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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
525. ثبت14 526. ثبج16 527. ثبر18 528. ثبط18 529. ثبن9 530. ثبو4531. ثتل8 532. ثج5 533. ثجر15 534. ثخن17 535. ثدأ7 536. ثدو4 537. ثدى3 538. ثرب19 539. ثرد18 540. ثرم14 541. ثرو9 542. ثرى8 543. ثط3 544. ثعب17 545. ثعد9 546. ثعل10 547. ثعلب13 548. ثغر15 549. ثغم13 550. ثغو9 551. ثفاً1 552. ثفر14 553. ثفرق8 554. ثفل19 555. ثفن12 556. ثفو4 557. ثفى5 558. ثقب19 559. ثقف19 560. ثقل17 561. ثكل15 562. ثل4 563. ثلب14 564. ثلث18 565. ثلج15 566. ثلط13 567. ثلم15 568. ثم3 569. ثمت3 570. ثمد16 571. ثمر17 572. ثمل17 573. ثمن18 574. ثن2 575. ثنتان1 576. ثنى11 577. ثو1 578. ثوأ3 579. ثوب20 580. ثوخ7 581. ثور18 582. ثول17 583. ثوم11 584. ثوى8 585. ثى1 586. ثيب7 587. ثيتل3 588. ثيخ2 589. ثيل8 590. ج19 591. جأ1 592. جأب7 593. جأر13 594. جأش9 595. جأل7 596. جأن4 597. جاثليق1 598. جام3 599. جاموس2 600. جاه2 601. جاورس2 602. جب7 603. جبأ11 604. جبت12 605. جبذ15 606. جبر21 607. جبرئيل1 608. جبس13 609. جبل21 610. جبن15 611. جبه20 612. جث6 613. جثل11 614. جثم20 615. جح3 616. جحر14 617. جحش16 618. جحظ12 619. جحف17 620. جحفل10 621. جد7 622. جدب14 623. جدث15 624. جدح13 Prev. 100


ثبو or ثبى 
1 ثَبَوْتُ لَهُ خَيْرًا بَعْدَ خَيْرٍ, or شَرًّا, I sent him good after good, or evil [after evil]. (TA.) [See also 2.]

2 تَثْبِيَةٌ, [inf. n. of ثبّى, mentioned in the T and K, in all its senses, in art. ثبى, and so in the M, except in the first of the following senses, which is there mentioned in art. ثبى and also in art. ثبو,] The act of collecting (K, TA) in successive assemblages (↓ ثُبَةً ثُبَةً). (TA.) You say, ثبّاهُ He collected it, namely, a thing, (M,) and water: (M * and TA in art. ثبو:) and he added to it, and collected it. (M, TA.)

b2: The collecting what is good: and also, what is bad, or evil: thus bearing two contr. significations. (K.)

b3: [And hence,] The praising a man in his life-time: (AA, S, K:) or praising him time after time in his life-time: (TA:) or praising him much; as though relating to him collections (↓ ثُبَات) of praise: (Z, TA;) or the mentioning of the sundry good qualities or actions: (Er-Rághib, TA:) and the magnifying [a person]; or honouring [him]. (T, * K.) You say, ثبّى الرَّجُلَ, (M,) or ثبّى عَلَى

الرَّجُلِ, (T,) He praised the man in his life-time: (T, M:) because the doing so implies the collecting his good qualities or actions. (T, * M.)

b4: [Hence also the contr. signification,] The blaming, or censuring, much; collecting blame, or censure, from this and that source. (TA. [The act.

part. n. is rendered in the M agreeably with this explanation.])

b5: The act of completing [and augmenting a thing]. (K.) You say, ثَبِّ مَعْرُوفَكَ

Complete and augment [thy beneficence, or bounty, or favour]. (T.) And ثبّى اللّٰهُ لَكَ النِّعَمَ [May God complete and augment to thee benefits, or blessings: or] may God send to thee benefits, or blessings. (TA.) [See also 1.]

b6: The putting a thing into a good, right, or sound, state, and augmenting it. (T, K. *)

b7: ثبّى المَالَ He kept, preserved, guarded, or took care of, the property. (Kr, M.)

A2: ثَبَّيْتُ عَلَى الشَّىْءِ, (As, S,) inf. n. تَثْبِيَةٌ, (As, T, S, M, K,) I kept constantly, or perseveringly, to the thing. (As, T, S, M, K.)

b2: The inf. n. signifies also The keeping, (T,) or pursuing, (K,) the way, course, mode of acting, or the like, of one's father: (T, K:) or the doing, or acting, like one's father. (M.)

b3: Also The complaining of one's state, or case, and of one's want; and asking aid, or assistance, and vengeance, or avengement. (K.) [One of the meanings assigned to the verb by Golius, as on the authority of the K, and by Freytag after him, is “ Disposuit paravitque se: ” app. from the former's having found الاِسْتِعْدَادُ

written in a copy of the K for الاِسْتِعْدَآءُ.]

A3: أَنَا

أَعْرِفُهُ تَثْبِيَةً I know him, or it, with a seeming, not a certain, knowledge. (T, TA.)

ثُبَةٌ A company (T, S, M, K) of men; (T, M;) as also ↓ أُثْبِيَّةٌ; (M, K; [in the CK erroneously written اَثْبِيَة;]) and أُثْئِيَّةٌ: (TA:) a company in a state of separation or dispersion; or a distinct body, or company, of men: (T:) and a troop of horsemen; such as is termed عُصْبَة: (M, K: [in the CK, العَصَبَةُ is erroneously put for العُصْبَةُ:]) the pl. is ثُبَاتٌ and ثُبُونَ (T, S, M, K) and ثِبُونَ (S, M) and (the pl. of أُثْبِيَّةٌ, TA) أَثَابِىُّ and أَثَابِيَةٌ, in which last the ة is a substitute for the last ى [of أَثَابِىُّ]: (M, TA:) or [accord. to some,] أَثَابِىُّ, which signifies companies, has no sing.; but, as some say, its sing. is ↓ أَثْبِيَّةٌ, of the measure أُفْعُولَةٌ, [originally أُثْبُويَةٌ,] which means a numerous company: (Ham p. 796:) [it is also said that] ثُبًى is a pl. of ثُبَةٌ as meaning a company; (L in art. ثوب, and Ham p. 271;) and hence the phrase الثُّبَى العَالِى, for الثُّبَى العَالِيَةُ, [the high, or exalted, companies,] the former word being made masc. because it is like زُلَمٌ [which is sing. and masc.]; but some say that this word here means the assemblies of the nobles: (Ham ubi suprá:) IAar says, الثُّبَى العَالِى مِنْ مَجَالِسِ الأَشْرَافِ; but [ISd observes,] this is extraordinary, and I have not heard it except in the poetry of El-Find EzZimmánee. (M.) Accord. to some, it is from ثَابَ, being originally ثُوبَةٌ; and its dim. is ثُوَيْبَةٌ: (T:) or it is originally ثُبَىٌ: (S:) accord. to Er-Rághib, the letter elided from ثُبَةٌ as meaning “ a company,” but not as relating to a wateringtrough or tank, is ى; and ISd holds it to be ى: and [if so,] its dim. is ↓ ثُبَيَّةٌ: (TA:) [but ISd adds,] IJ says that the elided letter is و, because it is this in most cases, as in أَبٌ and أَخٌ and سَنَةٌ and عِضَةٌ &c. (M in arts. ثبو and ثبى.) [See also art. ثوب. It seems to signify also An assemblage, or a collection, of things of any kind:] see 2, in two places.

b2: Also The middle of a wateringtrough or tank, (T, S, M, K,) to which the water returns [when it has been emptied], (S,) or to which what remains of the water returns: (T:) and the place where the water collects in a valley or low ground: (Aboo-Kheyreh, T:) but this is from ثَابَ; (T, S; *) the ة is a substitute for the و, the medial radical, which is suppressed; for it is originally ثُوَبٌ: (S:) or it is originally ثُوبَةٌ: (T:) or it may be from ثَبَّيْتُ “ I collected: ”

but Aboo-Is-hák makes it to be from ثَابَ المَآءُ, aor. ـُ and this he infers to be the case from their saying that the dim. is ثُوَيْبَةٌ. (M.) [See also art. ثوب.]

ثَبِىٌّ One who praises men much [while they are living: see 2]. (TA.)

ثُبَيَّةٌ: see ثُبَةٌ, of which it is said to be the dim.

أُثْبِيَّةٌ: see ثُبَةٌ, in two places.

مُثَبًّى Property collected together. (TA.)
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