1 سَرَأَتْ, (
aor. ـَ
inf. n. سَرْءٌ; (
TA;) and ↓ سرّأت,
inf. n. تَسْرِئَةٌ; (
K;) said of the female locust, (
K,) and of the female of the [lizard called] ضَبّ, (
TA,) [and of a fish, and the like, (see سَرْءٌ,)] She laid eggs: (
TA:) and سَرَتْ,
inf. n. سَرْوٌ, is a
dial. var. thereof. (
TA in art. سرو.) [And
accord. to El-Kanánee, as cited in the
TA, it seems that one says also, of locusts (جَرَاد), سَرَأَ البَيْضَ and سَرَأَ بِهِ.]
b2: Also, each of these two verbs, (
K,) the former mentioned by
IDrd, and ↓ the latter by
Fr, (
TA,) said of a woman, She bore many children. (
K.) 2 سَرَّاَ see above, in two places.
4 اسرأت, said of a female locust, [and
app. of a female of the lizard called ضَبّ, and a fish, and the like, (see سَرْءٌ,)] She attained the period of laying eggs. (
K.) سَرْءٌ and ↓ سَرْأَةٌ (
K) and ↓ سِرْأَةٌ (
K [for ويُكسر in the
CK should be وَتُكْسَرُ, referring to the second form,]) and ↓ سِرْءٌ, (
TA, [
accord. to which وتكسر refers to the س in the first and second, but this I think improbable,]) or سرأة is with kesr [only, i. e. ↓ سِرْأَةٌ], (
K, [supposing that in the latter the pronoun هِىَ refers to سرأة, but
accord. to the
TA it means الكَلِمَةُ, so as to refer to سرء also,]) and most hold this to be correct, (
TA,) The egg, (
K,) or eggs, (
M,) of the locust, (
K,) and of the [lizard called] ضَبّ, (
TA,) and of fish (
TA) and the like; (
TA;) and سِرْوَةٌ signifies the same, but is originally with ء: (
accord. to 'Alee Ibn-Hamzeh El-Isbahánee, ↓ سِرْأَةٌ and سِرْوَةٌ signify the eggs of the locust; but some say, only when laid:
accord. to
Lth, سرء [
app. سَرْءٌ] signifies the eggs of the fish and the like, as also سُرُوْءٌ; [the former as a
coll. gen. n., and the latter as its
pl., agreeably with
analogy;] and one is called سرأة [
app. ↓ سَرْأَةٌ as a
n. un., agreeably with
analogy; or it may be ↓ سِرْأَةٌ]. (
TA. [See also سِرْوَةٌ in art. سرو: and see دَبًى.]) سِرْءٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.
سَرْأَةٌ: see سَرْءٌ, in two places.
سِرْأَةٌ: see سَرْءٌ, in four places.
سِرْوَةٌ, originally سِرْأَةٌ [
q. v.,
voce سَرْءٌ].
b2: Also A dust-coloured arrow: in this sense like wise originally with ء: thus
expl. by 'Alee Ibn-Hamzeh. (
TA.) [See also art. سرو.]
سَرَآءٌ A species of tree, of which bows are made:
n. un. with ة. (
TA.) [See art. سرى.]
سَرُوْءٌ, applied to a female locust, (El-Isbahánee,
K,) and to the female of the [lizard called] ضَبّ, (
TA,) [and to a fish and the like, (see سَرْءٌ,)] Laying eggs: (El-Isbahánee,
K, *
TA:) or having eggs in her belly; not yet laid: (
K, *
pl. سُرُؤٌ (
Lth, El-Isbahánee,
K) and سُرَّأْ, which latter is
extr. in form as
pl. of a
sing. of the measure فَعُولٌ, (
K,) and سُرُوْءٌ [which is also
extr., like هُجُودٌ as
pl. accord. to some of هَجُودٌ]. (
MF.) أَرْضٌ مَسْرُؤَةٌ, (
K,) or مَسْرُوْءَةٌ, (
TA,) A land containing سِرْوَة [meaning locusts' eggs]: (ElIsbahánee,
S:) or abounding with locusts (
K, *
TA) [or with locusts' eggs: for the explanation in the
K is ambiguous]. Quasi سرأل and سرأن إِسْرَائِيلُ a surname of [the patriarch] Jacob; (
Ksh and
Bd * and
Jel * in ii. 38;) also pronounced إِسْرَائِلُ, (
Ksh and
Bd ibid.,) and إِسْرَائِلُّ, (
Ksh ibid.,) and إِسْرَالُ, and إِسْرَايِيلُ. (
Bd ibid.)
b2: And the name of A certain angel; also pronounced إِسْرَائِينُ; in which the ن is asserted by Yaakoob to be a substitute for the ل. (
b3: [But the ! is more properly to be regarded as a radical letter.]