طبرزذ and طبرزل and طبرزن طَبَرْزَدٌ, an arabicized word, (S, L, Msb, K,) from the Pers\. تَبَرْزَدْ, (L,) as though pieces were chipped from its sides with an axe, or a hatchet, (L, Msb, K,) تَبَرْ in Pers\. signifying “ an axe or a hatchet,” (L,) [and زَدْ “ he struck,”] originally
meaning “ what is chipped, or cut, or hewn, with an axe or a hatchet; ” (Shifá el-Ghaleel;)
[Sugar-candy; called in the present day طَبَرْزَد and قَنْد and قَنْدَة: see قَنْدٌ:] or excellent sugar: (MF, voce بُرْتٌ:) or sugar: (L, K:) as also ↓ سُكَّرٌ طَبَرْزَذِىٌّ; (Msb;) and طَبَرْزَلٌ and طَبَرْزَنٌ: (As, S, L, Msb, K:) and Yaakoob says طَبَرْزُدٌ and طَبَرْزُلٌ and طَبَرْزُنٌ: but ISd remarks upon these forms as being unknown to him. (L.)
طَبَرْزَذِىٌّ: see the preceding paragraph.