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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3543. قوم19 3544. قوه12 3545. قوى5 3546. قيا2 3547. قيح16 3548. قيد163549. قير15 3550. قيس18 3551. قيص10 3552. قيض20 3553. قيظ14 3554. قيق7 3555. قيل18 3556. قين16 3557. ك6 3558. كَ2 3559. كأ1 3560. كأب11 3561. كأد11 3562. كأس13 3563. كأكأ10 3564. كأن4 3565. كأى1 3566. كب4 3567. كبا6 3568. كبت18 3569. كبث11 3570. كبح15 3571. كبد20 3572. كبر19 3573. كبرت6 3574. كبس17 3575. كبش12 3576. كبعث2 3577. كبكب7 3578. كبن11 3579. كت5 3580. كتأ4 3581. كتب22 3582. كتد11 3583. كتف19 3584. كتل17 3585. كتلة1 3586. كتم19 3587. كتن15 3588. كث5 3589. كثأ8 3590. كثب22 3591. كثر21 3592. كثعب3 3593. كثنب2 3594. كج3 3595. كح4 3596. كحب8 3597. كحت4 3598. كحث4 3599. كحط5 3600. كحل17 3601. كد5 3602. كدأ7 3603. كدب7 3604. كدح18 3605. كدر18 3606. كدس17 3607. كدش10 3608. كدم16 3609. كذ5 3610. كذب22 3611. كذبن1 3612. كذنق4 3613. كر5 3614. كرب21 3615. كربح4 3616. كربس11 3617. كربق3 3618. كرت10 3619. كرتب4 3620. كرتح4 3621. كرث14 3622. كرثأ4 3623. كرج9 3624. كرد11 3625. كردح5 3626. كردم6 3627. كرز15 3628. كرس22 3629. كرش19 3630. كرشب3 3631. كرص6 3632. كرع19 3633. كرفأ5 3634. كرفس10 3635. كرك10 3636. كركب5 3637. كرم21 3638. كرمح4 3639. كرنب6 3640. كره19 3641. كرى6 3642. كز6 Prev. 100




1 قِيدَ: see 2.2 قيّدهُ, inf. n. تَقْيِيدٌ, He put a قَيْد [or pair of shackles] upon his (a horse's) [fore-] legs; he shackled his [fore-] legs. (Msb.) قَيَّدْتُ الدَّابَّةَ [I shackled the fore-legs of the beast; hobbled him: and, in a general sense, bound him.] (S.) ↓ قِيدَ (inf. n. قَيْدٌ, TA) and قُيِّدَ signify the same, [He had shackles put upon his fore-legs; he had his fore-legs shackled]. (K.) See also 5. b2: قَيِّدْهُ بِالْأَلْتِ (assumed tropical:) [Bind thou him by oath]: said when one has not given thee thy right or due. (TA in art. الت.) b3: أُقَيِّدُ جَمَلِى, (inf. n. تَقْيِيدٌ, K.) [lit., I shackle the fore-legs of my camel; meaning,] (tropical:) I fascinate my husband so as to prevent him from going to other women; as though I shackled his legs. (IAth, L, K, * from a trad.) b4: (tropical:) It (fatigue) kept a she-camel from action. (A.) b5: (tropical:) It (beneficence) shackled, or restrained, a person. (A.) b6: قيّد الإِيمَانُ الفَتْكَ (tropical:) [The giving assurance of safety] inhibits assassinating, or assaulting, the مُؤْمَن [i. e. the person to whom assurance of safety has been given (بالمُؤمِنِ in the CK is a mistranscription for بِالمُؤْمَنِ)]; like as shackles inhibit the mischievous animal from doing mischief. (L, K, * from a trad. [See also 1 in art. فتك; where this trad. is cited in full.]) b7: قيّد, (inf. n. تَقْيِيدٌ K,) (tropical:) He pointed a writing with the syllabical signs, or signs which point out the pronunciation and division of syllables: (S, A, L, K:) he pointed a letter: (L:) he restricted a word or phrase [in its signification or application] by that which prevented equivocation and removed ambiguity. (Msb.) A2: (tropical:) He registered, or recorded, a matter of science [&c.] in a book or the like; i. q. ضَبَطَ. (L.) 5 تقيّد quasi-pass. of قيّد [He had shackles put upon his legs; he had his legs shackled: see also 2]. (A.) قَادٌ: see قِيدٌ, قَيْدٌ [A shackle; or fetter: or, generally, a pair of shackles for the fore-legs of a beast, and generally made of rope, but some are of iron; a pair of hobbles; a pair of fetters]: (S, K, &c.:) pl. [of pauc.] أَقْيَادٌ (L, Msb, K) and [of mult.] قُيُودٌ. (S, L, Msb, K.) b2: إِنّ قُيُودَ الأَيَادْ أَوْثَقُ الأَقْيَادْ (tropical:) [Verily the shackles of benefactions are the firmest of shackles]. (A.) [الأَيَادْ is for الأَيَادِى.] b3: What binds together [the two pieces of wood in a camel's saddle which are called] the عَضُدَانِ of [the two broad pieces of wood called] the مُؤَخَّرَتَانِ, (L, K [in the former of which, however, instead of ما ضمّ العضدين من الموخّرتين, the reading in the K, is put ما ضمّ العضدتين المؤخّرتين, which I suppose to be a mistake]) at their upper part, being a thong. (L.) b4: A plaited thong between [the two pieces of wood called] the حِنْوَانِ of a camel's saddle of the kind called رَحْل, at the upper part; and sometimes, of a horse's saddle. (L.) b5: The thong that binds together [the two pieces of wood called] the عَرْقُوَتَانِ of a camel's saddle of the kind called قَتَب. (S, L, K.) b6: Anything that binds one part of a thing to another part. (L.) b7: The extended thing at the lower extremities of the suspensory cords or strings of a sword, which is held by [the rings called] the بَكَرَات. (L, K.) b8: قَيْدَا البَازِى The jesses of the hawk or falcon; syn. سِبَاقَاهُ (S, O, K, all in art. سبق.) b9: قَيْدُ الأَسْنَانِ The gum wherein the teeth are set: (K:) قُيُودُ الاسنان the gums: (L:) or the portions of the flesh of the gums that rise between the teeth; likened to the red قُيُود which are marks upon camels, made with a hot iron. (ISd, L.) b10: قَيْدُ الفَرَسِ A certain mark made with a hot iron upon the neck of a camel, (S, ISd, L, K,) and upon its face, and thigh, of an oblong shape, (ISd, L,) in the form of a قَيْد [for the legs], (S, L,) or of two rings with a line extending between them. (Nh, L.) b11: قَيْدُ الأَوَابِدِ (tropical:) [lit. Shackles upon the legs of the wild animals which shun, and take fright at, mankind &c.; or, accord. to the L, of the wild asses]: indeterminate in signification, though determinate in its grammatical form: (Sb, L:) an appellation given to a horse, (K,) or to a fleet, or swift, and excellent horse, because, by its swiftness, it overtakes the wild beasts, (T, K,) and prevents their escaping. (T, S.) قيد is here a proper subst. used as an epithet because it imports the attribute of a verb; or it is for تَقْيِد. (IJ, L.) [See also art. ابد and Ham, p. 455.]

b12: (tropical:) A wife: as also غُلٌّ. (TA.) b13: مَا عَلَى هٰذَا الحَرْفِ قيَدْ (tropical:) There is not upon this letter a syllabical sign, or sign which points out the pronunciation, or the division of syllables. (A.) b14: القَيْدُ وَالرَّتْعَةُ, a prov.: see art. رتع.

A2: See also قِيدٌ.

قِيدٌ A whip made of skin. (MF.) A2: قِيدٌ and ↓ قَادٌ (S, L, K) and ↓ قَيْدٌ (K) Measure. (S, L, K.) Ex. بَيْنَهُمَا قِيدُ رُمْحٍ, and قَادُ رمح, Between them two is the measure of a spear. (S.) See also art. قود.

قِيَادٌ A leading-rope (S, K) for a beast of carriage. (S, K.) [But this belongs to art. قود, q. v.]

قَيِّدٌ Tractable; easy to be led. (S, K.) [But this belongs to art. قود, q. v.]

قَيِّدَةٌ: see art. قود.

مَقِيدٌ: see مُقَيَّدٌ.

مُقَيَّدٌ The place of the قَيْد in the leg of a horse; (S, K;) [i. e., the pastern]. Ex. فَرَسٌ عَبْلُ المُقَيَّدِ طَوِيلُ المُقَلَّدِ [A horse large in the place of the shackle, or pastern; long in the place of the collar, or neck]. (A.) b2: The place of the anklet in [the leg of] a woman; (S, K;) [i. e., the ankle]. b3: مُقَيَّدٌ [and ↓ مَقِيدٌ] A camel, or the like, having his legs shackled; having shackles upon his legs: pl. [of the latter] مَقَايِيدُ. (K.) You say هٰؤُلَآءِ

أَجْمَالٌ مَقَايِيدٌ, i. e., مُقَيَّدَاتٌٰ [These are camels having their legs shackled]. (S.) b4: نَاقَةٌ مُقَيَّدَةٌ (tropical:) A jaded she-camel that will not be roused to action. (A.) b5: And مُقَيَّدٌ A place in which a camel is left with his legs shackled. (L, K.) Hence applied to a place abounding with herbage, or pasture. (L.) مُقَيِّدَةُ الحِمَارِ (L) [in the CK, مُقَيَّدَةُ الحِمَارِ, and in most copies of the K, accord. to the TA, الخِمَارِ,] (assumed tropical:) A stony tract, of which the stones are black and worn and crumbling, as though burned with fire; syn. حَرَّةٌ: (L, K: [in a copy of the K, حُرَّةٌ] so called because it impedes the ass, [in the TA, art. حمر, the wild ass,] as though it shackled him. (L.) b2: Hence, (L,) بَنُو مُقَيِّدَةِ الحِمَارِ, (L,) in the K, بَنُو مَقَيَّدَةَ [with fet-h to the ى, and without الحمار] (TA,) [and in the CK, بَنُو مُقَيَّدٍ,] (assumed tropical:) Scorpions: (L, K:) so called because they are in a tract such as is called مقّيدةالحمار. (L.) [See an ex. in some verses cited voce رُمْحٌ.]

تَقْيِيدٌ A note which determines the correct reading or meaning of a word or phrase or the like: and hence, any marginal note: pl. تَقْيِيدَاتٌ.]
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