بُرْثُنٌ, of the lion, (Az, T,) and of any animal of prey, (Az, As, T, S, M, K,) and of birds, (As, S,) [The toe; i. e.] what corresponds to the إِصْبَع of a man; (Az, As, T, S, M, K;) [in the Lex. of Golius, as on the authority of the S, and in that of Freytag, idem quod انملة in homine; but this is a mistake, app. occasioned by a mistranscription in a copy of the S;] and the مِخْلَب is its claw, i. e., nail: (Az, As, T, S:) or the paw (كَفّ), (M, K,) altogether, (M,) with the أَصَابِع [or toes]: (M, K:) or the claw, i. e. nail, of the lion, (Lth, T, M, K,) likened to the instrument for perforating leather; (Lth, T;) and of [all] animals of prey, and of birds that do not prey, corresponding to the ظُفْر of man: Th says, of man, it is [termed] the ظُفْر; of animals having the kind of foot called خُفّ, the مَنْسِمْ; of solidhoofed animals, the حَافِر; of cloven-hoofed animals, the ظِلْف; of beasts and birds of prey, the مِخْلَب; and of birds that do not prey, and of dogs and the like, the بُرْثُن; though it may be also used [in like manner] of all animals of prey: (Msb:) [but properly] it is of birds that do not prey, as the crow-kind, and the pigeon; (M;) and sometimes, of the [lizard called] ضَبّ, (S, M,) and of the rat, or mouse, and of the jerboa: (M:) and is, in the pl. form, (M, TA,) which is بَرَاثِنُ, (T, S, M, TA,) metaphorically applied, by Sá'ideh Ibn-Jueiyeh, to the fingers of a man gathering honey [deposited by wild bees in a hollow of a rock]. (M, * TA.) b2: بُرْثُنُ الأَسَدِ also signifies (assumed tropical:) A certain brand, or mark made with a hot iron, upon camels, (K, TA,) in the form of the claw of the lion. (TA.) b3: This, also, is the name of a sword of Marthad Ibn-'Alas. (K.) b4: [بُرْثُنَةٌ seems to signify the same as بُرْثُنٌ or بَرَاثِنُ: for] Temeem are termed in a trad. the بُرْثُمَة and بُرْجُمَة of the tribes of Mudar; and El-Khattábee says that it should be the بُرْثُنَة, i. e. (assumed tropical:) [The claw, or] the claws; meaning thereby their impetuous valour, and strength: but برثمة may be a dial. var. of برثنة, or the م may be substituted for the ن for the purpose of assimilation [to برجمة]. (TA.)