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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2561. طبرزذ7 2562. طبع19 2563. طبق17 2564. طبل13 2565. طبن11 2566. طبو62567. طجن12 2568. طح2 2569. طحل12 2570. طحلب12 2571. طحم9 2572. طحن16 2573. طخو3 2574. طدو2 2575. طر4 2576. طرأ13 2577. طرب18 2578. طربل10 2579. طرث10 2580. طرح17 2581. طرد17 2582. طرز17 2583. طرس16 2584. طرش14 2585. طرط7 2586. طرطب9 2587. طرف21 2588. طرق20 2589. طرمح5 2590. طرمذ6 2591. طرو7 2592. طس5 2593. طست10 2594. طسق8 2595. طسوج1 2596. طش3 2597. طشت3 2598. طعم18 2599. طعن16 2600. طغم12 2601. طغو6 2602. طف5 2603. طفأ12 2604. طفح13 2605. طفر17 2606. طفس10 2607. طفق15 2608. طفل17 2609. طق5 2610. طل4 2611. طلب20 2612. طلح20 2613. طلس16 2614. طلسم8 2615. طلع21 2616. طلف11 2617. طلق17 2618. طلم14 2619. طم5 2620. طمث16 2621. طمح16 2622. طمر15 2623. طمس19 2624. طمع14 2625. طمن13 2626. طن5 2627. طنأ8 2628. طنب13 2629. طنبر9 2630. طنجر4 2631. طنخ7 2632. طنز11 2633. طنف13 2634. طنفس10 2635. طنى6 2636. طه8 2637. طهر17 2638. طوب9 2639. طوح13 2640. طوخ5 2641. طود16 2642. طور15 2643. طوس11 2644. طوع17 2645. طوف20 2646. طوق17 2647. طول18 2648. طوى8 2649. طى1 2650. طيب19 2651. طيح9 2652. طيخ7 2653. طير17 2654. طيش14 2655. طيع6 2656. طيف13 2657. طين14 2658. ظ6 2659. ظأ1 2660. ظأر13 Prev. 100




1 طَبَاهُ, (S, K,) aor. ـْ (S,) inf. n. طَبْوٌ; (K;) and طَبَاهُ, aor. ـْ (S, TA,) inf. n. طَبْىٌ; (TA in art. طبى;) He called him: (S, K:) or, accord. to Sh, he called him with a gentle calling: (TA:) an ex. of the latter verb occurs in a verse of Dhu-r-Rummeh cited voce ضَارِبٌ, (S,) or, as Lh cited that verse, an ex. of the former verb: (TA:) and ↓ اِطَّبَاهُ, (Sh, S, K, [in the CK erroneously written اَطْبَاهُ,]) of the measure اِفْتَعَلَهُ, (S,) signifies the same. (Sh, S, K.) And [hence] one says, لاَ أَدْرِى مِنْ أَيْنَ اطبيت, [a mistranscription for طُبِيتَ,] with damm, and اطّبيت, [i. e.

↓ اطُّبِيتَ,] meaning [I know not whence thou hast been called; or] whence thou hast come. (TA in art. طبى.) 8 إِطْتَبَوَ see 1, in two places. b2: One says also اِطَّبَى بَنُو فُلَانٍ فُلَانًا, (S, K, TA, [in the CK, erroneously, اَطْبَى,]) The sons of such a one associated as friends with such a one and slew him: (S, K, TA:) and اِطَّبَيْتُهُ I acted with him as a friend, then I slew him. (IKtt, TA.) b3: اِطَّبَى القُلُوبَ, in a trad. of Ibn-Ez-Zubeyr, means He showed love, or affection, to the hearts [of others], and drew them near to him. (TA.) And اِطَّبَاهُ signifies also He attracted him to himself; or sought to make him incline. (TA.) طباة (thus written without any vowel-sign) is said in the TA, in art. طبى, to signify أَحْمَقُ (i. e. Stupid, &c.): but I think it probable that this is from a mistranscription for ظَبْأَةٌ, properly meaning “ a hyena; ” a beast proverbial for stupidity: see ضَبُعٌ.]

طَبْوَآءُ: see طَبِيَةٌ, in the next art. طبى.1 طَبَيْتُهُ عَنْهُ, (S, K,) aor. ـْ inf. n. طَبْىٌ, (TA,) I turned him away, or back, from it, (Lth, S, K, TA,) namely, his opinion, and his affair, &c. (Lth, TA.) b2: And طَبَيْتُهُ إِلَيْهِ I called him to it; as also ↓ اِطَّبَيْتُهُ [in the CK erroneously written اَطْبَيْتُهُ]. (K, TA. See also art. طبو.) b3: And طَبَيْتُهُ I led him. (K, TA.) and thus Lh explains the ex. of this verb in the verse of Dhu-r-Rummeh cited voce ضَارِبٌ. (TA.) A2: طَبِيَتْ, aor. ـَ inf. n. طَبًى; (TA;) or طَبِيَتْ طَبًى

شَدِيدًا; (K; [in the CK, erroneously, طَبْيًا;]) said of a she-camel, Her طُبْى [q. v.] was, or became, flaccid, flabby, or pendulous; (TA;) or very flaccid &c.; (K;) on the authority of Fr. (TA.) 8 إِطْتَبَىَ see the preceding paragraph: and see also the same verb in art. طبو.

طُبْىٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K, &c.) and ↓ طِبْىٌ (S, K) [A teat, or dug, of any of certain animals mentioned in what follows; agreeably with an explanation of its pl. in the O, voce ضَرْعٌ, on the authority of Az; and agreeably with a usage of its pl. in the TA, voce خِلْفٌ, on the authority of Lth: this is the most usual, if not the only proper, signification:] the ضَرْع [which sometimes means the teat, or dug, and is app. here used in this sense]; mostly, of a beast of prey: (Mgh:) or it is to the beast of prey, and to the solid-hoofed animal, (As, T, S,) like the ضَرْع to others; and sometimes to the camel; (S;) or that of the camel and of the cloven-hoofed animal is termed خِلْفٌ: (As, T:) or, to the camel, and to the cloven-hoofed animal, like the ثَدْى [which some-times means the teat] to the woman; and in rare instances, to the solid-hoofed animal, and to the beast of prey: (Msb:) or the حَلَمَات [meaning teats], (K, TA,) or, accord. to the M, the حَلَمَتَانِ [meaning pair of teats], (TA,) of the ضَرْع [or udder], of the camel, and of a cloven-hoofed animal, and of a solid-hoofed animal, and of a beast of prey: (K:) [and ↓ طُبْيَةٌ is perhaps a dial. var.: (see خَاتَمٌ, last sentence but two:)] pl. أَطْبَآءٌ. (S, Mgh, Msb, K.) It is said in a prov., (S,) [and] in a letter of 'Othmán to 'Alee, (TA,) جَاوَزَ الحِزَامُ الطُّبْيَيْنِ (S, K) The girth passed beyond the طُبْيَان [or two teats, or two pairs of teats]; (TA;) meaning (assumed tropical:) the affair, or case, became distressing, and formidable. (K, TA.) b2: El-Hoseyn Ibn-Muteyr uses the pl. metaphorically in relation to rain, by way of comparison, saying, كَثُرَتْ كَكَثْرَةِ وَبْلِهِ أَطْبَاؤُهُ فَإِذَا تَجَلَّتْ فَاضَتِ الأَطْبَآءُ [in which, for تَجَلَّتْ, I read تَحَلَّبَ; for the verse, literally rendered, seems to mean, (tropical:) Its teats were abundant as the abundance of its heavy rain, (or rather I would read لِكَثْرَةِ وبله by reason of the abundance &c.,) so that when it flowed with rain, as though it were milked, the teats poured forth exuberantly]. (TA.) b3: أَطْبَآءُ الكَلْبَةِ (assumed tropical:) [Bitch's dugs] is an appellation of the tree called مُخَاطَة [i. e. the sebesten]. (TA in art. مخط, q. v.) طِبْىٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

طُبْيَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

طَبِيَةٌ, like فَرِحَةٌ, on the authority of Fr, in the K erroneously written طَبِيَّةٌ, (TA,) [and also there misplaced, for, with فَهِىَ (in the CK فَهُوَ) preceding it, it should follow immediately after the explanation of the phrase طَبِيَتِ النَّاقَةُ, being the part. n., and thus signifying Whose طُبْى is flaccid, flabby, or pendulous,] applied to a she-camel; (Fr, TA;) and طَبْوَآءُ signifies the same; (Fr, K, TA;) or this is applied to a she-goat, meaning whose dugs (خِلْفَاهَا) descend towards the ground. (So in one of my copies of the S: in the other copy omitted.) خِلْفٌ طَبِىٌّ i. q. مُجِيبٌ [meaning Yielding milk]; (S, K; [thus in my copies of the S, and in copies of the K; but said in the TA to be written in the K and in the copies of the S, مُجَيَّبٌ, which is evidently wrong;]) as though called, and answering the call. (JM.)
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