نث: نث: طوى له على النث: أخفى مشاعره الحقيقية (البربرية 1، 30، 70، 223، 436، 9، 602؛ 104، 4، 320، 5، 334، 12، 335، 7، 342، 9، 332، 7، 390، 5، 410، 2، 463، 5) وفي مخطوطتنا 1350 كتبت هذه الكلمة البث في كل موضع ورد النث فيه ولم نجد ذلك في مخطوطة لندن فقد كان النث هو السائد فيها مثل المطبوع.
نث: النَّثُّ: نَشْرُكَ الحَدِيْثَ الذي كِتْمَانُه أحَقُّ به، يُقال: نَثَّ يَنثُّ نَثِيْثاً.
ونَثَّ يَنِثُّ: إذا عَرِقَ من سِمَنِه.
ونَثَّ مَنْخِرَاه: انْتَفَخَا من الغَضَبِ.
والنِّثَاثُ: الدُّهْنُ الذي يُدْهَنُ به الجُرُوْحُ. ونَثَّ الجُرْحَ: دَهَنَه.
والمِنَثَّةُ: الصُّوْفَةُ التي يُنَثُّ بها.
والنَّثِيْثَةُ: الرَّشْحُ من زِقٍّ أو نَحْيٍ.
ونَثْنَثْتُ يَدي: أي مَسَحْتها.
1 نَثَّ, [aor. ـِ inf. n. نثٌّ, It (a bone) distilled, or let flow, the oily matter that was in it: (TA:) [as also مَثَّ]. b2: نَثَّ, aor. ـِ inf. n. نَثِيثٌ (S, K,) and نَثٌّ; (S;) and ↓ نَثْنَثَ; (K;) It (a skin) exuded (S, K) the clarified butter that was in it: like مَثَّ. (TA.) b3: وَأَنْتَ تَنِثُّ نَثِيثَ الحَمِيتِ (accord. to one reading, نَثَّ الحميت, TA) and thou sweatest like the butter-skin. (S, from a trad.) b4: نَثَّ, aor. ـِ inf. n. نَثِيثٌ, He sweated by reason of fatness, and appeared as though he were anointed: as also مَثَّ: (TA:) or he sweated by reason of his bigness, and his abundance of flesh. (A'Obeyd.) b5: نَثَّ, (so in the TA,) [aor. ـُ or ↓ نَثْنَثَ, (so in the K,) He wiped his hand (K) with a napkin: as also مَثَّ. (TA.) b6: نَثَّ, [aor. ـُ He anointed a wound: as also مَثَّ. (TA.) b7: نَثَّ, aor. ـُ (S, M, L, K,) and نَثِّ, (M, L, K,) the latter [which deviates from a constant rule] thought by MF to be a mistake, he not knowing any authority for it except the K, and disallowed by the T, (TA,) inf. n. نَثٌّ; (S;) and ↓ نثّث, inf. n. تَنْثِيثٌ; (TA;) He divulged, (S, K,) or spread, dispersed, disseminated, (TA,) news, tidings, or information, (K,) or what was talked of: (S, TA:) like بَثَّ: or he spread what should rather be concealed than spread. (TA.) [See also نَثَا.]2 نَثَّّ see 1.R. Q. 1 نَثْنَثَ He sweated much. (K.) b2: See 1.
نَثٌّ A wall (حَائِط) that is moist, or damp, (K,) and flaccid. (TA.) كَلَامٌ غَثٌّ نَثٌّ [Very bad, or corrupt speech]: نثّ is here an imitative sequent to غثّ. (K.) نِثَاثٌ Ointment with which a wound is anointed. (K.) نَثِيثَةٌ The moisture exuded by a skin, such as is called زِقٌّ or سِقَاءٌ. (K.) نَثَّاثٌ and ↓ مَنَثٌّ [A man who is in the habit of divulging, or spreading, dispersing, or disseminating, news, tidings, or information, or what is talked of, or what should rather be concealed]. (Th.) نَاثٌّ One who traduces the Muslims behind their backs, but saying of them what is true, and mentioning their vices, or faults: pl. نُثَّاثٌ: (AA:) [the pl. only is mentioned in the K, and explained as signifying persons who traduce others behind their backs, but saying of them what is true].
مَنَثٌّ: see نَثَّاثٌ.
مِنَثَّةٌ A small portion of wool with which one anoints (K) a wound. (TA.)