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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
543. ثط3 544. ثعب17 545. ثعد9 546. ثعل10 547. ثعلب13 548. ثغر15549. ثغم13 550. ثغو9 551. ثفاً1 552. ثفر14 553. ثفرق8 554. ثفل19 555. ثفن12 556. ثفو4 557. ثفى5 558. ثقب19 559. ثقف19 560. ثقل17 561. ثكل15 562. ثل4 563. ثلب14 564. ثلث18 565. ثلج15 566. ثلط13 567. ثلم15 568. ثم3 569. ثمت3 570. ثمد16 571. ثمر17 572. ثمل17 573. ثمن18 574. ثن2 575. ثنتان1 576. ثنى11 577. ثو1 578. ثوأ3 579. ثوب20 580. ثوخ7 581. ثور18 582. ثول17 583. ثوم11 584. ثوى8 585. ثى1 586. ثيب7 587. ثيتل3 588. ثيخ2 589. ثيل8 590. ج19 591. جأ1 592. جأب7 593. جأر13 594. جأش9 595. جأل7 596. جأن4 597. جاثليق1 598. جام3 599. جاموس2 600. جاه2 601. جاورس2 602. جب7 603. جبأ11 604. جبت12 605. جبذ15 606. جبر21 607. جبرئيل1 608. جبس13 609. جبل21 610. جبن15 611. جبه20 612. جث6 613. جثل11 614. جثم20 615. جح3 616. جحر14 617. جحش16 618. جحظ12 619. جحف17 620. جحفل10 621. جد7 622. جدب14 623. جدث15 624. جدح13 625. جدر20 626. جدع15 627. جدف18 628. جدل20 629. جدو6 630. جدى3 631. جذ5 632. جذب16 633. جذر18 634. جذع18 635. جذف10 636. جذل15 637. جذم18 638. جذمر4 639. جذو11 640. جر7 641. جرأ11 642. جرب17 Prev. 100




1 ثَغَرَهُ, (T, A, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. ثَغْرٌ, (T,) He broke it; (T, A;) namely, a part of a wall; (A;) he demolished it: this is [said to be] the primary signification: he demolished it, or pulled it down; namely, a wall: (T:) and he broke it (namely, anything, [as a wall and a vessel, &c.,] A) so as to make a gap in it, or a hollow in its edge. (A, K.) b2: Also, (IAar, S, Msb, K,) aor. as above, (Msb, K,) He broke his ثَغْر [or front teeth], (S, Msb, K,) or his teeth. (IAar, and TA as from the K.) And ثُغِرَ, in the pass. form, inf. n. ثُغُورٌ, He (a boy) had his ثَغْر [or front teeth] broken. (Msb.) b3: ثَغَرْتُ سِنَّهُ I pulled out his tooth. (El-Hujeymee, TA.) and ثُغِرَ He (a man) had a tooth, or teeth, pulled out. (As, TA.) b4: Also ثُغِرَ, (Az, S, Mgh, Msb, K,) inf. n. ثَغْرٌ, (Az, Msb,) He (a boy) shed his central milk-teeth, (Az, S, Mgh, K,) or his ثَغْر [or front teeth]: (Az, Msb:) or ↓ أَثْغَرَ has this latter meaning, (A, K,) or ↓ اِتَّغَرَ; (As, TA;) and ثَغِرَ, (K,) or ↓ اِتَّغَرَ, (Sh, TA,) or ↓ اِتَّغَرَ, (Msb,) signifies he shed his teeth: (Sh, Msb, K:) ثُغِرَ is said to have this last signification in the Kifáyet el-Mutahaffidh; and ↓ اثّغر and ↓ اتّغر are there said to have the contr. signification, explained below [see 8]. (Msb.) b5: ثُغِرَ also signifies He had his mouth bruised; and so ↓ أُثْغِرَ. (K.) A2: ثَغَرَ الثُّلْمَةَ, aor. ـَ He stopped up, or obstructed, the gap, or breach: thus the verb bears two contr. significations. (K.) And ثَغَرْنَاهُمْ We stopped up, or obstructed, against them the gaps, or passes of the mountain; (S, TA;) we stopped up, or obstructed, against them the place of exit, so that they knew not what way to take. (A.) 4 أَثْغَرَ see 1, in two places: b2: and 8 also, in two places.8 اِتَّغَرَ (Az, Sh, S, Mgh, Msb, K) and اِثَّغَرَ (Az, Mgh, Msb) and اِدَّغَرَ, (K,) originally اِثْتَغَرَ, (Az, S, K,) He (a boy) bred his central milkteeth, (S,) or his ثَغْر [or front teeth]; (Sh, * Msb, K;) as also ↓ أَثْغَرَ: (K:) or he bred his teeth after the former ones had fallen out: (Az, Mgh:) and ↓ أَثْغَرَ, inf. n. إِثْغَارٌ, of the measure of أَكْرَمَ, inf. n. إِكْرَامٌ, he grew his ثَغْر [or front teeth] after the former ones had fallen out: by some, اثّغر and اتّغر are used specially in relation to a beast: the Benoo-Kiláb thus used the former; not in relation to a boy. (Msb.) b2: See also 1, in five places.

ثَغْرٌ The front teeth; (S, A, K;) syn. مَبْسِمٌ; (Msb;) described by a poet as eight in number, four upper and four lower: (TA:) afterwards applied to the central incisors: (Msb:) or all the teeth (TA) while they remain in their places of growth, (K, TA,) before they fall out: (TA:) or the teeth, (K, TA,) all of them, whether in their places of growth or not: (TA:) or the mouth: (K:) pl. ثُغُورٌ. (TA.) [Hence, ضَحِكَ ثَغْرُهُ He laughed so as to show his front teeth, or his teeth.]

b2: Any gap, opening, interstice, or open intervening space, (M, K,) in a mountain, or in the bottom of a valley, or in a road along which people pass; (TA;) as also ↓ ثُغْرَةٌ: (A, * TA:) or the latter signifies a gap, or breach, in a wall &c.; the hollow of the broken edge of a vessel &c.; and its pl. is ثُغَرٌ. (S.) You say, هٰذِهِ مَدِينَةٌ

↓ فِيهِا ثُغَرٌ This is a city in which are gaps, or breaches. (S.) b3: (assumed tropical:) A frontier-way of access to a country, [in the CK, قُرُوح is erroneously put for فُرُوج, the word occurring in its place in MSS. of the K and in the S,] such as is a place of fear; (S, K;) as also ↓ ثُغْرُورٌ: (K:) the part of a country from which the invasion of the enemy is feared; so that it is like a gap in a wall, from which one fears the invasion of the robber: (Msb:) a place from, or through, which one fears the enemy's coming, in a mountain or fortress: (T, TA:) the frontier of a hostile country: (K:) a place that is a boundary between the countries of the Muslims and the unbelievers: (IAth, TA:) pl. ثُغُورٌ. (Msb.) You say, فُلَانٌ يَسُدُّ الثَّغْرَ (tropical:) [Such a one stops up, or obstructs, the frontieraccess of the country by his bravery]. (A.) b4: See also ثُغْرَةٌ, in two places. b5: أَمْسُوا ثُغُورًا (tropical:) They became dispersed, or scattered, (JK, A, K,) and lost, or in a state of perdition: (A, K:) sing. ثَغْرٌ. (JK, K.) ثُغْرَةٌ; pl. ثُغَرٌ: see ثَغْرٌ, in two places. b2: Also The pit of the uppermost part of the breast, or chest, between the two collar-bones; (S, M, K;) the pit in the middle of the نَحْر: pl. as above: (Msb:) in a camel, the pit which is the stabbingplace: and in a horse, [the part] above the جُؤْجُؤ, (K,) which is the prominent portion of the نَحْر, between the upper parts of the فَهْدَتَان [or two portions of flesh on the right and left of the breast]. (TA.) b3: A tract, or quarter, of the earth, or of land; (JK, K;) as also ↓ ثَغْرٌ. (TA.) You say, مَا بِتِلْكَ الثُّغْرَةِ مِثْلُهُ There is not, in that tract, or quarter, of the earth, his, or its, like. (TA.) b4: A plain, level, or even, road; (K;) as also ↓ ثَغْرٌ: (TA:) or any road that people tread, or pass along, with ease; because they furrow its surface: (T, TA:) pl. as above. (A.) [Hence,] ثُغَرُ المَسْجِدِ The ways leading to the mosque: or ثُغْرَةُ المَسْجِدِ means the upper part of the mosque [app. next to the kibleh]. (TA.) And هُوَيَخْتَرِقُ ثُغَرَ المَجْدِ (tropical:) [He travels] the ways of glory. (A.) ثُغْرُورٌ: see ثَغْرٌ.

ثَاغِرَةٌ The root, or lower part, of a tooth: pl. ثَوَاغِرُ. (JK.) مَثْغَرٌ The place through which a tooth passes, in the head [or gum]. (TA.) مُثْغَرٌ: see what follows.

مَثْغُورٌ Having his ثَغْر [or front teeth], (A,) or his teeth, (IAar, TA,) broken. (IAar, A, TA.) b2: Having his mouth bruised; as also ↓ مُثْغَرٌ. (TA.) b3: A boy (Az, S) shedding his central milk-teeth, (Az, S, K,) or his ثَغْر [or front teeth]. (Az, A, Msb.)
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