ى1 وَلِيَهُ , (S, Msb, K,) and وَلِى عَلَيْهِ, (Msb, K,) inf. n. وِلَايَةٌ (S, Msb, K,) and وَلَايَةٌ, (K,) or the former is a simple subst., (TA,) and signifies the office, and authority, (K,) He held command or authority over it; had charge of it; presided over it, or superintended it, (namely a thing, S, Msb, K, and a country, province, town, or the like, S, Msb,) as a prefect, commander, governor, lord, prince, king, administrator, or manager; (K, TA;) i. q. ↓ تَوَلَّاهُ. (Msb.) b2: وَلِىَ كَذَا He performed the act or office of doing such a thing; he did such a thing himself.2 وَلَّى He caused to turn away, or back. (Kur-án, ch. ii. v. 136.) b2: He caused to turn towards, with acc. (Idem, ch. ii. v. 139.) b3: He turned away, or departed. (TA.) b4: وَلَّى عَنْهُ He turned away from, avoided, shunned, and left, him or it. (Msb.) b5: وَلَّتِ الحَرْبُ [The war declined]. (A, K, in art. سفر.) b6: وَلَّى هَارِبًا He went back, or retreated, fleeing. (S.) b7: وَلَّيْتُهُ ظَهْرِىI placed him behind me, and betook myself to defending him. (TA in art. شزن.) b8: More commonly I turned my back upon him, or it: see Har, p. 564. b9: وَلَّى اللَّيْلُ لِيَذْهَبَ The night [declined, i. e.] retreated to depart; syn. أَدْبَرَ. (T in art. دبر.) b10: وَلَّى أَمْرُ القَوْمِ لِفَسَادِ The case of the people, or party, declined, or became reduced to a bad state; syn. أَدْبَرَ. (M in art. دبر.) b11: [وَلَّى كِبَرًا, and وَلَّى alone, both of frequent occurrence in the lexicons, &c., He became in a declining state by reason of age.]
وَلَّى said of a man is syn. with دَبَرَ; as also شَيَّخَ. (S in art. دبر.) See also two exs., p. 75, col. 3. b12: التَّوْلِيَةُ, like الإِدْبَارُ, properly signifies Retrogression; and hence, like this English word, tropically, declension. b13: وَلَّاهُ أَمْرًا He set him over the thing; appointed him superintendent of it; or set him to do it; as also إِيَّاهُ ↓ أَوْلَاهُ. b14: وَلَّى دُبُرَهُ and وَلَّاهُ دُبُرَهُ; see دُبُرٌ, and see three phrases voce ذَنَبٌ.3 وَالَاهُ It was next, or adjacent, to it. Said of one place or tract with respect to another. b2: وَالَى He made a consecution, or succession, of one to the other; (S, K;) بَيْنَهُمَا between them two; (S;) or بَيْنَ الأَمْرَيْنِ between the two things or affairs; he made a successive connexion, or no interruption. (K.) And والاه He made it consecutive, successive, or uninterrupted, in its progressions, or gradations, or the like; syn. تَابَعَهُ [which see]. (Msb.) b3: وَالَاهُ, (MA,) inf. n. مُوَالَاةٌ, (S, KL, TA,) He befriended him, or was friendly to him. (S, MA, KL, TA.) See شَايَعَهُ.4 أَوْلَى He gave: and he made near. (KL.) b2: أَوْلَاهُ مَعْرُوفًا He did to him, or conferred upon him, a benefit, or favour; syn. أَسْدَاه إِلَيْهِ; as though he made it cleave to him, being next to him: or he put him in possession of it. (TA.) You say also, أَوْلَاهُ ذُلَّا [He brought upon him abasement, or ignominy], (S, K, in art. خسف,) and الذُّلَّ وَالهَوَانَ. (Msb in that art., voce خَسْفٌ, q. v.) 5 تَوَلَّى He turned himself, الى towards. (Jel, ii. 139.) He turned away (Idem, xix. 50; and S, Msb) عَنْهُ from him, or it. (S.) b2: تَوَلَّى He turned the back to another: see a verse in art. فيل, conj. 1. b3: تولّى أَمْرًا He took upon himself an affair. b4: تَوَلَّى كِبْرَهُ He took upon himself, or undertook, the main part thereof; syn. تَحَمَّلَ مُعْظَمَهُ. (Jel, xxiv. ii.) b5: تَولَّاهُ: see وَلِيَهُ.10 اِسْتَوْلَى عَلَيْهِ He mastered, or gained the mastery over, him or it; (Msb;) he got it in his hand, possession, or power. (TA.) b2: إِسْتَوْلَتْ عَلَيْهِ الحُجَّةُ [The argument, allegation, or pled, overcame him]. (L in art. بهت.) وَلِىٌّ The manager of a thing, or of the affairs of another: (Msb:) the guardian, or manager of the affairs, and maintainer, of an orphan: the guardian of a women, who affiances her, and independently of whom marriage cannot be contracted by her. (TA.) The executor of a deceased person: (Bd, xvii. 35:) the heir of a deceased person. (Bd, Jel, ibid.) The hair [or next-of-kin] of a slain person, (Bd, Jel, xvii. 35,) who has the management of the affairs after the death of that person. (Bd, ibid.) and the slayer's next-of-kin, who is answerable for him. b2: وَلِىُّ عَهْدٍ and وِلَايَةُ عَهْدٍ: see art. عهد. b3: وَلِىّ اللّٰهِ may be rendered The friend of God: or وَلِىٌّ has the meaning of an act. part. n., i. e. the constant obeyer [of God]: or that of a pass. part. n., i. e. [the favourite of God;] the object of the constant beneficence and favours of God. (TA.) See عَدُوٌّ. b4: أَللّٰهُ وَلِىُّ الحَمْدِ signifies both مُسْتَحِقُّهُ and صَاحِبُهُ. (IbrD.) b5: وَلِىٌّ pl. أَوْلِيَاءُ A saint, &c. b6: وَلِىٌّ The rain after the وَسْمِىّ. (TA in art. عنو.) وَلَآءٌ Relationship: so in the phrase بَيْنَهُمَا وَلَآءٌ [Between them two is relationship]. (JM.) b2: Also used for أَصْحَابُ وَلَآءٍ: see a verse cited voce عَيْرٌ. b3: وَلَآءٌ The right to the inheritance of the property left by an emancipated slave.
: see وَلِىٌّ.
A prefect, governor, ruler, king, regent, judge, magistrate, &c. See مَعُونَةُ.
فُلَانٌ أَوْلَى بِكَذَا Such a one is more, or most, entitled to such a thing; has a better, or the best, right, or title, or claim, to it; is more, or most, deserving, or worthy, of it; is more, or most, competent to it; is more, or most, fit for it; syn. أَحَقُّ بِهِ. (Msb.) But see أَحَقٌّ. See also an ex. voce أُولُو, from the Kur, viii., last verse, and xxxiii. 6. b2: أَوْلَى بِشَىْءٍ
More worthy, or deserving, of a thing. More fit, apt, or proper, for a thing. b3: بِالطَّرِيقِ لِأَوْلَى
A fortiori: see طَرِيقٌ.
A lord, or chief; syn. سَيِّدٌ. (TA in the addenda.) b2: The son of a paternal uncle: (S, Msb:) or a relation, (K,) such as a son of a paternal uncle (IAar, K) and the like, (K,) [i. e.] and such as a son of a sister. (IAar, TA.) b3: And A freedman; (S, Msb, K;) so called because he is in the condition of the son of a paternal uncle; being one [under the patronage of his emancipator, i. e.,] whom the emancipator is bound to aid, and whose property he inherits if he dies having no [natural or other legal] heir. (TA.) And (K) a slave: (M, K:) fem. with ة. (M.) مَوَالِيَا
, vulg. مَوَّال (not مَوَالِيَّا) A kind of short poem, generally of five lines, of which all but the penultimate end with the same rhyme: see note 5 to ch. xxvi. of my “ 1001 Nights. ”