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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1917. سدن17 1918. سدو6 1919. سذب4 1920. سذج4 1921. سر5 1922. سرأ81923. سرب20 1924. سربخ7 1925. سربل13 1926. سربن4 1927. سرج18 1928. سرجن7 1929. سرح20 1930. سرحب5 1931. سرحل2 1932. سرد17 1933. سرداب1 1934. سردق14 1935. سرط15 1936. سرطم7 1937. سرع17 1938. سرف22 1939. سرقن3 1940. سرم11 1941. سرمد13 1942. سرند6 1943. سرهد5 1944. سرو14 1945. سرول12 1946. سرون2 1947. سرى8 1948. سسب2 1949. سسم6 1950. سطب7 1951. سطح21 1952. سطر16 1953. سطرنج2 1954. سطع13 1955. سطل12 1956. سطن9 1957. سطو12 1958. سعب9 1959. سعتر8 1960. سعد18 1961. سعر20 1962. سعط16 1963. سعف18 1964. سعل15 1965. سعو3 1966. سغب16 1967. سف4 1968. سفح18 1969. سفد15 1970. سفر20 1971. سفرجل8 1972. سفط14 1973. سفع18 1974. سفق14 1975. سفك14 1976. سفل17 1977. سفن17 1978. سفند1 1979. سفه17 1980. سفو9 1981. سقب17 1982. سقر16 1983. سقرقع4 1984. سقط21 1985. سقف20 1986. سقم17 1987. سقمونيا1 1988. سقى11 1989. سك5 1990. سكب18 1991. سكبج4 1992. سكبينج1 1993. سكت19 1994. سكر20 1995. سكرج4 1996. سكرك5 1997. سكف14 1998. سكن19 1999. سل4 2000. سلأ14 2001. سلب22 2002. سلت15 2003. سلتم7 2004. سلج10 2005. سَلجم1 2006. سلح19 2007. سلحب5 2008. سلحف11 2009. سلخ18 2010. سلس13 2011. سلسبل2 2012. سلط17 2013. سلطح5 2014. سلع18 2015. سلغ9 2016. سلف24 Prev. 100




أ1 سَرَأَتْ, (S, K,) aor. ـَ inf. n. سَرْءٌ; (S, TA;) and ↓ سرّأت, inf. n. تَسْرِئَةٌ; (K;) said of the female locust, (S, K,) and of the female of the [lizard called] ضَبّ, (TA,) [and of a fish, and the like, (see سَرْءٌ,)] She laid eggs: (S, K, TA:) and سَرَتْ, inf. n. سَرْوٌ, is a dial. var. thereof. (TA in art. سرو.) [And accord. to El-Kanánee, as cited in the TA, it seems that one says also, of locusts (جَرَاد), سَرَأَ البَيْضَ and سَرَأَ بِهِ.] b2: Also, each of these two verbs, (K,) the former mentioned by IDrd, and ↓ the latter by Fr, (TA,) said of a woman, She bore many children. (K.) 2 سَرَّاَ see above, in two places.4 اسرأت, said of a female locust, [and app. of a female of the lizard called ضَبّ, and a fish, and the like, (see سَرْءٌ,)] She attained the period of laying eggs. (S, K.) سَرْءٌ and ↓ سَرْأَةٌ (M, K) and ↓ سِرْأَةٌ (K [for ويُكسر in the CK should be وَتُكْسَرُ, referring to the second form,]) and ↓ سِرْءٌ, (TA, [accord. to which وتكسر refers to the س in the first and second, but this I think improbable,]) or سرأة is with kesr [only, i. e. ↓ سِرْأَةٌ], (S, K, [supposing that in the latter the pronoun هِىَ refers to سرأة, but accord. to the TA it means الكَلِمَةُ, so as to refer to سرء also,]) and most hold this to be correct, (TA,) The egg, (S, K,) or eggs, (M,) of the locust, (S, M, K,) and of the [lizard called] ضَبّ, (M, TA,) and of fish (M, K, TA) and the like; (M, TA;) and سِرْوَةٌ signifies the same, but is originally with ء: (S:) accord. to 'Alee Ibn-Hamzeh El-Isbahánee, ↓ سِرْأَةٌ and سِرْوَةٌ signify the eggs of the locust; but some say, only when laid: accord. to Lth, سرء [app. سَرْءٌ] signifies the eggs of the fish and the like, as also سُرُوْءٌ; [the former as a coll. gen. n., and the latter as its pl., agreeably with analogy;] and one is called سرأة [app. ↓ سَرْأَةٌ as a n. un., agreeably with analogy; or it may be ↓ سِرْأَةٌ]. (TA. [See also سِرْوَةٌ in art. سرو: and see دَبًى.]) سِرْءٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

سَرْأَةٌ: see سَرْءٌ, in two places.

سِرْأَةٌ: see سَرْءٌ, in four places.

سِرْوَةٌ, originally سِرْأَةٌ [q. v., voce سَرْءٌ]. b2: Also A dust-coloured arrow: in this sense like wise originally with ء: thus expl. by 'Alee Ibn-Hamzeh. (TA.) [See also art. سرو.]

سَرَآءٌ A species of tree, of which bows are made: n. un. with ة. (TA.) [See art. سرى.]

سَرُوْءٌ, applied to a female locust, (El-Isbahánee, K,) and to the female of the [lizard called] ضَبّ, (Lth, TA,) [and to a fish and the like, (see سَرْءٌ,)] Laying eggs: (El-Isbahánee, K, * TA:) or having eggs in her belly; not yet laid: (Lth, K, * TA:) pl. سُرُؤٌ (Lth, El-Isbahánee, K) and سُرَّأْ, which latter is extr. in form as pl. of a sing. of the measure فَعُولٌ, (K,) and سُرُوْءٌ [which is also extr., like هُجُودٌ as pl. accord. to some of هَجُودٌ]. (MF.) أَرْضٌ مَسْرُؤَةٌ, (S, K,) or مَسْرُوْءَةٌ, (TA,) A land containing سِرْوَة [meaning locusts' eggs]: (ElIsbahánee, S:) or abounding with locusts (K, * TA) [or with locusts' eggs: for the explanation in the K is ambiguous]. Quasi سرأل and سرأن إِسْرَائِيلُ a surname of [the patriarch] Jacob; (Ksh and Bd * and Jel * in ii. 38;) also pronounced إِسْرَائِلُ, (Ksh and Bd ibid.,) and إِسْرَائِلُّ, (Ksh ibid.,) and إِسْرَالُ, and إِسْرَايِيلُ. (Bd ibid.) b2: And the name of A certain angel; also pronounced إِسْرَائِينُ; in which the ن is asserted by Yaakoob to be a substitute for the ل. (TA.) b3: [But the ! is more properly to be regarded as a radical letter.]
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