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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2671. ظلم21 2672. ظمأ13 2673. ظمخ5 2674. ظمو1 2675. ظمى3 2676. ظن82677. ظنب11 2678. ظهر20 2679. ظوف7 2680. ظى1 2681. ع6 2682. عب6 2683. عبأ13 2684. عبث16 2685. عبد20 2686. عبر16 2687. عبس19 2688. عبط17 2689. عبق14 2690. عبقر15 2691. عبك9 2692. عبل14 2693. عبهل8 2694. عبو7 2695. عبى5 2696. عتب20 2697. عتد19 2698. عتر20 2699. عتق21 2700. عتك11 2701. عتل17 2702. عتم17 2703. عته14 2704. عث5 2705. عثر19 2706. عثكل9 2707. عثم13 2708. عثن13 2709. عج6 2710. عجب17 2711. عجر19 2712. عجرف10 2713. عجز18 2714. عجس11 2715. عجف18 2716. عجل19 2717. عجم21 2718. عجن17 2719. عجو8 2720. عد8 2721. عدس17 2722. عدف10 2723. عدل23 2724. عدم15 2725. عدن20 2726. عدو12 2727. عذب17 2728. عذر23 2729. عذط8 2730. عذف9 2731. عذق14 2732. عذل16 2733. عذو7 2734. عذى2 2735. عر6 2736. عرب23 2737. عربد9 2738. عربن8 2739. عرتب4 2740. عرتن5 2741. عرج19 2742. عرجن13 2743. عرد13 2744. عرس22 2745. عرش22 2746. عرص15 2747. عرصف6 2748. عرض23 2749. عرضن4 2750. عرطب5 2751. عرف21 2752. عرفج10 2753. عرفط7 2754. عرق21 2755. عرقب14 2756. عرك13 2757. عرم21 2758. عرمض7 2759. عرن18 2760. عرو11 2761. عرى4 2762. عز8 2763. عزب19 2764. عزر20 2765. عزف18 2766. عزق14 2767. عزل20 2768. عزم18 2769. عزو11 2770. عزى3 Prev. 100




1 ظَنَّ, aor. ـُ inf. n. ظَنٌّ, (Msb,) [He thought, opined, supposed, or conjectured: and he doubted: and he knew, but not by ocular perception: see ظَنٌّ below:] you say, ظَنَنْتُ الشَّىْءَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. ظَنٌّ; and ↓ اِظَّنَنْتُهُ and اِظْطَنَنْتُهُ; and ↓ تَظَنَّنْتُهُ and تَظَنَّيْتُهُ, this last formed by changing the last ن into ى: [i. e. I thought the thing, &c:] and Lh mentions, as heard from the Benoo-Suleym, ظَنْتُ ذَاكَ i. e. ظَنَنْتُ ذاك [I thought that, &c.] like ظَلْتُ and other instances of the dial. of Suleym. (M.) [In the first of the senses expl. above, it governs two objective complements, which are originally an inchoative and an enunciative:] you say, ظَنَنْتُكَ زَيْدًا [I thought thee Zeyd, originally I thought thou wast Zeyd], and ظَنَنْتُ زَيْدًا إِيَّاكَ [I thought Zeyd thee, originally I thought Zeyd was thou], denoting by a pronoun what is originally an inchoative [in the former phrase] and what is originally an enunciative [in the latter phrase]. (S, TA.) It is also used [in this sense] in the same manner as a verb signifying an oath, the Arabs giving it the same kind of complement, saying, ظَنَنْتُ لَعَبْدُ اللّٰهِ خَيْرٌ مِنْكَ [I thought surely 'Abd-Allah was better than thou]. (S in art. درد.) [ظَنَّ بِهِ كَذَا means I thought of him, or it, such a thing: and I thought such a thing to be in him, or it: and is used in relation to good and to evil.] It is said in the Kur [xxxiii. 10], وَتَطُنُّونَ بِاللّٰهِ الظُّنُونَا [and ye were thinking, of God, various thoughts]. (M.) Accord. to Sb, ظَنَنْتُ بِهِ means I made him, or it, the place [i. e. object] of my ظَنّ [or thought, &c.]. (M.) [In all these exs. the verb denotes a state of mind between doubt and certainty, but the latter is predominant: and hence ظَنَّ sometimes means He doubted: and sometimes, he knew, by considering with endeavour to understand, not by ocular perception; being more frequently used in this sense than as meaning “ he doubted,” though not so frequently as it is in the sense of “ he thought,” whence the meaning “ he knew ” is held by some to be tropical.] إِنَّى, ظَنَنْتُ أَنِّى مُلَاقٍ حِسَابِيَهْ, in the Kur [lxix. 20], means Verily I knew [that I should meet with my reckoning]. (T.) And الَّذِينَ يَظُنُّونَ أَنَّهُمْ مُلَاقُو رَبِّهِمْ, in the same [ii. 43], means Who know [that they shall meet their Lord, lit., be meeters of their Lord]. (Msb.) And ظَنَنْتُ مَا قَالَ, occurring in a trad., means I knew [what he meant to say by his making a sign with his hand]. (TA.) b2: ظَنَنْتُهُ, (M, Mgh, Msb,) aor. as above, (Msb,) and so the inf. n., (M,) signifies also I suspected him; thought evil of him; (M, Mgh, Msb;) and (M) so ↓ اِظَّنَنْتُهُ (S, M, Mgh, K) and اِظْطَنَنْتُهُ (M, TA) and اِطَّنَنْتُهُ. (TA.) [Thus, too, ↓ أَظْنَنْتُهُ accord. to several copies of the S and accord. to the CK; but this is app. a mistranscription.] In the saying of Ibn-Seereen, لَمْ فِى قَتْلِ عُثْمَانَ ↓ يَكُنْ عَلِىٌّ يُظَّنُّ, (T, S, K, but in the T مَا كَان,) meaning Alee was not suspected [in the case of the slaying of 'Othmán], (T,) يُظَّنُّ is of the measure يُفْتَعَلُ, originally يُظْتَنُّ: (T, S, K:) so says A'Obeyd: (T:) or, as some relate it, the word is يُطَّنُّ. (TA.) One says, بِكَذَا ↓ هُوَ يُظَّنُّ and يُطَّنُّ, meaning He is suspected of such a thing. (TA in art. طن.) and طَنَنْتُ بِزَيْدٍ and ظَنَنْتُ زَيْدًا I suspected Zeyd: in this sense the verb has a single objective complement. (TA.) 4 أَظْنَنْتُهُ الشَّىْءَ I made him to think the thing. (M, TA.) b2: And أَظْنَنْتُ بِهِ النَّاسَ [I made the people to suspect him: or] I exposed him to suspicion; (M, Msb, TA;) [and] so أَظنَنْتُهُ [alone]. (K.) b3: See also 1, last quarter.5 التَّظَنِّى means The exercising, employing, or using, of الظَّنّ [i. e. thought, &c.]; originally التَّظَنُّنُ. (S, K.) A'Obeyd says, تَظَنَّيْتُ is from ظَنَنْتُ, and is originally تَظَنَّنْتُ; the ن being many, one of them is changed into ى: it is like قَصَّيْتُ, which is originally قَصَّصْتُ. (T.) A2: See also 1, first sentence.8 إِظْتَنَ3َ see 1, first sentence: b2: and again, in the last quarter, in three places.

ظَنٌّ is a simple subst. as well as an inf. n.; (TA;) and signifies Thought, opinion, supposition, or conjecture: (Er-Rághib, Mgh, TA:) or a preponderant belief, with the admission that the contrary may be the case: (KT, El-Munáwee, TA:) or a preponderating wavering between the two extremes in indecisive belief: (K:) or an inference from a sign, or mark, or token; when strong, leading to knowledge; and when weak, not exceeding the limit of وَهْم: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or doubt or uncertainty; (T, M;) or it has this meaning also; (Er-Rághib, TA;) contr. of يَقِينٌ: (Msb:) and sometimes it is put in the place, (S, K,) or used in the sense, (Mgh, Msb,) of عِلْمٌ, (S, Mgh, K,) or يَقِينٌ, (Msb,) [i. e. knowledge, or certainty,] in which sense it is [held by some to be] tropical; (Mgh;) or it signifies also knowledge, or certainty, (يَقِينٌ, T, M,) such as is obtained by considering with endeavour to understand, not by ocular perception, (M,) or not such as relates to an object of sense: (MF:) and it also means suspicion, or evil opinion: (Er-Rághib, TA: [but in this last sense, ظِنَّةٌ is more common:]) as a subst., (TA,) its pl. is ظُنُونٌ and أَظَانِينُ, (M, K, TA,) the latter anomalous, or (as ISd says, TA) it may be pl. of ↓ أُظْنُونَةٌ, but this I do not know. (M, TA.) One says, هُوَ سَيِّئُ الظَّنِّ بِكُلِّ أَحَدٍ [He is evil in opinion of everyone]. (M.) [And سَآءَ ظَنُّهُ بِفُلَانٍ

His opinion of such a one was evil.] And عِلْمُهُ بِالشَّىْءِ ظُنُونٌ [His knowledge is but opinions]; meaning that no confidence is to be placed in him. (TA.) ظِنَّةٌ Suspicion, or evil opinion; (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K;) as also طِنَّةٌ; the ظ being changed into ط, though there is no إِدْغَام in this case, because of their being accustomed to say اِطَّنَّ [for اِظَّنَّ, which is for اِظْطَنَّ]; an instance like الدِّكْرُ, which is made to accord with اِدَّكَرَ [for اِذَّكَرَ, which is for اِذْدَكَرَ], as mentioned by Sb; (M;) and ↓ ظَنَانَةٌ, (so accord. to a copy of the M,) or ↓ ظِنَانَةٌ, like كِتَابَةٌ, (TA,) signifies the same: (M, TA:) the pl. of ظِنَّةٌ is ظِنَنٌ. (S, K.) One says, عِنْدَهُ ظِنَّتِى and هُوَ ظِنَّتِى, meaning He is the place [i. e. object] of my suspicion. (TA.) b2: And [hence] (assumed tropical:) A little [like the French “ soupçon ”] of a thing. (TA.) ظُنَنٌ: see ظَنَّانٌ.

ظَنُونٌ A man who thinks evil (S, M) of everyone. (M.) b2: A man possessing little good or goodness: or, as some say, of whom one asks [a thing] thinking that he will refuse, and who is as he was thought to be: (M:) [or] ↓ ظَنِينٌ has this latter meaning. (TA.) b3: A man in whose goodness no trust, or confidence, is to be placed. (M.) And Anything in which no trust, or confidence, is to be placed, (M, TA,) of water, and of other things; (TA;) as also ↓ ظَنِينٌ. (M, TA.) A well (بِئْرٌ) having little water, (S, M, K,) in the water of which no trust, or confidence, is to be placed: (M:) or a well, (S, K,) or a drinkingplace, (M,) of which one knows not whether there be in it water or not: (S, M, K:) or water which one imagines, or supposes, to exist, but of which one is not sure. (TA.) كُلُّ مَنِيَّةٍ ظَنُونٌ

إِلَّا القَتْلَ فِى سَبِيلِ اللّٰهِ is a saying mentioned, but not expl., by IAar; [app. meaning Every death is doubtful as to its consequence except slaughter in the way, or cause, of God; but ISd says,] in my opinion the meaning is that it is of little good and profit. (M.) دَيْنٌ ظَنُونٌ means A debt of which one knows not whether he who owes it will pay it or not: (A'Obeyd, T, S, M, * K:) it is said in a trad. of 'Omar that there is no poorrate in the case of such a debt. (TA.) b4: Also A man suspected in relation to his intellect, or intelligence. (Aboo-Tálib, TA.) And A woman suspected in relation to her grounds of pretension to respect, or honour, on account of lineage &c. (TA.) And A woman of noble rank or quality, who is taken in marriage, (M, K,) from a desire of obtaining off spring by her, when she is advanced in age. (M.) b5: Also A weak man. (K. [See also ظَنينٌ.]) b6: And A man having little artifice, cunning, ingenuity, or skill. (K.) ظَنِينٌ Suspected; (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K;) applied to a man; (S, M;) i. q. ↓ مَظْنُونٌ, (Mbr, Msb,) in this sense: (Msb:) pl. أَظِنَّآءُ. (M, TA.) Thus in the saying in the Kur [lxxxi. 24], وَمَا هُوَ عَلَى الْغَيْبِ بِظَنِينٍ, (T, M, Msb,) meaning And he is not suspected as to what he makes known from God, of the knowledge of that which is undiscoverable, as is related on the authority of 'Alee: or, accord. to Fr, it may mean weak; for ظَنِينٌ may have this meaning like as ظَنُونٌ has: (T:) some read بِضَنينٍ. (TA in art. ضن, q. v.) شَهَادَةُ ظَنِينٍ, which is said in a trad. to be not allowable, is The testimony of one who is suspected as to his religion. (TA.) And نَفْسٌ

↓ ظَنَّآءُ means [A soul, or person,] suspected. (TA.) b2: Also One who treats or regards another, or others, with enmity, or hostility; (T, M;) because of his evil opinion and the evil opinion of which he is an object. (M.) b3: See also ظَنُونٌ, in two places.

ظَنَانَةٌ or ظِنَانَةٌ: see ظِنَّةٌ.

ظَنَّآءُ: see ظَنِينٌ.

ظَنَّانٌ One who opines, or conjectures, much [and] in an evil manner; as also ↓ ظُنَنٌ. (TA.) أَظَنُّ [Such as is more, or most, fit that one should think of him to do a thing]. You say, نَظَرْتُ إِلَى أَظَنِّهِمْ أَنْ يَفْعَلَ ذٰلِكَ I looked towards him who was the most fit of them that I should think of him to do that. (M, TA.) أُظْنُونَةٌ: see ظَنٌّ, near the end.

مَظِنَّةٌ, (M, Mgh, Msb, TA,) of which مَظَنَّةٌ, mentioned by Ibn-Málik and others, and مِظَنَّةٌ, are dial. vars., (TA,) or [rather] مَظِنَّةُ شَىْءٍ, (IF, S, Msb, K, TA,) signifies The place, (IF, S, Msb, K, TA,) and the accustomed place, (IF, S, Msb, TA,) in which is thought to be the existence, (S, K, TA,) of a thing; (IF, S, Msb, K, TA;) [a place] where a thing is thought to be: (M:) or it signifies, (Mgh, Msb,) or signifies also, (S,) a place where a thing is known to be: (S, Mgh, Msb:) [a thing, and a person, in which, or in whom, a thing, or quality, is thought, supposed, presumed, suspected, inferred, known, or accustomed, to be, or exist:] accord. to IAth, by rule it should be مَظَنَّةٌ: (TA:) [it may therefore be properly rendered a cause of thinking, &c., the existence of a thing; and مَظِنَّةٌ لِكَذَا may be well expl. as meaning a thing, and a person, that occasions one's thinking, supposing, presuming suspecting, inferring, or knowing, the existence of such a thing or quality, in it, or in him: and hence, an indication, or evidence, or a symptom, diagnostic, characteristic, sign, mark, or token, of the existence of such a thing or quality:] the pl. is مَظَانُّ. (M, Mgh, Msb, TA.) One says, مَوْضِعُ كَذَا مَظِنَّةٌ مِنْ فُلَانٍ i. e. Such a place is a place in which such a one is known [&c.] to be. (S, TA.) And فُلَانٌ مَظِنَّةٌ مِنْ كَذَا i. e. Such a one is one in whom such a thing, or quality, is known [&c.] to be. (Lh, T.) And فُلَانٌ مَظِنَّةٌ لِلْخَيْرِ i. e. Such a one is one in whom good, or goodness, is thought [&c.] to be. (Ham p. 437.) And En-Nábighah says, فَإِنْ يَكُ عَامِرٌ قَدْ قَالَ جَهْلًا فَإِنَّ مَظِنَّةَ الجَهْلِ الشَّبَابُ [And if 'Ámir has spoken ignorantly, verily youthfulness is a state in which ignorance is usually found to exist]: (S, Msb: *) or, as some relate the verse, السِّبَابُ [so that the meaning is, mutual reviling is an act in which &c.]: (S:) or, accord. to another relation, the latter hemistich is فَإِنَّ مَطِيَّةَ الجَهْلِ الشَّبَابُ (S, * TA;) because one finds it [i. e. youthfulness] to be easy like as he does the beast on which one rides. (TA.) And one says also, طَلَبَهُ مَظَانَّهُ [He sought him, or it, in the places where he, or it, was thought to be;] meaning, by night and by day. (TA.) And إِنَّهُ لَمَظِنَّةٌ أَنْ يَفْعَلَ ذٰلِكَ i. e. Verily he is apt, meet, fitted, or suited, for one to think of his doing that: and in like manner one says of two, and of a pl. number, and of a female. (Lh, M.) مَظْنُونٌ [Thought, opined, &c.: see its verb: and] see ظَنِينٌ. Applied to a narrative, or story, it means [Doubted; or] of which one is not to be made to know the real state. (TA in art. رجم.) In lexicology, A word of the class termed آحَادٌ [q. v.]. (Mz 3rd نوع.)
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