1 بَزِخَ, aor. ـَ (L,) inf. n. بَزَخٌ, (S, L, K,) He had a prominent breast and hollow back: (S, L, K:) or he had the lower part of his belly prominent, and the part between the hips, or haunches, [behind,] hollow, or depressed: or he had the middle of his back hollow, or depressed, and the lower part of his belly prominent: or he had his back retiring from his belly: or he had his belly depressed, and the ثنَّة [here app. meaning the pubes], and the part next thereto, prominent: (L:) بَزَخٌ is similar to قَعَسٌ: [see قَعِسَ:] (A:) and ↓ انبزخ signifies the same as بَزِخَ. (IAar, TA.) The epithet applied to a man is ↓ أَبْزَخُ; and to a woman, بَزْخَآءُ. (S, A, L, K.) b2: Also, inf. n. as above, He (a horse) [was saddle-backed; i. e.,] had a hollow back, and prominent croup and withers. (ISd, L.) 6 تبازخ He walked, or sat, in the manner of him who is termed أَبْزَخ. (L.) And تبازخت She (a woman) made her posteriors to stick out: (S:) or she had prominent posteriors: (K:) or she (an old woman, in walking,) erected her backbone, and made the part between her shoulders to recede, and bent the part above it, next her neck: (L:) or she had her posteriors prominent, and the upper part of her back, next the neck, bent. (TA.) b2: He (a horse) bent his hoof towards his belly, because of the shortness of his neck, at the time of drinking. (TA.) b3: تبازخ عَنِ الأَمْرِ (tropical:) He drew back, held back, or hung back, from the thing, or affair; would not go forward in it. (S, A, K.) 7 إِنْبَزَخَ see 1.أَبْزَخُ A man having a prominent breast and hollow back: &c.: (see 1:) fem. بَزْخَآءُ. (S, A, L, K.) b2: A horse having a depressed croup and backbone: (S:) or [saddle-backed; i. e.] having a hollow back, and prominent croup and withers. (ISd, L.) It is applied to a horse such as is termed بِرْذَوْنٌ. (L.) b3: And the fem., A she-camel having a plain, or even, croup, or rump. (L.) مَشَى مُتَبَازِخًا He (a man) walked like an old woman affecting, or constraining herself, to erect her backbone, so that the part between her shoulders recedes: (A:) or, like an old woman having her posteriors prominent, and the upper part of her back, next the neck, bent. (TA.)