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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
874. حزو8 875. حس9 876. حسب21 877. حسد16 878. حسر20 879. حسك13880. حسل13 881. حسم19 882. حسن21 883. حسو10 884. حسى3 885. حش7 886. حشب7 887. حشد16 888. حشر18 889. حشرج9 890. حشف19 891. حشك11 892. حشم19 893. حشو11 894. حشى3 895. حص7 896. حصب22 897. حصد18 898. حصر21 899. حصرم11 900. حصف14 901. حصل16 902. حصن21 903. حصو4 904. حض8 905. حضأ6 906. حضر20 907. حضن17 908. حضو4 909. حط6 910. حطأ9 911. حطب16 912. حطم19 913. حظ6 914. حظر21 915. حظل11 916. حظو8 917. حف7 918. حفث9 919. حفد18 920. حفر18 921. حفز12 922. حفش13 923. حفظ16 924. حفل16 925. حفن16 926. حفو10 927. حق10 928. حقب17 929. حقد16 930. حقر15 931. حقط8 932. حقف19 933. حقل16 934. حقن16 935. حقو12 936. حك7 937. حكأ9 938. حكر17 939. حكل11 940. حكم21 941. حكو4 942. حكى7 943. حل9 944. حلأ11 945. حلب19 946. حلت8 947. حلج15 948. حلز7 949. حلس16 950. حلف18 951. حلق21 952. حلقم13 953. حلقن5 954. حلك14 955. حلم19 956. حلو12 957. حلى6 958. حم6 959. حمأ12 960. حمد17 961. حمدل5 962. حمر24 963. حمز14 964. حمس18 965. حمش14 966. حمص14 967. حمض16 968. حمق17 969. حمل22 970. حملق9 971. حمن10 972. حمو8 973. حمى7 Prev. 100




1 حَسِكَ عَلَىَّ, (S, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. حَسَكٌ, (S,) (tropical:) He bore rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite, against me; and enmity: (S:) or he was angry with me. (K, TA.) 2 حسّك, inf. n. تَحْسِيكٌ, (assumed tropical:) He was, or became, niggardly, tenacious, or avaricious. (Sh, IAth.) 4 أَحْسَكَتِ النَّفَلَةُ The plant of the species termed نَفَل [q. v.] put forth a حَسَكَة, i. e. a prickle. (TA.) حَسَكٌ [is applied, app. in the classical language, as it is in the present day, to Various species of thistle, and other prickly plants: also to the heads of thistles and the like: and particularly to the caltrop, or tribulus: and hence the explanations here following:] the حَسَك [or prickly heads] of the [plant called] سَعْدَان: (S:) or a certain herb, (Aboo-Ziyád, Mgh, TA,) inclining to yellowness, (Aboo-Ziyád, TA,) having [a head of] prickles of rounded form: (Aboo-Ziyád, Mgh, TA:) seldom, or never, does any one walk upon it, when it has dried up, without putting upon his feet boots or sandals: and the ants transport its produce [or heads] to their nests: (Aboo-Ziyád, TA:) a certain plant, the produce [or head] whereof (which is rough [or prickly], TA) clings to the wool of sheep, (K,) and to the fur of camels, in their places of pasturing: (TA:) its leaves are like those of purslane (الرِّجْلَة), or narrower, and at its leaves are compact and hard prickles, having three forks: [hence it seems to be a species of three-horned caltrop: or for “ three,” we should perhaps read four: (see another application of the word in what follows:)] the drinking [of an infusion] thereof has the effect of crumbling the stone of the kidneys and bladder; and the drinking of the expressed juice of its leaves is good for the venereal faculty, and for difficulty in the discharge of urine, and for the bite of vipers; and the sprinkling it in the dwelling kills fleas: (K:) also, accord. to Aboo-Nasr, the produce of the [plant called] نَفَل: (TA:) and sharp. hard prickles or thorns: (TA in art. مسك:) n. un. with ة: (S, Mgh:) which some hold to apply to any fruit, or produce, of a plant, that is of the kind termed عُقْدَةٌ [i. e. forming a compact and roundish head]; and hence, to the pod of the cotton-plant: and it also signifies a prickle, or thorn. (TA.) [Hence,] ↓ إِنَّهُ لَحَسَكَةٌ (tropical:) Verily he is rough. (A, TA.) and إِنَّهُمْ لَحَسَكٌ أَمْرَاسٌ (assumed tropical:) Verily they are strong: and of one person you say مَرِسٌ ↓ حَسَكَةٌ. (TA.) and مَسَكَةٌ ↓ هُوَ حَسَكَةٌ (tropical:) He is courageous: (K and TA in art. مسك:) and of a number of persons you say حَسَكٌ مَسَكٌ. (TA in that art., q. v.) [See also حَسِكٌ.] b2: See also حَسِيكَةٌ b3: Also [(assumed tropical:) Caltrops, as meaning] a kind of instrument used in war, (S, K,) made like the حَسَك mentioned in the first sentence of this paragraph, (S,) or like the prickles of the حَسَك, (K,) of iron, (S, K,) or of canes, (K,) and sometimes of wood, (TA,) and cast, (K,) or set up, (TA,) around the army, (K, TA,) in the ways of the horses. (TA.) b4: And (tropical:) Rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite; and enmity; (K, TA;) as also ↓ حَسَكَةٌ, (K,) and ↓ حَسِيكَةٌ and ↓ حُسَاكَةٌ. (S, K. [The last in the CK written حَساكَة; but expressly said in the TA to be with damm, and so written in copies of the S and K.]) You say, ↓ فِى صَدْرِهِ عَلَىَّ حَسِيكَةٌ and ↓ حُسَاكَةٌ [In his bosom is rancour, &c., against me]. (S.) حَسِكٌ (assumed tropical:) Affected with rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite; and enmity: (TA:) or angry. (K.) You say, إِنَّهُ لَحَسِكُ الصَّدْرِ عَلَى فُلَانٍ (assumed tropical:) Verily he is affected with rancour, &c., of the bosom against such a one. (TA.) b2: حَسِكٌ مَرِسٌ (assumed tropical:) Courageous [and strong]; not to be attempted [in fight]. (A, TA.) [See also حَسَكٌ.]

حَسَكَةٌ: see حَسَكٌ, (of which it is properly the n. un.,) in four places.

حِسْكِكٌ: see حَسِيكَةٌ.

حُسَاكَةٌ: see حَسَكٌ, last two significations.

حُسِيكَةٌ: see حَسَكٌ, last two significations. b2: Also, (S, IF, K,) and ↓ حِسْكِكٌ, (K,) so accord. to Az, on the authority of Lth, but in the 'Eyn, and also in the Moheet, as Sgh says, ↓ حَسَكٌ, which (SM says) is probably a mistranscription, (TA,) The hedge-hog: ('Eyn, S, K:) or a large hedge-hog. (TA.)
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