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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2414. صمع18 2415. صمغ14 2416. صمقر3 2417. صملخ7 2418. صمي7 2419. صن42420. صنب9 2421. صنبر12 2422. صنج16 2423. صند9 2424. صندق6 2425. صندل9 2426. صنر9 2427. صنط3 2428. صنع19 2429. صنف16 2430. صنم15 2431. صنو10 2432. صنى3 2433. صه8 2434. صهب17 2435. صهر16 2436. صهرج9 2437. صهصلق5 2438. صهصى1 2439. صهل13 2440. صهو7 2441. صو1 2442. صوب19 2443. صوبج1 2444. صوت16 2445. صوج5 2446. صوح13 2447. صوخ6 2448. صود5 2449. صور20 2450. صوع15 2451. صوغ16 2452. صوف17 2453. صوك8 2454. صول15 2455. صولج2 2456. صوم19 2457. صون14 2458. صوى8 2459. صيب9 2460. صيح12 2461. صيد18 2462. صير17 2463. صيص10 2464. صيع7 2465. صيغ5 2466. صيف18 2467. صيك6 2468. صيل5 2469. صين7 2470. ض6 2471. ضأ1 2472. ضأبل2 2473. ضأز6 2474. ضأل13 2475. ضأن11 2476. ضب3 2477. ضبأ10 2478. ضبث12 2479. ضبح15 2480. ضبر17 2481. ضبط19 2482. ضبع19 2483. ضبن12 2484. ضبنط3 2485. ضبو5 2486. ضج4 2487. ضجر15 2488. ضجع18 2489. ضجم10 2490. ضح2 2491. ضحك17 2492. ضحل15 2493. ضخم11 2494. ضد5 2495. ضر5 2496. ضرب23 2497. ضرج15 2498. ضرح15 2499. ضرس18 2500. ضرط18 2501. ضرع20 2502. ضرغم12 2503. ضرم15 2504. ضرو5 2505. ضَعٌّ1 2506. ضعف20 2507. ضعو4 2508. ضغث18 2509. ضغط17 2510. ضغن17 2511. ضف4 2512. ضفدع10 2513. ضفر17 Prev. 100




1 صَنَّ, [aor., accord. to rule, صَنِّ,] said of flesh-meat, i. q. صَلَّ [i. e. It was, or became, stinking]: either a dial. var. or formed by substitution. (M, TA. [See also the next paragraph.]) 4 اصنّ He, or it, (a man, S, or a thing, Msb,) had a foul, or fetid, odour, such as is termed صُنَان: (S, Msb, K:) so too said of a he-goat, when excited by lust. (TA.) And said of flesh-meat, [like صَنَّ,] It stank. (TA.) And اصنّت البَقْلَةُ The herb, or leguminous plant, when held in the hand, stank. (TA.) And اصنّ said of water, It became altered [for the worse]. (K.) A2: Also He elevated his nose, (S, K,) or his head, (ISk, TA,) from pride. (ISk, S, K.) And hence, (S,) اصنّت said of a she-camel, She, having conceived, behaved disdainfully to the stallion. (S, K.) b2: And He was, or became, angry. (K.) A3: اصنّت said of a she-camel, (ISh, M,) or of a mare, (A 'Obeyd, K,) when near to bringing forth, (A 'Obeyd,) Her young one struggled, or was in a state of commotion, (A 'Obeyd, M,) in the part bordering upon her tail [so I render فِى صَلَاهَا], (A 'Obeyd,) or its hind leg fell [or happened to come] into that part; (M;) or her young one stuck fast in her belly, and it pushed with its head, (ISh, K,) or with its shank and its nose, (ISh,) in the region of her anus. (ISh, K.) The epithet applied to her in this case is ↓ مُصِنٌّ: (ISh:) and the pl. is مُصِنَّاتٌ and مَصَانُّ. (Az, TA.) A4: اصنّت said of a woman, She became old, but having in her some remains [of vigour]: and such is termed ↓ مُصِنٌّ and مُصِنَّةٌ. (M.) A5: اصنّ also signifies He spoke in a low, faint, gentle, or soft, manner. (TA.) A6: And اصنّ عَلَى الأَمْرِ He persevered, or persisted, in the affair. (K.) صَنٌّ, (S, M, TA,) with fet-h, (S, TA,) accord. to the K, صِنٌّ, which is wrong, (TA,) [A kind of basket;] a thing like a covered سَلَّة, in which bread is put, (S, K, TA,) and [other] food: (TA:) a large زَبِيل, like the سَلَّة. (M.) صِنٌّ The urine of the وَبْر [or hyrax Syriacus], (S, M, TA,) in the copies of the K erroneously said to be of camels: (TA:) it is inspissated for medicines; (M, TA;) and is very fetid. (TA.) صِنُّ الوَبْرِ is also a term applied to Small, round, flattened cakes, (أَقْرَاص,) which are brought from El-Yemen to El-Hijáz, found there in caves; having the property of dissolving tumours, applied as a plaster with honey: mentioned by the hakeem Dáwood. (TA.) A2: Also, (M, TA,) thus, without the art., but written by Az and J with it, i. e. الصِّنُّ, as in the K, (TA,) One of the days called أَيَّامُ العَجُوزِ; (S, M, K;) said to be the first of those days. (M. [See art. عجز.]) صُنَّةٌ i. q. صُبَّةٌ [q. v.] as signifying A سُفْرَة, or a thing like the سُفْرَة. (M in art. صب.) صِنَّةٌ: see the next paragraph.

صُنَانٌ A stink, or stench; (M, Msb;) whether of the armpit or otherwise: (Msb:) or, (S, K,) as also ↓ صِنَّةٌ, (K,) the stink, or stench, of the armpit, (S, K,) and of the creases of the body when they are in a corrupt state: and the former is likewise applied to the odour of the he-goat when excited by lust: (TA:) and it signifies also, (TA,) or as some say, (M,) a sweet odour. (M, TA.) صَنَّانٌ A courageous man. (K.) أَصَنُّ A man feigning himself unmindful, inadvertent, or heedless. (K.) مُصِنٌّ A man having a foul, or fetid, odour, such as is termed صُنَان; fem. with ة: and likewise applied to a he-goat when excited by lust. (TA.) A2: And Elevating the nose, (S, M, TA,) or the head, (AA, TA,) from pride, (AA, S, M, TA,) or from anger. (M.) So in a verse cited in art. خفض. (S.) b2: And مُصِنٌّ غَضَبًا Full of anger. (As, S.) A3: See also 4, latter part, in two places.

A4: Also Silent. (TA.) A5: And المُصِنُّ signifies The serpent that, when it bites, kills on the spot: one says, رَمَاهُ اللّٰهُ بِالمُصِنِّ المُسْكِتِ [May God smite him with the silencing serpent that kills on the spot whomsoever it bites]. (IKh, TA.)
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