البَدِىءُ: التي ابتُدِأَت فحُفِرت في الإِسلام في أرض مَواتٍ، ولم تَكُن عادِيَّةً.
- في الحديث: "أَنَّ عائِشةَ، رضِى الله عَنْها، قالت في اليَومِ الذي بُدِىءَ فيه رَسولُ الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - وارَأْساه".
قال الأَصَمَعِىّ: يقال: مَتَى بُدِىء فُلانٌ؟ أي مَتَى مَرِض، ويقال ذلك للذى ماتَ: مَتَى بُدِىء أي: مَتَى مَرِض؟
يقال: بَدَأْتُ بكذا وأَبْدَأْتُ وابْتَدَأْتُ، أي:
قدّمت، والبَدْءُ والابتداء: تقديم الشيء على غيره ضربا من التقديم. قال تعالى: وَبَدَأَ خَلْقَ الْإِنْسانِ مِنْ طِينٍ [السجدة/ 7] ، وقال تعالى:
كَيْفَ بَدَأَ الْخَلْقَ [العنكبوت/ 20] ، اللَّهُ يَبْدَؤُا الْخَلْقَ [يونس/ 34] ، كَما بَدَأَكُمْ تَعُودُونَ [الأعراف/ 29] .
ومَبْدَأُ الشيء: هو الذي منه يتركب، أو منه يكون، فالحروف مبدأ الكلام، والخشب مبدأ الباب والسرير، والنواة مبدأ النخل، يقال للسيد الذي يبدأ به إذا عدّ السادات: بَدْءٌ.
والله هو المُبْدِئُ المعيد ، أي: هو السبب في المبدأ والنهاية، ويقال: رجع عوده على بدئه، وفعل ذلك عائدا وبادئا، ومعيدا ومبدئا، وأَبْدَأْتُ من أرض كذا، أي: ابتدأت منها بالخروج، وقوله تعالى: بَادِئ الرأْي [هود/ 27] أي: ما يبدأ من الرأي، وهو الرأي الفطير، وقرئ: بادِيَ
بغير همزة، أي:
الذي يظهر من الرأي ولم يروّ فيه، وشيء بَدِيءٌ:
لم يعهد من قبل كالبديع في كونه غير معمول قبل.
والبُدْأَةُ: النصيب المبدأ به في القسمة ، ومنه قيل لكل قطعة من اللحم عظيمة بدء.
بدأ الله الخلق وابتدأه، وكان ذلك في بدء الإسلام ومبتدإ الأمر. وافعل هذا بدأ وباديء بدء وبادىء بدىء. وافعله بدأً ما تريد أول شيء. وهاتها من ذي تبدئت أي أعد الكلمة أو القصة من أولها. وأبدأ في الأمر وأعاد، والله المبديء المعيد، وفلان ما يبدىء وما يعيد إذا لم يكن له حيلة. قال عبيد:
أقفر من أهله عبيد ... فاليوم لا يبدى ولا يعيد
وفعله عوداً وبدأً وعوداً على بدء، وفي عودته وبدأته. واكتريت للبدأة بكذا، وللرجعة بكذا وأنت في بدأتك أحسن حالاً منك في مرجعك. وأمر بديء: عجيب. وبدءوا بفلان: قدموه. ومنه: هو بدء بني فلان لسيدهم ومقدمهم، وهم بدأة قومهم لخيارهم. قال سويد بن أبي كاهل:
أبت لي عبس أن أسام دنية ... وسعد وذبيان الهجان وعامر
وحي كرام بدأة من هوازن ... لهم في الملمات الأنوف الفواخر
وخذ أبداء الجزور وبدوءها وهي خير أعضائها.
قال نهشل بن حرى:
ترك البدوء من الجزور لأهلها ... وأحال ينقي مخة العرقوب
وبدأ يفعل كذا نحو أنشأ يفعل. وأبدأت من أرض إلى أخرى، ومن أين أبدأت وبئر بدىء: حديدة الحفر ليست بعادية. وفعل هذا باديء الرأي.
أبدأ، يقال: أبدأ في ذلك وأعاد: كرر ذلك مرات (هوجفلايت 48). وفي المقدمة 3: 263 ذكر المؤلف هذا التعبير مقلوباً فقال: أعاد في ذلك وأبدأ. وتوجد أمثلة من قولهم: لا يبدي ولا يعيد بمعنى لزم الصمت ولم يقل شيئاً (انظر: لين) عند عباد 2: 9 حيث يجب تصحيح تعليقي عليها.
ابتدأ به: جاء في مختارات دي ساسي (2: 188): هو الذي ابتدأ في دولته بأرباب الوظائف من الأمراء والاجناد. أي هو أول سلطان فوض وظائف بلاطه إلى الأمراء والأجناد. - وابتدأه ب: بدأه، - وابتدأه بالكلام: بدأه بالكلام قبل غيره. (بيدبا 16 وفي البكري ((125)): ابتدأه بالإحسان. وفي كليلة ودمنة 188: وأنا مبتديكما بالنصيحة قبل الحكومة بينكما.
بَدْأُ: بدع: إبداع (معجم أبي الفداء).
بَدِئٌ، في رحلة ابن بطوطة (3: 429): لابد لك من غلة بَدِئَة: أي لابد لك من غلة سلفاً.
مبدأ: ابتداء لعبة الشطرنج (فاندرلند، تاريخ الشطرنج 1: 104).
مُبْدِئ، العلة المبدئة: السبب الأول (بوشر).
ابتدائي: نسبة إلى المبتدأ في الجملة (بوشر).
مبتدأ: المرفوع بالابتداء مقابل الخبر (الكالا).
مبتدئ: الذي يبتدئ في تعلم علم أو فن (الكالا). ومبتدي في السلاح: الذي ابتدأ في استعماله (بوشر) - ويقال: الفضل للمبتدي وإن أحسن المقتدي: أي لمن ابتدأ بفعل الشيء ... الخ.
فلا بدئ ولا عجيب * والبدء والبدئ: البئر التى حُفِرت في الإسلام وليست بعادِيَّة . وفى الحديث: " حريم البئر البدئ خمس وعشرون ذراعا ". والبدء والبدئ أيضاً: الأول. ومنه قولهم: أفعله بادي بدْء - على فَعْل - وبادي بدئ - على فعيل - أي أول شئ. والياء من بادى ساكنة في موضع النصب، هكذا يتكلمون به، وربما تركوا همزه لكثرة الاستعمال على ما نذكره في باب المعتل. ويقال أيضا: أفعله بدأة ذي بَدْء، وبَدْأةَ ذي بَدْأة، أي أول أول. وقولهم: لك البدء والبَدْأة والبَدأة - أيضاً - بالمد: أي لك أن تبدأ قبل غيرك في الرمي أو غيره. وقد بُدِئَ الرجل يُبدأ بدءاً فهو مبدوء، إذا أخذه الجُدَريّ أو الحصْبة . قال الكميت: فكأنما بُدِئت ظواهر جِلدِه * مما يصافح من لهيب سهامها
البَدْءُ - مَهْمُوْز -:مَصْدَرُ بَدَأ يَبْدَأ؛ وهو أنْ يَفْعَلَ شَيْئاً قَبْلَ غَيْرِه. واللهُ بَدَأ الخَلْقَ وأبْدَأهم - سُبْحَانَه وتعالى -.
والبَدِيْءُ: الشيْءُ المَخْلُوْقُ. والأمْرُ العَجِيْبُ. وبِئْر بَدِيْءَ: هي التي ابْتُدِئ حَفْرُها في الإسلام، وبِئْر بَدْءٌ، وماءٌ بدءٌ - على فَعْلٍ -: بمَعْناه. وبَدِئْتُ في الأمرِ وبَدَأتُ. وقَولُه عَز وجَل: " إلا الذين هُمْ أرَاذِلُنا بادِئَ الرَّأي " أي ابْتِدَاءَ الرأيَ. وفي المَثَلِ: " ابْدَأهُم بالصرَاخِ يَفِرُّوا ". والبَدْء من الرجَالِ: السيِّد الذي يُعَد في أولِ مَنْ يُعَد.
والبَدْأةُ: الكَرِيْم، والجَمِيْعُ البُدَءَاءُ والأبدَاءُ.
والبَدْءُ من اللحْمِ: النحْضَةُ، وُيقال: عِضْوٌ تام. ورَجُلٌ مَبْدُوْء: أي مَجْدُوْر. وما يُعِيْدُ وما يُبْدِئُ: إذا لم يَكُنْ له حِيْلَةٌ.
وفَعَلَ ذلك عَوْداً وبَدْءاً؛ وفي عَوْدِه وبَدْئه؛ وفي عَوْدَتِه وبَدْأتِه. والبدْأةُ من كُل شَيْءٍ: خِيَارُه، وجَمْعُه بُدْءٌ. والنصِيْبُ من أنْصِبَاءِ الجَزُوْرِ، وجَمْعُه بُدُوْء، وقيل: هو العَجُزُ والقَصَصُ والوَرِكَانِ والكَتِفَانِ والفَخِذَانِ.
والبَدْأةُ من القِدَاحِ: الفائزُ. وُيقال عِنْدَ المُنَاضَلَةِ: لك البَدْأةُ والبُدَاءَةُ - بوَزْنِ فُعَالَة؛ خَفِيْفٌ - وبُدّاءَةٌ - بوَزْنِ فُعالَةٍ -: أي لكَ أنْ تَبْدَأ قَبْلَ غَيْرِكَ الرمْيَ. وكَلَمْتُه في بَدَاءاتِه: أي انْطِلاقِه إلى مكّةَ.
واكْتَرِ للبَدْأةِ: أي للرجْعَةِ.
والبَدْأةُ: تُرَابٌ من الثَّرى يَجْتَمِعُ؛ كأنها الكَمْءُ.
بدأتُ بالشيء بَدْءً: ابتدأتُ به. وبدأتُ الشيءَ: فعلته ابتداءً. وبَدَأ الله تعالى الخلق وأبدأهم: بمعنى. وتقول: فَعَلَ ذلك عَوْداً وبًدْءً وفي عوْدِهِ وبَدْئِه وفي عودته وبدءته. ويقال: رجع عَوْدَه على بَدئه: إذا رجع في الطريق الذي جاء منه. وفلان ما يُبدئ وما يُعيد: أي ما يتكلم ببادئةٍ ولا عائدة. وقال أبو زيد: أبدأتُ من أرض إلى أخرى: إذا خَرَجْتَ منها إلى غيرها.
والبدْءُ: السيد الأول في السيادة، والثُّنْيَانُ: الذي يليه في السؤدد، قال أوس ابن مَغراء السعدي:
ولا تَرى مَعْشَراً نَبْكي لِمَيِّتِهِم ... إذا تَوَلّى وهُمْ يَبْكُونَ مَوْتانا
ثُنْيانُنا اِنْ أتاهُمْ كان بَدْأهُمُ ... وبَدْؤُهُمْ انْ أتانا كان ثُنيانا
ويروى: " ترى ثنانا إذا ما جاء بَدْأهُمُ ". والبَدْءُ والبَدْءَةُ: النَّصِيْبُ من الجَزُوْر، والجَمْعُ أبْدَاءٌ وبُدُوْءٌ، مثال جَفْنٍ وأجْفان وجُفُونْ، قال طَرَفَةُ بنُ العَبْد:
وهُمُ أيْسَارُ لُقْمانَ اذا ... أغْلَتِ الشَّتْوَةُ أبْداءَ الجُزُرْ
أيْسَارُ لُقمان ثمانية وهم: بِيْض وطُفَيْل وذُفَافَةُ وثُمَيْلٌ ومَلِكٌ وفُرْزُعَةُ وعَمارٌ وحُمَمَةُ الدَّوْسيّ.
والبَديءُ: الأمرُ البَديع، وقد أبْدَأ الرَّجُلُ: اذا جاء به، قال عَبيدُ بنُ الأبرص:
اِنْ تَكُ حَالَتْ وحُوِّلَ منها ... أهْلُها فلا بَدِيءٌ ولا عَجِيْبُ
والبَدِيءُ: البئرُ الذي حُفِرَتْ في الإسلام وليستْ بِعاديَّةٍ، وفي حديث سعيدِ ابنِ المُسَيَّب بن حَزْنٍ: حَرِيْمُ البئرِ البَديء خَمسٌ وعشرونَ ذراعاً وفي القليبِ خَمسونَ ذراعاً.
والبَدْءُ والبَديءُ ايضاً: الأوَّلُ، ومنهُ قَولُهم: افعَلْهُ بادي بَدْءٍ على فَعْلٍ وبادي بَدِيءٍ على فَعِيْلٍ: أي أوَّلَ شيءٍ، والياءُ من " باديْ " ساكنةٌ في موضع النَّصْبِ. هكذا يتكلَّمون به، وربَّما تَركوا هَمْزَه لكثر الاستعمال على ما نذكره في باب المُعْتَلّ اِنْ شاء اللهُ تعالى. ويُقال أيضاً: افْعَلْه بَدْءةَ ذي بَدْءةٍ أي: أوَّلَ أوَّلَ.
والبَدْءةُ: نَبْتٌ مثلُ الكَمْأة لا تُؤكَل وإذا فُتَّتْ صارتْ مثلَ السِّهْلَة، قالها أبو عَمْروٍ الشيباني.
وقَوْلُهُم: لكَ البَدْءةُ والبُدْءةُ والبُدَاءةُ ايضاً بالمَدّ: أي لكَ أنْ تَبْدَأ قبل غيرِكَ في الرَّمْي وغيرِه.
وقد بُدِيءَ الرَّجُلُ فهو مَبْدُوءٌ: إذا أخَذَه الجُدَريُّ أو الحَصْبَة، وقال:
فكأنَّما بُدِئَتْ ظَواهِرُ جِلْدِهِ ... ممّا يُصافِحُ من لَهِيبِ سُهامِها
وبِدَاءَةُ الأمرِ - بالكَسْرِ والمَدِّ -: ابْتداؤه. وقَوْلُ العامَّةِ: البِدايَةُ - مؤازاةً للنِّهاية: لَحْنٌ، ولا تُقاس على الغَدَايا والعَشايا؛ فإنَّها مَسْموعةٌ بخلاف البِداية.
وقال ابنُ حَبِيبَ: في كنْدَة: بَدَّاءُ بنُ الحَارثِ بن ثَوْرٍ وهو كِنْديٌّ، وفي جُعْفِيٍّ: بَدَّاءُ بن سَعْد بن عمرو بن ذُهْل بن مَرّانَ بن جُعْفِيّ، وفي بَجِيْلَة: بَدّاءُ ابن فِتْيَان بن ثَعْلَبَة بن مُعاوية بن سَعْد ابن الغَوْث، وفي مُرَادٍ: بَدّاءُ بن عامِر ابن عَوْبَثَانَ بن زاهِر بن مُرادٍ. قال ابن السِّيرافيِّ: بَدّاءٌ: فَعّالٌ من البَدْءِ مَصْرُوْف.
والتَّرْكيبُ يَدُلُّ على افتتاح الشيء.
(فَلا بَدِيءُ ولا عَِجِيبُ ... )
والبَدْءُ: السَّيِّدُ، وقيل: الشّابُّ الُمستَجادُ الرَّأْيِ المُسْتَشارُ، والجَمْعُ: بُدُوءُ. والبَدْءُ: المَفْصِلُ. والبَدْءُ: العَظْمُ بما عَلَيْهِ مِن اللَّخْمِ. والبَدْءُ: خَيْرُ عَظْمٍ في الجَزُورِ، والجَمْعُ: أَبْداءٌ. قالَ طَرَفَة:
(وَهَمُ أَيْسارُ لُقْمانٍ إِذاَ ... أَغْلَتِ الشَّتْوَةُ أَبْداءَ الجُزُرْ ... )
والبُدْأَةُ: النَّصِيبُ من أَنْصِباءِ الجَزُورِ. قالَ النَّمِرُ بنُ تَوْلَبِ:
(فمَنَحْتُ بُدْأَتَها رَقِيباً جانِحاً ... والنّارُ تَلْفَحُ وَجْهَهُ بأُوارِها) ورَوَى ابنُ الأَعْرابِيِّ: ((فمَنَحْتُ بُدَّتَها)) وهي النَّصِيبُ، وقد تَقَدَّمَ، ورَوَى ثَعْلَبٌ: ((رَقِيقاً جاِنحاً)) . وبُدِئَ الرَّجُل بَدْءاً: جُدِرَ، أو حًصبَ. وقالَ اللِّحْيانِيُّ: بُدِئَ الرَّجُلُ: خَرَجَ له بَثْرٌ شِبْهُ الجُدَرِىِّ، ثمَّ قالَ: قالَ بعضُهم: هو الجُدَرِيُّ بعَيْنِه. ورَجُلٌ مَبْدُؤءُ: خَرَجَ به ذِلكَ. وبَدَأَ من أَرْضٍ إَِلى أَرْضٍ، وأَبْدَأًَ: خَرَجَ. وأَبْدَأَ الرَّجُلُ: كِنايَةٌ عن النَّجْوِ، والاسمُ: البَدَاءُ، مَمْدُود. وأَبْدَأَ الصَّبِيُّ: خَرَجَتْ أَسْنانُه بَعْدَ سقُوطِها. والبُدْأَةُ: هَنَةٌ سَوْداءُ كأَنَّها كَمْءٌ، ولا يُنْتَفَعُ بها، حكاهُ أَبُو حَنِيفَةَ.
أ1 بَدَأَ بِهِ, (T, S, M, &c.,) aor. ـَ (Mgh, K,) inf. n. بَدْءٌ, (T, S, M, Msb,) i. q. به ↓ ابتدأ; (S, Msb, K;) [He began with it;] he made it to have precedence, or to be first; gave precedence to it; syn. قَدَّمَهُ: (Mgh, Msb:) in the dial. of the Ansár, بَدِئَ به is used in this sense of قدّمه; (M;) or بَدِىَ به [without ء]; (IKtt, TA; [see بَدةءٌ;]) [and بَدَى به; see art. بدى;] and به ↓ ابدأ signifies the same. (Msb.) [So in the Kur xii. 76, فَبَدَأَ بِأَوْعِيَتِهِمْ قَبْلَ وِعَآءِ أَخِيهِ And he began with their bags, before the bags of his brother. and بَدَأَهُ is sometimes used in the sense of بَدَأَ بِهِ; whence, in the Kur ix. 13, وَهُمْ بَدَؤُوكُمْ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍAnd they, it was, began with you the first time; i. e., as Bd says, by acting with hostility, and fighting.] You say also, بَدَّا ثُمَّ عَادَ He began, or did a first time, or the first time: then repeated, or did a second time. (Az, TA in art. عود.) and بَدَأَ فِىِ الأَمْرِ [He began, or made a beginning, in the affair.] (M.) b2: بَدَأَ also signifies It (a thing) began; began to be; originated; or came into existence. (Msb.) [See also 5.]
A2: بَدَأَ الشَّيْءَ, (S, M, K,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (M,) [He began the thing; commenced it; set about it; as also ↓ ابتدأهُ: accord. to the Mgh, the latter has this meaning, or, agreeably with the authority of the M and K, the meaning which here next follows:] he did the thing first, for the first time, by way of beginning, or originally; (S, M, K;) as also ↓ ابدأهُ and ↓ ابتدأهُ; (M, K;) i. e., not after the example of anything preceding. (TA. [But this addition seems rather to belong to another explanation to be mentioned below.]) One does not say, زَيْدًا ↓ ابتدأ nor بَدَأَهُ, because these two verbs [signifying as last explained above] do not have for their objects corporeal things. (Mgh.) [El-Mutanakhkhil El-Hudhalee uses the phrase سَأَبْدُؤُهُمْ بِمَشْمَعِةٍ I will begin with them (meaning his guests) by sporting and jesting; like the phrase in the Kur ix. 13 cited above: but different from these is the saying in the Kur xxxii. 6, وَبَدَأَ خَلْقِ الْإِنْسَانِ مِنْ طِينٍ And He began the creation of man from clay.] The saying, ↓ فَإِنْ كَانَ السَّبُعُ ابْتَدَأَهُ means ابتدأ أَخْذَهُ
أَوْ عَضَّهُ [But if the beast, or bird, of prey has begun the seizing of him, or the biting of him]; the noun that is prefixed [to the pronoun] being suppressed. (Mgh.) You say also, كَانَ ذٰلِكَ فِى
الأَمْرِ ↓ ابْتِدَآءِ That was in the beginning, or first, of the affair. (Msb.) [See also بَدْءٌ, below.] b2: He originated the thing; brought it into being or existence; made it, or produced it, for the first time, it not having been before; (Mgh;) [and] so ↓ ابدأهُ, said [of God, and] of a man, as the agent; (Msb;) and ↓ ابتدأهُ. (Mgh in art. بدع.) [Hence,] بَدَأَ اللّٰهُ الخَلْقَ, and ↓ أَبْدَأَهُمْ, God created, or brought into existence, mankind, or the created beings: (M, Msb, K:) both signify the same. (S.) البَاطِلُ وَمَا يُعِيدُ ↓ مَا يُبْدِئُ [in the Kur xxxiv. 48, means What doth that which is false, or the Devil, originate, or produce in the first instance? and what doth it, or he, reproduce after it hath perished?]: Zj says that مَا, here, is in the place of an accus., meaning in each Instance أَىَّ شَىْءٍ: or it may be a negative; and الباطل here is Iblees; i. e., Iblees createth not, nor raiseth to life after death. (M.) You say also, وَمَا يُعِيدُ ↓ مَا يُبْدِئُ, meaning وَلَا ↓ مَا يَتَكَلَّمُ عَائِدَةٍ, (S, K,) i. e. He does not say anything for the first time, nor anything for the second time; or anything original, nor anything in the way of repetition; الكَلَامِ ↓ بَادِئَةُ signifying what is said for the first time; and عَائِدَةُ الكَلَامِ, what is said for the second time, afterwards: (TA:) or he says not anything: (A in art. عود:) and he has no art, artifice, or cunning. (IAar, TA in art. عود; and A in the present art.) b3: بَدَأَ البِئْرَ He dug the well [for the first time: see بَدِىْءٌ]. (Msb.) A3: بَدَأَ مِنْ أَرْضٍ إِلَى أَرْضٍ, (T,) or مِنْ أَرْضِهِ, (K,) He went forth from a land to a land, or from his land; as also ↓ ابدأ. (T, K.) A4: بُدِئَ, (inf. n. as above, S, M, K,) He (a man, S, M) had the small-pox: (Az, As, T, S, M, K:) or the حَصْبَة [i. e. measles, or spotted fever]: (S, M, K:) or, as Az says, and the حصبة: (T:) or, as Lh says, there came forth upon him pustules resembling the small-pox: but he adds, some say, the small-pox itself: (M:) the epithet applied to a person affected therewith is ↓ مَبْدُوْءٌ. (Az, As, Lh, T, S, M.) b2: Also He fell sick. (IAth, TA.) In a trad. of ' Áïsheh occur the words, فِى اليَوْمِ الَّذِى بُدِئَ فِيهِ رَسُولِ اللّٰهِ [meaning In the day in which the Apostle of God fell sick]: and IAth says, مَتَى بُدِئَ فُلَانٌ meaning When did such a one fall sick? is a phrase used in inquiring respecting the living [who has been attacked by illness] and respecting the dead. (TA.) 4 ابدأ: see 1, in seven places. b2: Also He did a new thing; a thing unknown before; or a strange, or wonderful, thing. (S, * TA.) b3: and He voided excrement, or ordure; or broke wind; syn. نَجَا; [as also أَبْدَى;] said of a man. (M.) b4: And He put forth his second teeth; said of a child; (M;) and of a colt. (TA voce أَحْفَرَ, q. v.) 5 تبدّأ He, or it, began, or made a beginning. (KL.) [See also 1. Golius mentions, but without giving the authority, and without the vowel-signs, the saying, هَاتِ القِصَّةَ مِنْ ذِى تُبُدِّئَتْ; but writing the last word تبديت, stating only that it is in the passive form; as meaning Relate thou the story, or history, from the beginning.]8 إِبْتَدَاَ see 1, in seven places. b2: ابتدأهُ بِوَعْدٍ He made him a promise in anticipation; without his asking it of him. (M in art. انف.) بَدءٌ inf.n. of 1; (T, S, M, Msb;) [The act of beginning;] or the doing a thing first. (M.) Yousay, لَكَ البَدْءُ, (M, K,) and ↓ البُدْءُ, (As, TA,) and ↓ البَدْأَةُ, (S, M, Msb, K,) and ↓ البُدْأَةُ, (S, M, K,) and ↓ البِدْأَةُ, (L,) and ↓ البَدَآءَةُ, (M, K,) and ↓ البُدَآءَةُ, (S, M, K,) and البُدَاهَةُ, with ه substituted for ء, (M, Mtr,) and ↓ البِدَآءَةُ, (Mtr, TA,) and, accord. to IKtt, البِدَايَةُ, but see what follows, (TA,) and ↓ البَدِئَةُ, (M, K,) and ↓ البُدَّآءَةُ, (Az, TA,) It is for thee to begin, (S, M, Msb, K,) before any other, in shooting or casting, &c.: (S:) as to البِدَايَةُ, mentioned above, accord. to Mtr [and Fei], (TA,) it is a vulgar word, (Mgh, Msb, TA,) as IB and several others have stated, (Msb, TA, *) a corruption of ↓ البِدَآءَةُ, (Mgh, Msb,) signifying the first; as also ↓ البُدَآءَةُ; and ↓ البَدْأَةُ: (Msb:) but IKtt says that it is a word of the dial. of the Ansár; بَدَأْتُ بِالشَّىْءِ and بَدِيتُ بِهِ signifying قَدَّمْتُهُ: [see 1:] and he cites the following verse of Ibn-Rawáhah: وَلَوْ عَبَدْنَا غَيْرَهُ شَقِينَا بِاسْمِ الْإِلَاهِ وَ بِهِ بَدِينَا [In the name of God, and with it we begin; and if we worshipped any other than Him, we should be miserable]: see art. بدى. (TA. [This verse is also cited in the S in art. بدو, where, in one copy I find it as above; in another, with بَدَيْنَا instead of بَدِيْنَا.]) And you say, فَعَلَهُ عَوْذَا وَبَدْءًا, (T, S,) and عَوْدَهُ عَلَي بَدْئِهِ, (M,) and فِى عَوْدِهِ وَبَدْئِهِ, and ↓ فِى عَوْدَتِهِ وَبَدْأَتِهِ, (S, M,) [He did it returning and beginning again; or returning to his beginning; i. e. he did it again from the beginning; he recommenced it: or you say this] meaning like as is meant by the saying next following. (TA.) رَجَعَ عَوْدَهُ عَلَى بَدْئِهِ, (S, K,) and عَوْدًا عَلَى بَدْءٍ, in both of which [and in the last following] the verb may be trans., and the noun following therefore in the accus. case, (TA,) and فِى عَوْدِهِ وَبَدْئِهِ, and ↓ فِى عَوْدَتِهِ وَبَدْأَتِهِ, [in both of which, if correct, the verb must be intrans.,] and عَوْدًا وَبَدْءًا, [as though meaning عَائِدًا وَبَادِئًا, used as a phrase denotative of state,] (K,) [but in this last, and the two next preceding, accord. to the TA, the verb should be فَعَلَهُ, as in the next preceding sentence, instead of رَجَعَ, and this is confirmed by what is said in the K in art. عود,] He returned in the way whence he had come: (S, K:) [accord. to the TA, the literal meaning of the first and second may be he made his returning to revert to his beginning, and he made a returning to revert to a beginning:] or the meaning of the first, (Sb, TA in art. عود, and K in that art.,) and of the second, (K in that art.,) is, he returned without stopping after he had gone away: (Sb, K:) and sometimes it signifies the stopping in one's coming and then returning: (Sb:) [and it returned to its first state; it recommenced:] and you say, رَجَعْتُ عَوْدِى عَلَى
بَدْئِى, meaning I returned like as I had come. (Sb ubi suprà.) b2: Also First, or former; preceding all others, or preceding another; as also ↓ البَدْءُ بَدِىْءٌ; and البَدِىءُ being syn. with الأَوَّلُ. (S, K.) Hence the saying, اِفْعَلْهُ بَادِى بَدْءٍ, and ↓ بَادِى بَدِىْءٍ, meaning Do thou it the first thing, or the first of everything; [accord. to different copies of the S;] the ى in بادى being quiescent, in the place of the accus. case, accord. to usage; and sometimes they omit the [altogether], on account of frequent use [of the phrase], as will be stated in art. بدو, (S in the present art.,) saying بَادِى بَدٍ, and بَادِىبَدِى (S in art. بدو.) You say also, اِفْعَلْهُ بَدْءًا, and أَوَّلَ بَدْءٍ, (Th, M, K,) and بَدْءَ بَدْءٍ, (CK,) and بَدَا بَدْءٍ, (M, K,) and بَدْءٍ ↓ بَادِئَ, (A'Obeyd, T, S, M, K,) and بَادِىَ بَدٍ, (K,) and بَادِىْ بَدًا, (M, K, [in the CK بَادِىْ بَدٍ,]) and بَادِىْ بَدًا, (M,) and بَدِىْءٍ ↓ بَادَئَ, (K,) and بَادِىْ بَدَا, (M, K,) and ↓ بَدِىْءٍ ↓ بَادِئَ, (A'Obeyd, T, S, M, CK,) and بَدِىٍّ ↓ بَادِئَ, which is anomalous, (M,) or بَادِىَ بَدِّىِ, (K,) and بَادِىْ بَدِيٍّ, (Fr, A'Obeyd, T, S, M,) and ↓ بَدِئٍ ↓ بَادِئَ, (S, CK,) or ↓ بَادِىَ بَدِئٍ, (K, TA,) and بَادِىْ
↓ بَدْأَةَ, (M, K, TA,) the former word being the act. part. n. of بَدِىَ, which is of the dial. of the Ansár, as mentioned above, and the latter being indecl., with fet-h for its termination, (TA, [in the CK the latter word is written بَدْءَة,]) and بَدْءٍ ↓ بَدْأَةَ, (CK,) and ↓ بَدْأَةَ بَدْأَةَ, (M, K,) and ↓ بَدِىْءٍ ↓ بَدْأَةَ, (S,) and بَدْءٍ ↓ بَدِىْءَ, (S, CK,) and بَدْءَ ذِى بَدْءٍ, (Fr, T,) and ذِى بَدْءٍ ↓ بَدْأَةَ, (Fr, T, S, K,) and ↓ بَدْأَةَ ذِى بَدْأَةٍ, and ↓ ذِى بَدِىْءٍ ↓ بَدْأَةَ, (S, K,) and ↓ ذِي بَدَآءَةَ ↓ بَدَأَةَ, (K, TA,) not بداءة [as in the CK], (TA,) and ↓ بَدِىْءَ ذِى بَدِىْءٍ, (S, K, TA, [in the CK the last word is written بَدْءٍ,]) and ↓ ذِى بَدِىْءٍ ↓ بَدَآءَةِ, (K,) meaning Do thou it the first thing; (Fr, T, K;) so in a correct copy [of the K, and so I find in a MS. copy of the K and in the CK]: accord. to another copy, the first of everything: (TA:) or the first of first; (S;) thus in the L: (TA:) the words here put in the accus. case [literally or virtually] are so put [in some instances] as adverbial nouns; or, accord. to MF, they may be [in some instances] denotatives of state, with respect to the agent; the meaning being اِفْعَلْهُ حَالَةَ كَوْنِكَ بَادِئًا, i. e. مُبْتَدِئَا بِهِ [lit. do thou it in the state of thy being beginning it]. (TA.) [In like manner,] you also say, بَدْءَ الرَّأْىِ, and [more commonly] الرَّأْىِ ↓ بَادِئَ, At first thought; or on the first opinion: (Lh, M:) [بَدْءُ الرَّأْىِ and] الرَّأْىِ ↓ بَادِئُ signifying the first, and beginning, of the idea, thought, opinion, or judgment; or what is perceived before considering well or thoroughly: (M:) [and بَدْءٌ alone signifying a first idea, thought, opinion, or judgment; as is implied in the A, voce صَيُّورٌ, q. v.:] hence, الرَّأْيِ ↓ فَعَلَهُ فِى بَادِئِ [He did it at first thought, &c.]: (M:) and الرَّأْىِ تُرِيدُ ↓ أَنْتَ بَادِئَ ظُلْمَنَا, and الرأى ↓ مُبْتَدَأَ, i.e. Thou at first thought, &c., desirest to wrong us: and one says also, بَادِىَ الرأى, without; meaning on the occasion of what appeared of opinion; i. e. at the first of what appeared thereof; [or at the first opinion's presenting itself;;] in which case, the phrase does not belong to this art. [but to art. بدو]: it occurs in the Kur xi. 29: (M:) AA alone there read بَادِئَ, with; all the other readers pronounced it without ء (TA.) b3: Also A chief, or lord, (S, M, Msb, K,) who occupies the first place in chieftainship or lordship: (S:) or, as some say, a youth, or young man, whose judgment, or opinion, is deemed good, and who is consulted: (M:) or it signifies also an intelligent youth or young man: (K:) pl. بُدُوْءٌ. (M.) A poet (namely, Ows Ibn-Maghrà Es-Saadee, TA) says, ثُنْيَانُنَا إِنْ أَتَاهُمْ كَانَ بَدْأَهُمُ وَبَدْؤُهُمْ إِنْ أَتَانَا كِانَ ثُنْيَانَا [Our second chief, if he came to them, would be their first chief; and their first chief, if he came to us, would be a second chief]. (S.) b4: Also, and ↓ بَدْأَةٌ, A share, or portion, of a slaughtered camel: (S, K:) or the best share or portion thereof: (T:) or the former word has the latter signification; and the latter word, the former signification: and the former signifies also a bone with the meat, or flesh, that is on it: (M:) and a joint; syn. مَفْصِلٌ; (AA, T, M;) and so بَدًا q.v.: (AA, T:) the pl. [of pauc.] of بَدْءٌ is أَبْدَآءٌ (S, M, K) and [of mult.] بُدُوْءٌ; (S, K;) the former of which is the more common: (TA:) or this is pl. of بَدًا. (AA, T.) The shares abovementioned [as commonly divided for the game called المَيْسِر q. v.] are ten; namely, the two haunches, the two thighs properly so called, the two thighs commonly so called (i. e. the tibiæ), the two shoulders, and the two arms; which last are the worst, because of the many veins [therein]. (TA.) b5: See also بَدِىْءٌ.
بُدءٌ: see بَدْءٌ; second sentence.
بَدِئٌ: see بَادِئَ بَدِئٍ, or بَادِىَ بَدِئٍ, voce بَدءٌ.
بَدْأَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ, in thirteen places. b2: Also The beginning, or outward course, of a military expedition; opposed to رَجْعَةٌ, meaning the returning, or homeward course, thereof: occurring in a trad., in which it is said that the Prophet gave, in the case of the former, a fourth [of the spoil], and in the case of the latter, a third; i.e., when a troop went forth from the main body of the army and attacked a party of the enemy, they were to have a fourth of the spoil that they took, and the rest of the army was to share with them the remaining three fourths; and if a troop did so in returning, they were to have a third of all the spoil that they took, because of the greater difficulty and danger attending this case. (T, Mgh.) b3: كَانَ ذٰلِكَ فِى بَدْأَتِنَا, and ↓ بُدْأَتِنَا, and ↓ بِدْأَتِنَا, (K,) and ↓ بَدَآءَتِنَا, (Lh, M, TA,) and ↓ بُدَآءَتِنَا, and ↓ بِدَآءَتِنَا, (TA,) and ↓ بَدَأَتِنَا, (Lh, M, K,) but [ISd says,] I know not how that is, (M,) and ↓ مُبْدَئِنَا, and ↓ مُبْدَئِنَا, (K,) and ↓ مَبْدَأَتِنَا, (Lh, M, and so in some copies of the K,) or مَبْدَاتِنَا, (so in other copies of the K,) thus in the بَاهِر of Ibn-'Odeys [in the CK Ibn-'Adebbes], (K,) which is said to indicate that we should hesitate respecting them [before admitting them to be of classical authority], are phrases meaning That was in the first of our state, and in our adolescence. (TA.) A2: Also, (so in a copy of the M, there written بَدْأَة,) or ↓ بُدْأَةٌ, with damm, (K,) A certain plant; (M;) a black thing, resembling a truffle (كَمْء), of which no use is made: so says AHn. (M.) بُدْأَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ; second sentence: and see بَدْأَةٌ, in two places.
بِدْأَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ; second sentence: and see بَدْأَةٌ بَدَأَةٌ: see بَدْأَةٌ.
بَدَآءٌ, with medd; [Excrement from the anus; as also بَدَّا;] a subst. from أَبْدَأَ, as meaning نَجَا. (M.) بَدِىْءٌ: see بَدْءٌ, as signifying First, or former; in eight places. b2: Also, applied to a thing, or an affair, i. q بَدِيعٌ, (S, and so in a copy of the K,) or مُبْدَعٌ: (so in other copies of the K:) [thus it signifies] Originated; brought into being or existence; made, or produced, for the first time, not having been before, or not after the similitude of any former thing: (TA:) and created: (M, K:) and wonderful: (M, Msb, TA:) and strange, or extraordinary, as not being after the similitude of any former thing. (TA.) b3: [Hence, as is implied in the Mgh,] بِئْرٌ بَدِىْءٌ A well newly dug; (T, Mgh, Msb;) i. q. بَدِيعٌ; (M;) or dug since the era of ElIslám (S, K;) not ancient; (S, Mgh, Msb;) as also ↓ بَدْءٌ: (S:) the former epithet [in this sense] is generally pronounced [بَدِىٌّ] without ء: (T:) the well thus called is one dug in a waste land that has no owner: (TA:) AO says, (TA,) this epithet, and بَدِيع, are applied to a well when thou hast dug it; but if thou findest it to have been dug before thee, it is termed خَفِيَّة; and thus the well of Zemzem is termed خفيّة, because it was Ismá'eel's, and was filled up or covered over [after his time]: (T, TA:) the term قَلِيب is [said to be] applied to an ancient well of which neither the owner nor the digger is known: (TA:) it is said in a trad., that the حَرِيم of a well such as is termed بدىء [i. e. the space surrounding it and belonging to it] is five-and-twenty cubits: (T, S: [but see حَرِيمٌ:]) the pl. is بُدُوْءٌ: (M:) and AO says that بُودَانٌ is pl. of بَدِىْءٌ applied to a well, and is syn. with قُلْبَانٌ [a pl. of قَلِيبٌ which I have not found elsewhere] and رَكَايَا, being formed by transposition of letters from بُدْيَانٌ [which is for بُدْآنٌ, as بَدِىٌّ is for بَدِىْءٌ; the د and ى being transposed, the word becomes بُيْدَانٌ, and this, by a rule of permutation, becomes بُودَانٌ]. (TA.) بَدَآءَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ, in three places: and see بَدْأَةٌ: and بَدِئَةٌ, in two places.
بُدَآءَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ, in two places: and see بَدْأَةٌ: and for the former, see also بَدِئَْةٌ.
بِدَآءَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ, in two places: and see بَدْأَةٌ: and for the former, see also بَدِئَةٌ.
بَدِيْئَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ; second sentence. b2: Also, (M, K,) and ↓ بَدَآءَةٌ, (K,) or ↓ بُدَآءَةٌ, (M,) i. q. بَدِيهَةٌ, (K,) and بَدَاهَةٌ, (TA,) or بُدَاهَةٌ, i. e. The first occurrence of a thing, that happens to one unexpectedly: (M:) [or the first of anything: and an occurrence thereof by which one is taken unawares: accord. to explanations in the K in art. بده:] pl. of the first, بَدَايَا. (TA.) b3: [And all app. signify The faculty of extemporizing; like بَدِيهَةٌ (q. v.) &c.] You say, جَيِّدَةٍ ↓ فُلَانٌ ذُو بَدَآءَةٍ, i. e. بَدِيهَةٍ حَسَنَةٍ, [meaning] Such a one has a good faculty of extemporizing; or of uttering, or relating, things by means of the promptness of his intelligence. (TA.) بُدَّآءَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ; second sentence.
بَادِئٌ [act. part. n. of 1]: see بَدْءٌ, in nine places.
بَادِئَةٌ: see 1, in two places.
مَبْدَأٌ [originally noun of place and of time from 1; A place, and a time, of beginning, &c. b2: ] See بَدْأَةٌ. b3: [Also A principle, or first rule, of a science &c.: pl. مَبَادِئُ. b4: And The primary import of a word; opposed in this sense to غَايَةٌ.]
مُبْدَأٌ: see بَدْأَةٌ.
المُبْدِئُ, applied to God, The Creator, or Originator, of the things [that exist], who hath produced them at the beginning, not after the similitude of anything pre-existing. (Nh.) and المُبْدِئُ المُعِيدُ, so applied, He who createth mankind, and who returneth them after life to death in the present world and after death to life on the day of resurrection. (TA in art. عود.) b2: مُبْدِئُ مُعِيدٌ A man who has gone on warring, or warring and plundering, expeditions, time after time, and is experienced in affairs: (A 'Obeyd, and K in art. عود:) and a horse upon which the owner has gone time after time on warring, or warring and plundering, expeditions; (TA in that art.;) or well trained and exercised, (K and TA in that art.) so as to be obedient to his rider. (TA in that art.) b3: [For other significations of مُبْدِئٌ, see its verb (4); and see أَحْفَرَ.]
مَبْدَأَةٌ: see بَدْأَةٌ مَبْدُوْءٌ [pass. part. n. of 1; Begun, &c.
A2: ] See بُدِئَ.
مُبْتَدَأٌ: see بَدْءٌ. b2: [In grammar, as correlative of خَبَرٌ, An inchoative.]