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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2062. سندل6 2063. سنر11 2064. سنط15 2065. سنف14 2066. سنق9 2067. سنم212068. سنه14 2069. سه3 2070. سهب14 2071. سهج9 2072. سهد13 2073. سهر17 2074. سهك11 2075. سهل17 2076. سهم20 2077. سهو10 2078. سو1 2079. سوأ16 2080. سوب5 2081. سوج14 2082. سوح13 2083. سوخ13 2084. سود25 2085. سور18 2086. سوس16 2087. سوسن3 2088. سوط17 2089. سوع15 2090. سوغ19 2091. سوف16 2092. سوق19 2093. سوك14 2094. سول15 2095. سوم17 2096. سون3 2097. سوى4 2098. سى2 2099. سيأ8 2100. سيب18 2101. سيج9 2102. سيح17 2103. سيخ8 2104. سيد7 2105. سير18 2106. سيرج1 2107. سيع10 2108. سيغ7 2109. سيف16 2110. سيل14 2111. سيم6 2112. سين9 2113. سيو1 2114. ش5 2115. شأب7 2116. شأت5 2117. شأف11 2118. شأن12 2119. شأو8 2120. شاهبلوط1 2121. شاهين2 2122. شب7 2123. شبت6 2124. شبث15 2125. شبح17 2126. شبر17 2127. شبط11 2128. شبع15 2129. شبق15 2130. شبك14 2131. شبل16 2132. شبم14 2133. شبه19 2134. شبو9 2135. شت6 2136. شتر18 2137. شتم17 2138. شتو10 2139. شث5 2140. شج3 2141. شجب17 2142. شجر20 2143. شجع17 2144. شجن16 2145. شجو10 2146. شح5 2147. شحب11 2148. شحج11 2149. شحذ14 2150. شحط16 2151. شحم16 2152. شحن16 2153. شحو7 2154. شحى3 2155. شخب14 2156. شخت10 2157. شخر10 2158. شخس10 2159. شخص19 2160. شد6 2161. شدخ12 Prev. 100




1 سَنِمَ, (M, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (Msb, K,) inf. n. سَنَمٌ; (M, Msb;) so some say; others saying سُنِمَ, in the pass. form; and ↓ أَسْنَمَ, as some say; others saying ↓ أُسْنِمَ; (Msb;) He (a camel) was, or became, large in the سَنَام [or hump]. (M, Msb, K.) 2 سنّمهُ, (M, K,) inf. n. تَسْنِيمٌ, (K,) It (herbage, or pasture,) made him (a camel) large in the سَنَام [or hump]; as also ↓ اسنمهُ: (M, K:) or both signify it made him fat. (TA.) b2: And He made it gibbous, namely, a grave; i. e. he raised it from the ground like the سَنَام: (Msb:) تَسْنِيم (S, K) of a grave (S) is the contr. of تَسْطِيح. (S, K.) He raised it, [app. so as to make it gibbous,] namely a thing. (M.) b3: And He filled it, namely, a vessel, (Az, M, Msb, K,) and then put upon it what was like a سَنَام of wheat or some other thing, (Az, Msb,) or so that there was above it what was like the سَنَام. (M.) b4: See also 5. b5: [And see تَسْنِيمٌ, below.]4 أَسْنَمَ see 1, in two places: b2: and 2, first sentence. b3: اسنم الدُّخَانُ, (S, K,) inf. n. إِسْنَامٌ, (S,) The smoke rose, or rose high. (S, K.) and اسَنمت النَّارُ The fire became large in its flame: (M, K:) or the fire had a high flame. (TA.) 5 تسنّم النَّاقَةَ He mounted, or rode upon, the سَنَام [or hump] of the she-camel. (Har pp. 332, and 390.) b2: He (the stallion) mounted the she-camel; (M, TA;) he leaped the she-camel. (TA.) b3: And تسنّمهُ He, or it, mounted, ascended, got, was, or became, upon it, (S, M, Msb, K,) namely, a thing; (M, Msb, K;) as also ↓ سنّمهُ, (M, K,) inf. n. تَسْنِيمٌ. (TA. [Freytag adds استنمهُ in this sense, as on the authority of J, whom I do not find to have mentioned it.]) And He mounted, or ascended, upon it from its side, namely, a wall. (TA.) And He rode upon it, namely, anything, [meaning any animal,] advancing, or retiring. (TA.) b4: Also It became abundant upon him, and spread; said of hoariness; as also تَشَيَّمَهُ; (IAar, M, TA;) like أَوْشَمَ فِيهِ. (TA.) b5: and تسنّم السَّحَابُ الأَرْضَ The clouds rained copiously, or abundantly, upon the land. (TA.) b6: التَّسَنُّمُ also signifies The taking, or seizing, suddenly, unexpectedly, or by surprise. (M, K.) سَنَمٌ [a coll. gen. n.]: see سَنَمَةٌ [its n. un.].

سَنِمٌ A camel having a large سَنَام [or hump]: (Lth, S, M, K:) fem. with ة. (Lth, TA.) b2: Also A tall plant, of which the سَنَمَة, (S, K,) i. e. the head, resembling the ear of corn, (S,) or the blossom, (K,) has come forth. (S, K.) [And]

سَنِمَةٌ signifies Any tree (شَجَرَة) that does not bear; its extremities having dried up, and become altered. (M. [In the TA, the word in this sense is said to be سَنَمَةٌ: but the former is app. the right reading.]) b3: Also, (TA,) or سَنِمٌ عَلَى

وَجْهِ الأَرْضِ, (S, in which it is only mentioned as said of water,) Water rising, or rising high, and appearing upon the surface of the earth. (TA.) سَنَمَةٌ The blossom (M, K) of a plant; (K;) i. e. (TA) the head thereof, resembling the ear of corn, (S, TA,) [or] it is of the طَرِيفَة [q. v.], not of the [herbs called] بَقْل: (M:) and signifies also the extremities [or an extremity] of the صِلِّيَان, which are [or is] shed thereby: (M, TA:) and the head of a tree [or plant] of the kind termed دِقّ [q. v.], in form like what is upon the head of the reed, or cane, except that it is soft, and the camels eat it in the manner termed خَضْمٌ [inf. n. of خَضَمَ, q. v.]: (TA:) [it is the n. un. of ↓ سَنَمٌ, the latter being a coll. gen. n., as is shown by what follows:] AHn says, some assert that the سَنَمَة is such of the produce of herbs as resembles the produce of the إِذْخِر [q. v.] and the like; and such as the produce of the reed, or cane; and that the most excellent of the سَنَم are the سَنَم of a herb called the ↓ إِسْنَامَة [n. un. of إِسْنَامٌ]; and the camels eat it in the manner termed خَضْمٌ, because of its softness; or, as in some of the copies [of his work], the camels do not eat it. (M.) سَنَامٌ of the camel, (S,) of the he-camel and of the she-camel, [The hump; i. e.] the highest part of the back: (M, TA:) [in substance,] it is to the camel like the أَلْيَة [here meaning the fat of the tail] to the sheep: (Msb:) pl. أَسْنِمَةٌ (S, M, Msb, K) [and app. أَسْنَامٌ also, as seems to be indicated by an explanation of this latter pl. in what follows]. Hence, in a trad., نِسَآءٌ عَلَى رُؤُوسِهِنَّ كَأَسْنِمَةِ البُخْتِ [Women upon whose heads are the like of the humps of the Bactrian camels]; meaning such as wind the head-coverings as turbans upon their heads so as to enlarge them [in appearance] thereby. (TA.) [Hence, also, سَنَامُ النَّاقَةِ (assumed tropical:) The name of a star in the constellation of Cassiopea: mentioned by Freytag, with a reference to Ideler Untersuch. p. 84.] b2: Also The highest, or highest part, of anything: (TA:) and the best, or choice part, (M, TA,) of anything; (TA;) because the سَنَام is the best, or the choice part, of what is in the camel. (M.) [Hence,] أَسْنِمَةُ الرِّمَالِ The protuberant, or elevated, parts of the sands; as being likened to the hump of the she-camel: (M, TA:) and أَسْنِمَةُ الرَّمْلِ the backs of the sands, that rise from the main portions thereof. (TA.) And سَنَامُ الأَرْضِ The بَحْر [q. v.] (S, TA [in some copies of the S نَحْر, perhaps correctly نَجْد, i. e. high, or elevated, part]) of the land: (S, TA:) and the middle of the land. (S, K.) And سَنَامُ النَّعْلِ The rising part of the middle of the upper side of the sandal, which is in the place of the hollow of the foot. (Har p. 559.) And أَسْنَامُ نَارٍ The highest parts of a fire: (EM p. 156, and TA:) أَسْنَام being pl. of سَنَامٌ, which signifies the highest part of a thing. (EM ubi suprà.) And سَنَامُ المَجْدِ (assumed tropical:) The highest [of a people] in respect of glory. (TA.) السُّنَّمُ The ox, or cow; syn. البَقَرَةُ: (M, K:) or, as some say, the wild بَقَرَة. (TA.) إِسْنَامٌ The fruit, or produce, of the حَلِىّ [q. v.]; (M, K, TA; [in the CK, of the حُلَيّا;]) mentioned by Seer on the authority of Aboo-Málik: (M:) n. un. with ة. (K.) And the latter signifies A certain herb: (see سَنَمَةٌ:) or a species of tree: pl. [or rather coll. gen. n.] إِسْنَامٌ. (M.) تَسْنِيمٌ [originally inf. n. of 2, q. v.,] A certain water in Paradise; so called because running above the elevated chambers (S, K *) and the pavilions: mentioned in the Kur lxxxiii. 27: (S:) or a certain fountain, or source, (عَيْنٌ,) in Paradise: so they assert; and this requires its being determinate, imperfectly decl.: or, accord. to Zj, a water coming upon them from above, from the elevated chambers: (M:) or a certain fountain, or source, coming upon them from above. (K [and in like manner Az explains it].) أَرْضٌ مُسْنِمَةٌ A land that gives growth to the إِسْنَامَة, n. un. of إِسْنَامٌ. (K, TA.) مُسَنَّمٌ A camel left unridden [so that he is made to have a large hump]. (K, * TA.) b2: And قَبْرٌ مُسَنَّمٌ An elevated [or a gibbous] grave: from السَّنَامُ. (Mgh.) b3: And مَجْدٌ مُسَنَّمٌ (assumed tropical:) Great glory. (M, TA.)
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