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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1775. زكر13 1776. زكم16 1777. زكو11 1778. زكى3 1779. زل5 1780. زلج121781. زلخ10 1782. زلعب4 1783. زلغب5 1784. زلف24 1785. زلق18 1786. زلقم4 1787. زلم18 1788. زلى2 1789. زم4 1790. زماورد1 1791. زمت13 1792. زمخ8 1793. زمر18 1794. زمرد4 1795. زمرذ7 1796. زمع18 1797. زمك10 1798. زمل20 1799. زملق5 1800. زمن15 1801. زمهر11 1802. زن4 1803. زنأ13 1804. زنبر9 1805. زنبق6 1806. زنبل5 1807. زنج12 1808. زنجبيل4 1809. زنجر9 1810. زنجفر2 1811. زنخ9 1812. زند17 1813. زندق12 1814. زنر11 1815. زنق15 1816. زنم20 1817. زنو4 1818. زنى5 1819. زهد19 1820. زهر18 1821. زهق18 1822. زهم13 1823. زهو11 1824. زو1 1825. زوج18 1826. زود14 1827. زور21 1828. زوغ10 1829. زوق16 1830. زول16 1831. زون13 1832. زوى6 1833. زى1 1834. زيب9 1835. زيت16 1836. زيج6 1837. زيح11 1838. زيد18 1839. زير11 1840. زيزفون2 1841. زيغ16 1842. زيف16 1843. زيق9 1844. زيل16 1845. زين16 1846. س7 1847. سأب6 1848. سأد6 1849. سأر12 1850. سأسم2 1851. سأل14 1852. سأم15 1853. سأو5 1854. سا1 1855. ساذج1 1856. سب3 1857. سبأ16 1858. سبت21 1859. سبح21 1860. سبخ17 1861. سبد15 1862. سبر16 1863. سبرت10 1864. سبط19 1865. سبطر9 1866. سبع19 1867. سبغ20 1868. سبق22 1869. سبك16 1870. سبكر5 1871. سبل19 1872. سبى6 1873. ست4 1874. ستر17 Prev. 100




1 زَلَجَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. زَلْجٌ and زَلَجَانٌ and زَلِيجٌ; and ↓ انزلج; He went a gentle pace: and he walked, or ran, quickly: (L:) or زَلْجٌ signifies the being quick in going and in other things: and the going quickly: (TA:) and زَلَجَانٌ, the advancing, or preceding, (O, K, TA,) quickly, (O,) or in journeying: (TA: [see also زَلَخَانٌ:]) or, as some say, the going a gentle pace. (TA.) Yousay of a she-camel, زَلَجَتْ, aor. ـِ inf. n. زَلْجٌ, She went swiftly, [appearing] as though she did not move her legs by reason of her swiftness. (Lth, TA.) And زَلَجَتْ occurring in a verse of Dhu-r-Rummeh, [app. referring to draughts of water,] is expl. as meaning They descended quickly into the entrance of the gullet, by reason of vehemence of thirst. (TA.) You say also, زَلَجَتْ رِجْلُهُ His foot slipped; as also زَلَخَتْ. (Az, L and TA in art. زلخ.) And مَرَّ يَزْلِجُ, inf. n. زَلْجٌ and زَلِيجٌ, He, or it, passed, going lightly upon the ground. (S, K.) And, of an arrow, يَزْلِجُ عَلَى وَجْهِ الأَرْضِ [app. It goes along lightly upon the ground]: and يَمْضِى مَضَآءً زَلْجًا [app. meaning the same]. (TA.) And زَلَجَ السَّهْمُ, aor. ـِ inf. n. زُلُوجٌ and زَلِيجٌ, The arrow fell upon the ground, and did not go straight to the animal at which it was shot. (TA. [See also زَلَخَ.]) b2: زَلَجَ, aor. ـِ also signifies He escaped from difficulties, troubles, or distresses. (TA.) b3: And He drank vehemently of anything. (TA.) A2: See also 4.2 زلّج, inf. n. تَزْلِيجٌ, He uttered, and made current, his words, or speech, (K, TA,) and an ode, or an oration. (TA.) b2: And تَزْلِيجٌ signifies also The striving to retain life with a bare sufficiency of the means of subsistence; التَّزْلِيجُ being expl. by مُدَافَعَةُ العَيْشِ بِالبُلْغَةِ. (K.) 4 ازلج السَّهْمَ He made the arrow to fall upon the ground, and not to go straight to the animal at which it was shot. (TA. [See also 4 in art. زلخ.]) b2: ازلج البَابَ He closed, or made fast, the door with the مِزْلَاج [q. v.]; (S, * K;) as also ↓ زَلَجَهُ, (K,) inf. n. زَلْجٌ. (TA. [See, again, 4 in art. زلج.]) 5 تزلّج He, or it, slipped, or slid along or down; syn. تَزَلَّقَ: (S, TA:) his foot slipped. (KL. [See also 5 in art. زلخ.]) b2: One says of an arrow, يَتَزَلَّجُ عَنِ القَوْسِ or ↓ يَنْزَلِجُ [It slips from the bow]. (S and K, accord. to different copies.) A2: Also He persevered, or persisted, in drinking the beverage called نَبِيذ, (Lh, K, TA,) and wine; (Lh, TA;) like تسلّج. (TA.) 7 إِنْزَلَجَ see 1, first sentence: b2: and see also 5 and زَلُوجٌ, and مِزْلَاجٌ.

زَلْجٌ, as an epithet applied to a place, (S, TA,) Slippery; syn. [زَلْقٌ and] زَلَقٌ; [like زَلْخٌ;] as also ↓ زَلَجٌ (S, K) and ↓ زَلِيجٌ. (TA.) b2: See also زَالِجٌ.

A2: [Explained by Freytag as meaning “ Quod aliquis in jaculando multum tollit manum, ut majori vi mittat telum,” on the authority of Meyd, it is app. a mistranscription for زَلْخٌ, q. v.; or it may be a dial. var. of the latter.]

زَلَجٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

زُلُجٌ Smooth rocks; (K;) because the feet slip from them. (TA.) زَلَجَى, like جَمَزَى [in measure and meaning], and ↓ زَلِيجَةٌ, (K, TA,) and ↓ زَلُوجٌ, (TA,) applied to a she-camel, Quick, or swift, (K, TA,) in pace, or journeying: or, as some say, that quickly finishes in being milked. (TA.) زِلَاجٌ: see مِزْلَاجٌ.

زَلُوجٌ Quick, or swift; (K;) as also ↓ زَالِجٌ, applied to anything. (Ham p. 764.) See also زَلَجَى. [And see زَلُوخٌ.] b2: An arrow, such as is called قِدْح, that slips (↓ يَنْزَلِجُ) quickly from the hand, (K, TA,) or from the bow. (TA.) See also زَالِجٌ. b3: Applied to a well, i. q. زَلُوخٌ [q. v.]. (TA in art. زلخ.) b4: عُقْبَةٌ زَلُوجٌ A far-extending, long [stage of a journey]; (Lh, K;) as also زَلُوقٌ. (Lh, K in art. زلق, and TA. [In the CK, in this art. and in art. زلق, عَقَبَةٌ: in my MS. copy of the K, in this art., عقَبةٌ; but in art. زلق, عُقْبَةٌ, which is the right reading. See also زَلُوخٌ.]) So in the saying, سِرْنًا عقبةً زَلُوجًا [We journeyed a farextending, long stage]. (Lh, TA.) زَلِيجٌ: see زَلْجٌ: b2: and its fem., with ة: see زَلَجَى.

زَالِجٌ: see زَلُوجٌ. b2: Also An arrow that slips (يَتَزَلَّجُ or يَنْزَلِجُ [see 5]) from the bow; (S, K;) and so ↓ زَلُوجٌ [q. v.]: (K:) or an arrow that is shot by the archer, and falls short of the butt, striking violently upon a rock, and bounding up from it to the butt: but such is not reckoned مُقَرْطِس: (AHeyth, TA: [see also زَالِخٌ:]) and ↓ زَلْجٌ, as though an inf. n. used as an epithet, an arrow that falls upon the ground, and does not go straight to the animal at which it is shot. (TA.) b3: Also Escaping from difficulties, troubles, or distresses. (K.) b4: And Drinking vehemently (K) of anything. (TA.) مِزْلَجٌ, written in Freytag's Lex. مِزْلج, there expl. as meaning Quickly, or swiftly, passing; on the authority of the Deewán el-Hudhaleeyeen.]

مُزَلَّجٌ Small in quantity or number: (K:) a mean, paltry, small, or little, gift: (S, TA:) one hat is imperfect, or incomplete: and anything that is not done superlatively, excellently, consummately, thoroughly, or soundly: (TA:) anything low, base, vile, mean, paltry, inconsiderable, or contemptible. (K. [See also مُزَلَّخٌ.]) b2: Love (حُبّ [in the CK, erroneously, حَبّ]) that is not pure, or not genuine. (K.) b3: Having little taste. (Ham p. 404.) b4: Small in body. (Ham ibid.) b5: And hence, (Ham ibid.,) A man (K) deficient, or defective, (K, Ham,) in manliness, or manly virtue or moral goodness, (Ham,) and weak: (TA:) or defective in make: and deficient in prudence, or discretion, and precaution, or sound judgment, or firmness of mind or of judgment: (TA:) and niggardly. (K.) b6: One who is consociated with a people, not being of them: (S, K, TA:) or, as some say, i. q. دَعِىٌّ [i. e. one whose origin, or lineage, is suspected; or an adopted son; &c.]. (TA.) b7: Also Life striven to be retained (مُدَافَعٌ) with a bare sufficiency of the means of subsistence. (TA.) مِزْلَاجٌ (S, K) and ↓ زِلَاجٌ (K) [A kind of latch, or sliding bolt; like مِزْلَاقٌ and مِزْلَاخٌ;] a [thing like the] مِغْلَاق, except that it is opened with the hand, whereas the مغلاق is not to be opened save with the key: (S, K:) a wooden thing by means of which one closes or makes fast [a door]: (Ham p. 764; in explanation of the former word:) so called because of the quickness with which it slips (↓ لِسُرْعَةِ انْزِلَاجِهِ): but ISh describes the kind of مزلاج used by the people of El-Basrah as having a crooked iron key, which slips into a hole in the door, by means of which the door is locked: pl. مَزَالِيجُ. (TA.) A2: Also the former word, applied to a woman, Having little flesh in her posteriors, or posteriors and thighs; or having small buttocks, sticking together; syn. رَسْحَآءُ. (S, K.)
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