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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1779. زل5 1780. زلج12 1781. زلخ10 1782. زلعب4 1783. زلغب5 1784. زلف241785. زلق18 1786. زلقم4 1787. زلم18 1788. زلى2 1789. زم4 1790. زماورد1 1791. زمت13 1792. زمخ8 1793. زمر18 1794. زمرد4 1795. زمرذ7 1796. زمع18 1797. زمك10 1798. زمل20 1799. زملق5 1800. زمن15 1801. زمهر11 1802. زن4 1803. زنأ13 1804. زنبر9 1805. زنبق6 1806. زنبل5 1807. زنج12 1808. زنجبيل4 1809. زنجر9 1810. زنجفر2 1811. زنخ9 1812. زند17 1813. زندق12 1814. زنر11 1815. زنق15 1816. زنم20 1817. زنو4 1818. زنى5 1819. زهد19 1820. زهر18 1821. زهق18 1822. زهم13 1823. زهو11 1824. زو1 1825. زوج18 1826. زود14 1827. زور21 1828. زوغ10 1829. زوق16 1830. زول16 1831. زون13 1832. زوى6 1833. زى1 1834. زيب9 1835. زيت16 1836. زيج6 1837. زيح11 1838. زيد18 1839. زير11 1840. زيزفون2 1841. زيغ16 1842. زيف16 1843. زيق9 1844. زيل16 1845. زين16 1846. س7 1847. سأب6 1848. سأد6 1849. سأر12 1850. سأسم2 1851. سأل14 1852. سأم15 1853. سأو5 1854. سا1 1855. ساذج1 1856. سب3 1857. سبأ16 1858. سبت21 1859. سبح21 1860. سبخ17 1861. سبد15 1862. سبر16 1863. سبرت10 1864. سبط19 1865. سبطر9 1866. سبع19 1867. سبغ20 1868. سبق22 1869. سبك16 1870. سبكر5 1871. سبل19 1872. سبى6 1873. ست4 1874. ستر17 1875. ستق13 1876. سته14 1877. ستهم4 1878. ستى3 Prev. 100




1 زَلَفَ: see 2: A2: and see also 8, in three places.2 زلّفهُ, (O, TA,) inf. n. تَزْلِيفٌ, (O,) He did it previously, or beforehand; namely, a thing; (IAar, O, TA;) as, for instance, an evil action; (O, TA;) and so ↓ زَلَفَهُ; (IAar, TA;) syn. أَسْلَفَهُ, (O, TA,) and قَدَّمَهُ. (IAar, O, TA.) b2: زلّف النَّاسَ, inf. n. as above, He disquieted, or agitated, the people, step by step: (Ibn-'Abbád, Z, O, TA:) accord. to Z, said of a guide. (TA.) b3: زلّف فِى

حَدِيثِهِ, (inf. n. as above, K,) He added, or exaggerated, in his discourse, or narration; (IDrd, O, K;) as also ذرّف. (IDrd, O.) 4 ازلفهُ He made, brought, or drew, him, or it, (namely, a thing, TA,) near. (S, Mgh, Msb, TA.) Hence, in the Kur [xxvi. 90 and 1. 30], وَأُزْلِفَتِ الْجَنَّةُ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ And Paradise shall be brought near to the pious: meaning, accord. to Zj, that their entrance thereinto shall become near, and their view thereof. (TA.) [بِهِ ↓ ازدلف also signifies the same as ازلفه (agreeably with analogy); as is shown by what here follows:] it is said in a trad. of Mohammad El-Bákir, مَا لَكَ مِنْ عَيْشِكَ إِلَّا لَذَّةٌ تَزْدَلِفُ بِكَ إِلَى حِمَامِكَ [i. e. There is not remaining to thee, of thy life, save a pleasure that brings thee near to thy predestined term]. (O, TA.) And ↓ ازدلفهُ means He, or it, brought him near to destruction. (TA.) b2: Also He collected it together; (Msb, TA;) namely, a thing. (Msb.) Hence, in the Kur [xxvi. 64], وَأَزْلَفْنَا ثَمَّ الآخَرِينَ [And we collected there the others]. (TA.) 5 تَزَلَّفَ see the next paragraph.8 اِزْدَلَفَ, (Mgh, Msb,) originally اِزْتَلَفَ, (Msb,) or اِزْدَلَفُوا, and ↓ تزلّفوا, (S, O, L, K,) He, or they, approached, or drew near: (Mgh, O, L, Msb, TA: in the K, تَفَرَّقُوا is erroneously put for تَقَرَّبُوا: TA:) or (O, accord. to the K “ and ”) advanced; or went forward, or before: (S, O, K:) إِلَيْهِ [to him, or it], (Mgh, K,) and مِنْهُ [which means the same, as after دَنَا &c.]: (TA, and Har p. 452:) [and ↓ زَلَفَ and زَلَفُوا, inf. n. app. زَلْفٌ and زَلَفٌ, signify the same: for] you say also, إِلَيْهِ ↓ زَلَفَ He drew near to him, or it: and لَهُ ↓ زَلَفْنَا We advanced, or went forward, to him, or it: (TA:) and زَلْفٌ signifies the act of advancing, or going forward, (A'Obeyd, S, TA,) from place to place; as also زَلَفٌ. (TA.) One says, ازدلف السَّهْمُ إِلَى

كَذَا The arrow approached, or drew near, to such a thing. (Msb.) And it is said in a trad., فَإِذَا زَالَتِ الشَّمْسُ فَاْزْدَلِفْ إِلَى اللّٰهِ فِيهِ بِرَكْعَتَيْنِ, meaning تَقَرَّبْ [i. e., When the sun declines from the meridian, then seek thou to draw near unto God therein by means of the prayers of two rek'ahs]. (TA.) A2: See also 4, in two places.

زَلْفٌ: see زُلْفَةٌ.

زُلْفٌ: see its accus. case voce زُلْفَةٌ, near the end of the paragraph.

زِلْفٌ A meadow; syn. رَوْضَةٌ; (TS, K;) and so ↓ زَلَفَةٌ: (IB, TA:) thus the latter is expl. as occurring in a trad. relating to Ya-jooj and Ma-jooj, in which it is said, ثُمَّ يُرْسِلُ اللّٰهُ مَطَرًا فَيَغْسِلُ الأَرْضَ حَتَّى يَتْرُكَهَا كَالزَّلَفَةِ [Then God will send rain, and it will wash the earth so that it will leave it like the meadow]: but in this instance, several other meanings are assigned to it: see زَلَفَةٌ below. (TA.) زَلَفٌ: see زُلْفَةٌ, in two places: A2: and see also زَلَفَةٌ, in five places.

زُلُفٌ: see its accus. case voce زُلْفَةٌ, near the end of the paragraph.

زُلْفَةٌ i. q. قُرْبَةٌ [i. e. Nearness, with respect to rank, degree, or station]; (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K;) as also ↓ زُلْفَى, (S, Mgh, O, Msb,) and ↓ زَلَفٌ. (IDrd, O, K.) [It would seem that it means also Nearness with respect to place or situation: for SM immediately adds,] hence, in the Kur [lxvii. 27], فَلَمَّا رَأَوْهُ زُلْفَةً, [as though meaning But when they shall see it in a state of nearness: but] Zj says that the meaning is, but when they shall see it (i. e. the punishment) near (قَرِيبًا): and several authors say that زُلْفَةٌ is sometimes used in the sense of قَرِيبٌ, as is stated in the 'Ináyeh. (TA.) And Station, rank, grade, or degree; as also ↓ زُلْفَى, (S, O, K, TA,) and ↓ زَلْفٌ, (TS, K,) and ↓ زَلَفٌ: (K, TA:) pl. of the first زُلَفٌ: (S, * TA:) or (K) ↓ زُلْفَى is a quasi-inf. n.; (S, K;) and such it is in the saying in the Kur [xxxiv. 36], وَمَا

أَمْوَالُكُمْ وَلَا أَوْلَادُكُمْ بِالَّتِى تُقَرِّبُكُمْ عِنْدِنَا زُلْفَى, as though meaning ازْدِلَافًا [i. e. And neither your riches nor your children are what will bring you near to us in advancement: but here it may be well rendered, in station]: (S:) accord. to Ibn-'Arafeh, زُلْفَى signifies the bringing very near: (TA:) the saying of Ibn-El-Tilimsánee that it is pl. of زُلْفَةٌ is very strange, and unknown; the correct pl. of this last word being زُلَفٌ. (MF, TA.) b2: Also A portion (S, K) of the first part (S) of the night, (S, K,) whether small or large: so accord. to Th: or, accord. to Akh, of the night absolutely: (TA:) pl. زُلَفٌ and زُلَفَاتٌ (S, K) and زُلُفَاتٌ and زُلْفَاتٌ: or زُلَفٌ signifies the hours, or periods, (سَاعَات,) of the night, commencing from the daytime, and the hours, or periods, of the daytime, commencing from the night: (K:) and its sing. is زُلْفَةٌ. (TA.) وَزُلَفًا مِنَ اللَّيْلِ, in the Kur [xi. 116], means And at sunset and nightfall (the مَغْرِب and the عِشَآء): (Zj, TA:) some read ↓ زُلُفًا, with two dammehs; which may be a sing., like حُلُمٌ; or a pl. of زُلْفَةٌ, like as بُسُرٌ is of بُسُرَةٌ, with damm to the س in each: [but this is not a parallel instance; for بُسُرٌ is a coll. gen. n. of which بُسُرَةٌ is the n. un., and the latter is not of the same measure as زُلْفَةٌ:] and some read ↓ زُلْفًا, which is a pl. [or rather coll. gen. n.] of زُلْفَةٌ, like as دُرٌّ is of دُرَّةٌ; (K, TA;) or pl. of ↓ زَلِيفٌ, like as قُرْبٌ is of قَرِيبٌ, and غُرْبٌ of غَرِيبٌ: (TA:) and some read ↓ زُلْفَى, in which the alif [written ى] is a denotative of the fem. gender. (K, TA.) A2: See also the next paragraph.

زَلَفَةٌ A full [reservoir of water such as is called]

مَصْنَعَة: (S, K:) pl. [or rather coll. gen. n.]

↓ زَلَفٌ: (S:) so, accord. to Sh, in the trad. mentioned voce زِلْفٌ: (TA:) or ↓ زَلَفٌ signifies full watering-troughs, (K,) as pl. [or coll. gen. n.] of زَلَفَةٌ: (TA:) or a full watering-trough. (K.) Also A [bowl such as is called] صَحْفَة: (K;) and so ↓ زُلْفَةٌ; (Ibn-'Abbád, K;) of which the pl. is زُلَفٌ: (TA:) or a full صَحْفَة; and its pl. [or coll. gen. n.] is ↓ زَلَفٌ. (Lth, TA.) Also A green [vessel of the kind called] إِجَّانَة: (K:) so says AO: pl. [or coll. gen. n.] ↓ زَلَفٌ; and ↓ مَزَالِفُ likewise signifies green أَجَاجِين [app. as an anomalous pl. of زَلَفَةٌ or of زَلَفٌ, like as مَشَابِهُ is of شَبَهٌ]; both, also, mentioned on the authority of AO. (TA.) b2: Also A mother-of-pearl-'shell, or an oyster-shell; syn. صَدَفَةٌ: (K:) KT says that الزَّلَفَة in the trad. mentioned above voce زِلْفٌ has been expl. as meaning the مَحَارَة, i. e. the صَدَفَة; but he adds, I know not this explanation, unless a pool of water be called محارة because the water returns (يَحُورُ) to it and collects in it. (TA.) b3: Also A smooth rock: (K:) so, too, said to mean in the same trad.: and some read الزلقة. (TA.) And Rugged ground. (K.) And Swept ground. (K.) And An even part of a soft mountain. (K.) Pl. (K) [or rather coll. gen. n.] in all these senses (TA) ↓ زَلَفٌ. (K.) b4: See also زِلْفٌ. b5: Also A mirror: (O, K: [in the CK, المَرْأَةُ is put in the place of المِرْآةُ:]) [like زَلَقَةٌ:] mentioned by IB on the authority of Aboo-'Amr Ez-Záhid, and by Sgh on that of Ks: and so, too, it is said to mean in the trad. mentioned above; the earth being likened thereto because of its evenness and cleanness: (TA:) or the face thereof; (K;) as is said by IAar. (TA.) زُلْفَى: see زُلْفَةٌ, in four places.

عُقْبَةٌ زَلُوفٌ [A stage of a journey] far-extend- ing: (O, K:) so says IF. (O.) [In the CK, عَقَبَةٌ is erroneously put for عُقْبَةٌ.]

زَلِيفٌ Advancing; or going forward, or before. (O, K. [It is said in the TA that المُتَقَدِّمُ as the explanation of الزَّلِيفُ is erroneously put in the copies of the K for التَّقَدُّمُ: but this assertion is app. itself erroneous.]) See زُلْفَةٌ, near the end of the paragraph.

أَزْلَفُ expl. by Golius as on the authority of the KL, and by Freytag after him, as meaning Parvo naso præditus ejusque recto ac parvo mucrone, is a mistake for أَذْلَفُ, thus written in my copy of the KL.]

أَزْلَفَةٌ and أَزْلَفَى expl. by Freytag as meaning Copia parva, cœtus hominum parvus, as on the authority of El-Meydánee, are app. mistakes for أَزْفَلَةٌ and أَزْفَلَى.]

مَزْلَفَةٌ Any town (قَرْيَةٌ) that is between the desert and the cultivated land: pl. مَزَالِفُ: (S, * K:) the latter is syn. with بَرَاغِيلُ, signifying the towns (بِلَاد) that are between the cultivated land and the desert; (S;) or, between the desert and the بَحْر [i.e. sea or great river]; such as El-Ambár and El-Kádiseeyeh. (M, TA.) b2: [The pl.] مَزَالِفُ also signifies Places of ascent; or steps, or stairs, by which one ascends: (K:) because they bring one near to the place to which he ascends. (TA.) A2: For the pl. مَزَالِفُ, see also زَلَفَةٌ.
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