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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2897. عنو10 2898. عنى2 2899. عه3 2900. عهج8 2901. عهد24 2902. عهر142903. عهل9 2904. عهن16 2905. عو2 2906. عوج16 2907. عود22 2908. عوذ18 2909. عور17 2910. عوز16 2911. عوش2 2912. عوص14 2913. عوض14 2914. عوط8 2915. عوف13 2916. عوق17 2917. عول19 2918. عوم17 2919. عون16 2920. عوه14 2921. عوى7 2922. عى1 2923. عيب17 2924. عيث15 2925. عيج9 2926. عيد8 2927. عير16 2928. عيس14 2929. عيش14 2930. عيص11 2931. عيط15 2932. عيف17 2933. عيق10 2934. عيل20 2935. عيم12 2936. عين20 2937. عيه9 2938. غ6 2939. غب4 2940. غبث5 2941. غبر19 2942. غبس14 2943. غبش14 2944. غبط18 2945. غبق12 2946. غبن17 2947. غبو4 2948. غبى3 2949. غت5 2950. غتم14 2951. غث6 2952. غثر13 2953. غد4 2954. غدر20 2955. غدف19 2956. غدق16 2957. غدو10 2958. غذ6 2959. غذو11 2960. غذى2 2961. غر5 2962. غرب23 2963. غربل14 2964. غرث14 2965. غرد14 2966. غرز16 2967. غرس15 2968. غرض17 2969. غرضف7 2970. غرف18 2971. غرق17 2972. غرقأ7 2973. غرقد8 2974. غرقل8 2975. غرل13 2976. غرم18 2977. غرمل6 2978. غرنق10 2979. غرو10 2980. غرى3 2981. غزر18 2982. غزل17 2983. غزو12 2984. غسق16 2985. غسل19 2986. غسم8 2987. غش7 2988. غشم14 2989. غشو7 2990. غص6 2991. غصب18 2992. غصن13 2993. غض5 2994. غضب18 2995. غضر14 2996. غضرف7 Prev. 100




1 عَهَرَ المَرْأَةَ, (K,) or عَهَرَ إِلَيْهَا, (M, Mgh, O,) aor. ـَ (M, Mgh, O, K,) inf. n. عَهْرٌ and عَهَرٌ (Mgh, O, K) and عِهْرٌ, (K,) or this last is a simple subst., (S,) or a quasi-inf. n., (TA,) and عُهُورٌ (O, K) and عَهَرَانٌ (O) and عَهَارَةٌ and عُهُورَةٌ; (K;) and ↓ عَاهَرَهَا, inf. n. عِهَارٌ; (K;) He came to the woman by night for the purpose of adultery or fornication: (Mgh, O, * TA:) and hence the committing adultery or fornication, absolutely, has become the predominant signification: (TA:) or he came to her by night for that purpose, or by day: (K:) or he committed adultery or fornication (فُجُور) with her at any time, in the night or in the day, i. e., with a free woman or a slave: (TA:) or عَهَرَ بِهَا, inf. n. عَهْرٌ, he committed adultery or fornication with her (فَجَرَ بِهَا) by night: (IKtt, TA:) and عَهَرَ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (K, MS,) or ـُ (Msb,) [but this I think a mistake,] inf. n. عَهْرٌ and عَهَرٌ, (S,) or عُهُورٌ, (Msb,) or all the forms mentioned above, (accord. to the K,) he committed adultery or fornication; syn. زَنَى, (S, K, TA,) or فَجَرَ; (Msb;) as also عَهِرَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. عَهَرٌ; (Msb;) and ↓ عاهر; and ↓ تَعَيْهَرَ: (TA:) you say بِهَا ↓ عاهر he committed adultery or fornication with her, i. e., with a free woman or a slave: (TA, from a trad.:) or عَهَرَ signifies he stole: (K:) and he followed evil, (K, TA,) whether by committing adultery or fornication, or by transgressing [in any other manner], or quitting the way of truth or justice, or forsaking the command of God: (TA:) and ↓ تَعَيْهَرَ he was, or became, an adulterer or a fornicator, following evil: (S:) and ↓ عَيْهَرَتْ and ↓ تَعَيْهَرَتْ she (a woman) committed adultery or fornication: (TA:) or she was, or became, light, or active, and volatile, (Kr, K,) not remaining fixed in her place, (Kr,) without continence. (K, not added by Kr.) 3 عَاْهَرَ see the preceding paragraph, in three places. Q. Q. 1 عَيْهَرَتْ: see 1, near the end. Q. Q. 2 تَعَيْهَرَ and تَعَيْهَرَتْ: see 1, in three places.

عَهْرٌ: see عَاهِرٌ.

عِهْرٌ Adultery or fornication. (S, O.) [See also 1.]

عَهَرَةٌ: see the next paragraph.

عَهِرَةٌ: see the next paragraph.

عُهَيْرَةٌ: see the next paragraph.

عَاهِرٌ An adulterer or a fornicator; (S, O, Msb;) as also ↓ عَهْرٌ [originally an inf. n.]: and ↓ عُهْيَرَةٌ occurs in a trad. in the same sense, as a dim. of عَهْرٌ: or, accord. to ISh, on the authority of Ru-beh, عَاهِرٌ signifies one who follows evil, whether by committing adultery or fornication, or by stealing: (O, TA:) or, as in the L, whether by committing adultery or fornication, or by transgressing [in any other manner], or quitting the way of truth or justice, or forsaking the command of God; أَوْ فَاسِقًا being put in the L in the place of او سَارِقًا: (TA:) or any one who does that which induces doubt, or suspicion or evil opinion, or doubt combined with suspicion or evil opinion: (A, TA:) pl. عُهَّارٌ. (Ham p. 131.) It is said in a trad., الوَلَدُ لِلْفِرَاشِ وَلِلْعَاهِرِ الحَجَرُ, (S, Mgh, O, &c.,) i. e., The child is for the master of the bed, (Mgh, Msb, TA,) meaning, the husband (Msb, TA) of the child's mother, or, if she be a slave, her owner; (TA;) and for the adulterer, or fornicator, disappointment; (Msb;) meaning, he shall have no right of relationship, (A'Obeyd, S, Mgh, O, Msb,) nor any share in the child: (TA:) like the saying لَهُ التُّرَابُ, (A'Obeyd, Mgh, O, Msb,) which means “ [he has, or shall have, or may he have,] disappointment,” (Msb,) or “ nothing: ” (Mgh, O, TA:) for some of the Arabs used to establish relationship arising from adultery or fornication; therefore the law annulled this: (Msb:) some, however, explain it agreeably with the apparent [or literal] meaning, and for the adulterer, or fornicator, stoning. (Mgh.) [See also art. حجر.] b2: Also عَاهِرَةٌ (Az, S) and عَاهِرٌ, (K, TA,) if not a verbal epithet, [but a possessive epithet meaning properly ذَاتُ عِهْرٍ,] (TA,) A woman who comes to a man by night for the purpose of فُجُور [adultery or fornication], or by day; as also ↓ مُعَاهِرَةٌ (K) and ↓ مُعَاهِرٌ: (CK: [but this is app. a mistake:]) an adulteress or a fornicatress; as also ↓ مُعَاهِرَةٌ (Az, S, O) and ↓ عَيْهَرَةٌ; (S;) which last is originally ↓ عَهَرَةٌ, like ثَمَرَةٌ, with an augmentative ى: (Th, Mbr:) or عَيْهَرَةٌ signifies a woman light, or active, and volatile, (Kr, O, K,) who does not remain fixed in her place, (Kr, O,) without continence: (K, not added by Kr:) and ↓ عَهِرَةٌ signifies the same as عَاهِرَةٌ, applied to a woman. (O, TA.) عَيْهَرٌ A strong camel. (O, K.) b2: عَيْهَرَةٌ: see عَاهِرٌ, near the end. b3: Also The [kind of goblin, or demon, called] غُول. (O, K.) عَيْهَرَانٌ The male of the عَيْهَرَة, i. e. غُول: pl. عَيَاهِيرُ. (O, K.) مُعَاهِرٌ, and with ة: see عَاهِرٌ, near the end, in three places.
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