فرسخ: الفَرْسَخُ ثلاثة أميال ويقالُ للذي لا فُرْجَةَ فيه من الأشياء: ما فيها فَرْسَخُ
[فرسخ] الفرسخ: واحد الفراسخ، فارسي معرب.
ف ر س خ: (الْفَرْسَخُ) وَاحِدُ (الْفَرَاسِخِ) فَارِسِيٌّ مُعَرَّبٌ.
[فرسخ] فيه: ما بينكم وبين أن يصب عليكم الشر "فراسخ إلا موت رجل - يعني عمر بن الخطاب، كل شيء دائم كثير لا ينقطع فرسخ، وفراسخ الليل والنهار ساعاتهما، والفرسخ من المعلومة أخذ منه.
فَرْسَخ [مفرد]: ج فَرَاسِخُ: مقياس للطول يُقَدَّر بثلاثة أميال (4827 مترًا) أو ثمانية عشر ألف قدم، أو أربعة كيلومترات "تبعد مدينتي عن العاصمة خمسة فراسخ".
فَرْسَخ [مفرد]: ج فَرَاسِخُ: مقياس للطول يُقَدَّر بثلاثة أميال (4827 مترًا) أو ثمانية عشر ألف قدم، أو أربعة كيلومترات "تبعد مدينتي عن العاصمة خمسة فراسخ".
a. Was removed, passed away.
b. Became widened.
فَرْسَخa. Peace; comfort.
b. Period.
c. (pl.
فَرَاْسِخُ) P.
Parasang: league ( about 3 miles ).
a. Peach; plum.
a. see supra.
فِرْسِن (pl.
a. Hoof, foot.
a. Lion.
a. Mountain-leek.
ف ر س خ : وَالْفَرْسَخَةُ السَّعَةُ وَمِنْهَا اُشْتُقَّ الْفَرْسَخُ وَهُوَ ثَلَاثَةُ أَمْيَالٍ بِالْهَاشِمِيِّ وَقَدَّرَهُ فِي الْبَارِعِ وَكَذَا فِي التَّهْذِيبِ فِي غَلَا بِخَمْسٍ وَعِشْرِينَ غَلْوَةً وَسَيَأْتِي أَنَّ الْيُونَانَ قَالُوا الْفَرْسَخُ ثَلَاثَةُ أَمْيَالٍ وَقَدَّرُوا الْأَمْيَالَ الْهَاشِمِيَّةَ بِالتَّقْدِيرِ الثَّانِي إلَّا أَنَّهُ مُخَالِفٌ لِمَا فِي التَّهْذِيبِ وَالْبَارِعِ وَالْجَمْعُ فَرَاسِخُ.
فَرْسَخٌ, mentioned, but not explained, by J [in the S], (K,) [A parasang, or league;] three Háshimee miles (أَمْيَال هَاشِمِيَّة [see مِيلٌ]): or twelve thousand cubits: or ten thousand cubits: (K:) three miles of the Háshimee measure, i. e., accord. to the Bári' and the T [&c.], twenty-five bow-shots; twenty-five times the measure termed غَلْوَةٌ [q. v.]: (Msb:) or three miles, i. e. thirty bow-shots reckoning the bow-shot as four hundred cubits, or sixty bow-shots reckoning the bow-shot as two hundred cubits: (Msb voce مَيلٌ:) the ancient Greeks said that it is three miles, reckoning these [together] as about sixty bow-shots [of the shorter measure mentioned above]: (Msb in the present art.:) or, accord. to some, six miles: (L: [but this is app. a mistake occasioned by finding it expl. as consisting of sixty bow-shots and supposing these to be bow-shots of four hundred cubits each:]) it is [said to be] from the same word as signifying “ rest,” or “ ease; ” (K, TA;) because, when a man walks the distance thus called, he sits down, and rests: or, accord. to the Msb, from فَرْسَخَةٌ signifying “ width; ” the word having this meaning, however, is فَرْشَخَةٌ, with ش: (TA:) [the truth is, that] it is a Pers\. word [فَرْسَنْگ], arabicized: (S, A:) the pl. is فَرَاسِخُ. (S, A, Msb.) The other meanings of this word, not mentioned by J, may have been regarded by him as not of established authority. (TA.) b2: It signifies also An opening, or intervening space, between two things. (K.) b3: and A thing in which is no opening, or intervening space: as though having two contr. significations. (K.) b4: Also A thing that is lasting and abundant, that does not cease, or come to an end. (ISh, K.) b5: And A long time (K, TA) of the night or of the day: thus in the saying, اِنْتَظَرْتُكَ فَرْسَخًا [I looked, or waited, for thee, or I have looked, &c., a long time &c.]. (TA.) b6: And A سَاعَة [meaning hour or time] (K, TA) of the day: or a time of the night and of the day: pl. as above. (TA.) b7: And The time, (K, TA,) or interval, (TA,) between stillness and motion. (K, TA.) b8: And Stillness, or quiet: (K, TA:) a meaning mentioned by more than one of the authorities respecting strange words. (TA.) b9: And Rest, or ease. (K.)