1 فَحِجَ فِى مِشْيَتِهِ, aor. ـَ inf. n. فَحَجٌ, (S,) this is the form of the verb commonly known, like other verbs signifying faults, and that it is the correct form, and not فَحَجَ as it is written in the K [and O], is indicated by the forms of the inf. n. فَحَجٌ and the epithet أَفْحَجُ; (MF;) as also ↓ تفحّج, (S,) and ↓ فحّج, (K,) and ↓ انفحج; (TA;) He had the fore parts of his feet near together, and his heels wide apart, [i. e. he turned in his toes, and turned out his heels,] in his gait: (S, K:) or ↓ فَحَجٌ signifies the having the middle of the legs wide apart, [or having the legs bowed outwards,] in a man, and in a beast (دَابَّة): (Mgh, L:) [or the having the shanks wide apart: (see فَلَجٌ:)] or the having the thighs wide apart: [see also 1 in art. فج:] and the verb is فَحِجَ, inf. n. فَحَجٌ and فحْجة [thus written, app. فَحْجَةٌ, which is the inf. n. un.]; the latter inf. n. mentioned by Lh. (L.) b2: And فَحَجَ, (accord. to the K,) or فَحِجَ, (accord. to MF,) He magnified himself, or behaved proudly. (K.) 2 فَحَّجَ see the preceding paragraph: and see also 5.4 افحج حَلُوبَتَهُ He parted the hind legs of his milch camel; i. e., made an opening, or intervening space, between them; (S, O, K;) in order that he might milk her. (S, O.) A2: افحج also signifies He refrained, or desisted, or drew back; syn. أَحْجَمَ. (O, K.) And one says, افحج عَنْهُ, meaning He turned, or turned away or back, from it, or him; syn. اِنْثَنَى. (O, * K.) 5 تَفَحُّجٌ signifies The parting of one's legs, or making an opening between them, (AA, S, O, K,) when sitting; as also ↓ تَفْحِيجٌ: like تَفَشُّجٌ and تَفْشِيجٌ. (AA, S, O.) And one says, تَتَفَحَّجُ سَاقَاهُ [His shanks are parted]. (S, O.) See also 1.7 إِنْفَحَجَ see the first paragraph.فَحْجٌ The mode of walking of him who is termed أَفْحَجُ. (S, O.) فَحَجٌ an inf. n.: (S, L, TA:) see 1.
أَفْحَجُ Having the fore parts of the feet near together, and the heels wide apart: (S, O, K:) or having the middle of the legs wide apart: (Mgh, L:) fem. فَحْجَآءُ: the former applied to a man [&c.]; and the latter, to a beast (دَابَّة) [&c.]: (S, Mgh, O, L:) or having the thighs wide apart: or having the legs wide apart: or having curved, or bowed, legs. (L.) [See also أَفَجُّ, in art. فج.]