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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1295. دغل16 1296. دغم15 1297. دف3 1298. دفأ12 1299. دفتر9 1300. دفر141301. دفع17 1302. دفق17 1303. دفل11 1304. دفن14 1305. دفو5 1306. دق6 1307. دقر12 1308. دقع14 1309. دقل16 1310. دك4 1311. دكن15 1312. دل4 1313. دلب13 1314. دلج16 1315. دلس14 1316. دلص9 1317. دلع12 1318. دلف15 1319. دلق17 1320. دلقم4 1321. دلك20 1322. دلم15 1323. دلمص4 1324. دله12 1325. دلهم8 1326. دلو13 1327. دلى3 1328. دم7 1329. دمث16 1330. دمج15 1331. دمر18 1332. دمع14 1333. دمغ19 1334. دمل17 1335. دملج13 1336. دملص3 1337. دملق7 1338. دملك8 1339. دمن15 1340. دن4 1341. دنأ9 1342. دنر13 1343. دنس14 1344. دنف14 1345. دنق16 1346. دنو10 1347. ده6 1348. دهدر4 1349. دهدى2 1350. دهر19 1351. دهش15 1352. دهقن14 1353. دهليز2 1354. دهم18 1355. دهن18 1356. دهو6 1357. دو2 1358. دوأ12 1359. دوج9 1360. دوح15 1361. دوخ13 1362. دود15 1363. دور19 1364. دوس18 1365. دوف14 1366. دوك12 1367. دول16 1368. دولاب2 1369. دوم20 1370. دون19 1371. دوى6 1372. ديبوذ1 1373. ديث13 1374. ديخ5 1375. ديد3 1376. دير13 1377. ديص10 1378. ديف8 1379. ديك12 1380. ديم14 1381. دين19 1382. ذ5 1383. ذأب14 1384. ذأر7 1385. ذأف7 1386. ذأل10 1387. ذأم13 1388. ذأن6 1389. ذا8 1390. ذات5 1391. ذاك1 1392. ذب4 1393. ذبح20 1394. ذبر13 Prev. 100




1 دَفِرَ, aor. ـَ (A, Mgh, Msb, K,) inf. n. دَفَرٌ (A, Mgh, Msb) and دَفْرٌ, (A,) or the latter is a simple subst.; (Mgh, Msb;) and ↓ ادفر; (Msb;) It, (a thing, A, Msb,) and he, (a man, TA,) stank: (A, Mgh, Msb, K:) [see also دَفْرٌ, below:] but some say, of دَفِرٌ, that it is a possessive epithet, having no verb pertaining to it: and accord. to IAar, ↓ ادفر signifies he (a man) smell of his art. (TA.) b2: دَفِرَ, aor. ـَ (TK,) inf. n. دَفَرٌ, (K,) or دَفْرٌ, (M,) It (food, or wheat, M, K, and flesh-meat, M, TA) became maggotty. (M, K, TK.) b3: Also He (a man, TK) was, or became, base, abject, vile, or despicable. (IAar, * K, * TK.) 4 أَدْفَرَ see 1, in two places.

دَفْرٌ (T, S, M, A, Msb, K) and ↓ دَفَرٌ, (IAar, M, A, K,) the former a simple subst., and the latter an inf. n., (Msb,) or both inf. ns., (A,) and ↓ دَفْرَةٌ, (Msb,) Stink; stench: (IAar, T, S, M, A, Msb, K:) never used to signify a sweet smell: (M:) accord. to Aboo- ” Alee El-Kálee, ↓ دَفَرٌ has the above-mentioned signification; but دَفْرٌ signifies pungency of odour, whether stinking or sweet: other authorities, however, assert, accord. to what is transmitted from them, that the word signifying intense pungency of odour, whether sweet or bad, is ذَفَرٌ, with ذ, and with two fet-hahs, whence مِسْكٌ أَذْفَرُ: I Aar says that ↓ ذَفَرٌ signifies stink, or stench; and ذَفْرٌ, baseness, or vileness; but this is not known on any other authority. (M, L, TA.) b2: Hence the saying of 'Omar, وَدَفْرَاهْ, meaning [Alas, what stench! i. e., (assumed tropical:) Alas, what an abominable thing! i. e.] وَانَتْنَاهْ: (A 'Obeyd, T, S, M:) or it means Alas, what baseness, or vileness! (IAar, T, M.) b3: Hence also the phrase, دَفْرًا لَهُ, meaning [May God make stench to cleave to him, or it! i. e., (assumed tropical:) Fy, or shame, upon him, or it! i. e.] نَتْنًا لَهُ: (S, Mgh:) and لِمَا يَجِىْءُ بِهِ فُلَانٌ↓دَفْرًا دَفِرًا, (T, * S, M,) meaning [May foul stench cleave to that which such a one doth! i. e., (assumed tropical:) Foul shame upon it! i. e.] نَتْنًا; (S, M;) but in an intensive sense; (M;) said in declaring a man's case, or affair, to be bad, or abominable. (T, S.) b4: Hence, too, الدَّفْرُ, (TA,) and أُمُّ دَفْرٍ, (S, K,) (assumed tropical:) Calamity, or misfortune. (S, K, TA.) b5: And أُمُّ دَفْرٍ, (T, S, A, K,) written by Aboo-'Alee El-Kálee ↓ أُمُّ دَفَرٍ, but this is wrong, (R,) and ↓ أُمُّ دَفْرَةَ, (IAar,) and ↓ دَفَارِ, and أُمُّ دَفَارِ, (M, K,) (assumed tropical:) The present world; (T, S, M, A, K;) because of its calamities, or misfortunes. (TA.) دَفَرٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in four places.

دَفِرٌ (M, A, Msb, K) and ↓ أَدْفَرُ (M, A, K) Stinking: (M, A, Msb, K:) fem. [of the former]

دَفِرَةٌ (S, M, A, K) and [of the latter] ↓ دَفْرَآءُ. (M, A, K.) b2: لَحْمٌ دَفِرٌ Stinking and maggotty flesh-meat. (A.) b3: ↓ كَتِيبَةٌ دَفْرَآءُ An army, or a collected portion thereof, or a troop of horse, having rusty armour or arms: (K:) or smelling of the rust of their armour or arms. (A.) دَفْرَةٌ: see دَفْرٌ, in two places.

دَفَارِ (indecl., with kesr for its termination, TA) The female slave. (T, M, K.) Mostly used in vocative expressions. (TA.) One says to a female slave, (T, S, A, Msb,) reviling her, (S, Msb,) دَفَارِ, يَا meaning O thou stinking one! (T, S, A, Mgh, Msb:) alluding to her intrinsic foulness. (Msb.) b2: See also دَفْرٌ, last sentence.

دَفْرًا دَافِرًا: see دَفْرٌ.

أَدْفَرُ, and its fem. دَفْرَآءُ: see دَفِرٌ, in three places.
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