1 ظَعَنَ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (Msb, K,) inf. n. ظَعْنٌ (S, Msb, K) and ↓ ظَعَنٌ, (S, K,) or the latter is a simple subst., (Msb,) and ظُعُونٌ (TA) [and مَظْعَنٌ, occurring in a verse of Zuheyr cited in art. بلو, conj. 3], He journeyed, went away, departed, (S, * Msb, K, * TA,) or removed; (Msb;) he journeyed to seek after herbage, or to water; or he removed from water to water, or from one country, or tract of land, to another. (TA. [See also the part. n., ظَاعِنٌ.]) b2: ظَعَنَ بِهِ: see what next follows.4 اظعنهُ He made him to journey, go away, depart, (S, Msb, K,) or remove; and بِهِ ↓ ظَعَنَ signifies the same [or he journeyed, &c., with him]. (Msb.) 8 اِظَّعَنَتْهُ She rode him, (S, K, TA,) namely, a camel: you say, هٰذَا بَعِيرٌ تَظَّعِنُهُ المَرْأَةُ This is a camel that the woman rides (S, TA) in her journeying, and in the day of her departure. (TA.) ظَعَنٌ: see 1: A2: and see also ظَاعِنٌ.ظُعْنَةٌ A short journey. (TA.) ظِعْنَةٌ A state or condition, or a mode or manner, of journeying or departing. (TA.) ظِعَانٌ A rope with which a هَوْدَج [or woman's camel-vehicle] is bound; (S, K;) or with which a load is bound, accord. to the T: and ↓ ظَعُونٌ signifies the same. (TA.) ظَعُونٌ A camel used for work and for bearing burdens: (S, K, TA:) or, as some say, peculiarly, [like ظَعِينَةٌ,] a camel that is ridden by a woman. (TA.) A2: See also ظِعَانٌ.
ظَعِينَةٌ A هَوْدَج [or woman's camel-vehicle] (S, Mgh, Msb, K, TA) in which is a woman, (TA,) or whether there be in it a woman or not: (S, Msb, K, TA:) this is [said to be] the primary signification: (Mgh:) pl. ظَعَائِنُ and ظُعُنٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and ظُعْنٌ (S, K) and [pl. of pauc.]
أَظْعَانٌ (S, Mgh, K) and pl. pl. ظُعُنَاتٌ. (TA. [But see, in what follows, an assertion of Az respecting the pl. ظُعُنٌ.]) b2: And A woman, (ISk, Mgh, Msb, TA;) whether in a هَوْدَج or elsewhere; (ISk, TA;) the word being used in the sense of مَظْعُونَةٌ [for مَظْعُونٌ بِهَا]; because her husband journeys (يَظْعَنُ) with her: (Msb:) or a man's wife; because she journeys with her husband: (TA:) or a woman as long as she is in the هودج; (S, Msb, K;) when not in it she is not thus called: (S:) or this is the primary meaning: then it was applied to her though in her tent, because she might become مَظْعُونَة [i. e.
مَظْعُون بِهَا]: (Msb:) it is mostly applied to a woman riding [in a هودج]: then, to a هودج without a woman: and to a woman without a هودج. (TA.) 'Amr Ibn-Kulthoom says, قِفِى قَبْلَ التَّفَرُّقِ يَا ظَعِينَا نُخَبِّرْكِ اليَقِينَ وَتُخْبِرِينَا
[Pause thou before separation, O woman in the camel-vehicle: we will inform thee of the real truth respecting our case, and thou shalt inform us respecting thy case]: (S:) يَا ظَعِينَا is for يَا ظَعِينَةُ. (EM p. 185.) b3: And, accord. to Lth, A camel that is ridden by women: [like ظَعُونٌ:] and applied to signify a woman because she rides it: or, accord. to IAmb, a camel upon which one journeys: and hence the trad., لَيْسَ فِى جَمَلٍ ظَعِينَةٍ صَدَقَةٌ i. e. [There is no poor-rate in the case of] the camel upon which one journeys; if the phrase be thus: but if it be فِى جَمَلِ ظَعِينَةٍ, by the last word is meant a woman: (TA:) Az says, one should not say حُمُولٌ nor ظُعُنٌ except as meaning the camels upon which are هَوَادِج, whether there be in them women or not. (S.) ظَاعِنٌ Journeying, going away, departing, or removing: (Msb:) [a traveller:] any one going forth on a journey, on pilgrimage, or on a warring and plundering expedition, or journeying from one city [or town &c.] to another: contr. of خَافِضٌ [and of مُقِيمٌ]: one says, أَظَاعِنٌ أَنْتَ
أَمْ مُقِيمٌ [Art thou journeying or abiding?]: the pl. is ظَاعِنُونَ and ظُعُنٌ, and ↓ ظَعَنٌ is a quasipl. n. syn. with ظَاعِنُونَ. (TA.) مِظْعَانٌ, applied to a horse or mare, and to a she-camel, Easy in pace. (TA.) مَظْعُونٌ Made to journey, go away, depart, or remove; originally مَظْعُونٌ بِهِ; the complement being suppressed because of frequency of usage. (Msb.)