[ده] نه في ح الكاهن: إلا "ده" فلا "ده" هو مثل معناه إن لم تنله الآن لم تنله أبدًان وقيل أصله فارسي أي إن لم تعط الآن لم تعط.
(ده) - في حَدِيث الكَاهِن: "إلَّا دَهٍ فلا دَهٍ".
: أي إن لم تَنلْه الآن لم تَنلْه أبدا.
قال الجَبَّان: دِهْ : أَصلُه فارسى مُعرَّب: أي إن لم تُعطَ الآن لم تُعطَ أَبدًا.
: أي إن لم تَنلْه الآن لم تَنلْه أبدا.
قال الجَبَّان: دِهْ : أَصلُه فارسى مُعرَّب: أي إن لم تُعطَ الآن لم تُعطَ أَبدًا.
(س) في حديث الكاهن «إلّا دَهٍ فلا دَهٍ» هَذَا مَثَلٌ مِنْ أمْثال العَرَب قَديمٌ، معناهُ إِنْ لَمْ تَنَلْه الْآنَ لَمْ تَنَلْه أَبَدًا. وَقِيلَ أصلُه فارسيٌّ: أَيْ إِنْ لَمْ تُعْط الْآنَ لَمْ تُعْط أَبَدًا.
(س) في حديث الكاهن «إلّا دَهٍ فلا دَهٍ» هَذَا مَثَلٌ مِنْ أمْثال العَرَب قَديمٌ، معناهُ إِنْ لَمْ تَنَلْه الْآنَ لَمْ تَنَلْه أَبَدًا. وَقِيلَ أصلُه فارسيٌّ: أَيْ إِنْ لَمْ تُعْط الْآنَ لَمْ تُعْط أَبَدًا.
يقولون: " إلاّدَهٍ فَلاَدَهٍ " أي إنْ لم تَثْأَرْ به الآنَ لم تَثْأَرْ به أبداً. والدَّهْدَهَةُ: قَذْفُكَ الحِجارَةَ، أو الشَّيْءَ، تُدَهْدِهُهُ من أعْلى إلى أسْفَلَ. وإذا كَثُرَتِ الإبلُ: فهي الدَّهْدَهَانُ. والدَّهْدَاهُ: صِغارُ الإِبل، ولا واحِدَ لها. وكذلك الدُّهَيْدِهِيْنُ. والدَّهْدَهَةُ من الإبل: المائةُ وأكْثَرُ. ودَهْدَهْتُ الإبلَ للسَّوْق: " جَمَعْتَها. وما أدري أيُّ الدَّهْدَا هُوَ - مَقْصُورٌ -: أيْ أيُّ الناسِ هو.
يقولون: " إلاّدَهٍ فَلاَدَهٍ " أي إنْ لم تَثْأَرْ به الآنَ لم تَثْأَرْ به أبداً. والدَّهْدَهَةُ: قَذْفُكَ الحِجارَةَ، أو الشَّيْءَ، تُدَهْدِهُهُ من أعْلى إلى أسْفَلَ. وإذا كَثُرَتِ الإبلُ: فهي الدَّهْدَهَانُ. والدَّهْدَاهُ: صِغارُ الإِبل، ولا واحِدَ لها. وكذلك الدُّهَيْدِهِيْنُ. والدَّهْدَهَةُ من الإبل: المائةُ وأكْثَرُ. ودَهْدَهْتُ الإبلَ للسَّوْق: " جَمَعْتَها. وما أدري أيُّ الدَّهْدَا هُوَ - مَقْصُورٌ -: أيْ أيُّ الناسِ هو.
R. Q. 1 دَهْدَهَ, (JK, S, K,) inf. n. دَهْدَهَةٌ, (JK,) He rolled a stone down; (S,* K,* TA;) as also دَهْدَى, (S, K,) inf. n. دَهْدَاةٌ and دِهْدَآءٌ: (S:) or he cast stones, or a thing, from a higher to a lower place. (JK.) b2: And He turned over a thing, one part upon another; (K;) as also دَهْدَى. (TA.) b3: And He collected together camels to drive them. (JK.) R. Q. 2 تَدَهْدَهَ, said of a stone, (S, K,) &c., (S,) It rolled down; (S,* K,* TA;) as also تَدَهْدَى. (S, K.) b2: And hence, He, or it, was quick. (Har p. 108.) إِلَّا دَهْ فَلَا دَهْ, (JK, and so in some copies of the K,) or إِلَّا دَهٍ فَلَا دَهٍ, (As, IAar, S, TA, and so in copies of the K,) a saying of the Arabs, meaning If this thing be not now, it will not be after the present time: (As, S, K:) As says, I know not its origin, but I think it to be Pers\., and to mean, if thou strike not him, or it, now, thou wilt not strike him, or it, ever: (S:) accord. to IAar, it is said to a man when he is at the point of accomplishing his want in respect of a creditor of his, or in respect of his blood-revenge, or in respect of paying honour to a friend of his; (TA;) and means if thou seize not the opportunity now, thou wilt never meet with it: (K, TA:) accord. to Lth, (TA,) it means, if thou avenge not his blood, or if thou slay him not in blood-revenge, now, thou wilt never do so. (JK, TA.) Accord. to As, one says also, لَا دَهٍ فَلَا دَهٍ, meaning I will not accept either of the two actions proposed. (TA.) Az says that this saying shows ده to be Pers\., and to mean The act of striking: you say to a man, ↓ دِهْ, meaning Strike thou: and he says, I have seen it written with kesr in the book of Az. (TA.) ↓ دِهْ in Pers\. means Give thou: and metonymically, the act of striking. (TA.) دُهْ دُهْ A cry by which camels are chidden; (IAar, TA;) a cry by which camels are called to their young ones. (K in art. دوه.) A2: دُهْ دُرَّيْنِ, or دُهْ دُرَّيْنْ: see art. دهدر.
دِهْ: see دَهْ, last two sentences.
دَهْدَهَةٌ A hundred camels, and more; (JK, K;) as also ↓ دَهْدَهَانٌ and ↓ دُهَيْدِهَانٌ: (K:) or ↓ the second of these three words signifies many camels. (JK, S.) دَهْدَهَانٌ: see what next precedes, in two places: and what next follows.
دَهْدَاءٌ Small, or young, camels: (JK, S, K:) pl. دَهَادِهُ. (S, * K.) A rájiz says, قُلَيِّصَاتٍ وَأُبَيْكِرِينَا ↓ قَدْ رَوِيَتْ إِلَّا دُهَيْدِهِينَا [They had satisfied their thirst, except some small, or young, camels; little young she-camels and little young he-camels]: as though he formed from دَهْدَاهٌ the pl. دَهَادِهُ; and from this, the dim. دُهَيْدِهٌ; and from this, the pl. دُهَيْدِهِينَ [in the nom. case دُهَيْدِهوُنَ]: (S, TA:*) and in like manner, أُبَيْكِرِينَ as pl. of أُبَيْكِرٌ, dim. of أَبْكُرٌ, pl. of بَكْرٌ. (S.) [Accord. to a passage imperfectly written in the TA, it seems to signify also Many small, or young, camels; and so, as there written, دهدان, app. for ↓ دَهْدَهَانٌ.] b2: One says also, مَا أَدْرِى أَىٌّ الدَّهْدَاهِ هُوَ, (TA,) or الدَّهْدَأِ and الدَّهْدَآءِ, the last on the authority of Ks, meaning I know not what one of men he is. (S, TA.) دُهْدُوهٌ, (K, [accord. to the TA دُهْدُوَهٌ, but this is a mistake,]) or دُهْدُوهَةٌ, (IB,) The thing which the جُعَل [or species of black beetle called cantharus] rolls, (IB, K, TA,) consisting of dung which it collects, (IB, TA,) in a round form; (TA;) and so دُهْدُوَّةٌ and دُهْدِيَّةٌ, [the last of these, for alleviation of the utterance,] also without teshdeed. (IAar, K.) دُهَيْدِهَانٌ: see دَهْدَهَةٌ.
دُهَيْدِهِينَ: see دَهْدَاهٌ.