نَظَمَ(n. ac. نَظْم)
a. [acc. & Ila], Joined, united to.
b.(n. ac. نَظْم
نِظَاْم), Put in order, arranged; strung (pearls);
composed ( a poem ).
c. [ coll. ], Was striped (
lisard ).
نَظَّمَa. see I (b) (c).
c. Organized, constituted.
أَنْظَمَa. see I (c)b. Was full of eggs.
تَنَظَّمَa. Was in order, arranged; was organized.
إِنْتَظَمَa. see Vb. [acc. & Bi], Pierced with ( a lance ).
نَظْمa. Good order; orderly conduct.
b. Arrangement.
c. Organization; constitution.
d. String, chaplet of pearls.
e. Poetry; poetical style.
f. The Pleiades.
g. Swarm ( of locusts ).
نَاْظِمa. Organizer; administrator.
b. Poet.
c. Striped (lizard).
نِظَاْمa. see 1 (a)b. (c).
d. Manner, method; custom; conduct, behaviour.
e. Regulars, soldiers of the line.
f. (pl.
نُظُم), String.
g. (pl.
أَنَاْظِيْمُ), Support, stay.
نِظَاْمِيّa. Regular, soldier of the line, linesman.
نَظِيْمa. Regular; arranged in rows; rhythmical.
b. Row, series of wells.
c. Mountain-road with pools of water.
أَنْظَاْمa. Series, rows.
N. P.
نَظڤمَa. see 25 (a)b. [ coll. ], Handsome; shapely.
N. P.
نَظَّمَa. Regular, orderly; well-kept.
N. Ag.
أَنْظَمَa. see 21 (c)