2 تَقْعِيبٌ [as
inf. n. of the
pass. v. قُعِّبَ], used in relation to a solid hoof, means (
tropical:) The being مُقَبَّب [i. e. round, or hemispherical,] like the [drinking-cup, or bowl, called] قَعْب. (
TA. [See also مُقَعَّبٌ.])
b2: And التَّقْعِيبُ signifies تَقْعِيرُ الكَلَامِ; (
K;) or تَقْعِيبُ الكَلَامِ signifies تَقْعِيرُهُ; (
S, O;) [or التَّقْعِيبُ فِى الكَلَامِ signifies التَّقْعِيرُ فِيهِ, i. e. (
tropical:) The speaking with a guttural voice, or from the furthest part of the fauces; or the doing thus, with a twisting of the sides of the mouth; and opening the mouth so that it becomes as though it were a cup such as is called قَعْب: (see مُقَعِّبٌ:)] you say, قَعَّبَ فِى كَلَامِهِ and قَعَّرَ; both meaning the same. (
Q. Q. 3 اِقْعَنْبَى He put his hands upon the ground, and sat in such a posture as to be ready to rise. (
TA in art. قعنب, from a
trad.) قَعْبٌ A deep wooden drinking-cup or bowl: (
S, O:) or a large vessel like the [bowl called] قَصْعَة: (
Msb:) or a large, rude, drinking-cup or bowl: (
K:) or one inclining more nearly to be small: (
K: *) to which a solid hoof is likened: (
TA:) or such as satisfies the thirst of a man: (
accord. to
IAar, the first [or smallest] of drinkingcups or bowls is that called the غُمَر, which does not hold enough to satisfy [a man's] thirst: next is the قَعْب, which is [a cup] large enough to satisfy the thirst of a man; and sometimes it satisfies the thirst of two men, and three: and then, the عُسّ: (
TA:) the
pl. is قِعَبَةٌ (
K) and (
K) قِعَابٌ and أَقْعُبٌ, (
K,) the last a
pl. of paucity. (
b2: And (assumed
tropical:) Depth of speech, or language. (
TA.) One says, هٰذَا كَلَامٌ لَهُ قَعْبٌ (assumed
tropical:) This is speech, or language, having depth. (
b3: And in the
T, in art. قنع, the phrase قِعَابُ الأَوْرَاقِ is
expl. as meaning أَقْتَآءٌ بِيضُ الأَسْنَانِ [
app. for البِيضُ الأَسْنَانِ مِنَ الأَفْتَآءِ i. e. The white in respect of the teeth, of the young; for الاوراق seems to be here used in a sense assigned to its
sing., الوَرَقُ, namely, الأَحْدَاثُ,
pl. of الحَدَثُ, which is
syn. with الفَتِىُّ, of which الأَفْتَآءُ is
pl.: but for this usage of قِعَاب I am unable to account: I incline to think it a mistranscription, though I do not know any word resembling it for which it may have been substituted]. (
TA.) قَعْبَةٌ (assumed
tropical:) A thing resembling [the kind of receptacle called] a حُقَّة, pertaining to a woman: or a covered حُقَّة for سَوِيق [i. e. meal of parched barley or the like]: (
K:) or a thing resembling a covered حُقَّة in which is a woman's سويق. (
O.) قُعْبَةٌ (assumed
tropical:) A [hollow, or cavity, such as is termed]
نُقْرَة, in a mountain. (
K.) قَعِيبٌ A large number: (
K:) or a number: and a large number or quantity. (
O.) قَاعِبٌ A wolf that howls much. (
K.) عُقَابٌ قَعْنَبَاةٌ
i. q. عقاب عَقَنْبَاةٌ, (
K,) formed by
transposition, meaning [An eagle] having sharp talons. (O. [See more in art. عقب.]) حَافِرٌ مُقَعَّبٌ (
tropical:) A solid hoof likened to a قَعْب; (
S, O;) round like the قَعْب. (
b2: And سُرَّةٌ مُقَعَّبَةٌ (
tropical:) A navel resembling a قَعْب, (
K,) sunk in the belly, and elevated in the part around it. (
b3: And حَجَرٌ مُقَعَّبٌ (
tropical:) A stone in which is a hollow, or cavity, resembling the قَعْب. (
A.) فُلَانٌ مُقَعِّبْ مُقَعِّرٌ (
tropical:) Such a one is a person who twists the sides of his mouth, and who speaks [with a guttural voice, or] with [or from] the furthest part of his fauces, and opens his mouth [making it to be] as though it were a [cup such as is called]
قَعْب. (