1 هَجَّتِ النَّارُ
aor. ـِ
inf. n. هَجِيجٌ and هَجٌّ; (
L;) The fire burned fiercely, or intensely; or flamed, or blazed. or burned without smoke, fiercely, or intensely or, made a noise, or sound: هَجِيجُِ النَّار being the same as أَجِيجُهَا, (
K) like as هَرَاقَ is the same as أَرَاقَ (
L,) or, burned, and caused a sound, or noise, to be heard by its burning. (
A2: See art. عَجَّ, last para.
2 هجّج النَّارَ He made the fire to burn fiercely, or intensely; or to flame, or blaze, or burn without smoke, fiercely, or intensely: or, to make a noise, or sound, or to burn so as to cause a sound, or noise. to be heard by its burning. (
b2: هجّج He (a camel) had his eyes sunk in his bead by reason of hanger or thirst or fatigue; not by their natural formation. (
b3: هَجَّجَتْ عَيْنُهٌ [so in three copies of the
S, and in the
L; not هَجَّتْ, as Golius seems to have found it written in a copy of the
S;] His eye became sunk in its socket, (
S) In the saying of the daughter of El-Khuss, when she was asked how she knew a she-camel to be pregnant, أَرَى العَيْنَ هَاجّْ وَالسَّنَامَ رَاجّْ وَتَمْشِى فَتُفَاجّْ [I see the eye to have become sunk, and the hump to have shaken, or moved to and fro, and she walks, and straddles in doing so], هاجّ may be [an
act. part. n.] formed from هَجَّتْ, although this form of the verb be not used; and she makes العين
masc., meaning thereby العُضْو or الطَّرْف; for properly she should have said هَاجَّة: or هاجّ is used [instead of هَجَّجَّتْ] in im-cation of راجّ [and تفاجّ]. (
L.) 3 هاجّ فِى هَدِيرِهِ He (a camel) made his braying to reciprocate. (
L.) 4 أَهْجَ3َ see عَجَّ last paragraph 8 اهتجّ فِيهِ He persevered (تَمَادى) in it,
K. i. e., in his judgment, not listening to the (??) of any one. (
TA.) 10 استهجّ He followed his own judgment. (
K,) whether erring or taking a right (??) without consulting any one. (
Q. 1 هَجْهَجَ بالسَّبْعِ (
K,) and السَّبْع, (
L,) He cried one to the lion or others (??) of prey, (
K,) and chid him, in order that he ought refrain, forbear, or abstain (
S) [See هَجِ
b2: هَجْهَجَ بِالْجَمَلِ He chid the camel, saying to him هِيج; (
K;) [in the
CK. هِيجَ, see art هيج:]) or هيجْ; (
accord. to the
TA;) [but it occurs in a verse written هيج ] and in like manner بالنَّاقَةِ, the she-camel (
b3: هَجْهَجَ فِى
هَدِيرِهِ, said of a stallion-camel, (
S) He make a vehement noise in his braying. (
L.) هَجٍ and هَجْ, (
K,) like as one says نَخٍ and بَخْ, (
S,) or هِجِى. as related by
Lh, (
L,) and هَجا (
K,) or هَجٍ هَجٍ and هَجْ هجْ and ??. (
Az,) Cries by which one chides a dog. (
K,) and a lion, and a wolf, &c., to quiet him: (
Az:) and sometimes one says هَجَا هَجَا (
ISd,) and, if he please, هَجا, once, (
Az) to chide camels (
Az) and هَجْ, or هَج at the end of a verse is a cry by which a she-camel is chidden. (
L.) For هَجْ هَجْ, one also says جَهْ جَهْ, by
transposition. (
L.) هَجْهَجْ, (
K,) and هَجْهَجَ, (
S,) but the latter is only used by poetic licence, (
K,) A cry by which sheep or goats (and a dog,
Az,) are (??), or checked, or urged, (
K.) هَجْهَجَةٌ A word imitative of the cry of a man when he cries out to a lion. (
Lth) [See هَج]
هَجَاجٌ One in whom is no good. (
L, art. عَجَّاج.) هَجَاجَيْكَ, (
K,) as also هَدَاذَيْكَ, (
S,) in the dual number. like دَوَالَيْكَ and حَوَالَيْك, (
TA,) supposing [it to be addressed to] two [persons], (
K,) or هجاجيك هُمُنَا وَهُهُنَا i. e., Refrain thou! or forbear thou! or abstain thou! (
TA;) said to people when one desires their refraining, or forbearing, or abstaining, from a thing: (
K:) and to a lion, and a wolf, &c., to quiet him. (
Lh.) رَكِبَ هَجَاجَ, (
S,) and هَجَاجِ, [in form], like قَطَامِ, (
K,) or ركب مِنْ أَمْرِهِ هجاج, and ركب هَجَاجَيْهِ, in the dual. form, (
TA,) He went at random, or heedlessly, without any certain aim, or object; or went his own way, without consideration, not obeying a guide to the right course; or pursued a headlong, or rash, course. (
K.) هَجِيجٌ (
K) and ↓ إِهْجِيجٌ (
K) A deep valley: (
K:) or deep, as an
epithet, applied to a valley: of the
dial. of El-Yemen:
pl. [of the former] هُجَّانٌ. (
TA.) هَجَاجَةٌ, (
K,) without the art. ال, (
TA,) or رَجُلٌ هَجَاجَةٌ, (
S,) and ↓ هَجْهَاجٌ and ↓ هَجْهَاجَةٌ, (
K,) A stupid, or foolish, man; one of little sense: (
K:) and the first, one who consults not any one, but follows his own judgment whether he err or take a right course: (
Sh:) or without heart and without intellect or intelligence: (
AA in
TA, art. رع:) and the second, a rude, coarse, or churlish, and stupid, or foolish, man: (
K:) and the third, a man of much evil, or mischief, and of little understanding: or,
accord. to
Az, of no understanding, and of no judgment. (
TA.) هَجْهَاجٌ A camel that brays vehemently. (
K.) A word imitative of the sound which a stallioncamel makes in his braying. (
b2: هَجْهَاجٌ Wont to take fright, and to run away. (
b3: See هَجَاجَةٌ.
هَجْهَاجَةٌ: see هَجَاجَةٌ.
عَيْنٌ هَاجَّةٌ, (
L,) and ↓ مُهَجِّجَةٌ, (
L,) An eye sunk in its socket. (
L.) [See 2.]
مُهَجْهِجٌ and مُهَجْهِجَةٌ A person chiding a lion by a cry. (
L.) [See هِجٍ.]
مُهَجِّجَةٌ: see هَاجَّةٌ.