يَوْمٌ A time, whether night or day; (Msb;) time absolutely, whether night or not, little or not: this is the proper signification: (Kull, p. 390:) and day, meaning the period from the rising of the sun to its setting; (Lth, TA:) the time when the sun is above the earth: this is the common conventional acceptation: (Kull, ubi suprà:) and the period from the second [or true] dawn to sunset: (Msb, Kull:) this is the legal acceptation: (Kull:) and a civil day: the period of the revolution of the greatest firmament. (Kull) b2: Also, An accident, or event; syn. كَوْنٌ and كَائِنَةٌ. Ex., نِعْمَ الْأَخُ فُلَانٌ فِى اليَوْمِ إِذَا نَزَلَ بِنَا Excellent is the brother, such a one, in the case of the accident, when it befalls us. (T.) b3: See نَهَارٌ. b4: يَأْتِينَا يَوْمَ يَوْمَ He comes to us day after day, i. e., every day: (Sharh esh-Shudhoor:) and يَوْمَ يَوْمٍ. (In a verse cited by IJ. in Mz, sect. on the حَقِيقَة and مَجَاز.) b5: يَوْمٌ A dayjourney, or day's journey. b6: A day, as in our phrase “ he won the day; ” meaning contest, fight, or battle: I render it a day [of conflict]. b7: أَيَّامُ العَرَبِ The [days, (agreeably with an English, as well as Arabian, usage,) meaning] conflicts (وَقَائِع) of the Arabs. (ISk, T.) b8: اِبْنُ يَوْمِهِ He who thinks [only of the present day,] not of the morrow. (Er-Rághib. in TA, art. بنى.) b9: يَوْمُ الشَّكِّ: see شَكٌّ. b10: بَيْن الأَيَّامِ and فِيمَا بَيْنَ الأَيَّامِ: see نَدْرَةٌ, in two places.
يَوْمِيَّةٌ A day's wages.
مُيَاوَمَةٌ from اليَوْمُ is like مُلَايَلَةٌ from اللَّيْلُ, and مُشَاهَرَةٌ from الشَّهْرُ, &c. (TA, in art. ربع.) See مُسَاوَعَة.