فَرْبَيُونٌ, (K, TA, [in several copies of the K فَرْفَيُون,]) also called ↓ أَفَرْبَيُونٌ, (TA,) [Euphorbium; an inspissated sap of a certain African plant;] i. q. لُبَانَةٌ مَغْرِبِيَّةٌ; the best of which is that which dissolves quickly in water; (TA;) an attenuant medicine, beneficial as a remedy for sciatica, and for cold of the kidneys, and for colic, and for the sting, or bite, of venomous or noxious reptiles or the like, and for the bite of the mad dog, and it causes abortion, and attenuates viscous phlegm. (K.) أَفَر ْبَيُونٌ: see the preceding paragraph.