavour to induce him to turn, &c., and to delude him, or act towards him with artifice, like a fish in the water, until he did what I desired: see also what next follows]. (A.) b3: [And hence,] حَاوَشْتُهُ عَلَيْهِ I excited, incited, urged, or instigated, him to do it. (Ibn-'Abbád, A, * Sgh, K.) [It is indicated in the A that in the ex. immediately preceding this, أُحَاوِشُهُ may also be rendered agreeably with this explanation.]4 احاش الصَّيْدَ, and أَحْوَشَهُ: see 1, in five places.5 تحوّش القَوْمُ عَنّى The people, or company of men, removed, withdrew, or retired to a distance, from me. (S, K. *) And تحوّش عَنِ القَوْمِ He removed, &c., from the people, or company of men. (TA.) b2: تحوّشت مِنْ زَوْجِهَا She became forlorn of her husband; syn. تَأَيَّمَتْ. (Sgh, K.) b3: تحوّش He felt, or had a sense of, or was moved with, shame, or shyness, or bashfulness. (AA, K.) 6 تَحَاْوَشَ see 8.7 انحاش عَنْهُ He took fright, and fled from him; or was averse from him; and shrank from him; (S, * K;) and was frightened at him; and was moved by him. (TA.) [In the TA it is here added, that this verb is quasi-pass. of الحَوْشُ in the sense of النِّفَارُ; but this seems to indicate that a copyist has written النفار by mistake for الإِنْفَارُ, which is a syn. of the inf. n. of 1 in a sense explained above: so that انحاش signifies He became scared, or the like.] Hr mentions this verb in art. حيش; but it belongs to the present art. (IAth.) You say, زَجَرَهُ فَمَا انْحَاشَ لِزَجْرِهِ He chid him (meaning a wolf or other animal) but he did not take fright and flee, &c., at his chiding. (TA.) And مَا يَنْحَاشُ فُلَانٌ مِنْ شَىْءٍ, (S, A, *) and لِشَىْءٍ, and مِنْ فُلَانٍ, (TA,) Such a one is not moved by, and does not care for, or regard, anything, (S, A, TA,) and such a one. (TA.) b2: انحاشت الإِبِلُ The camels became collected together. (Har p. 130.) 8 احتوش القَوْمُ الصَّيْدَ, (S, Msb, K,) and, more commonly, بِالصَّيْدِ, (Msb,) The people, or company of men, encompassed, or surrounded, the chase, or game: (Msb:) or scared it, one, or one party, to another: (S, K:) the و remaining here unchanged as it does in اِجْتَوَرُوا. (S.) And احتوشو فُلَانًا (A, TA) They encompassed, or surrounded, such a one: (A:) or they made such a one to be in the midst of them; (TA;) as also احتوشوا عَلَيْهِ, (S, K,) [and احتوشوا حَوَالَيْهِ, (M and O in art. حول,)] and ↓ تحاوشوهُ, (K,) or تحاوشوهُ بَيْنَهُمْ. (TA.) b2: Hence the phrase احتوش الدَّمُ الطُّهْرَ (assumed tropical:) [The blood invaded from every quarter the state of pureness]; as though the blood encompassed the pureness, and enclosed it on either side. (Msb.) [Alluding to the collecting of the blood about the uterus previously to menstruation.]حَاشَ لِلّٰهِ i. q. تَنْزِيهًا لِلّٰهِ. One should not say حَاشَ لَكَ, but حَاشَاكَ, and حَاشَى لَكَ. (S, K.) [See these phrases explained in art. حشى.]
حَوْشٌ A thing resembling [the kind of enclosure, made of trees or of wood, &c, for camels or sheep or goats, called] a حَظِيرَة: a word of the dial. of El-'Irák. (Sgh, K.) b2: Applied by the people of Egypt to The court (فِنَآء) of a house: (TA:) [and to any court, or enclosure, surrounded by dwellings or the like, or by these and walls, or by walls alone: pl. of pauc. أَحْوَاشٌ, and of mult.
حُوشٌ: and الحُوشُ: see the next paragraph, in four places.
حُوشِىٌّ Wild; untamed; undomesticated; uncivilized; unfamiliar; syn. وَحْشِىٌّ. (S, Msb.) b2: Applied to a man, (tropical:) Wild; uncivilized; unfamiliar; (A;) unsociable; that does not mix with others. (S, A.) b3: Applied to a camel, or other [animal], Wild: (K:) [or] the epithet thus applied is tropical; (A, TA;) and what are thus called, (K,) or الإِبِلُ الحُوشِيَّةُ [the camels termed حوشيّة], (S, A, Msb,) are so named from ↓ الحُوشُ, the appellation of certain stallions of the camels of the jinn, or genii, which covered some of the she-camels of Arabs, (IKt, S, A, Msb, K,) as they assert, (S, K,) namely, of the she-camels of Mahrah, (K,) meaning the Benoo-Mahrah-Ibn-Heydán, (TA,) and the offspring were the camels called النَّجَائِبُ المَهْرِيَّةُ, (Msb, TA,) which scarcely ever become tired; and the like of this is said by AHeyth: (TA:) it is also said that ↓ الحُوشُ, (S, K,) from which the epithet above mentioned, thus applied, is a rel. n., (TA,) is the country of the jinn, (S, K,) beyond the sands of Yebreen, which no man inhabits: (S:) or an appellation of certain sons of the jinn, whose country is called بِلَادُ الحُوشِ by Ru-beh: (TA:) or it is like الوَحْش: (Msb:) or إِبِلٌ حُوشِيَّةٌ means camels of the jinn: or wild camels; (TA;) as also ↓ حُوشٌ: (S:) or camels not completely broken or trained, because of their unyielding spirit. (TA.) b4: Hence, (A,) رَجُلٌ حُوشِىٌّ الفُؤَادِ, (A,) or الفُؤَادِ ↓ حُوشُ, (S, K,) (tropical:) A man acute, or sharp, in intellect. (S, * A, K, * TA. *) b5: You say also, كَلَامٌ حُوشِىٌّ (tropical:) Strange, uncouth, unusual, extraordinary, or unfamiliar, speech; such as is difficult to be understood; (Msb, K, TA;) i. q. وَحْشِىٌّ; (S, A;) [opposed to فَصِيحٌ:] and in like manner, لَفْظَةٌ حُوشِيَّةٌ a word, or phrase, that is strange, uncouth, unusual, &c.; as also لَفْظَةٌ وَحْشِيَّةٌ, and غَرِيبَةٌ, and شَارِدَةٌ; all opposed to لَفْظَةٌ فَصِيحَةٌ. (Mz, 13th نوع.) b6: And لَيْلٌ حُوشِىٌّ (tropical:) A night that is dark (A, K) and terrible. (A, TA.) حُوشِيَّةٌ [Wildness; and the like; the quality of that which is termed حُوشِىّ:] (tropical:) unsociableness of disposition; or the quality of not mixing with others; in a man. (S.) مُحْتَوَشٌ Encompassed, or surrounded. (Msb.)