1 دَفَعَهُ, (
aor. ـَ (
inf. n. دَفْعٌ (
K) and دَفَاعٌ (
TA) and مَدْفَعٌ, (
K,) [He impelled it, pushed it, thrust it, or drove it; and particularly, so as to remove it from its place; he propelled it; he repelled, or repulsed, it; he pushed it, thrust it, or drove it, away, or back;] he put it away, or removed it from its place, (
TA,) by, or with, force, or strength: (
TA:) or دَفْعٌ signifies the putting away or removing or turning back a thing before the coming or arriving [of that thing]; like as رَفْعٌ signifies the “ putting away or removing or turning back ” a thing “ after the coming or arriving ” thereof. (
Kull p. 185.) Hence the saying in the
Kur [ii. 252, and xxii. 41], وَلَوْ لَا دَفْعُ اللّٰهِ النَّاسَ [and were it not for God's repelling men]; where some read ↓ دِفَاعُ [which means the same, as will be seen in the course of what follows, though bearing also another interpretation, likewise to be seen in what follows]. (
TA.) You say, دَفَعْتُ الرَّجُلَ [I impelled, pushed, &c., the man]. (
S.) And ↓ دافعهُ,
inf. n. دِفَاعٌ [and مُدَافَعَةٌ]; and ↓ دفّعهُ; (
TA;) [both,
accord. to the
TA, signifying the same; but the latter more properly relates to several objects together, or signifies he impelled it, pushed it, &c., much, or vehemently, or often; whereas] مُدَافَعَةٌ (
TA) and دِفَاعٌ (
TA) are [often exactly]
syn. with دَفْعٌ. (
TA.) Thus, (
TA,) you say, as meaning the same, عَنْهُ ↓ دافع and دَفَعَ [He repelled from him; whence another explanation of these two phrases, which see in what follows]. (
TA.) And hence, دَفَعَ اللّٰهُ عَنْكَ المَكْرُوهَ,
inf. n. دَفْعٌ, (
tropical:) [May God repel, or avert, from thee what is disliked, or hated, or evil]: (
TA:) and اللّٰهُ عَنْكَ السُّوْءَ ↓ دَافَعَ,
inf. n. دِفَاعٌ, (
tropical:) [May God repel, or avert, from thee evil]. (
TA.) And دَفَعْتُ عَنْهُ الأَذَى (
tropical:) [I repelled, or averted, from him what was hurtful, or annoying; as also ↓ دَافَعْتُ]. (
Sb mentions, as a saying of the Arabs, اِدْفَعِ الشَّرَّ وَلَوْ إِصْبَعًا (
tropical:) [Repel thou, or avert thou, evil, or mischief, though but with a finger: the last word being in the
accus. case by reason of the subaudition of the
prep. ب; the meaning being بِإِصْبَعٍ]. (
TA.) [See also an
ex. voce دَفُوعٌ.] When دَفْعٌ is made
trans. by means of عَنْ, [and has a single
objective complement, a second
objective complement is understood, and in general] it has the meaning or the act of (assumed
tropical:) Defending; as in the
Kur [xxii. 39], إِنَّ اللّٰهَ يَدْفَعُ عَنْ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا (assumed
tropical:) [Verily God defendeth those who have believed; i. e. repelleth from them aggression and the like]; (
B;) and ↓ يُدَافِعُ, in the same, (
accord. to another reading, signifies the same; (
TA;) or this latter signifies (assumed
tropical:) defendeth energetically, with the energy of him who contendeth for superiority in so doing. (
Bd.) And عَنْهُ ↓ دَافَعْتُ signifies [also] (assumed
tropical:) I pleaded, or contended in arguments, in defence of him. (
Msb.) [Exceptions to the statement cited above form the
B will be found in what follows in this paragraph; and another exception,
voce مُدَفَّعٌ.]
b2: [In the exs. which follow, the verb is used in senses little differing, essentially, from those assigned to it in the first sentence of this art.]
b3: دَفَعْتُ مِنَ الإِنَآءِ دَفَْعَةً [I poured forth from the vessel a single pouring]: the last word, which is with fet-h, is an
inf. n. [of un.]. (
b4: دَفَعَتِ اللِّبَأَفِى
قُبَيْلَ النِّتَاجِ (
tropical:) [She (a ewe, or goat,
S, or a camel,
K) infused the first milk into her udder, i. e. secreted it therein, a little before bringing forth]. (
K.) And دَفَعَتِ اللَّبَنِ عَلَى
رَأْسِ وَلَدِهَا لِكَثْرَتِهِ (
tropical:) [She (a ewe or goat, or a camel,
TA) secreted the milk in her udder when about to produce her young, by reason of its abundance]; for the milk becomes abundant in her udder only when she is about to bring forth: the
inf. n. [
app. the
inf. n. of un.] is دَفْعَةٌ. (
TA.) And دَفَعَتْ alone, said of a ewe or goat, signifies (assumed
tropical:) She secreted milk in her udder when about to produce the young;
expl. by أَضْرَعَتْ عَلَى رَأْسِ الوَلَدِ [which see in art. ضرع]. (
Accord. to En-Nadr, one says دَفَعَتْ بِلَبِنِهَا, and بِاللَّبَنِ, when her young is in her belly; but when she has brought forth, one does not say دَفَعَتْ. (
b5: In the saying, غَشِيِتْنَا سَحَابَةٌ فَدَفَعْنَاهَا إِلَى غَيْرِنَا [
lit. A cloud overspread us, and we drove it away to other persons], meaning (
tropical:) it departed from us to other persons, دفعناها is for دَفَعَتْنَا, which means دُفِعَتْ عَنَّا [
lit. it was driven away from us]. (
b6: دَفَعَهُ بِحُجَّةٍ (assumed
tropical:) [He refelled him, or refuted him, by an argument or the like]. (
MF in art. كفح.)
b7: دَفَعْتُ القَوْلَ (assumed
tropical:) I rebutted the saying; repelled it by an argument, an allegation, or a proof. (
b8: اِدْفَعْ هٰذَا (
tropical:) Leave thou this, sparing him. (
TA.) [See مُدَفَّعٌ.]
b9: [In several exs. here following, the verb resembles اندفع; نَفْسَهُ, or the like, being understood after it.]
b10: دَفَعَ المَآءُ [The water poured out, or forth, as though it impelled, or propelled, itself]: (
TA: [where it is followed by وَانْصَبَّ, as an explicative adjunct:]) and so السَّيْلُ [the torrent]. (
ISh.) [See also 6.] And دَفَعَ الوَادِى
بِالمَآءِ [The valley poured with water]. (
TA in art. حشك.)
b11: دَفَعَ فِى عَدْوِهِ (assumed
tropical:) [He pushed, or pressed, on, or forward, as though he impelled himself, in his running]. (
S in art. غور; &c.) [See also 7.]
b12: دَفَعَ القَوْمُ (assumed
tropical:) The people, or company of men, came at once. (
b13: دَفَعَ إِلَى
المَكَانِ, (
TA,) and دُفِعَ إِلَيْهِ, (
TA,) in the
pass. form, (
Msb,) (
tropical:) He reached, or came to, the place. (
TA.) You say also, هٰذَا طَرِيقٌ يَدْفَعُ
إِلَى مَكَانِ كَذَا (
tropical:) This is a road which reaches to such a place. (
b14: دَفَعَ مِنْ عَرَفَاتٍ (assumed
tropical:) He commenced the journey from 'Arafát, and impelled and removed himself thence, or impelled his she-camel, and urged her to go. (
TA, from a
trad.) And دَفَعْتُ عَنِ المَوْضِعِ (assumed
tropical:) I removed, went, went away, or journeyed, from the place. (
Msb.) [See again 7.]
b15: دَفَعَ also signifies (assumed
tropical:) He returned. (
b16: When دَفْعٌ is made
trans. by means of إِلَى, it [generally, but not always, as has been shown above,] has the meaning of the act of Giving, or delivering; as in the
Kur [iv. 5], فَادْفَعُوا إِلَيْهِمْ أَمْوَالَهُمْ [Then give ye, or deliver ye, to them their property]. (
B.) You say, دَفَعْتُ
إِلَىى فُلَانٍ شَيْئًا [I gave, or delivered, to such a one a thing]. (
K. *) And دَفَعْتُ الوَدِيعَةَ إِلَى صَاحِبِهَا I restored the deposit to its owner. (
Msb.) and دَفَعْتُ لَهُ قِطْعَةً مِنَ المَالِ [I gave him a part, or portion, of the property]. (
S in art. زعب; and the like is said in that art. in the
K.) And دَفَعَهُ [alone] He gave it;
syn. أَعْطَاهُ. (
MF.) 2 دَفَّعَ see 1; fourth sentence.
b2: دفّعهُ إِلَى كَذَا (
tropical:) He drove him, compelled him, or necessitated him, to do, or to have recourse to, such a thing. (
b3: دفّعهُ also signifies He rendered him abject and contemptible, or poor; as though deserving to be repelled. (Ibn-Maaroof, as cited by Golius.) [See the
pass. part. n., below.]
b4: دفّع قَوْسَهُ (assumed
tropical:) He made his bow even. (
TA.) 3 مُدَافَعَةٌ [in its primary acceptation] signifies The contending, or striving, with another, to push him, or repel him; or the pushing, or repelling, another, being pushed, or repelled, by him; or the pushing against another;
syn. مُزَاحَمَةٌ. (
TA.) [Hence, يُدَافِعُ الأَخْبَثَيْنِ He is striving to suppress the urine and ordure: see أَخْبَثُ. And مُدَافَعَةُ العَيْشِ The striving to retain life: see 2 in art. زلج.
b2: But it is often used in the same sense as دَفْعٌ:] see the verb and its two
inf. ns. in seven places in the former half of the first paragraph of this article.
b3: Also (assumed
i. q. مُمَاطَلَةٌ: (
TA:) in some of the copies of the
S, مُطَاوَلَةٌ. (
TA.) You say, دَافَعْتُهُ بِحَقِّهِ, (
TA,) or عَنْ حَقِّهِ, (
Msb,) (assumed
tropical:) I deferred with him, delayed with him, or put him off, in the matter of his right, or due, by promising time after time to render it to him; [and so repelled him, or strove to repel him, from it;]
syn. مَاطَلْتُهُ. (
TA.) And دافع بِحَاجَتِهِ (assumed
tropical:) He deferred, delayed, postponed, or put off, his (another's) needful affair. (
L in art. رثد.)
b4: دافع الرَّجُلُ أَمْرَ كَذَا (assumed
tropical:) The man attached, or devoted, himself to such an affair, and exerted himself, and persisted, or persevered, in it. (
TA.) 5 تَدَفَّعَ see 6, and 7.
6 تدافعوا [They contended, or strove, together, to push, or repel, one another; or] they pushed, or repelled, one another; or pushed against one another. (
Msb.) You say, تدافعوا فِى الحَرْبِ They pushed, thrust, or repelled, one another in war, or battle. (
b2: [Hence,] تدافع الكَلَامَانِ (assumed
tropical:) The two sayings, or sentences, opposed, or contradicted, each other; conflicted; were mutually repugnant. (
Msb in art. نقض.)
b3: تدافع السَّيْلُ (
tropical:) The torrent was impelled, driven, or propelled, in its several parts, or portions, by the impetus of one part, or portion, acting upon another; and in like manner, [or as signifying it became impelled, driven, or propelled,] ↓ اندفع, and [in an intensive sense] ↓ تدفّع. (
TA.) [See also دَفَعَ.
b4: تدافع جَرْىُ الفَرَسِ [in like manner signifies (assumed
tropical:) The running of the horse continued by successive impulses, his force of motion in each part of his course impelling him through the next]. (
b5: See also 7.
A2: [It is also
trans.] You say, تدافعوا الشَّىْءَ They repelled the thing, every one of them from himself. (
TA.) And ضَيْفٌ يَتَدافَعُهُ الحَىُّ [A guest whom the tribe repel, or repulse, every one of them from himself]. (
K.) 7 اندفع is quasi-
pass. of دَفَعَهُ; (
TA;) and ↓ تدفّع is quasi-
pass. of دفّعهُ; and ↓ تدافع is quasi-
pass. of دافعهُ: but all three are used in the same sense: see 6: (
TA:) [the first, however, primarily signifies He, or it, became impelled, pushed, thrust, or driven; and particularly, so as to be removed from his, or its, place; became propelled; became repelled; became impelled, pushed, thrust, or driven, away, or back, or onwards; became put away, or removed from its place; as is implied in the
S and
K and
TA: whereas the second, properly, has an intensive signification: and the third properly denotes the acting of two or more persons or things, or of several parts or portions of a thing, against, or upon, one another; as is shown by exs. and explanations above: though the second and third are often used in the primary sense of the first.]
b2: [Hence,] اندفع also signifies (assumed
tropical:) He went away into the country, or land, in any manner: (
Lth:) or, said of a horse [&c.], (
tropical:) he [or it] went quickly or swiftly (
TA) [as though impelled or propelled; pressed, or pushed, on, or forward; rushed; launched, or broke, forth; it poured forth with vehemence, as though impelled: see 1, which has a similar meaning, particularly in the phrases دَفَعَ المَآءُ, and السَّيْلُ, and دَفَعَ فِى عَدْوِهِ, &c.].
b3: اندفع فِى, الحَدِيثِ, (
TA,) and فِى الإِنْشَادِ, (
TA,) (
tropical:) He pushed on, or pressed on, in discourse, and in reciting poetry; or entered thereinto; or launched forth, or out, thereinto; or was large, or copious, or profuse, therein; or dilated therein; or began it, commenced it, or entered upon it;
syn. أَفَاضَ فِيهِ. (
TA.) And اندفع فِى الضَّحِكِ [He broke forth into laughing]. (
JK in art. بوق.)
b4: [اندفع فِى
الطَّعَامِ (assumed
tropical:) He fell to eating of the food; or applied himself eagerly to it.]
b5: اندفع فِىالأَمْرِ (
tropical:) He acted with penetrating energy, or sharpness, vigorousness, and effectiveness, in the affair;
syn. مَضَى فِيهِ. (
TA.) 10 اِسْتَدْفَعْتُ اللّٰهَ الأَسْوَآءَ (
tropical:) I asked, or begged, God to repel from me evils. (
K.) دَفْعٌ [see 1. Used as a simple
subst., it signifies Impulsion; or the act of pushing, thrusting, or driving; and particularly, so as to remove a thing from its place; propulsion; repulsion; &c.].
دَفْعَةٌ A single impulsion; a push, a thrust, or single act of driving; and particularly, so as to remove a thing from its place; a single propulsion; a single repulsion: (
S, *
K, *
TA:) [it is an
inf. n. of un. of 1 in all its senses; and thus,] it signifies also a single act of pouring: [&c.:]
pl. دَفَعَاتٌ. (
Msb.) You say, دَفَعَهُ دَفْعَةً, i. e. [He impelled, &c., him, or it,] once [or with a single impulsion, &c.]. (
TK.) And دَفَعْتُ مِنَ الإِنَآءِ دَفْعَةً, i. e. [I poured forth from the vessel] a single pouring. (
b2: [
As an
inf. n. of un. of 1,] it also signifies (assumed
tropical:) A coming of the collective body of a people, or party of men, to a place at once. (
b3: [Also (assumed
tropical:) A heat, a single course, or one unintermitted act, of running, or the like.]
دُفْعَةٌ A quantity that pours forth, or out, at once, from a skin, or vessel: (
K:) a quantity poured forth, or out, at once, (
Msb,) [or with vehemence, being]
syn. with دُفْقَةٌ. (
K, [in the
CK with ع in the place of the ق,]) of rain, [i. e. a shower, fall, or storm, as meaning the quantity that falls without intermission,] (
K,) and [a gush] of blood, (
Msb,) &c.: (
Msb:) it is also [used as signifying the tide] of a valley, (
K in art. طحم,) and [the tide, or rush,] of a torrent, (
S and
K in that art.,) and [the rush, or irruption,] of a troop of horses or horsemen, (
S and
K in art. دلق, &c.,) and [the irruption, or invasion,] of night: (
S and
K in art. طحم:)
pl. دُفَعٌ (
K) and دُفَعَاتٌ and دُفُعَاتٌ and دُفْعَاتٌ. (
Msb.) You say, بَقِىَفِى الإِنَآءِ دُفْعَةٌ There remained in the vessel as much as one pours out at once. (
b2: Also A part, or portion, that is given, of property. (
S in art. زعب.) دِفَاعُ, determinate, as a proper name, The ewe: (Ibn-'Abbád,
K:) so called because she pushes her thigh this way and that by reason of bulkiness. (Ibn-'Abbád,
TA.) دَفُوعٌ and ↓ مِدْفَعٌ [That impels, pushes, thrusts, drives, propels, or repels, much, or vehemently:] both signify the same. (
K.) Hence the saying of a woman, (
S,) an immodest woman, (
O,) namely, Sejáhi [the false prophetess, to her husband the false prophet Museylimeh, describing the kind of ذَكَر which she most approved], (
L,) ↓ لَا بَلْ قَصِيرٌ مِدْفَعٌ. (
L.) You say also, ↓ رَجُلٌ دَفَّاعٌ A man who impels, propels, repels, or defends, vehemently. (
TA.) And نَاقَةٌ دَفُوعٌ A she-camel that hicks (تَدْفَعُ) with her hind leg on being milked. (
TA.) دَفَّاعٌ: see دَفُوعٌ.
b2: Also One who, when a bone happens to be in the part that is next to him, of a bowl, puts it away, or aside, in order that a piece of flesh-meat may become in its place. (El-
K.) دُفَّاعٌ The main portion, that pours down at once, or vehemently, of waves, and of a torrent, (
TA,) and of a sea: (
TA:) or a great torrent: (
S:) or abundance and vehemence of water: (
L:) or a great quantity of water of a torrent: and a great number of people. (
AA.) You say, جَآءَ دُفَّاعٌ مِنَ الرِّجَالِ وَالنِّسَآءِ There came a great number of men and women crowding one upon another. (
b2: Also (
tropical:) A great thing by which a similar great thing is impelled, propelled, or repelled. (
K, *
TA.) دَافِعٌ [
act. part. n. of 1]. It is said in the
Kur [lii. 8], مَا لَهُ مِنْ دَافِعٍ There shall not be any repeller thereof. (
Bd.) And in the same [lxx. 2], لَيْسَ لَهُ دَافِعٌ There shall not be for it any repeller: (
Bd:) or any defender. (
b2: Applied to a ewe or she-goat, (
S,) or to a she-camel, (
K,) as also دَافِعَةٌ and ↓ مِدْفَاعٌ, (
K,) (
tropical:) That infuses (تَدْفَعُ) the first milk into her udder [i. e. secretes it therein] a little before bringing forth; (
K;) that infuses the milk into her udder when about to produce her young, by reason of its abundance:
AO says that some make مُفْكِهٌ and دَافِعٌ to signify the same, [i. e., to signify as explained above, or nearly so,] saying, هِىَ دَافِعٌ بِوَلَدٍ; and if you will, you say, هِىَ دَافِعٌ, alone. (
TA.) دَافِعَةٌ [
fem. of دَافِعٌ,
q. v.: and, used as a
subst.,] The lower, or lowest, part of any [water-course such as is called] مَيْثَآء:
pl. دَوَافِعُ: this latter signifying the lower, or lowest, parts of the مِيث, [
pl. of ميثاء,] (
K,) where they pour into the valleys, (
ISh,) or where the valleys pour thereinto: (
K:) or the
pl. signifies the parts in which the water pours to the ميث; while the ميث pour into the main valley: (
As:) or the دافعة is a [water-course such as is called] تَلْعَة which pours into another تلعة, when it runs down a descending ground, or declivity, from elevated, or rugged and elevated, ground, and you see it going to and fro in places, having spread somewhat, and become round; then it pours into another, lower than it: every one such is thus called; and the
pl. is as above. (
Lth.) مَدْفَعٌ [A channel of water;] one of the مَدَافِع of waters, in which the waters run: (
K:) [مَدَافِعُ being its
pl.:] the lower, or lowest, part of a valley, where the torrent pours forth, and its water disperses: (
ISh:) and the [water-course, or channel, such as is called] مِذْنَب of a دَافِعَة [
q. v.]; because this latter pours forth therein to another دافعة; (
TA;) the مذنب being the channel between the دَافِعَتَانِ. (
TA.) مِدْفَعٌ: see دَفُوعٌ, in two places.
b2: [Its primary signification is An instrument for impelling, propelling, or repelling: and hence it is applied in modern Arabic to a cannon: and to an instrument used by midwives for protruding the fœtus.
b3: Hence, also, it is used as an intensive
epithet: and hence,] رُكْنٌ مِدْفَعٌ A strong corner. (
TA.) مُدَفَّعٌ, applied to a camel, (
tropical:) Held in high estimation by his owner; (
K, *
TA;) so that when he comes near to the load, he is sent back: (
TA:) one that is reserved for covering, and not ridden nor laden; of which, when he is brought to be laden, one says, اِدْفَعْ هٰذَا, i. e. Leave thou this, sparing him. (
b2: Also, (applied to a camel,
TA,) (assumed
tropical:) Held in mean estimation by his owner; (
K, *
TA;) so that when he comes near to the load, he is sent back as despised. (
TA.) Thus it bears two
contr. meanings. (
b3: Applied to a man, (
TA,) (
tropical:) Poor, (
TA,) and abject, (
S,) whom every one repels from himself, (
TA,) or because every one repels him from himself; (
S;) used conjointly with مُدَقَّعٌ; i. e., you say, فُلَانٌ مُدَفَّعٌ مُدَقَّعٌ: (
TA:) a man (assumed
tropical:) despised, or held in contempt, (
K,) as also ↓ مُتَدَافَعٌ; (
Lth;) who does not show hospitality if he make one his guest, nor give if he be asked to give: (
Lth:) and one (assumed
tropical:) who is repelled, or repulsed, from his relations (الَّذِى دُفِعَ عَنْ نَسَبِهِ: [نَسَبِهِ being used for ذَوِى
نَسَبِهِ, like as نَسَبًا is used in the
Kur xxv. 56, for ذَوِى نَسَبٍ, as explained by
Bd:]) (
K:) and a guest (assumed
tropical:) whom the tribe repel, or repulse, every one of them from himself, every one turning him away to another. (
b4: أَنَا مُدَفَّعٌ
إِلَى أَمْرِ كَذَا (
tropical:) I am driven, compelled, or necessitated, to do, or to have recourse to, such a thing. (
TA.) مِدْفَاعٌ: see دَافِعٌ.
هُوَ سَيِّدُ قَوْمِهِ غَيْرُ مُدَافَعٍ (assumed
tropical:) He is the lord, or chief, of his people, or party, not straitened in his authority, nor thrust from it; (
i. q. غَيْرُ مُزَاحَمٍ. (
K.) المُدَافِعُ (assumed
tropical:) The lion. (
Sgh.) مُتَدافِعُ: see مُدَفَّعٌ.
قَوْلٌ مُتَدَافِعٌ (
tropical:) [A saying of which one part opposes, or contradicts, another; a self-contradictory saying]. (