هَجَر(n. ac. هَجْر
a. Broke with, cut, shunned; left, deserted, forsook
abandoned, quitted, relinquished.
b.(n. ac. هَجْر), Went away.
c.(n. ac. هَجْر
إِهْجِيْرَى) [Fī], Raved, rambled, was delirious.
d. [Bi], Dreamed of.
e. Was excellent.
f. Praised.
g.(n. ac. هَجْر
هُجُوْر), Tethered.
h. see IV (d)
هَجَّرَa. Travelled during the noon-day heat.
b. Prayed before the time.
هَاْجَرَa. see I (a)b. [Min], Left; emigrated from.
أَهْجَرَa. see I (a)
& II (a).
c. [Fī], Doted, rambled in ( his talk ).
d. [Bi], Used foul, obscene language to.
تَهَجَّرَa. see II (a)b. Pretended to be an emigrant.
تَهَاْجَرَa. Separated, broke with each other.
إِهْتَجَرَa. see VI
هَجْرa. Separation; abandoning, forsaking.
b. Noon, mid-day; noon-day heat.
c. Halter.
d. see 21yi (a)
هَجْرَةa. Year, twelvemonth.
هِجْرa. see 5 (a)
هِجْرَةa. Breach, estrangement; separation.
b. Emigration, removal; expatriation.
c. [art.], The Hegira or flight of Muhammad from Mecca.
هُجْرa. Foul language; obscenity.
هُجْرَةa. see 2t (b)
هَجَرa. Town; province.
هَجِرa. Excellent, good, first-rate, first-class.
b. Slow walker.
أَهْجَرُa. Better, best; most excellent.
b. Longer; thicker.
هَاْجِرa. Rambling; delirious.
b. see 21yi (a)
( pl.
reg. &
a. fem. of
هَاْجِرb. see 1 (b) & 3
هَاْجِرِيّa. Excellent, distinguished.
b. Townsman; villager.
c. Architect.
هِجَاْرa. Bowstring; cord, rope.
b. Ring.
c. Necklace, chain.
d. Diadem.
هَجِيْرa. Left, forsaken, abandoned; absent.
b. (pl.
هُجُر), Cistern.
c. Cup.
d. see 1 (b)e. A bitter plant.
هَجِيْرَةa. see 1 (b)
هَجُوْرِيّa. Noon-day meal; dinner.
هِجِّيْرَىa. Custom, habit, wont, manner.
هِجْرَاْنa. see 1 (a)
إِهْجِيْرَىa. see 30
مَهَاْجِرُa. see 3
N. P.
هَجڤرَa. see 25 (a)b. Obsolete.
c. Absurd, nonsensical.
N. Ac.
هَجَّرَa. Noon-day journey.
N. Ag.
هَاْجَرَa. Emigrant, exile.
N. P.
هَاْجَرَa. Place of exile.
N. Ag.
أَهْجَرَa. see 21yi (a)b. Large.
c. Journeying at noon.
أُهْجُوْرَة هِجْرِيَّا إِهْجِيْرَآء
a. see 30
a. Hagar.
a. The companions of Muhammad.
رَمَاهُ بِهَاجِرَات
a. He has overwhelmed him with abuse.
لَقِيْتُهُ عَن هَجْر
a. I met him after an interval of separation.
ذَهَبَ الشَّجَرَة هَجْرًا
a. The tree has shot up.