له سحنة حسنة وسحناء حسناء وهي الهيئة.
مِسْحَنَة: انظر ديوان الهذليين (ص154).
الشَّيْء سحنا دقه والخشبة دلكها حَتَّى تلين من غير أَن يَأْخُذ مِنْهَا شَيْئا
سَحَن(n. ac. سَحْن)
a. Broke.
b. Rubbed, smoothed (wood).
سَاْحَنَa. see Vb. Met face to face.
c. Treated kindly.
تَسَحَّنَa. Scrutinized.
سَحَنَةa. Exterior, appearance, form.
b. Complexion.
a. Stone ( for pounding ); mill-stone.
سَحْنَآءُa. see 1t
السَّحْنَةُ والسِّحَنَة والسّحْناءُ والسِّحَناء لين الْبشرَة وَالنعْمَة، وَقيل الْهَيْئَة واللون.
وَجَاء الْفرس مُسْحِنا: أَي حسَنَ الْحَال. وَالْأُنْثَى بِالْهَاءِ.
وتسّحّنَ المَال وساحَنَه: نظر إِلَى سحْنائِه.
والمُساحَنَةُ: الملاقاة. وساحنَهَ الشَّيْء مساحَنَةً: خالطه فِيهِ وفاوضه.
وسَحَنَ الشَّيْء سَحْنا: دقه. والمِسْحَنَةُ الصلاءة. والسّحْنُ: أَن تدلك الْخَشَبَة حَتَّى تلين من غير أَن يُؤْخَذ مِنْهَا شَيْء. وَقد سَحَنها. وَاسم الْآلَة، المسْحَنُ. والمَساحِنُ: حِجَارَة رقاق يمهى بهَا الْحَدِيد نَحْو المِسَنِّ.
سحَنَ يَسحَن، سَحْنًا، فهو ساحِن، والمفعول مَسْحون
• سحَن الحَبَّ: دقّه أشدّ الدَّقِّ وسحَقه، حوَّله إلى مسحوق ناعم "سحَن القمحَ حتَّى صار دقيقًا- سحن طباشير" ° سحن الحجرَ: كسره.
سَحْن [مفرد]: مصدر سحَنَ.
سَحْناءُ [مفرد]: سَحنة، هيئة، شكل ولون، حال "عرفت من سَحْنائه أنّه أجنبيّ".
سَحْنَة [مفرد]: ج سَحَنات وسَحْنات: سَحْناء، هيئة وحال، شكل ولون "عرفت من سَحْنَتِه أنّه أجنبيّ" ° سَحنته مقلوبة: عابس- قلَب لي سَحنته: ظهر على وجهه علامات الغضب.
سِحْنة [مفرد]: ج سِحْنات: سَحْناء، هيئة وحال، شكل ولون "عرفت من سِحْنَتِه أنّه أجنبيّ" ° قلَب لي سِحنته: ظهر على وجهه علامات الغضب- سِحنته مقلوبة: عابس.
مِسْحَنة [مفرد]: ج مِسْحنات ومَساحِنُ: اسم آلة من سحَنَ: آلة للطَّحْن "طحنت القمح في المِسْحَنة".
سحن: السَّحْنة والسَّحَنةُ والسَّحْناء والسَّحنَاء: لِينُ البَشَرة
والنَّعْمة، وقيل: الهيئةُ واللونُ والحالُ. وفي الحديث ذكر السَّحْنة، وهي
بشرة الوجه، وهي مفتوحة السين وقد تكسر، ويقال فيها السَّحْناء، بالمد.
قال أَبو منصور: النَّعْمة، بفتح النون، التنعم، والنِّعْمة، بكسر النون،
إنعام الله على العبد. وإنه لحسَن السَّحْنة والسَّحناء. يقال: هؤلاء
قوم حسَنٌ سَحْنَتُهم، وكان الفراء يقول السَّحَناء والثَّأَداء، بالتحريك؛
قال أَبو عبيد: ولم أَسمع أَحداً يقولهما بالتحريك غيره؛ وقال ابن
كَيْسان: إنما حُرِّكتا لمكان حروف الحلق. قال: وسَحْنة الرجل حُسْن شعره
وديباجته لوْنِه
(* قوله «وديباجته لونه إلخ» عبارة التهذيب: حسن شعره
وديباجته، قال وديباجته لونه وليطه). ولِيْطِه. وإنه لحَسَن سَحْناء الوَجْه.
ويقال: سَحَناء، مثقل، وسَحْناء أَجود. وجاء الفرس مُسْحِناً أَي حَسَنَ
الحال، والأُنثى بالهاء. تقول: جاءَت فرسُ فلان مُسْحِنةً إذا كانت حسنة
الحال حسنة المَنْظر. وتَسَحَّنَ المالَ وساحَنه: نظر إلى سَحْنائه.
وتسحَّنْتُ المالَ فرأَيت سَحْناءَه حسَنة. والمُساحَنة: المُلاقاة. وساحَنه
الشيءَ مُساحَنةً: خالطه فيه وفاوَضَه. وساحَنْتُك خالطتك وفاوضْتُك.
والمُساحنة: حسن المعاشرة والمخالطة. والسَّحْنُ: أَن تَدْلُك خَشبة بمسْحَنٍ
حتى تَلين من غير أَن تأْخذ من الخشبة شيئاً، وقد سَحَنها، واسم الآلة
المِسْحَن. والمَساحِنُ: حجارة تُدَقُّ بها حجارة الفضة، واحدتها
مِسْحَنة؛ قال المُعطَّل الهذلي:
وفَهْمُ بنُ عَمْروٍ يَعْلِكون ضَريسَهم،
كما صَرَفتْ فوْقَ الجُذاذِ المَساحِنُ
والجُذاذ: ما جُذَّ من الحجارة أَي كُسِر فصار رُفاتاً. وسَحَنَ الشيءَ
سَحْناً: دقه. والمِسْحَنة: الصَّلاءَة. والمِسْحنة: التي تكسر بها
الحجارة. قال ابن سيده: والمَساحِنُ حجارة رِقاق يُمْهَى بها الحديدُ نحو
المِسَنِّ. وسَحَنتُ الحجر: كسرته.
: (السُّحْنَةُ والسَّحْناءُ) ، بفتْحِهما (ويُحَرَّكَانِ) فِي الصِّحاحِ.
وكانَ الفرَّاءُ يقولُ: السَّحَناءُ والثَّأَداءُ.
قالَ أَبو عُبَيْدٍ: وَلم أَسْمَعْ أَحداً يقولُهما بالتَّحْرِيكِ غيَرهُ.
وقالَ ابنُ كيسَان: إنْما حُرِّكتا لمكانِ حَرْفِ الحَلْقِ.
(لِينُ البَشَرَةِ.
(و) قيلَ: (النَّعْمَةُ) ، بفتْحِ النُّونِ، وَهُوَ التَّنعم كَمَا فِي التَّهْذيبِ والمُحْكَم.
(و) قيلَ: (الهَيْئَةُ) ؛ كَمَا فِي الصِّحاحِ.
(و) قيلَ: (اللَّوْنُ) والحالُ؛ يقالُ: هَؤُلَاءِ قوْمٌ حَسَنٌ سَحْنَتُهم، أَي حَسَنٌ شَعَرُهم ودِيباجَةُ لَوْنِهم.
(وجاءَ الفَرَسُ مَسْحِناً، كمَجْلِسٍ) ؛ وَفِي بعضِ النُّسحِ مُسْحِناً كمُحْسِنٍ، والصَّوابُ: مُسْحَناً كمُكْرَمٍ: (حَسَنَ الحالِ) حَسَنُ المَنْظرِ، (وَهِي بهاءٍ.
(وتَسَحَّنَ المالَ وساحَنَهُ: نَظَرَ إِلَى سَحْنائِهِ) . وعَلى الأَوَّل اقْتَصَرَ الجوْهرِيُّ.
(والمُسَاحَنَةُ: المُلاَقَاةُ.
(و) فِي الصِّحاحِ: (حُسْنُ المُخالَطَةِ والمُعاشَرَةِ) ؛ وقيلَ: المُفاوَضَةُ.
وساحَنَهُ الشَّيءَ مُساحَنَةً: خالَطَهُ فِيهِ وفَاوَضَهُ.
(و) المِسْحَنَةُ، (كمِكْنَسَةٍ: الصَّلاءَةُ) يُسْحَنُ فِيهَا، (وَالَّتِي تُكْسَرُ بهَا الحِجارَةُ) ؛ نَقَلَه الجَوْهرِيُّ؛ والجَمْعُ المَساحِنُ، قالَ المُعطَّل الهُذَليُّ:
وفَهْمُ بنُ عَمْرٍ ويَعْلِكون ضَريسَهمكما صَرَفتْ فوْقَ الجُذاذِ المَساحِنُ (وسَحَنَ، كمَنَعَ) ، يَسْحَنُ سَحْناً: (دَلَكَ الخَشَبَةَ) بمِسْحَنٍ (حَتَّى تَلِينَ) مِن غيرِ أَنْ يأْخُذَ مِن الخَشَبَةِ شَيْئا، واسمُ الآلَةِ المِسْحَن.
(و) سَحَنَ (الحَجَرَ: كَسَرَهُ) ؛ نَقَلَه الجَوْهرِيُّ.
(وَهُوَ فِي سِحْنةِ، بالكسْرِ: أَي فِي كَنَفِهِ.
(و) يقالُ: (يَوْمُ سَحْنٍ، بالفتْحِ: أَي يَوْمُ جَمْعٍ كثيرٍ.
(سَحْنَهُ: د قُرْبَ هَمَذَانَ) ، عَن نَصْر.
(والمَسَاحِنُ: حِجارَةُ الذَّهَبِ والفضَّةِ) ؛ هَكَذَا فِي النُّسخِ، والصَّوابُ: حِجارَةٌ تُدَقُّ بهَا حجارَةُ الذَّهَبِ والفضَّةِ، واحِدُها مِسْحَنَةٌ؛ وَقد تقدَّمَ شاهِدُه مِن قوْلِ المُعطَّلِ الهُذَليِّ قَرِيباً.
(و) المَساحِنُ: (حِجارَةٌ رِقاقٌ يُمْهَى بهَا الحَدِيدُ) نَحْو المِسَنِّ.
وممَّا يُسْتدركُ عَلَيْهِ:
المِسْحَنَةُ، بالكسْرِ: لُغَةٌ فِي الفتْحِ، نَقَلَه ابنُ الأَثيرِ.
وسَحَنَ الشيءَ سَحْناً: دَقَّه؛ نَقَلَه الجَوْهرِيُّ.
وسُحْنُونٌ، بالضمِّ: طائِرٌ.
وسُحْنونُ بنُ سعْدٍ الأَفْريقيُّ: مِن أَئمَّةِ المَالِكِيَّة، جالَسَ مالِكاً مدَّةً، ثمَّ قَدِمَ بمذْهَبِه إِلَى أَفْريقِيَة فأَظْهَرَه فِيهَا، وتُوفي سَنَة 241. ونُقِلَ فَتْحُ سِينِه وتَفْصِيل ذَلِك فِي كتابِ الفرقِ لابنِ السيِّد.
1 سَحَنَ, (S, L, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. سَحْنٌ, (L,) He broke a stone. (S, L, K.) And He crushed, bruised, brayed, or pounded, a thing. (L.) b2: Also He rubbed [in the CK ذٰلِكَ is erroneously put for دَلَكَ] a piece of wood so as to make it smooth, (L, K,) with an instrument called مِسْحَن, without taking anything from it. (L.) 3 ساحن المَالَ: see 5. b2: The inf. n. مُسَاحَنَةٌ signifies also The meeting [another] face to face. (L, K.) b3: And you say, سَاحَنْتُكَ, (L,) inf. n. مُسَاحَنَةٌ, (S, L, K,) I mixed with thee in familiar, or social, intercourse: (L:) and did so in a good manner. (S, L, K.) And سَاحَنَهُ الشَّىْءَ He joined, or took part, with him in the thing. (L.) 5 تسحّن المَالَ He looked at the سَحْنَآء [or aspect &c.] of the مال [i. e. cattle, or other property]; as also ↓ ساحنهُ. (L, K.) You say, تَسَحَّنْتُ المَالَ فَرَأَيْتُ سَحْنَآءَهُ حَسَنَةً [I looked at the aspect of the cattle, or other property, and saw the aspect thereof to be goodly]. (S, L.) سَحْنٌ A numerous congregation: so in the phrase يَوْمُ سَحْنٍ [A day of a numerous congregation]. (K.) سِحْنٌ Quarter, shelter, or protection; syn. كَنَفٌ: so in the saying, هُوَ فِى سِحْنِهِ [He is in his quarter or shelter or protection]. (K.) سَحْنَةٌ and ↓ سَحَنَةٌ, (L, K,) or the latter, and, as sometimes pronounced, سَحْنَةٌ, (S,) and ↓ سَحْنَآءُ and ↓ سَحَنَآءُ, (S, L, K,) pronounced سَحَنَآءُ by Fr, the only person heard by A'Obeyd to pronounce it thus, and said by Ibn-Keysán to be thus pronounced because of the faucial letter, (S, L,) but ↓ سَحْنَآءُ is better, (L,) Aspect, appearance, or external state or condition: (S, L, K:) and simply state, or condition: (L:) and colour: and softness, or smoothness, of the external skin: and i. q. نَعْمَةٌ [as meaning softness, or delicateness: in the CK. النِّعْمَةُ is erroneously put for النَّعْمَةُ]. (L, K.) You say, إِنَّهُ لَحَسَنُ السَّحْنَةِ (L) and ↓ السَّحْنَآءِ (S, L) [Verily he is goodly in aspect, &c.]: and ↓ هٰؤُلَآءِ قَوْمٌ حَسَنٌ سَحَنَتُهُمْ [These are a people, or party, whose aspect, &c., is goodly]. (S, L.) And سَحْنَةٌ is also expl. as signifying The beauty of the hair, and of the complexion, and of the external skin, of a man. (L.) And it occurs in a trad. as meaning The external skin of the face; and is sometimes pronounced ↓ سِحْنَةٌ, and is also called the ↓ سَحْنَآء. (L.) سِحْنَةٌ: see what next precedes.سَحَنَةٌ: see سَحْنَةٌ, in two places.
سَحْنَآءُ and سَحَنَآءُ: see سَحْنَةٌ; the former in four places.
مُسْحِنٌ A horse goodly in condition; as in the saying, جَآءَ الفَرَسُ مُسْحِنًا [The horse came goodly in condition]: fem, with ة: (L, K:) you say فَرَسٌ مُسْحِنَةٌ, (L,) or ↓ مُسَحَّنَةٌ, (S, [so in my copies,]) a mare goodly in condition and in aspect, (L,) or goodly in aspect. (S.) مِسْحَنٌ An instrument with which wood is rubbed so as to make it smooth without taking anything from it. (L.) مِسْحَنَةٌ A thing with which stones are broken. (S, L, K.) I. q. صَلَآءَةٌ [i. e. A stone such as fills the hand: or a stone with which, or on which, one brays, or powders, perfumes or other things]. (L, K. [In the CK, الصَّلابَةُ is erroneously put for الصَّلَآءَةُ or its var. الصَّلَايَةُ.]) A thing with which gold is rubbed so that it becomes smooth and glistening. (Skr pp. 154 and 155.) And its pl. مَسَاحِنُ is said to signify Stones with which are crushed, or brayed, the stones of [i. e. containing] silver. (Skr, L.) And Mill-stones with which one grinds. (Skr.) And Thin stones with which iron is made thin, (L, * K, [in the former of which يهبّى is erroneously put for يُمْهَى,]) like [as is done with] the مِسَنّ. (L.) And Stones of [i. e. containing] gold and silver: (Skr, K:) so says Ibn-Habeeb. (Skr.) فَرَسٌ مُسَحَّنَةٌ: see مُسْحِنٌ.
سحو and سحى 1 سَحَا الطِّينَ, (K,) first Pers\. سَحَوْتُ (S, Msb) and سَحَيْتُ, (S,) aor. ـْ (S, Msb, K,) and يَسْحَى, and يَسْحِى, (S, K,) inf. n. سَحْوٌ (Msb, TA) and سَحْىٌ, (K, TA,) He scraped off, (S, K,) or cleared away, (Msb, K,) [the clay, soil, or mud,] عَنْ وَجْهِ الأَرْضِ [from the surface of the earth], (S, Msb,) with the مِسْحَاة [q. v.]. (Msb.) b2: سَحَا الجَمْرَ He cleared, or swept, away the live, or burning, coals: (K:) ISd says, I think that Lh has mentioned this; but the verb well known in this sense is with خ (TA. [See سَخَا.]) b3: سَحَا الشَّحْمَ عَنِ الإِهَابِ, inf. n. سَحْوٌ, He scraped, or pared, off the fat from the skin, or hide. (TA.) It is said in a trad., as some relate it, فَجَعَلَتٌ تَسْحَاهَا, or, as others relate it, تَسْحَلُهَا, both meaning the same, i. e. And she betook herself to paring, or stripping, off from it the flesh that was upon it. (TA in art. سحل.) and اللَّحْمَ ↓ استحى signifies He pared, or stripped, off the flesh. (TA.) b4: سَحَا الشَّعَرَ, (K,) aor. ـْ and يَسْحِى, inf. n. [app. سَحْوٌ and] سَحْىٌ, (TA,) He shaved off the hair; as also ↓ استحاهُ. (K.) b5: سَحَوْتُ القِرْطَاسَ, and سَحَيْتُهُ, aor. ـْ I scraped off, or otherwise removed, the superficial part of the paper. (S.) [And] سَحَا مِنَ القِرْطَاسِ He took, a little from the paper. (K, * TA. [See سِحَآءَةٌ, second sentence.]) b6: سَحَا الكِتَابَ, (K,) first Pers\. سَحَوْتُ and سَحَيْتُ, (S,) aor. ـْ and يَسْحِى, (TA,) He bound the writing (S, K) with a سِحَآءَة (K) or with the سِحَآء [q. v.]; (S;) and so ↓ سحّاهُ, (K,) inf. n. تَسْحِيَةٌ; (TA;) and ↓ اسحاهُ; (K;) as in the M. (TA.) 2 1َ2َّ3َ see the next preceding sentence.4 اسحى He (a man S) had many أَسْحِيَة [pl. of سِحَآءَةٌ, (q. v.,) n. un. of سِحَآءٌ]. (S, K.) A2: See also 1, last sentence.7 انسحى It was, or became, pared; or pared off. (TA.) 8 إِ1ْتَ2َ3َ see 1, in two places.
سَحًا: see the next paragraph, in two places.
سَحَاةٌ The قِشْر [or covering, integument, peel, or the like,] of anything: pl. [or rather coll. gen. n.] ↓ سَحًا. (S.) See also سِحَآءَةٌ.
A2: A certain thorny tree; (K, TA;) the fruit thereof is white: it is a herb in the spring-season, as long as it remains green: when it dries up in the hot season, it is a tree. (TA.) A3: A bat: (ISh, S, K:) pl. ↓ سَحًا; (K;) or [rather] it is the n. un. of سَحًا, which is syn. with خُفَّاشٌ [used as a gen. n.]: (ISh, S:) and ↓ سِحَآءٌ is a dial. var. of سَحًا used in this sense, accord. to Az. (TA.) A4: I. q. سَاحَةٌ [i. e. The court, or open area, of a house]: (S, K:) formed from the latter word by transposition: (TA:) one says, لَا أَرَيَنَّكَ بِسَحْسَحِى
وَسَحَاتِى [I will assuredly not see thee in my quarter, or tract, and my court]. (S.) And I. q.
نَاحِيَةٌ [A side, region, quarter, or tract, &c.]. (K.) سِحَآءٌ: see سِحَآءَةٌ, in two places.
A2: Also A certain plant, (S, K,) having thorns, (K,) and having a blossom of a red hue inclining to whiteness, called the بهرنة [app. a mistranscription for بَهْرَمَة]: (TA:) the bees feed upon it, (S, K,) and their honey in consequence thereof becomes sweet (S, K *) in the utmost degree. (K.) A3: See also سَحَاةٌ.
سِحَآءَةٌ, of a writing, (S, K, TA, [in the CK and in my MS. copy of the K, written, سَحَاءَة,]) and ↓ سِحَآءٌ, (TA,) or [rather] the former is the n. un. of the latter, (S,) A certain thing with which a writing is bound; (S, K, TA;) called in Pers\. مُهْر نَامَه, (PS,) or بَنْد نَامَه; (Adillet el-Asmà of Meyd, cited by Golius;) and in Turkish نَامَه بَاغِى; (Mirkát el-Loghah, cited by the same;) [a sealed strip of paper with which a letter, or the like, is bound:] the letter of a kádee to another kádee is perforated for the سِحَآءَة, and is then sealed [upon this strip:] (Mgh in art. خزم:) pl. أَسْحِيَةٌ. (S.) [The same seems to be meant by what here follows:] سِحَآءَةُ القِرْطَاسِ, (K, TA,) with ء, (TA,) and ↓ سِحَاؤُهُ, (K, TA,) with و [and.], (TA,) or ↓ سَحَاتُهُ, (so in the CK,) or this last also, like حَصَاة, is a dial. var. of the first, (TA,) and ↓ سِحَايَتُهُ, (K, TA, [in the CK written with fet-h to the س, but it is]) like كِتَابَة, with ى, (TA,) What is taken from paper; (K;) the small portion [or strip, app.,] that is taken from paper: (TA:) pl. أَسْحِيَةٌ [as above]. (K.) b2: Also, (S, M,) or ↓ سِحَايَةٌ, (K,) A portion (K) of cloud. (S, K.) One says, مَا فِى السَّمَآءِ سِحَآءَةٌ مِنْ سَحَابٍ [There is not in the sky a portion of cloud]. (S.) b3: السِّحَآءَةُ [in the CK السَّحاءَة] also signifies أُمُّ الرَّأْسِ [q. v.], (K, TA,) [app. here meaning The meninx; for SM adds,] in which is the brain; (TA;) as also ↓ السِّحَايَةُ, with kesr [to the س]. (K.) سِحَايَةٌ, (K, TA,) [in the CK سَحَايَةٌ, but it is] with kesr, (TA,) Anything that is pared, or peeled, from a thing. (K, TA.) b2: See also سِحَآءَةٌ, in three places.
A2: Also The art, or craft, of making the kind of implement called مِسْحَاة: (K, TA:) in this sense, likewise, with kesr, agreeably with analogy. (TA.) سَحَّآءٌ A maker of the kind of implement called مِسْحَاة. (T, K.) سَاحٍ, applied to a [lizard of the species called]
ضَبّ, That feeds upon the plant called سِحَآء. (S.) سَاحِيَةٌ, (S, K,) [from سَاحٍ,] the ة denoting intensiveness, (TA,) A torrent that carries away everything; (K;) that pares and sweeps away everything. (TA.) b2: And A rain that falls with vehemence, (S, K,) paring the surface of the earth. (S.) أُسْحِيَّةٌ (with damm, TA) Any integument of skin upon the portions of flesh that are on bones. (Az, K.) أُسْحُوَانٌ, with damm, (S, K,) A man (S) that eats much. (S, K.) b2: And (K) Beautiful, or comely, (K,) so expl. by AO, (TA,) [and] tall, (K,) thus expl. by Fr, likewise applied to a man. (TA.) مِسْحَاةٌ A shovel, or spade, of iron; (MA, PS;) an implement (S, Msb, K) like the مِجْرَفَة, except that it is of iron, (S, Msb,) with which clay, soil, or mud, is cleared away (Msb, K) from the surface of the earth: (Msb:) a مِسْحَاة [for digging, i. e. a spade,] has a cross piece of wood upon which the digger presses his foot: K, voce عِتْرٌ:) and there is a curved kind, [app. a sort of hoe,] such as is called in Pers\. كَنَنْد: (S:) pl. مَسَاحٍ. (S, Msb.) Ru-beh likens the toes, or extremities of the fore parts of the hoofs, of horses, to مَسَاحٍ; because with them they pare the ground: so in the T: or, accord. to the M, he likens thereto the hoofs of asses. (TA.) b2: مِسْحَاةُ النَّارِ means [The fire-shovel;] a thing with which the fire is stirred. (TA voce مِحْرَاثْ.)
فيه ذكر «السَّحْنَة السِّحْنَة» وهي بَشَرَة الوجه وهيأَتُه وحالُه، وَهِيَ مَفْتُوحَةُ السِّينِ، وَقَدْ تُكْسر. وَيُقَالُ فِيهَا السَّحْنَاءُ أَيْضًا بِالْمَدِّ.