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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2599. طعن16 2600. طغم12 2601. طغو6 2602. طف5 2603. طفأ12 2604. طفح132605. طفر17 2606. طفس10 2607. طفق15 2608. طفل17 2609. طق5 2610. طل4 2611. طلب20 2612. طلح20 2613. طلس16 2614. طلسم8 2615. طلع21 2616. طلف11 2617. طلق17 2618. طلم14 2619. طم5 2620. طمث16 2621. طمح16 2622. طمر15 2623. طمس19 2624. طمع14 2625. طمن13 2626. طن5 2627. طنأ8 2628. طنب13 2629. طنبر9 2630. طنجر4 2631. طنخ7 2632. طنز11 2633. طنف13 2634. طنفس10 2635. طنى6 2636. طه8 2637. طهر17 2638. طوب9 2639. طوح13 2640. طوخ5 2641. طود16 2642. طور15 2643. طوس11 2644. طوع17 2645. طوف20 2646. طوق17 2647. طول18 2648. طوى8 2649. طى1 2650. طيب19 2651. طيح9 2652. طيخ7 2653. طير17 2654. طيش14 2655. طيع6 2656. طيف13 2657. طين14 2658. ظ6 2659. ظأ1 2660. ظأر13 2661. ظبو5 2662. ظبى4 2663. ظر4 2664. ظرب16 2665. ظرف17 2666. ظعن18 2667. ظفر19 2668. ظل5 2669. ظلع15 2670. ظلف16 2671. ظلم21 2672. ظمأ13 2673. ظمخ5 2674. ظمو1 2675. ظمى3 2676. ظن8 2677. ظنب11 2678. ظهر20 2679. ظوف7 2680. ظى1 2681. ع6 2682. عب6 2683. عبأ13 2684. عبث16 2685. عبد20 2686. عبر16 2687. عبس19 2688. عبط17 2689. عبق14 2690. عبقر15 2691. عبك9 2692. عبل14 2693. عبهل8 2694. عبو7 2695. عبى5 2696. عتب20 2697. عتد19 2698. عتر20 Prev. 100




1 طَفَحَ, (S, A, K,) aor. ـَ (TA,) inf. n. طُفُوحٌ (S, A, K) and طَفْحٌ, (K,) It (a vessel, S, A, K, and a river, A, TA, and a wateringtrough, or tank, A) was, or became, full, so as to overflow: (S, A:) was, or became, full, and high [in its contents], (K, TA,) so as to overflow. (TA.) [See also مِرْقَمٌ.] b2: طَفَحَ said of one intoxicated, (tropical:) He was full of wine. (T, S, TA.) b3: طَفَحَتْ بِالأَوْلَادِ (tropical:) She (a woman) brought forth children abundantly; brought forth many children: (A:) [or] طَفَحَتْ بِالوَلَدِ she brought forth the child at the full period of gestation, or fully formed. (K.) b4: طَفَحَ عَقْلُهُ (assumed tropical:) His understanding, or intellect, became eminent [or, app., exuberant]. (TA.) b5: طَفَحَ, aor. as above, also signifies (assumed tropical:) He ran. (As, TA.) b6: And one says, اِطْفَحْ عَنِّى, meaning (assumed tropical:) Go thou away, or depart, from me. (S, K.) A2: طَفَحَ as trans.: see 4. b2: طَفَحَتِ الرِّيحُ القُطْنَةَ The wind raised, or carried up, the portion of cotton: (S, K:) and in like manner, a similar thing. (S.) 2 طَفَّحَ see the next paragraph.4 اطفحهُ; (S, A, K;) and ↓ طفّحهُ, (S, K,) inf. n. تَطْفِيحٌ; (S;) and ↓ طَفَحَهُ, (K,) inf. n. طَفْحٌ; (TA;) He filled it so that it overflowed: (S, A:) or he filled it so that it became high [in its contents]: (K:) namely, a vessel, (S, A, K,) and a river, or rivulet, and a watering-trough, or tank. (A.) 8 اِطَّفَحَ القِدْرَ (S, K, in the CK [erroneously]

القِدْرُ) He took off the طُفَاحَة (i. e. scum) of the cooking-pot. (S.) طَفْحَانُ; fem. طَفْحَي: see طَافِحٌ.

طِفَاحُ الأَرْضِ What would fill the earth (T in art. طحف, and K,) so that it would overflow: (T:) so in the saying, in a trad., وَإنْ كَانَ عَلَيْهِ طِفَاحُ الأرْضِ ذُنُوباً [Though there be upon him, or imputable to him, what would fill the earth so that it would overflow, of sins, or crimes]. (T.) طُفَاحَةً What has come forth upon the surface of a thing, such as the scum of the cooking-pot, (S,) which is termed طُفَاحَةُ القِدْرِ. (A, K.) طَفَّاحُ القَوَائِمِ (tropical:) A horse that runs much. (A.) And طَفَّاحَةُ القَوَائِمِ (tropical:) A she-camel having swift legs. (K, TA.) طَافِحٌ Full, so as to overflow; applied to [a vessel, and] a river, and a watering-trough, or tank: (A, TA:) or full: and full and high. (A'Obeyd, T, TA.) And ↓ إِنَآءٌ طَفْحَانُ, and قَصْعَةٌ طَفْحَى A vessel, and a bowl, of which the contents flow over the sides. (K.) b2: Applied to one intoxicated, (tropical:) Full of wine. (T, S, A, K.) b3: And (assumed tropical:) Running, or one that runs. (As, TA.) A2: And [the fem.] طَافِحَةٌ signifies Dry, or tough, or rigid: whence the phrase رُكْبَةٌ طَافِحَةٌ meaning A knee which he to whom it belongs cannot grasp with his hand. (K.) مِطْفَحَةٌ A skimmer, or ladle with which the scum of the cooking-pot is taken off; (K;) called in Pers\. كَفْگِير. (TA.)
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