مَاتَ (و),(n. ac. مَوْت)
a. Died; expired; passed away.
b. Ceased; died away, died down ( wind & c. ); became motionless.
c.(n. ac. مَوَاْت
مَوَتَاْن), Was barren, waste, deserted (land).
d. Became as though dead.
e. Slept.
f. Was worn (garment).
g. [Min], Died of (envy).
h. Became poor &c.
i. Became old.
مَوَّتَa. Caused to die; put to death, killed.
b. Died in great numbers (cattle).
c. see IV (d)
مَاْوَتَa. Tolerated.
أَمْوَتَa. see II (a)b. Lost by death, was bereaved of.
c. Mortified (passions).
d. Cooked thoroughly.
e. [pass.], Was obsolete (word).
f. Had plague-stricken cattle.
g. Beggared.
تَمَاْوَتَa. Feigned death.
b. Mortified himself.
إِسْتَمْوَتَa. Sought, courted death.
b. [La], Sought eagerly after; slaved at.
c. Regained flesh.
مَوْتa. Death; lifelessness; decease.
مَيْتa. see 25 (a)
مَوْتَة []
a. see 1
مَيْتَة []
a. Corpse; carcase; carrion.
b. Unfruitful, barren.
مِيْتَة [] (pl.
مِيَط [ ])
a. Manner of death; death.
مُوْتَة []
a. Epilepsy; lipothymy; swoon.
b. Insanity.
مَمَات []
a. Death.
مَائِت []
a. Dying; moribund.
مَوَاتa. Inanimate thing; thing.
b. Uncultivated land.
مُوَاتa. see 33 (a) (b).
مَيِّت [] (pl.
مَوْتَى []
أَمْوَات [ 38 ] & reg. )
a. Dead; lifeless; inanimate.
b. see 1tI (b)c. Unbeliever.
مَوَّات []
a. see 21
مَوْتَان []
a. Cattle-plague, murrain, epizooty.
b. Pest, plague.
c. see 25 (a)
مُوْتَان []
a. see 33 (a) (b).
مَوَتَان []
a. Death; mortality.
b. Property; immovables.
c. see 22 (b)
مُمِيْت [ N. Ag.
a. IV], Deadly, mortal.
b. Bereaved.
مُمَات [ N. P.
a. IV], Mortified.
b. Obsolete (word).
إِمَاتَة [ N.
a. IV], The putting to death.
b. Mortification.
مُتَمَاوِت [ N.
a. VI], Feigning death.
b. Ascetic, anchorite.
مُسْتَمِيْت [ N.
a. X], Seeking death; intrepid.
b. Strenuous.
c. Pellicle of an egg.
a. see 1
مَوْت أَبْيَض
a. Natural death.
مَوْت أَحْمَر
a. Death by the sword.
مَوْت أَسْوَد
a. Strangulation.
مَوْت مَائِت
a. Violent death.
مَوْتَان الفُؤَاد
a. Apathetic, phlegmatic, inert.
مَا أَمْوَتَهُ
مَا أَمْوَتَ قَلْبُهُ
a. How apathetic, phlegmatic, inert he is!