1 دَلَصَ, aor. ـُ (TK,) inf. n. دَلِيصٌ, (M, K, TK,) It (a thing, TK) shone, or glistened. (M, K, TK.) b2: دَلَصَتِ الدِّرْعُ, (S, K, TA,) with fet-h, (S,) or دَلُصَت, (so in a copy of the M,) aor. ـُ (S,) inf. n. دَلَاصَةٌ, (S, M, K,) with which دَلَصٌ is syn., (TA,) [the former a reg. inf. n. of دَلُصَت, and the latter of دَلصَت, which is the form given in the TK, and is perhaps a dial. var.,] The coat of mail was, or became, soft, (S, M, K,) and smooth, (M, K,) and shining, or glistening. (S, M, K.) b3: دَلِصَتِ النَّابُ, aor. ـَ The aged she-camel lost her teeth (K, TA) by reason of extreme age; (TA;) as also دَرِصَت and دَلِقَت. (TA.) 2 دلّص, (S, M, A,) inf. n. تَدْلِيصٌ, (S, K,) He made a thing to shine, or glisten: (M:) he, or it, made soft; (so in some copies of the K, and so accord. to the TA;) for التَّلْبِيسٌ in [some of] the copies of the K is a mistake for التَّلْيِينُ: (TA:) he made a coat of mail soft, and shining, or glistening: (S:) it (a torrent) made stone, or rock, smooth: (S, * M, A, K: *) and he gilded a thing, so that it shone, or glistened. (A, TA.*) [Hence,] دلّصت جَبِينَهَا She (a woman) plucked out the hair upon the sides of her forehead [and so rendered it smooth or glistening]. (M, TA.) [See also Q. Q. 1.] b2: Coivit circa vulvam; membro in vulvam non immisso: (A:) vel extra vulvam: (K:) the action which it denotes is termed تَزْلِيقٌ as well as تَدْلِيصٌ. (A.) 7 اندلص It fell, or dropped: (S, K:) or went forth quickly; as also انملص: (Lth:) or went forth, and fell, or dropped: (M:) or went forth quickly, or slipped out by reason of its smoothness, (انملص) and fell, or dropped: (A:) مِنْ يَدِى[from my hand]; (S, A, K;) or مِنَ الشَّىْءِ (Lth) or عَنِ الشى [from the thing]: (M:) IF says that the د is app. a substitute for م. (TA.) Q. Q. 1 دَلْمَصَ مَتَاعَهُ, and دَمْلَصَهُ, He adorned, or decorated, and made to shine, or glisten, his household-goods, or utensils and furniture. (M.) [But some hold the م to be a radical letter. See also 2, above.] Q. Q. 2 تَدَلْمَصَ It (the head) became bald in the fore part. (K. in art. دلمص.) دَلِصٌ: see دِلَاصٌ, in three places.
دِلَاصٌ Shining, or glistening; as also ↓ دَلِيصٌ, (A,) and ↓ دُلَامِصٌ, (S and M in this art., and K in art. دلمص,) with an augmentative م, (S,) of the measure فُعَامِلٌ accord. to Sb, but فُعَالِلٌ accord. to others, (M,) [see an ex. in a verse cited voce خَمِيصَةٌ,] and ↓ دُلَمِصٌ, (S, M, K,) which is a contraction of that next preceding, (S, M,) and in like manner ↓ دُمَالِصٌ, and ↓ دُمَلِصٌ, (S in this art, and K in art. دملص,) which last two are formed by transposition from the two next preceding: (TA in art. دملص:) or, as also ↓ دَلِيصٌ (S, M, K, TA) and ↓ دَلِصٌ and ↓ دَلَّاصٌ, (M, TA,) shining, or glistening, and smooth; (M;) or soft, and shining, or glistening, (S, K, TA,) and smooth. (TA.) You say, دِرْعٌ دِلَاصٌ (S, M, A, K) and ↓ دُلَامِصٌ (A) A coat of mail smooth, (M, A, K,) soft, (S, M, A, K,) and shining, or glistening: (S, M, A:) pl. دِلَاصٌ, (S, M, A, K,) like the sing., (S,) and دُلُصٌ. (Lth, M, A.) And ↓ ذَهَبٌ دُلَامِصٌ Glittering gold. (K.) and ↓ اِمْرَأَةٌ دُلَمِصَةٌ A shining, or glistening woman. (TA.) And ↓ رَأْسٌ دُلَمِصٌ A head bald in the fore part. (K.) And ↓ دَلِصٌ, (El-Moheet, and so in some copies of the K,) or ↓ دَلِيصٌ, (as in other copies of the K,) and ↓ أَدْلَصٌ, applied to a man, signify i. q. أَزْلَقُ; (K;) i. e., Hairless and glistening in body: (TK:) fem. of the last, دَلْصَآءُ. (K.) ↓ دَلَّاصٌ, also, applied to a man, signifies Very smooth: (TA:) and applied to a she-camel, and to land (أَرْض), smooth: (K:) but it is not applied to a he-camel. (Ibn-'Abbád.) And ↓ دَلِصٌ and دَلِصَةٌ, applied to land, signify Even, or level: pl. دِلَاصٌ. (K.) دَلِيصٌ: see دِلَاصٌ, in three places. b2: Also The water, or lustre, (مَآء,) of gold: (K:) or, as some say, glistening, or glittering, gold. (TA.) دَلَّاصٌ: see دِلَاصٌ, in two places.
دِلَّوْصٌ That wabbles, or moves to and fro; (S;) or moves about; (K;) as, for instance, a sinew does when chewed by an old woman. (S.) دُلَمِصٌ: see دِلَاصٌ, in several places.
دُلَامِصٌ: see دِلَاصٌ, in several places.
دُمَلِصٌ: see دِلَاصٌ, in several places.
دُمَالِصٌ: see دِلَاصٌ, in several places.
أَدْلَصُ; fem. دَلْصَآءُ: see دِلَاصٌ, near the end of the paragraph. b2: Applied to an ass, To which new hair has grown; as also ↓ أَدْلَصِىٌّ. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) b3: And the fem., applied to an aged she-camel, Whose teeth have fallen out (K TA) by reason of extreme age; (TA;) as also دَرْصَآءُ and دَلْقَآءُ. (TA.) أَدْلَصِىٌّ: see the next preceding paragraph.
صَخْرَةٌ مُدُلَّصَةٌ A rock made smooth (A, TA) by torrents. (A.)