غضو and غضى 1 غَضَا, aor. ـْ and غَضَى, aor. ـْ see 4; the former, in three places.
A2: غَضَا, (K, TA, aor. ـْ thus in the M, (TA,) inf. n. غُضُوٌّ. (K, * TK,) He, i. e. a man, [and app. it. i. e. a thing,] was, or became, such as is termed غَاضٍ
[q. v.]. (K, TA. [In the TK it is mentioned only as said of a thing but the context in the K indicates that it is said of a man, and app. of a thing also.])
A3: [See also غُضُوٌّ below]
A4: غَضِيَتِ
الإِبِلُ, inf. n. غَضًا, The camels had a complaint (M, K, TA) of their bellies (K, TA) from eating of the trees called غَضًا. (M, K, TA.)
b2: and غَضِيَتِ الأَرْضُ The land abounded with the trees called غَضًا. (IKtt, TA.)
4 اغضى, (K,) inf. n. إِغْضَآءٌ, (S,) He contracted his eyelids; drew them near together; (S, K;)
like غَضَّ; (TA in art. غض;) [and] so اغضى عَيْنَهُ; said of a man: (Msb:) or he closed his eyelids upon his iris; so in the M; as also ↓ غَضَا, a dial. var. of اغضى, likewise mentioned by ISd; and ↓ غَضَى, aor. ـْ is also a dial. var. thereof: (TA:) or he made one of his eyelids to cleave to the other, that he might not see a thing, by reason of shame: (Har p. 19:) or he put one of his eyelids upon the other from dislike of a thing. (Id.
p. 492.) [See also 6.]
b2: Hence it is used in relation to forbearance: so that one says, أَغْضَى
عَلَى القَذَى He held, or refrained, notwithstanding annoyance, spontaneously, without being asked, or without constraint: (Msb, TA:) or اغضى عَلَى
قَذًى he bore annoyance patiently. (M, TA.) and اغضى عَنْهُ He feigned himself neglectful of it; [he closed his eyes from it;] he connived at it; as also اغمض عنه. (TA in art. غمض.) And [sometimes] الإِغْضَآءُ means The abstaining from proceeding to extremities. (Mgh in art. جوز.)
b3: Hence also, اغضى عَلَى الشَّىْءِ He was silent respecting the thing; and so ↓ غَضَا, aor. ـْ (K, TA.)
b4: And اغضى عَنْهُ طَرْفَهُ means He closed, or turned away, from him, or it, his eye, or eyes; syn. سَدَّهُ [in the CK شَدَّهُ], or صَدَّهُ: (K, TA:) so in the M. (TA.)
A2: اغضى اللَّيْلُ The night was, or became, dark; (S, Msb, K;) and covered everything (K, TA) with its darkness; from ISd; (TA;) as also ↓ غَضَا, aor. ـْ (K, TA. [See also غُضُوٌّ.])
6 تغاضى He contracted, or put together, his eyelids, that he might not see an evil, or unseemly, thing. (Har p. 473. [See also 4.])
b2: and [hence,] تغاضى عَنْهُ i. q. تَغَافَلَ [i. e. He was, or he feigned himself, unmindful, &c., of him, or it]: (K, TA:) like تَغَابَى عنه: mentioned by Az. (TA. [See, again, 4.])
غَضًا, said by Th to be written [thus] with ا but ISd says, I know not why this is; (TA;)
[the latter, it seems, holding its last letter to be originally ى, not و;] A species of trees, (S, Msb, K,) well known, (K,) the wood of which is of the hardest of wood, and therefore there is hardness in its charcoal; (Msb;) it is of the plants of the sands, and has [sprigs, or foliage, of the kind termed] هَدَب [q. v.], like that called أَرْطًى; (TA;) and its fire is of long continuance: (Har p. 60:) [see also رِمْثٌ: Mr. Palgrave (in his Travels, i. 38,) describes it as a shrub believed by him to be peculiar to the Arabian Peninsula, “ of the genus Euphorbia, with a woody stem, often five or six feet in height, and innumerable round green twigs, very slender and flexible, forming a large feathery tuft, not ungraceful to the eye, while it affords some kind of shelter to the traveller, and food to his camels: ”] the sing. [or rather n. un.] is غَضَاةٌ: (K:) and AHn says that sometimes غَضَاتٌ is a pl. [of the n. un.]. (TA.)
b2: Hence, ذِئْبُ غَضًا [A wolf of trees, or shrubs, called غَضًا]; (S, K;) or, as in the handwriting of Aboo-Zekereeyà ذِئْبُ الغَضَا; and such is the most abominable, or malignant, or noxious, of wolves; for he comes not into close proximity to men save when he desires to attack: or this means the wolf of the covert of trees: for
b3: غَضًا signifies also A covert of trees: (TA:) and a غَيْضَة [i. e. thicket; or collection of tangled, or confused, or dense, trees; &c.]. (K, TA.)
b4: أَهْلُ الغَضَا is an appellation of the people of Nejd, (K, TA,) because of the abundance of [the trees called] غضا there. (TA.)
بَعِيرٌ غَضٍ A camel having a complaint of his belly from eating of the trees called غَضًا: and إِبِلٌ غَضِيَةٌ and غَضَايَا [camels having such a complaint]; (S, K;) like رَمِثَةٌ and رَمَاثَى. (S.)
غَضْيَا: see غَضْيَآءُ.
b2: Also, (K, TA,) determinate, and imperfectly decl., like [its syn.] هُنَيْدَةُ, (TA,) A hundred camels: (IAar, K, TA:) held
by ISk to be so called as being likened to a place producing [an abundance of] غَضًا [i. e. the trees thus called]: AA has mentioned it with the article ال, saying that الغَضْيَا signifies a hundred. (TA.)
غَضْيَآءُ A land (أَرْضٌ) abounding with the trees called غَضًا. (S, K.)
b2: And, as also ↓ غَضْيَا, A place in which is a collection of the trees called غَضًا; (K, TA;) a place where they grow. (TA.)
b3: And the former, Rugged land or ground. (TA.)
غُضُوٌّ Intense darkness of the night. (IKtt, TA.
[Perhaps in this sense an inf. n. of which the verb is غَضَا: see 4, last sentence.])
b2: And The eating of the trees called غَضًا. (IKtt, TA. [App. in this sense an inf. n. of which the verb is غَضَا.])
A2: And A state of muchness, abundance, copiousness, fulness, or completeness, or a thing. (K. [See also 1, second sentence.])
رَجُلٌ غَضِىٌّ عَنِ الخَنَا or عَنِ الفَحْشَآءِ [A man who refrains from taking notice of that which is foul, abominable, unseemly, or obscene,] may be from غَضَا; or it may be from أَغْضَى, similar to أَلِيمٌ and وَجِيعٌ; but the former derivation is the better. (TA.)
غَضَوِىٌّ a rel. n. from الغَضَا [the trees thus called], and applied to a camel [app. as meaning That is fond of, or wont to feed upon, the trees called غَضًا]. (S.)
غَضْيَانَةٌ A herd of camels of generous race: (K, TA:) mentioned by Az, from AA. (TA.)
غَاضٍ Dark; applied to night (لَيْل); as also ↓ مُغْضٍ, but this latter is rare: (S, Msb:) and so غَاضِيَةٌ, (S, K,) applied to a night (لَيْلَة): (S:) or, thus applied, accord. to Az, intensely dark. (TA.)
b2: And غَاضِيَةٌ signifies also Bright, or shining brightly; (S, K;) applied to a night, (thus in one of my copies of the S,) or to fire (نَار): (so in other copies of the S and in the TA:) thus
having two contr. meanings. (S, K.)
b3: and Great; applied to a fire (نار): a signification said by Az to be taken from the fire of the tree called غَضًا, which is of the best of firewood. (TA.)
A2: بَعِيرٌ غَاضٍ A camel that eats the trees called غَضًا: and إِبِلٌ غَاضِيَةٌ and غَوَاضٍ [camels that eat those trees]. (S, K.)
A3: شَىْءٌ غَاضٍ A thing that is much in quantity, abundant, copious, full, or complete. (K.)
b2: And رَجُلٌ غَاضٍ A man having food and clothing; or having a good state, or condition, in respect of food, and having clothing; sufficed, or satisfied. (K.)
مُغْضٍ: see the next preceding paragraph.